the fc-v- p1ptysbg0nd year op publication georgetown wednesday bvening- december 11th 1918 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald i pukikm every wednesday evening at th herald power printing office georgetown on contract apvertisino rates furnished on application ten cents par una tor ttrac insertion audfhre cents per line for each eubae- auent lnaorclon will be cliamed or all transient advertisement twelve linen tzivte win rfrieditfui forbid i feisty yf s wvhdutextra charge cbawjee r- contract- aflvertuiamehte -iy- nfustbeln theomce by monday even ssiav c suhsoriptipn rate 1 jmjjmtlkt gmq or 4at it- paid w ti ijbstajpai sjx mauoia- cents jrl4 maik passenger rtau twa auj vlljaoan a pm 928pm tf80pm c ger wait passenger ooihg w4s mail v mail v passenger passenger mail 767 pm oointt south mail 787 am mail 880 pm soins south mail 1008 am man i 740 pm to the motorists as the motoring season is approa ching a close i beg to call your atten- tioq for caring for your d iteghr v 9 vrtptr 3uv i 1kik ortte pe iittx fei r woijld alap solicit j v your overhauling ai4 caiv guarantee m ibuihiiininiaai wiiiiiiiiinmbi leamrjf evvi ym ctibtv fcfcru t7 75t am 1008 am 201 pm 688 pm speighrs garage guelph st georgetown 9rot0crr- thte mebar against damp nand werfahd ewldt wear pair at eac jpurecum rwbbers alijbe frafniti uuv ivy ljnavnai qr lwtoo4 eu5tad alaqf tewmina uiopmioak ttrouih t6aa u jthartawraawiyg vv weearrr l j iljf lea omen woman aii iniodk nnbata tw v- aelwot iuiaivhve 11 oilltl v i iv r j taxuita skburkaa rauwst daht tlatbtasle am pm pm going bast 810 224 640 going wast 866 s 810 747 sundai timetable am pm pm pm going east 1021 1280 846 610 going west 1040 610 st georges church raw wm burt l th rntor nunday aervloa aa ollowa uatina 11 a m lvenaonv 7 p m sunday buliool 945 a m in bae- mant holy communion lat and 3rd sundaya of each month at 11 a m legal shilton wallbrioge a dale barrlatara sollaitora eto toronto and georgetown offloe kennedy block i roy dale in aharga off georgo- own offlo giprgetown creamery medical dr joseph moandrew phyalolan and suroeon madloal officer of health dlatrlot surgeon g t r ofaca hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 office and realdenc main street souths oppoalte presbyterian churob optical l l plant d o oph d eye qpeolallet georgetown office next to public library satur day eventnge 8 to 10 pm and by ap pointment j 1 tliuri dental frank r watson do8 mos dehtiat georgetown ont hour 9 a m to e p m axoept liuradny afternoon lhatry in all ita branches ovar ball telephone ofdoe p l heath u08 d09- pentiat l4tna block one door north carriage factory hours p m s johiropbactjo ii- 2ibtaai suraerr or osteopathy wtstnla w vi original the oblla dieo tactic davenport iowa abnormal develop mjfaf f nv m vw drug store mcnenpilb of llspinal analysis free will jjpuharj entaand saturdays 2 to box sopiftlih te o 16 6ih neeutroi atsvilock adm proipmasrriil be paroaies rpetch j7a t for halton and vpsouaiinwllllams font offloe sales couduotad ebtlsfactorlly and at rea- aonable rates orders left at the geprgetownherald otnoe will reoelve prompt attention jackson and lee qlwh coslnesrs and surveyors temple ibidg brantford maj a 4f jackson r m lee meolianical bnglnoer etc olbdi8 b o wjwe roberta water works bnglnoer w c tllley registered xfohlject milton prentiss nairjaaas and rotors fqt bldg mciingrv brokers electric repalfs toronto 4 clerk township of baaueslntf ojprksrapiviin court th leading vlre and ufa insurance cos repreaantad jaahar ofmnrrima uoanssa qaprgetown olllce hours wodnesilny and set- idy afternoon in w edmund capps teaclov4n sinkiut at mrmlqbpr- reiulence main st eoulh georgetown on tuesdays far lejrma apply renidenpe queuiisl e ibraftipton khpna 508 ka hox 158 highest price paid for your cream fowl wanted dressed fowl of all kinds we pay the best prices live arid wanted isjggjijg the home of jrwtter shoe georgetown creamery co m saxe manager farmers account book 11 this book is sa oomplets as w can maks it ttpsrs is a placs in it for torping you plant taiis buy sell have nn band with a summary of the years businass the oallsust lada oroasuada the gallant lads of canada who bravely wen to war have writ her page and apread hi for ages past tl the widenesa but now she km and that for n on histrya fame afar world has