Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 14, 1918, p. 3

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atrmrrmbl ib iiiiiiii igbamnmimffl mu1ujhijjsd1 matthews drug store when buying that gramophone get the best we have them the famous victor victrola august numbers of victor records rjovyin d j matthew oluds iuktsiatiomlty k g ib mrrttitrnsl fj ffuirunnifiit farnirmmmogi i i personals iih niinih is iiiiiiiiii iiiu ill mi ion mi- lohn ml le i mill i iilint fi ii nils ill dull mish ni it ioiiiimui ot mi 11 in it n hi nt llu we i k i ml with 1 1 i nil in tlmi mi v 1 i illlli l i ho b a r mmuujjjai imimtomiroi muiiniui dfabimoth house h i ci i i ililtls llti l l iv moith will i iii willi in iiin i til 111 11 w linliilnx i f j it j i i i l il hi wr w i 1 v i local ncvvs items r ciyuttiupjuiftl- uave ynu toehwrfftt join ohiitiut lot ii otaillikfiiu profmilie at hon rifixin b 1 uh htoiu iirl wanted foi hkm1 winding amu at gen keie wiiollehmtll ia h2x8i 4 to tne wa fjimil on tho 9 th linn 0 noriiil at uei old ofllce tho knittind afternoon ill bo hold at mmanviluon k huh fi i day at 8 p m aftei cliautiiuiiia the jooikc town pall fan will bo the not bin event m this section work has in on omniinicoii tho now oihcoh of the men lninth bank at gooi kotow n tho mono j winch van lout and advert mod in lmt week h fioi aid linn boon rtuomnoii do von vviust ii chautauqua ticket free load mooiolieaelh mid and ii nd out how to net it mi llobl cole of ijhiuiohiiih will hold an auction sale of stock etc on wednobilii autf 28th you will do join luldion an injiihtkk if ou ilo not allow them to attend the 1 n nioi cliantauijun mt jou qt l wun u karnes in thn bowling milk h for tho walkei tiophv at toronto on tuemlaj adanih co h stock of diy goodn giocoiior clothink etc jointf to bo huc rilli 1 see the aeh t on page 4 ih evfhvuoim it atlv cllllllt artifpjn bekiim net tuesday don t be foolish not a ttoiwon tukiit for chautauqua jn addition to lioatlohn boat loss watorlohh intntlohk and a fou other less days wo now have uloopless nights itfr wp j r two lino trout in in h pond at btevv raillown last fnilav tho pan dveighed a little ovm it lbs hoai tlio rojul diiikoohh the most talked of mimical orgiimat ion in anionoa toilaj will bo at the chautauqua ooortfolown au so to 26 th our reeno unci council woio on a tour of paiemienl insppetion jestorday then idea is to soouie tho best at a most i oasonablo price for our main st chaiitauijua on leaving goorgo town proi eodii to kite honci wood stock london siiinin chatham and windsoi thiov out our c bout uooigotown is a child no longoi new kaimo of boy s and mon h tult jurroejuiioil uhccm iliinml an gust also ohoico lino of boots and shoes if you want baigains get our prioeh befoi o buing olso wheie brill co main bt georgetown dont foiget that i am selling tho moophoison boots and shoos tho boots with a rocoid and guiu antood solid leather buy thoso boots and save a lob of your repair ing bill if theynro not as i toll you bung thorn back as thoy aio jguarantood and i will seo thoy aio miij i ight roiioy tho cheapest man m tho county the gold boot s xuilsd at cmp born jjt i w munioc in tiiuiung ilioie as a pilot an killed iih tho losult of- an antjtme accident on bntuida nltflit uu next of km is a munioeof puslineli ont jmportnt to harvesters there is ovoiy iiiobabilit that hwvostors bxoumions to wont ern canada after august 22nd will jte