m born alujoed in georgetown on november iffi 1918 to mr mid mrs g m ar nold n on died jambs in onlt on wodneday novem ber lilh 1wik at 1030 pm thomas mckitiiniinat cton on suay m6 voiiiberllth lyis archibald john mp v v j a tltcgcoiclownhefald ffigdneffirffo tfriesdopestion by but oorres- popdopt hi smother poliiinn re- gariliag the erection of a nionu ment to bheraomoryof the brave boys from our town who have fallen dutlllh the gr war juot ended is very timely and should oertainly be acted upon it would be a disgrace to the community were we to neglect tooomraemor- ate the memory of those heroes who died for the freedom of the world there should be no diffi culty in raising a sufficient sum to oroot a suitable monument when the meeting as suggested is oalledi we hope to see a large attendance and tbe proper steps taken for the carrying out of this suggestion to vat council georgetown nov 11th council mot at 8 oclock with the reeve in the chair wnd mem- bers all present it was moved by bush seconded by speight that this counoil au thorise the purchase of victory ijoan bonds to the oxtent of three thousand dollars out of hydro surplus curried counoil then adjourned georgetown nov 18th counoil mot at 8 oclock with reeve leartwoll in the chair and members barclay rush and speight present muviuvby rush- seconded by bpevgittt tohac tf nfti tue wmetftrfoa68rtj tifelifhlav9i under tfreetewjpt betweeu the carprtii pl georgetown and win purvis pon- tractor this- payment mod to ww ftirviscarriea tne oqffwil tbendjovrned y rketowrnov itb couupij jpbt 3t oroolook wath- fcbe bjwve- is jh9lilarn hii ftllpiwiwri r tdmirijitetoftua three-torey- ndsnibetinga weed rel ivad4pt qetgeherirngtow- nddnesst- hi the oaiocil irj regard to the condition of emery st arid asking that something be done in regard o it moved uy- 8peigbt seoondbdr by barclay that george harrington be given 10 for putting 86 loads of uiudeia o emory s c in the allied countries de mobilization of the home forces i proceeding but it will be some time before demobilization begins at tbe front the allied army will follow up the german retirement from occupied territories and eventually penetrate into germany and it is necessary to keep them up to strength until it is seen what is going to happen in germany the british government has pre pared a plan for demobilization in three years the process includes tbe despatch of soldiers home at stated intervals oooording to their lirewar occupations the problem however will remain of dealing with the returned soldier for after his experience at the front ho will require a long rest and retraining in his calling aotive sorvioe makes a man as a rule speedily forgetful of his trade in oivil life s the doily press lounoilof ger i united states f 7iey woodrnw county council milton nov 12th 1018 the council mot nt 108ouiii in accordance with mil of the war den mombnrh present the vnrlon in tlvfi chair and mckkik ilynds ueartwoll milliner irving loo little mordou moltiit iteiulhciiri standish turner the minutes of the lusb mooting were read and oontlrined communicatioiih were rtwl us follows from the town clerk ac ton re annexation of cerium iiiikis of tho township of estiiiioeing oik- vill board of education re agiirul tnrqil class in high school uie military news cadet roy vanunttcr toronto spent tlir weekend at his houie hero cadet liawson shanks of long biiukii spent tho weokond with friends in town and vicinity alfred terry one of tho gallant mllh llalton and duftciin hntta- liou who en hated at onkville avhevo ho hud ronided for several yours had one leg mi luully injured that it wns foiind nccosmiry to ainpiitaoit an ofticial dispatch receicd on sutiuday inst iiiiimuncpi1 that bomb murnld hunter has been danijjjrfiosly- vivliijded harold mr j h lane addressed the counoil in regard to a damage suit threatened by j j gibbons against him for damage done to his goods in mr lanes cellar caused by the booking up of water moved by barclay seoonded by cook that tbe council pay mr j h lane 780 being half of damages done to mr j j gibbons stock by backing up of water into his cellar carried mr bradford addressed the counoil in regard to his high as sessment he was instructed to pay his taxes and ask the counoil