known t our land re canadian men ight they stand from arm and ftllge forth tbev jabm f l slftm swraifjisi tfliijpiintawi v anawerad to f fcr smalt- tlcranaa owi j said that pet had mad aa yeak- wed salu6r anuttbr gold fottietieelie makfflthis rteplf t atyjile bt faipm9tdi at st kloiat ixo8j m at aiaoliendale at rive i at vimybidge athpoge the gallant eona of canada there rri8 the brutish isaiirv- histryb pajfofaiahy an ifee shall praisei our vlstries yioa log up mr ttrntk tamieiith when iviix ruuie into the room wlih hi iu incl violin rase tbe gui nttertd n unit mnrtled cry m tln ho kkel quickfy he kthilmi uod nodded i am in tbe mli rra of the bxcelalor thea ter not not the new leader darae kii lirnnthed eagerly yes hf anrmered in a surpi tone vbotruhu t nre you doing catnip vlllnj uniowqald nco iiklv dar1itilji be thnttb rjoai and whiqn i raadkt jou oos siivergfisis india 1 fells h 1 lk i he prices of all com modities have advanced enoiinously slncd the be ginning of the war the increase in the value of aurer prob- vlay constituted tho moat serious jilpjjlciii from this cause- that the it puts your farm on a bnsinsss basis farmers call or wjrits to it is free for a sopy th mrcmant5 bank canada of had ottice montreal fjiorgktown branch acton branch eatabliahed 1864 c w grandy manager l b shore y menage junk and metal dealer highest prices paid for all kinds of junk phone 167 georgetown p paid now will hold this columbia grafonola for you for christmas its a 4500 model und you can fthoose from finned oak or mu- hogany finishes you can pay for it on very easy terms weekly or moutaly hie main thing is to pay a dnpoait on one now and be sure of having it for christmas l v houringan dealer georgetown t get your counter check books at the herald litierfp ivxv iiiis itoh stamped ok thats the way aril jobs wo do in tho lino of shoe repairing are marked before wo allow thorn to bo returned to our patrons we aro looking for tho stump of j your approval so give our work a trial prpmpt oourteous sarvlue and fair prloob assured 1i wll a new toy land i have opened a new toyland in georgetown and have everything in toys dollt games mechanical toys etc every thing to make the children happy on christmas my stock is large and prices are- right our display of brunswick phonographs cannot be excelled in this section buy one for your wife for xmas we can give you it on easy terms keep your eye on this space each week for it will pay you open every afternoon and evening frank king next door to livingstones bakery main st georgetown get your butter paper at the herald xmas groceries xmas china pure food lor fresh new fruits choice groceries we invite you to visit our grooery department which is overflowing with the seasons choice fruits and grooeries here we mention only a few of the christmas lines you will find awaiting you in this department jfais frails xmas groceries gaiaina walnuts currants almonds poels minoe moat dates pickles figs preserves prunes jams catsups bananas orangoe grapefruit candy nuts and many other linos of good things for the xmas season our new stock of christmas china is now ready for inspection come early and make your selection csnada rase beara lleease ne s- i sts iclfplivwirjr phone 75 prompt service copyrutt itll er we moclnre newspa str sradlcata cotalpt villa was the shabbiest of the loot w of ahabby suburban houses on the dosty street a line of dwarf poplars edged the sidewalks where chtldnn played all day ions and the wind quivered among the leaves ts a slight breese wandered down the neglected street in the front window of cntnlpa villa wns a block and gold sign furnlnhed ilnonm to ilcnt it read felix dare alighted from a enr at the corner nnd walked slowly down the strt studying the little painted sign ever the doors these signs were mlnleadlnc enonph for instance greenlswn was quite guiltiest of grass in ita grubby front yard hope cottage bore a quite hope- leas aepsct aaa rose arbor bowed ita heed beneath the weight of a worm- infested rambler rose bnsh which had long since ceased to bloom then came oatalpa villa named for the decrepit catalpa tree that graced its imtle strip ef ragged lawn fnllx paud in front of oatalpa villa set dewi his bag and violin case and studied t little notebook then reeamlnf his burdens he went op the flagged walk to the front