raniellod those intending to go west should loitvo on tho lrtt excursion dates of sale fiom toronto and oant and north au gust 20th from toionto and west and south august 22nd canadian noi thorn ry special trains leave toronto union btuli on 10 00 p m august 20th and 22ml r l pali lioirn gonoial ilisihongei agent toronto ont xiqnor all dbpoaad of the earioad of orituoali d liquor racently soiiiil ut gnelph by li aenne inspeetoi odi ion has been mhiliod to the fniii- winds in on tario ind a load of nxietj has boon lifted fiom mr o hi ion s shoiildniii us a renult aitiug on jnsti uctions fiom tho jjiionse do ipaitniont in toronto icceivoil on satin day tho inspectoi him dos pate hod tho liquor to hospitals and asylums in tho province fiom pen otanguishono to droouville tlio guolph hospitals rocoivod then rtharo and no loan thnn jo toi onto hospitals got in on tho molon cut ting like tho roast ofold when all had boon supplied it was found thntthoio wore still is hatiols ovoi those uein hlilppod to the department in toionto and will bo robold to tho lloonuoil vendors to miss ono poi forinanop of chautauqua will lequiro a hotur excuse than tlio pi 1 a of adiuiwaion cool keimlatlolw i 4h juel ciri1tthrl liis iwjutu reflltototim jl of wliyrlj nltilltta that uvori coal tleitlei shajtpost m oiiriiiimfhnlf plie jniifh olllco u i oiii uiiiltt lemltni or pi inufl untkifinmiriimihi ajft ofr luoviul hiki klailii e of all t knsou aijd sli el oal i m 1 1 1 j i ei 1 in linn m i iiiiiiiik dim cluius if iin barn bilkted s tin biunirof mi ino h thonqj hod hth lim ewfih sing were sti ik k in lighting dm ing the at i pait of the kloi in on thuisda last juid iptulh ilestiovul togetlx i with the season h iop ol hu lull le i tc and 1 horse and t pigs then was hut little iiimiiiiuko and mr thompson h loss will he henw bead wheat we have on hand aqimntitv of homo grown winter wheat foi seed and have tho assuianieof an ample supplv of aineru an giown white wintei win at which will make excellent seed tut ontaiio this is the vein foi a lai ge ac i cage of wintei wheat ami w hope to have oui otcleis eai h unbelt noble ltd noi vul rax thaatra piiilnv tields of ilonoi a ioldwvn plav willi mao maisli the hiienn telegiiiin and a mil 4 ier4i itmi batuida ilonoi kjstem a fo hlaniliuil pictuio with an all stat c ast inc hilling gioigo walsh milium coopei and tiladvsbioc k well a locoinmeiidedpii tun uoilh seeing wednesduv a vitagniph feat ur and episode loof the mxstei v hlnp bitton by sappoaad mad hog to das win hustler fin mi i on the sixth line ileal lloinhj wiih bitten on the c hm h a dog that in supposed to bo mad mi hustlei was ciossing a wheat held in oidei to inspect ins dovci ciopiiiid had loachccl the tencevtiena strange dog about the sie of acollio spuing at him and hefoie he could lealii it had bitten in ill two oi tlee turn s onhe c inn in i in i mount oi mi hustlei fell on his hack tin dog immedintelj uftji the assault made olt and has not boon heaid of mi hustlui came to biainptnn to get medic al attention and we unilei stand was to leavo tlusaftei noon toi the city to take the pas ton i tioatment biampton rannei aug 1st flald crop compatltion mi m w sexsmith ol rulgewnv juilgixl the fielil ciops foi the llalton agi u iiltuial hoiuts the au ai ds hi le as follows b mil i v 1 ii w uicluiidson ii i m loaclllcad h j f fold 4 kdwin han op 6 kd mcciuin i d f ford 7 w r hume oath 1 i r fianklin 2 geo is