fojxrrebate a petition was presented to the counoil signed by a majority of the retail merchants asking the counoil to pass an early closing bylaw moved by cook seoonded by barolay that t j speight j c rush and the clerk be instructed to look into the matter of an early elosing bylaw carried mr somorville asked permission to out down a dead tree in front of his residence moved by barolay seoonded by speight that all owners be given permission to out down and remove all dead trees standing on the street in front of their properties the owners to assume all liabilities for damages to telephone or hydro wires nis well as any damage that might be oaused to other owners property trees to be out as near the ground as possible and all branches and cuttings to be re moved at time of cutting trees permission to be obtained from the streets and walks committee carried moved by speight seoonded by barolay that mrs john soper be a rebate of 186 on her she having paid bridge mr lltfly moved seconded by mr readhead that the deputation from burt lng toil be hewed rgarciotl mayo- ctuemtio livutcol dan vey brant i mtl tary jfoipitil- e r cleavef ond- si bwiley v iujasidtbojooancil amrifc fbji intmovementef biicsh bftadi i iari heartjiiell presiiantled nn4 reotl tho 6i3yenth repori f tt standing oonnittee on eduijotidn jfr lhtletho seventh wport of that on eouiitji buildings mjf tiir- h th eighth riporb of that 0 good roods mr readheadthe niu- tlr report of triac on roads- iftiii briogetr anamr billrijop the so- venthrenort that w printing mr litvle moved seoonded by wr irving tiat this counoil go in- v reports to date put ber in first place per capita in dominion b lai laukmjmlmil laamriirnroal flamnajfj thcmcnsstorc to committee of the whole to con- sider the reports of the various standing committees carried mr morden moved seconded by mr reodhoad that the several re ports as considered and amended in committee of the whole be and are hereby adopted carried mr little moved seconded by mr hillmer that the report of the committee on finance as read be hereby adopted carried mr hillmer moved seoonded by mr turner that the warden beeve little and deputy boeve morden be a committee to wait on the county counoil of peel and oomplete the arrangements for the purchase of tho mcoibboned wards houso in milton- asset forth in a resolution passed by this oounty council sept 10th 1118 carried mr hillmer movod seconded by mr readhead that thin council adjourn to meet on tuomlay nov 12th 191h at 746 pm carried the council adjourned milton nov 12th 1018 tho counoil mot at 746 pm in accordance with adjournment members prosont tho warden in the chair and mossrs hillmer irving joo little moffat morden readhead standish and turner the minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed mr readhead moved seconded by mr turner that this council now pay to moleod limited the amount of 17400 passed at last mooting of this counoil and which amount represents increased freight charges that this council iiilvunoo to moleod limited tho sum of 270 and that this sum togothor with the other sum of 17c be issued in one cheque and ho made payable to the canadian bank of com merce for the purpose of retiring nraerat given by bank 0 wjjimitv sulfrrjci- pbntry silica ireaoftve iits vwiuteii bqurb rurur uutrdfed from the irtfetvs of bis wotinds- cotivb ih vyhirigrt6 his boston frujutf piirtice under dsjte btbeblriibfllujr stefttiwg tt ocafwyi tiin tdijin4wqr your lottera wliioli liibefieirfor the iurqlsrvdcj avere oerlffsiy- velconiotl 4pat preb eri t cop itoiited vti the -qtpirter- masfoistorekistingtftsvpply eat afia bjijipiijerli jto uijineti alsp thercare uiios lfsocksj-to- bnccob and such otlier coniferts aspire forwarded to lis for the boyf by suim qigaiiizatiorts vt home as the lied ctoss and other societies we are having a ymca hut built jmrb along the qm- georgetown district set the pace the wonderful results attained by ualtuu in the victory lioau campaign arc largely due to the pace set by the george town committee under the able leadership of exwarden li e tbe committee and canvassers arc de- stores which will bc equipped with stove gruinaplione games books writing paper etc i am feeling line these days and hope to see