mn wn fiftysecond year of publication qeorsetown wednesday bvenlnvt mavoh 18th 1919 150 per annan or 125 if paidin advance the georgetown herald u puhltathml every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office qsfersjetown opt tttdntraot advertising rates furnished on application ten oenta per una tor first insertion and ave cents per line tor each subae- jjusnvortlon will beieharked or all i vfriiewvrnejir ip i- i v aavrirtlsmri wttliout siiiecw ai- ifteetlon wttl be inserted imtll forbid and charged aooordiocbr i adrertlmmdts will be ehsiised once each month without extra charge ojttui tor oontraot adt s lutbe in the office by monday even i uiiiirt46ajlatm i- crtt ryeer wjf 0 v5 tf pta tor aaxtooef- six monihs mr centsin ad- addresaiv label shews the du yoursubeortptiontalilres v jiy icoowb fubusher r rvy f pattersons meat market vqtjltliaa ttable oodxobabt liaii 948am paeager v 1181 am passenger 846 pm mail 688pm paaienger 880 pm passenger sunday 718 pm going wbbt mail 767 ajn mail 1000 am pawenger 201 pm pauenger 686 pm mail 7s7 dm going north mail 767 aim mail 680 pin going south mail 1180 am mail 740 pm tomato likwku railway pily timetable s rib roast brtl tticluib roast beef j shoulder romtibmf rib boil bem i t loid ii vs shoulder rdislr limb kjv v j5iwing y tr sxmbs smoked iuups whole or hall smoked r6d v cotlsgs r611 r t s- c side bacoo iflab iot ball j i ba9kbsoorda6orslf 7 pvymslt pork fork chops loin t shoulder chops leg of pork 28c 23e iy- 2sc- fish b c salmon whole flih or half fresh herring salted herring 3 lbs for 100 lb keg herring fsw 30c afc sc sfc 30d j0c 30c isc 10c 25c 86 00 i2l wall f cr orlr euetomere and ihao wa niakev lha ria aa lpw aa hi poaeibla- l sj bi harevtopay higher prices sasonale iiiipsare ncrw really canned goods 2 cans aylmer peas 2 corn 2 tomatoes 1 lb tin all red salmon half lb tin all red aalmon 1 lb tin pink salmon half lb pink salmon pm 224 81d pro 640 747 going east 810 going west 866 sunday timetable am nm pm pm going east 1021 1220 846 610 going west 1040 610 counter check books at the herald st qborgea church rev wm burt if th reetor gjunjlay earvloe aa follows matins 11 a m- byanaonc 7 p m- bunday school a4 a m in msnt holy communion 1st and jrrt bundsva of each month at 11 a m legal hiltoks waulbrioqe ev dale barristsrs solieitora etc toronto and georgetown ouoe kennedy tilook ls roy dale- in charae of georae- own omoe medical or joseph meanorew vhysleian and surgeon ludloal offlcap of health district burgeon or t r oolce hours 2 to 4 and 7 to t p m phone 88 ooea and residence main street south opposite presbyterian church optical i l plant 0 o oph d ryesseoiellst gsoroetown onceaaxt to public library satur day evenings 8 to 10 pm and by ap pointment dental prank r watsono d m dv pentlst- georoetown onj thoir5ittto t p m- exoept tbvrrjlay afternoon diitiatry in all iu branches ovr selltslsphone olfioe offlpe in laneblopk one door norfu of 0iell ctisas factory hours kara to p ni chjs0ppactic n edlbn qurosry or qstsopsthy r m heil8en 0- 0 qrarue of the palmer th orl- iw school of chlropraotio daven port ow u 8 a oboo over hourlaane drug store consultation and spinal analysis prei tuesdays thursdays and satur- udaisi 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p m 4 phon 180a a auctioneebs benj fetch uoenssd auotloneer for helton and petl olanwlliiams post offlos sales oonduoted satisfactorily and at rea sonable rates orders left at the georgetown herald office will receive prompt attention liqn prento kowaiaa and motors machinbrv brokbm electric repajrs qysslpo toronto j a tracy clerk township or bequ i pierlt srd division court ttte leading blre and life insurance ripssirfpresehted li- issuer of marriage licenses t- oweetmlir street west a ki arttown jkltik itiiofflqe hours wednesday and sat 5 lb pail of thortemng- 3 lb pail shortening 1 lb brick ehorteningf 3 1b lard 1 lb brick lard 201b pail of lard 25c 30c 30c 40c 20c 18c 10c 1 35 80c 28c 85c 30c 5 35 tttte shoe k mivn tche home of bettsisahoail jiiiiiiiriiimi ibt isii isi w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 livingstones quality bread quality ia our slogan if that counts for anything you had better get busy tomorrow and call our driv er the one who never fails metropolitans for saturday evening tea 25cts saturday specials apple pie large size 20c puffs with pure cream from the farm soc doughnuts that are unexelled 22c cream rolls 40c quality first last and always h a livingstone phone 58 georgetown rem estate tyy brgans n farm lairds village jlqmejb garceri panels ptc are attracting many buyers frqbabjy may have just what yqu nave been locking for call rne up and i will be pleased to show you my hat- fhoni 10 4 creorgretown e a benham storage fcitiy fyrylm jm f tor completing a- course in one of the best storage battery plants i am now prepared to take charge of your storage battery heeds and have a full stock of re- psjrs for almost any kind of battery we can repair your battery and put it in first class shape for a reasonable price ffi iij agra kfft jffysiff fff i sfiej 0 b w v sjs w 7vrt teach