gasllo it goo a wilson 4 ii w richuidson fl a e wilmott tl w r hume 7 w a mccaitnev pugb- sandy the mairiago of miss ijdvtho olive sundy only daughtoi ol mi and mis milton m hundj of dunn mile to ml william paul iugh ol geoigotown took place at the inide s homo on wednesday aftei noon aug 7th 1i1h at fouroc loc k the ecu onion was poifoiniod bv re jiijiuib jhomphon tec toi of iiolv tiimty chui eli wolland in the piosonco of imniodiato lolatiyos and fnonils about llfty guests bo ing picsont the hiidn who was given away by tifti fathoi was gowned in white eiepe and satin with seed pcail tt miming and uu dal veil she was attended l miss lulu willson who woie white cioiio withanovei blouse of pink cluffon and hut to match both caii led loses the giooinsnian was ml w s oioschof milveiton the wedding mulch was plueil l msh lottie willson aflci con giiilillations hud been exit mil d a luncheon was seivecl and the hap p couple tooli the evening tiiliri tin a hone moon t ip aftei which the will he at home lit gemge town aug 20th the luidii tnnolled 111 a tillloied suit of oxloid giev cloth with a navy hut the hncle has followed the mil sing piiifrission and the gioom viih foi some tjino on the stall of thc local blanch of the bank o i hamilton being tiansfonod re coiiuv to oeoigetovmi with iljiio motion to the post of accountant the glooms gjtt to tho luide was u cameo biooc i jto the biides maid an onyx ring to the piiilst a oi osc out of pmiils and to tho giooinrimun a diamond seaif pin both the csonti acting paitios am voiy populai and the cluonicle joins thoii huge clielooi fi lends in lioaitiost eoiigiatulalioiis the dunnvllle chioniele spi lit till tow ii mlm iii mill ii ik ii mi vili i n mooi jiiiht ui i isll iiu lu in act on t mo wv leslie hu lijlpuuiili htuijrc afitc i fvbdivni vmi vuifka uu uauiilliin 1 ww- ida lnvitigstrtm vl tu i jcalls jh holidav hik pi j i liriim if sjici sitle t 1in j a willoiigdht unit intd tin lijitvil lusl- vnek ut hti od iuki mpi uiipfcv i frs jcn mopuncvfrt wls vuf amaf dpiktldl lejt tins irtliiiryc- aw ft vhntcrnttlibitv i mii1ct4lis wtajfv bwtideii iind hxhi cjifoila h svetwliug a holjilaj at chihtou mihim mian faaf fituujt ijf i uiiuiltiui has nidned jkhho ivljii ruuding the week vvuli mis leslici t otn c slntmui d jesclent lulm langcim celebiiitu ills hotft bnlji lav last siiturcliu ann 10 hi we extend congi a tula lions mr nmi mrs john mc bean at tended the funeral of mis mc bean s hrothei the late di col ton at toionto on tuesdav mraiclne hume left on satin dav last for ne w yoik wheie he will spend a week oi two with his hi other mi john hume of that eit capt lliibort bin hi i ol i he rov al navv who iceenth leliiineel fiom ovi iseas una fuiloiigh was in town last wcol mil ing ins giiindmnllii i mts william bmhii church st mi and mis w rolsi n mi nmi mis 1 a kaise i nmi mi liiwmui kaisei ut gait mill isl a m tun don kaise i beanwville amp win the guests of mi and mis j m buck ove r sundav di whittake i of bdmonton mis ginnt sonnnorvillo anil daugliti i peggy of winnipeg and mis geo mcmullcn of hamilton weie the guests of mr and mis d rommoi wile last wook mr and mis i mc local and dauglitei mm gin it of buffalo mi and mis tinriant and miss btta te nnimt and mi gee mccullouiji of itninipton spin sundiu al mi llarrv dove leaux s gem jars t mil a i in vnii- ind winr medsure ivc n larki ni we ii assorte el stoc k of plfitj quuh alirl 1 jdlf