door a sstchssttd grlmyrnwed woman admitted him to a stuffy little hall mrs baalar naked felix plessn 7 thati soy nans aha replied sus piciously fells smiled i mat your son daniel deals when i was in chicago and ha recommended his mothers borne as an excellent bobrdtng place i was hoplni you hnd a room for me he dltl rmt nrtd that dun bonis wrwi drinking himself to death fn the ug dtr and that fours com ing to board in this ahabby suburb waa prompted by a vague feeling of pity for dant mother thafb another matter cotnmoncod mrs beats brlikly its tbe first sen sible thing i ever knew dan benls to do in all his worthless life but ita like his father keen at hunting np work for me i tve got a front room bay window new carpet lust winter bast bed yon ever slept on want to see itr if yon pleeiet felix followed bta prospective landlady np the narrow stalra when thoy reached tho top some one opened a lower door and a sweet valoe floated up mrs beals you are wanted at tbe telephone fm comlni just you wnlt mr dare and 111 send the girl to show yea the room ifs throefifty a week without board if you ent here it will oat you elsht altogether anna- bells 1 mrs beali ran down the stnlre with astonishing agility and addressed tbe unieen annabelle go upstairs and show that gentleman the front room be can come right in if he wants to you can gst it ready in half an hour hurry now and dont stand staring at me to impudently 1 a door slammed afterjars basis retreating form then light steps sounded on the stairs and presently a girl joined fux in the upper bau fabx stared at her for mrs baals had the most asmslsgly pretty maid servant in tbe world and she didnt look a kit like a maid servant she waa a lady from the smooth braids of her coronated hair to the soles of her naat little black slippers she wore s print own of bine and a spouesa white apron ton wished to look st a roomf she kkd haughtily i beg your pardon yeal cried felz palling a hand before hla dnied yes annsnells led the way into a dingy front bedroom- that gave every evi dence of bnlng nccuplod perhnpa be tween the flltdngs of hoarders by mrs benin hersolf the bed waa cnreleaaly made sundry middleaged feminine garments graced the chairs and on tho buroou was a grizzled falso front whose rightful place going to glvejealbns tosiirlwleueo few l voice of tpe utile servant brqksjsr too ploissotitb aakedarnaeed ilhe rmhdorrowrtjuy 1 tipe here ft jjpbot to stodv4 half a sum lljsjp- x ejrpepsesrai ito bjk into it to pay for an oeaa add i came at isit to- board strroriroept com ing to thp rescue with an advance of u0pooooomn silver bullion with- ont geuing a better aease of the yaiv lety anil- coutpluilly dr the matjerjl thrtoieirtrish ioverninenchas hail sjytitit f rbii- liiilili v iisj jy hav lnjn rwjbe end hormts beolii elketf tnvvlolln and x am working via f whif i owe her it lia jviry tsk pnylmr old scores nd trying to pay enrreru expense vou poor child- said felix simply ypq have mopped the leasoiis he asked ing ago who waa yonr tea nentpet adolph beusretr then yon must possess unusual talent or he would nnt have bothered i am sorry mlm annabelle thank yon she said gratefully and now if you will excuse me mr doro 1 will return to my duties and prepare yonr room my work has al ways been below t la irs in- the kitchen hut the chambermaid left this morning and we are short of help and i must hasten we huve supper at ft as felix left the mnra mrs beats poked hor head throuuh thebalustcrs yon annabelle t she called have that room ready in half tin hour the mnn hns brought the ash for supper and tho table isnt even set i she nodded sourly at the new boarder as he ctmo down the stairs laxy thing that clrl slio muttered for hla benefit doesnt want to do a thing except riddle fiddle nil day long fiddling dont earn good money so any ii tin sorry to hear you bay tlint mrs beals returned felix mischiev ously i forirot to tell you that im in tho excelsior orchestra j mrs benls eytd him eneplclously i dont know n i mentioned that rd like my board in advance certainly agreed felix drawing ont hla pocketbook mrs beals greedily counted the money and when the transaction tvns concluded she asked my stcpron didnt send me any money by you did het felix smiled he could not tell her that dan beals owed him 200 so dan la not yonr own son was all he