you ull again before long best wishes tn all for a merry xmaa k mr j roney received word this week from his three soldier sons stating that thoy were all well those boys have been at front almost continuously since the beginning of the war corpl g a wrigglesworth spent the weakend visiting at his home in ashiirovo mid with friends in town corpl wrig- gloswjorth expools to leave the end of this week for siberia as a mem ber of the signalling corps correspondence to tho editor georgetown ilciuld dear sir now that the allied cause has triumphed the causo of lihortyind civilization saved and kaiserism completely destroyed wo are all joyously looking forward to the coming home of our soldiora whom i am surewill receive a rousing weloome in hooping with tho noble fight thoy have made against the mad dog of europe also in keeping with the honor whiob they have brought to cana da and our own town lot ns not forget howover those of our boys who gave their lives on the altar of liberty and who now sloop on the plains of flandorn far away from their nativo land i would suggest that a memorial bis raised to the memory of those heroie soldiers of georgetown who gave their lives that you and i and future posterity might live in free- dom and that civilization might bo saved i feel sum ever citizen would nobly respond and a fitting memorial could bo erected in georgetown for this purpose i that the counoil 0 payers oon of tf 07108 aswego to press tbe comut a whole stand hist pr capita fn douijntpo witjii a per oeutage of 488ba foiiirvrink are the aio6nt mrcaivisrjl btbsdisreut biriisr r vvuivv w v wt jj- y iiibetoitt milton burlington v oakvlire tobil for cbiunty including spcils 26i253so per capita 181 os pii fp for georgetowti district 32s3 u halton x 2392 terra cotta master marry pierce is con fined to his room at present with a sore knee mr charles mokeown of acton was a visitor in town on saturday the war victory dance at mr g aldous on mouday was a grand success there was a largo at tendance the music was furn ished by mr m cralno while mr lome craine performed the duties of floor manager the next dance will beheld when tho kaisor snuffs out mr jaiiioh longo who has been in hamilton hospital is xpcted home this week the great viotory on monday last week was celebrated here by blowing whistles wringing bells etc the juvenile brass band headed a procession down main st and the effigy of the kaiser was consigned to a monster bou fire it was the biggest celebration ever held here ws can now supply your needs in butter paper xt the herald special bargains immediate sale i t wfe aire offering exceptional bargains in madeto measure clothing for the next ten days large assortment in guaranteed blue and black serges fancy suitings trousering etc save money place your order now mps 3 and youths overcoats a v- -x- v isjvwtvv if 3euuij at hvjewtniy g v v vvo xtytftf v ivt ceorcetciwn phone 128 histtclass tailpring- adftlesls bnniiiimr agents for stpokwell hendeisoii 4 gd dyers and cleaners toronto have you renewed your subscription yet a canadian brush sold and used all over canada boeckh steel grip rubber set brushes are built to serve and last to give abso lute satisfaction and hold your trade there is a boeckh brush to suit every purpose scrub brushes from 35o up horse brushes from 25o up paint brushes from loo up brooms g5 w c anthony phone 46 georgetown ont jackson five miles from georpi down e balance bush and pasture 1 acre orchard soil me house 7 rooms and kitohen bank barn 74xc4 nent floor litter carrier rack lifter in barn rope the farm pranio straw shed 30x40 school 1 glephone price 18500 terms arranged i oae and half miles from adon sture and bush 1 acre orobard brick bouse 10 rooms furn- idation 60x80 l part 20x80 si in stables school 1 lot jprioe 17600 terms ay loam srbo beautiful sanitary durable keep the whole house look ing neat and trim viih little effort a damp mop keeps these rugs looking fresh and bright they lie flat snej smooth without fastening no curl ing edges the new artrug patterns which we now have ready to show you are beautiful i you would never guess they cost eo little they re so artisticl come in and see themt ap propriate patterns for porch diningroom livingroom bsdrooml m m