the children to save habits are acqaired early in lift children wrkataugwtbvarasofiriotiey and trie habit of savingj grow up into good bruiness men and eajwua woman thesnsiestwatotawbc1u1rlnra is to start a savings account for each child floo each is sufficient after s child has saved another dollar to make an additional deposit ha or she will have a better appre ciation of just what a dollar stands for and how much work and selfdenial it represents th mrgmant5 bank pf canada y- hoad offlce montreal ororgbtown branch acton branch established 1884 c w qrandy msaager i b 8hobby meaage your money is sale in warsavings stamps buy now for 9402 sell 1st day of 1924 lor 500 government security you wils can be registered to secure you against loss by theft fire or otherwise thrift stamps coat 2s cents each sixteen on a thrift card represent 400 in the purchase qt a war- 8avine stamp sold where you seg ibis sign jmbuck 3tttehe basf pvoearasfe ta f aad bajt aieatswiuohheseusatit lowest possible prices y canada food board license no 9 2108 get the best butter paper at herald georgetown oieahery tt highest price paid for yo crea fowl wanted i ljy ncl eed pqvi of all kinds yairt3c e fiay tlf 3et prices y riapiiery co thbbltsr ti you want to get a favor do by some obliging friend and want a promise safe and on which yon may depend dont go to him who always much leisure timeto plan but if you want your favor done j net ask the bnay man emartfl v iajtoqwerit t se ajwayspnttingofp until his fhendareia despair bat he whose- every waking hour is cwded full of work porgfeta tbeart of waatin- time- ffe oannol itpp io shirkv over three mil ion hen was the price of liberty paid by british empire oooocooooooo thjeurftreverliitb wioajrpajtfiv e- ritish casnaltlea during the the war including all the the atres of activity totall 3049991 it inli anoouni the brltlah house- otcomm 1 by ieses esshldijprt utau tfffilbffgle t977 n total leases jn jta agutlp on the council si francobelgian frontwere sltii the total ofbritwrlos in kll- j jltoeajgjiyrf brlluoj bosses d the vwttwuwnlan citaplg wre neatll0floa aficodtot toatt feons niuri tneotafbeini 9767 df these tiefstahei weire 93 md cottiprjalng jfloolbcere auil sojzemeh v a jhe wohuded totalled stillb i colnprtslng 243j9 offlcera and 48m6 men go to thearwljo dstaitiy y jworkawenv4iorjtsdsiy bvlli3 a nttrntoi ipotne l here i mthathae rid other vise an flxou while the idle man isttamins an exonse rrrvwr willis great britain honored by large celebrations held uthe united states oooooeeeeseeesos bsqoesing march 10 1910 the council jurt pursuant to ad journment thsiweve in the chair and membjsyall present the jsprates of last meeting werejsfipri and confirmed mtation of the georgetown hcil and others re county pro- icil hoad were received and eard mjpswreteiiotv heave lie igraited tointroaece a- blsinv to jgppoinfe eiversaers of highways for the y ear 119 and ifiat said by- law benow read the first titpe- carried mcewehtjhonjpsofe that the bylaw to apxhsint overseers of- hrghwaya be pow raavtkaseoond thjrd times ad- paabed-tcar- y 41 n ovembbr 11 the day on which the armistice was signed i likely to be observ ed as a great holiday by all the nations engaged in ti- war but the individual nations are likely to hold in perpetual observance other days which oantaln especial memories for them a more remarkable sort f commemoration is that which one of the allied nations offers in lionor of a comrade nation in thin clan we must place the oelebratlonh hu were held in the united stolen on december 6 7 and 8 in honor of oreat britains part in the war on friday the 6th the schools all over the united states paid their tribute the day following was the turn or the nation and on sunday the churches throughout the nation held special services to do honor to the part great britain has played in the war the celebrations are all the more remarkable in that they were arrang ed spontaneously without any hint from london or washington the organlsattdns under whose auspices they were held are the sulgrave in stitution the american defence so- clty the national security league and the national committee of patriotic societies the first ol these societies maintains the washington manor house in northamptonshire england and the other societies hav come into birth since the beginning of the war prominent americans connected with the various societies bto mr taft alton 13 parker a for mer presidential candidate ellhu root exjustice hughes gol roose velt dr charles w eliot governor whitman charles f falrchlld and other men of almoht equal promi nence in the observances several ex- ambaasadors participated amonk them being james w gerard david jayne hill and robert bacon the honoring of oreat britain m partly to return tho great compli ment paid the united states by tho empire on july 4 last on that occn- sion a service was held in st pauls cathedral london and dr waltor hlnes page was given equal prece dence with king oeorge each slttlnk on a dais according to p w wil son a correspondent of the london daily news who contributes also to the new