asked i should hope not she cried de voutly i waa a chtldlnsa widder when i married dons pa and that hoy haa been the plague of my life moke yourself tree of the parlor mr dare felix threw himself in a choir in the stuffy little room in which each separate article appeared to quarrel with the other if mrs beala was not the own mother of the unfortunate dan felix did not feel any responsi bility concerning her welfare mrs beala appeared to be folly able to take care of herself one week will do me sighed felix ss he took out a newspaper and began to read bnt a face came between him and the printed page the wistful face of annabelle i wonder when she will have paid her debtf ha mused then sn odor of frying fiah insinu ated itself through the houae and the advent of sundry tired and shabby looking men and women who found a borne here after a hard days work in store or faotory teld him that anna belle had left bis room ready for his occupancy and that she waa at her post of duty downstairs four weeks passed and found felix dare attll an occupant of mrs beals front room while annabelle marveled that an artist like dare should be content in that sordid at mosphere she was glad that he re mained wonderful music come from his room dreamy strains wafted up to annabelles attic room and after awhile aha learned to translate their meaning be was playing to herl felix dares wooing covered a period at many weeks but he did not give verbal utterance to his love until one day after annabelle bad paid off her debt and moved away than he went to see her in her new bearding plnce far from oatalpa villa and in the stiff parlor of this new temporary borne he told her the moat wonderful story in the world the following sunday evening they went for a trolley rldo and felix stopped the car at a shabby street and led annabelle paat oatalpa villa the moon waa shining on the lonely cntalpa tree on the hopeleasness of hops cottage and the brownness of greenlawn oatalpa villa ts s beautiful spot said felix seriously it will always ha beautiful in my sight dear guess whyt because we met there sod be- cnuse love transforms all thatls ugly iid sordid whispered annabelle itu merman projaw murnr ve brootabhtoreserlouarls- 8 t ban thosd which were stamped v bend this is the room sold the girl indifferently but but it is occupied hesitated felix mrs beads bag bffn sleeping here but it can be prepared for you within ta hour replied annalwllo i hardly thlpk begon pollx and then ha thbufht of his promise to dan beals dan had been a news paper reporter and tvilx had liked the brilliant dissolute youth i if jn any way be anld help dan by stopping with dtn sjstnsr he would have a tryntlt i will brlag my things np now be sshlto a apabajlvwho was gather- only thing 8lie didnt knew tho father of a little washington girl iocontly bought a horao and carriage vos they still sail the little girl was anxious to drive waa undoubtedly atop of mrs benls the outfit and was not backward in olclng her desire why said her father whs d0 vnu know about driving n horse i learned down at grnndpaa laat utnraer answered the child i know uverythlng about hnw to drlvo all ar topt when to gee and haw x th past yean especially to the eest uera orthe worse sllvsfu mottbat modiitm m ex- ohango f india- the people ahow- utjiie totefceat lit gold and it in pes- session of a gold coin will lmmedl- atoly change it into silver they are unacquainted with paper money and for the british government to try tar feb them off with banknqtea instead ellvereolnwoul ment or india to admit bankruptcy and to confesa that germany was winning the war it was necessary therefore that the indian troops of whom it is said by richard barry ha the new york times that there are a million spread over various parts of the world should continue to ha paid in allver it waa just aa neoes- sary that the hundreds of thouatmda even the millions of indian natives who have been engaged on war work or producing various uecebsary raw materials tor the government should be paid in silver otherwise they would go on strike production would stop and rioting begin it was abso lutely necessary that in tho indian umpire there should be no shortage of silver what made tho problem almost desperate was that the maximum of demand for allver in india and in deed in the rest of the world