itdcicrn at gjobc prici stvart fly chaser gallon siz can regular lio for 123 v h georgetown goods new g just arrived a new lot of fancy dress goods i ii i 11 00 i i ii iii u i coc 85c i m 1 ii 50c k lllu i i 1 1 50 1 75 ii in n in i ink ii i in h i i it nn i 1 5 mini sun iiplln hi lilil llos i 76c v mis ul i i 1 2 00 mir lllu wlill ii i i i h v 60 vfn lull i i h l18t lifill 1ep j until 1011 ivltlllmlil liiy iilhlthiiu i itua c ie 3ilml n tv enijvj a itjifi fimite i ljla 1is ilujtn w 00c uiiii 4c vajil jiwli 1 il v ii ij14 v tej tj i k wrigleys heavy heavy your head haritfs over o know what it is daddvl you held it too close and i smell it its wriglevs all wool 9eaqe ii sintinki ait w- ia v xl5 uijalrt vrtsi lv tti 1225 mir i wuiul yt i in ik i silitt tli 0- 1 u it nut 1 inuljm itiuriu ifii ae- viihw h litlfr i fklliv wlllti 1hk v lists s5j cvu lko0 i uk vviift vini vtvi ai eo jo j0o k ulljll mi13 0 i ii m vv hit i iiw i in tt 25 t 50 mill 2 00 i ii hi k i uu i silk 11 1 75 2 00 ml 3 00 i n ii m t i ml i u inn il i it 40c 60c 75o n i m tin vvulsth ri i i l i 1 1 50 e i i wild lai ladies i 100 vests ill who lt jwetniinn ill t i ifra xlluel 4utiibtutluiii vystf fitjel ilraiyiirlj 4li4llh vests 250 in 7fic 4 5l iih ivpiufrm lit jw i ihjece eiiortihrfilamm ss hit is hosiery- liclr- ill h 15c 50c nmi 75c ile jltll llos 60c t6c ld0 mm hrt r 50 js i lih wliln cnlllin lliiw 38p ttiiil 3bo l0le vmil l rir 16c 50o nmi 7fio llllu whin hhii jvkljuj i lyfdinu vv tilfii inie 00 jlwra vy lub fta flluv kywr j5lik v i iljlavlmit i etiiift jtiwti tlilitu f tkjc rifclg t v 1 irfir m elm t st iuwe j 50c iiitil 7bo thiuilnicn witei mil jimi i5o to 60t irrikintii1hiik 1tll iloitti s6o fn soi 1 e i i v i si i s l i tfv cniul1ii i i iklhniut 1 i hsin s 970 t new advertisements help wanted ciirl uitnliul for faun honm nn htji woik iowir uihlun inm hnu pp wmj mtotf oi vfil slhtutt ihmu t2la 2 dog lost i honnitflibri il i hiinii hull 1 tk a on pit of mtks ii h imim ol hu- it i kimlu kttut mf ii timtioii 10 hox l ii i iki olliti imlii n ward h h il sheep lost i wo twin and four itunbt blink fat t h lost aluml wetkhno ianibnhavt long taiu i nidi i ktiulk iutify david civn lot 6 i lloik i otl h i hljlll kih 4 r 1 cioorjfi toun i o stock for sale 7 hi rkthiri ih s mont old ii thin months old dui bun tfradt hull i urn 1 1 nionllih fal in i ft r 1 nd i lam oi k loi 22 tout bin c liiii k k o i b il nli itu i hoiu 1 r ii tl wanted i wo i xpt ra in i tl i inn liandx oiu mar d out nllllt oi wo kittkt mtixt bt go ul uftniki i k and imlkfrm ixptnni t w lib imlkinu mat hint jm fti nl i nrl t nfafft nu til toiiinuiuin sipttinbii oi otiobti pph hox 1 lit raid ollm auction sale of- stock honsehold furniture and other articles the iindoi signed haw heem instiiu t ed b jamior abnott to sell hv pulilu auction on his piiinisis mupli avenue leoige town on kltlday arruht2hid 101h at 2 ho p in tin follow ing 1 huso ii wins old cow fat cash 1 en i old joikc heifit bugg outtei hm nesh single bills jul livntot 1low beed hm lows collin and inimoh ciuss c ut saw blone hout hi ulllei cutting box neck voice whiltle tieok dining table vinogai hm i el 0 dining iluuis pavonoit wat not 2 wiikii stands congoleum bug new hall hung ing lamp remting lamp kitchen loungo churn cream cans and stlainei pail pu iiiijk 2 toilet seta long hidden wood trrms rfat eow and sums of 10 and undei cash ovei that amount 2 months ciedit on up pioved joint notes