b yy the georgetown herald wednesday annual 1 itli 101h not understood not iiiiiiimhiihhi move uloim axiinclcr our iiiitlm miow wider an tin kcii- hoiik trrop alonn llio years wo marvel nnd wo wonder why 1 r- i lift ami then wo full asleep not understood not undoihtood w ul her fiilm imprctisigiii and luih them tokir as the yearn ko by till virtues often noeni to u truns- v vgtesioiis v sir aiia thritcroefi waist firtl m m j i i nwtrmderstbaa i 17ot anderptboiliriliaw trirfci oflaii i hwiiio us tjio tuoonhtleas stfuteuce or tho vpwtroy ifj i v ilinlrigpda vy r kaijntsiiafbcjfttllsiiritei- v tft3jiji5ka- i1v ncunder8fcool v v ttyw rbaby oheeilcsbj jtthrixlwwts j ai4 i uiok flay f v vi hov muny chcerloss lanelyjronrts dwjbreftkink ow many nobto spirits pos awftj not understood 0 god that men could seoa little clearer or judo less harshly whoro thoy cannot sec 0 god that inon could draw a lit tle nearer one another theyd bo nearor thee and understand many beatiful tributes to the mothers and women of the empire have boon riven but few finer oneh than the following across the sunlit uky of joyous spring thero darts a floemuk cloud a shadow falls and brings to mo tho thought of ninny a mother in sorrow bowed all nature breathes its sympathy divino tho very rustlinff of the leaves is utrhrd and birds pay tribute to the sol emn hour with voices fine lo tho world of lovowith rever ence is filled the author of the nbovo little verse is gunner j rtolpbmonlen of the 48rd howitzer battery which was organized by col mccrac and is known as tho presbyterian ball ery col mccruo is the father of the late major dr mccruo who wrote tho beautiful odo in flanders fields gunner alorden a multon lnd was a student in arts and phil osophy nt tho university of toronto when he enlisted with some thirty follow students lie had reached his 19 th year when his battery ar rived in england and has been in the irinr line over two years yhilo takink observations one eve ning as tho sun was sinkinu the scone of the hallowed spot mot his raze his thoughts were of many of his denr companions rest ing peacefully but his main thou ghts woro for tho mothers far away from tho scono of mystic charm liko the lads across the sou his hoart saw tho dear mothers watch ing and waiting for their boys re turn wm dont miss tho opportunity t hear tho bon groet pluyors at chautauqua 20 to 21 th batrionltion reaulta thorosults of tbo examination for honor junior matriculation of fclulton candidates are given below the standing obtained in ouch sub ject is indicated after a candidates unnie i indicating firstclass hon ors ii socondclasshonorsand iii thirdclass honors respectively a l ambrose eng iii latin i ii bp ballintiuo eny iii malhii latin ii pr ijl c e creolman math ii latin iii pr hoer iii phys ii g de t glazohioou eng iii latin i pr iii o i meclenahan gor ii i all candidates who have failod on tbo juno matriculation examina tion in whole or in part aro eligible to ijocoiug candidates at thosupplu- mental matriculation examination orj monday boptembor the 0 th all such are informed that appli cation forms timo tables and full information may bo obtained froui tho secretary university matricu lation board parliament uuildiiius and that applications are due by september 1st in addition to thooo listed bolow ninny candidates aro qualifying for certificates under tho furin employment neguiatioiih all such passed local examinations at easter and are now employed on farms on tho submission to tho secretary of the alatriciilation board of satisfactory evidence of throo months continuous wqrkon farms tho certificates to which they tiro ontitled will ho issued fclulton group 1g w allah j q ambrose o a cnrruthers p p donkiri p is gibson a c n gos ling 10 j lawrence k a nanton it v northcy ii a ricliardson a f stuiirt j c wohster w l wetaor m e walos group ii o t glazohrook go om group iii ii beaumont alg koin lnt c m w clarridgp lat c g r cooper ano hist alg gcoui d mvohisholni b and c hist h j t kurtz lat c pr c d g ross noin m a whitalf or ane hist cliom i i thousands of dollars aro thrown away on light- cheap por- formnrlcos with no fonturos worth rorocmboring mako no mistako ohautftufjua courses aro not of this typeybut aro wholosomo andcan- o1m f orgottoc read this important news then act quick saturday morning august 1 7th at 900 anx the business adjustors of toronto will throw open the doors of adams r look vfv wanted extra help apply at the store at once to a e moss adjuster to the public as adjustor in full charge we have no long drawn out tale of woe to tell my orders are- wind up the affairs of this firm to the best advantage at the earliest possible moment firry riallnnaiumfirth nf thin stock and fixtures must b so a th r- je sold a th ge jnbln will k t the full benefit to buy at retail for a few diyi only just a word to you now ii will mor- than pay you to secure a shar- of tlr oocln even though you may not need iliein for mon ths hence its up to everybody to saw in these days of high prices and not every day you get n chance like this a e moss adjuster in charge os of groceries and general merchandise turned oyer to the business adjustors to be sold for what it will bring erttfttshsgsjsrss s gx be here you wont be sorr this big sale starts saturday august 17th at 9 a m a word to the wise get here early m wait for h came to it share in ii store now closed undergoing important changes and re- marking the stock doors open to the public saturday at 9 am space forbids us quoting all prices in this ad everything goes nothing reserved will be marked so very low that we expect to be sold out the first two days lvotiff no goods idetived ladies overall aprons worth 75c now 48c ladies blouses worth 300 now 118 ladies wash dresses worth 350 now 168 childs knitted suits worth 450 now 268 dress goods worth 125 yd now 68c yd spool cotton also spool silks now 5c spool childrens dresses wisyth 500 now 275 childrens wool underwear worth 100 now 65c ea linen towels worth 35c eh now i8c ea net curtaining worth 75c yd now 35c yd crash toweling worth 25c yd now 15c yd ladies handkerchiefs worth 10c now 4c ea ladies umbrellas worth 150 now 85c ea ladies vests wor 50c now 35c ladies hose worth 75c pr now 48c ribbons all width nnd colors worth 30c now 18c yd worth 25c now 15c yd wdrth 15c now 10c yd worth c now 5c yd ladies silk hose worth 100 pr now 68c pr childrens hose worh 50 now 34c pr childrens ciloves worth 35c pr now 15c pr remember remainder of stock not sold at retail will be sold in bulk fursfurs for next winter at giveaway prices look them over li terms of sale all goods will le hold f6r cash only and no goods exchanged wc place no reserve on any portion of this stock it is all to he sold right to the hare walls ladies coau skirt raincoats tc childrens- serge and wash dretweh now go nt half price fixtures for sale 1 sleigh 2 wagons show cases day ton scale stoves mirrors tables sew ing machine cash register window fittings etc etc no reasonable offer refused come early ladies and childrens all wool toques scarfs wool sets etc the very thing for next winter millinery ready trimmed nnd untrlmmed shupes also a quantfiy of silks vel vet and fancy trimming come and get first choice first comefirst served the business adjusters closing out the bankrupt stock ot adams and company main and mux streets georgetown comesalurday and every day and lay in a lull supplydont delay tenders received tenders at a rate on the dojlar will be received hy sealed bid uy to august 24th for the remaining portion of the stock not sold ty retail at which time same will be opened right to reject reserved fixtures for sale j jmw 3ww v ii- f akhiksk ix yiiiisvkfcjfeifc virlffltivi ihivi