co incided with the minimum of bttpply in 1913 the world produced 225000- 000 ounces which kept it going com fortably in 1910 tho production waa reducod onetblrd for the great bllvor mines in mexico unci russia were al most idle because of revolution dis order and war and in other silver- producing countrk8 try tho demands of the armies and uleo ly the increas ed wage demands of miners in these eiroumstances tho prlco pt silver ad vanced from about 50c an ounce to a dollar an ounce the british govern ments eager buying of all the silver that came to the market tor her in- i dlan account did much to force up the prlcewhich last year waa fixed by the government at si an ounce but the demandb of other countriea particularly china and japan kept the price still advancing and at a dollar an ounce the british govern- ment was not able to get all the sli ver- it required tor india the arrangements by which uncle bam came to the rescue showed a fine sense of the consolidation of british and american interests for the american government realised that trouble for john bull in india was equally trouble fori uncle sara in france there waa a common purse as well as a common table the negotiations which led to the united states lending the britiah govern ment 100000000 in silver coin were concluded ii they were not ini tiated by lord reading and every where he is given great credit tor them the first step taken by the united states government was to fix the price of bilver at 101 h an ounce and to forbid its export except with the permission of tho federal reserve board a department of the government in the vaults of the treasury at washington were lying 100000000 silver dollars which were handed over to the british government for shipment to india and to mako the transaction more dramatic they were melted into bullion that set tled the indian crisis at least tor the time being although allver la scarce and dear today and like gold ita international circulation la forbidden except by government permission production has inoreaaed somewhat and now there is a shortage compared with normal times of only about 20 per cent the many manufacturers who make use of silver in various arts are naturally seriously crippled by the shortage and by the competi tion of the allied governments but the important thing in that the credit of the british government in tbeeyes of ita millions of subjects in india remains firm and that the hun was never able to load bis gun with what lloyd george- ones called a sliver bullet admiral kbvbs j m ij v 1 h- m a lw- lv ljmtijl ir i i s x revenge at last my wife used tu find fault with me very time i mspinntinnod a word lomsrkad mr cunuvn now im get ting even now daughters home from boarding ehoel i pick nut u ulttco of war news lull of gsographleul ilnraes nntl get loqtha to rai4 it stolid m nrillliint yonng admiral haa notable career acting vice- admiral sir roger keyes kob omo mvo dso who commanded the brilliant opera tions against zoebrugge and ostend when the mole at zeobrugge wag breached and a great part of the fair way into ostend harbor was blocked hab had a knighthood of the order of the bath conferred upon him by tbe king in recognition of his dis tinguishedservices on that oeoaslon last decern bor sir roger keyes suc ceeded vice- admiral baoon aa ad miral at dover when be was ap pointed to that command by sir ross- lyn womyss first sea lord sir roger enjoys a very blgh reputation in tbe navy both on account of his tochnlcal qualifications and also tor his initiative and courage sintering the navy in 1886 he was despatched to the china station at the time of the boxer rising for hla services on that occasion he was promoted commander and received a medal and two clasps he next noted bsflayal attache successively in rome vienna athenb and constan tinople in 1912 ho was appi commodore lii charge qttf3 sub marine sorvice in home waters after tho outbreak of war in 10 14 ad miral keyes commanded tbe sub marine flotilla which guarded the heligoland bight ready to attaqkjths gorman boot if it made its appear ance in id ib he served as chief of staff to vlooadmlral de robeok in the dardanelles operations the fol lowing year sir roger keyes reeelv- ed tbeomg and the d8o in recognition of his services last year ho was promoted to flag rank r i p mmiimi tovfv fm