bljn1 pi5tc1i auetioneei mcbean ico- georgetown am in a position to jake your order for any kind of boot you want and will deliver them in five days made to your order i have arranged with the macpherson shoe co of hamilton to make any kind of boots or shoes 1 want i can give you good mens working boots for 3 00 per pair i have sold a lot of these lately and they are dandies for the money see my sample army regulation boot black or tan at 5 00 war ranted to give satisfaction youll pay 7 to 9 for them in other stores somens good allleather boots from 2 50 up to 3 50 my custo mers have no need to worry they always get value for their money i will change any boots bought by women for their men or give back their money if they find them unsatisfactory i am still the professional shoe repairer putting soles and rubber heels on womens boots for 75c remember the name j roney the gold boot main street georgetown wqm mm w a bailey harness maker we keep in stuck a lull line of light and heavy harness trunks bags and cvc rything found in an uptodate shop repairing neatly and prompt ly dow w a bailey mala street georgetown help save western crop 20000 farm laborers wanted 12 to winnipeg ilua hnlr a ont pr mile beyond returning half n nt pr mils lo winnipeg plus iis 0 comfortable tlirmmlt rrairih lunrh htitln nl mmti rule prlcm spoclal acfomnifhlutlo for women nod m bcunlo itouto oy onl k excursion dates from georgetown august 22 ud jbpecfal train service froih toroillo 10 pm aug 22 for information see d j matthew aflcul georgetown or write qeiierml iahinjrr oept b kind bt pl toronto on aik tmt hrvrlr wrfc aid wim lim lrs4 canadianllmthernailw gibbens coal the best scranton cool in all sizes poroand cement fioue feed provisions jacksons half holiday specials thursday august i 5th 9 am to i pm renuall furniture polish 25c size for i 5c seasonable summer furniture that willi add to your comfort practice your patriotism conserve your health and aid your coun try by eating victory bread the loaf that is wor thy of your purchase full weight and good to the last slice gibbens victory bread l uiatui i ihh lloniil httiw v e lv gibbens john ballantine phone 30 georgetown your newest shoes jl ii m lilt ill i ll ill ilk ol mmlll ncimi i ik in n t oik c to sclilm hill h iihj h vnu ihul niiui drfi t i uk mill expert shoe repairing wi knou w nu hmuh ou with inn mooil smii kinaiihliip dili picinipt si mi i anil inn fan pi icon win nil liv out hhoe itepnii wo ii on thai i iiinloi tnlile ulil pan w wharrad phone 14 oeoraetqwn heavy striped duck high back olding chairs heavy white duck folding chair heavy white duck folding arm ctuiir duck back sides seat tapestry seat folding chair lawn seats heavy whiteduck folding stools 185 7s 300 250 195 50 jacksons main street georgetown corner bakery b v gibbens kly before auk so hon a k mi ji an cliiuinian ol i in null i oinniittie cil t lie e abin el in eonleiorici mill the leuei e hi i n i h anil tiohjal nleil8 an tioinikil in nri oflit ml iliilement that the doei ninillt h leply totlio ill iniuiil inaele 1 tlio pohlitl 0111- pleneeh wonlil be khcmi not lauii than auifiiat 20 the population of canotln im now hjifi000 0i b is a slow iti6nlh lis li uo but voyi all the bettei able lo assimilatouio now ulowlli 1 kolnklowly we can now supply your needs in butter paper at the herald i rltsp am oikv i wjdlaljwf a 1

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