york tribune king oeorg sang the battle hymn of the h subtle after thanking god or the eclaratlon of independence whlci it will be recalled makes some pain fully frank references to a well- known ancestor of bis majesty over the houses or parliament the stars and stripes was flown side by aide with the union jack at the mast head we doubt if it is on record of pne nation so royally saluting an other so handsomely celebrating an anniversary which would have arous ed unpleasant memories in a country less royalhearted those three days in december must give profound sdtaf action to what was only a short time ago h very small if distinguished company of american citliens who have worked so unselfishly to promote greater cordiality and better under standing between the englishspeak ing peoples they had to oppono powerful political influences such as that cqntrolled by the elngllsh- hatlng hearst newspapers it was not so long ago since a politician lit almost any state in the union could get a hand for a vigorous twist ol the lions tall this unfortunate and unreasonable antlbrltlsh sentiment was fostered by the school books in tfhe united stales whoh were al most invarlawyurifalc-to- greacjlili sin and taught the children of the sbpublle that the war of indepen- ence was an almost uninterrupted series of american triumphs against a cowardly and ruffianly engllbli army the schools are now being purged of these perverters of his tory and antibritish sentiment has almost wholly disappeared it has been said time and again that one of the great and lasting benefits of this war has been the drawing together of the two- nations and there is every reason to bellovn that tbe new relation ls a permanent one canada in a sense has been it link between tbe empire as a whale and the united state for even ui it time tthfnj m effort af croat bri tain wr nut appreciated by our cousins their newspapers rang with the praise of canadians roops then loo the devotion of the peoplo of ail the dominions and colonies imwit have been an eyeopener to those amerlcans who did not understand the ties of affection uniting the scat tered parts of the empire the won derful loyalty of the american peo ple to the common eausu onee war was declared has also been a lesson and an inspiration to us in canada and to the empire at large the war has taught us torespeot each other to an wrtent that perhaps a century of peace could not- have don we have learned that uponthe great is sues wo are of on flesh ald blood the missing and prisoners totalled 15y36e corhprralng 686 officers snf 14xt9 mdn the total british wounded in the war was more than two million the i parliamentary secretary figures showing the aggregate to he 2082122 tbe loties la missing including prisoners totalled 860146 of the wounded li44 were offi cers and 1939478 were men of the missing including prison ers 12094 were officers ana 847051 were men making a total of 358 14s the figures given include troops from india and tbcdomtnlons in egypt the total losaea were ap proximately 88000 mr mcpherson added of this aggregate of 57883 those killed and died of wounds were 15892 comprising 1098 officers and 14794 men the wounded totalled 38078 comprising 8811 officers and 35782 men the missing and pris oners totalled 3888 comprising 183 officers and 3705 men the total casualties in france were 2719852 of this total 88789 officers were killed and died of wounds or other causes and 628483 men the wounded totalled 1833- 345 comprising 83142 oocers slid 1760203 men the missing includ ing prisoners totalled 326696 com prising 10846 officers and 316849 men in italy the british losses totalled 6738 of these 88 officers and 941 men were killed 384 offlcere and 4812 men were wounded of these 765 missing 38 were officers and 727 were men the dardanelles expedition coot the british 119729 casualties of this number 1785 officers were killed or died and 81787 others the wounded were 3010 officers and 75- 608 others the missing including prisoners were 258 oncers and 7481 others on the salonlkl front the losses were 27318 of these the killed wero 286 officers and 7380 others the wounded 818 officers and 16058 others the misblng 114 officers and 2718 others will paint historic scene tbe historic bcene in sir david beattys cabin on the queen eliza beth when the german delegates ar- runged for the surrender of the ger man fleet ls to be plsced on canvas by sir john lavery of the royiil aoademy sir john made a special trip to the grand fleet at the request of the british admiralty to make the preliminary sketches for the paint ing he was present in the admirals cabin during the whole of tbe con ference and painted a finished study or the scene which will serve as a basis for the big canvas which he hopes to complete in the next few months there will be fifteen figures in the painting including admiral beatty vlceadmiral sir montague browning rear admiral sir regin ald tyrwhitt and the five german delegates if the painting ls com pleted in time it will be exhibited at the royal academy next year iiliottaijoweiu ihatie treasurer psjr jtbje foliowlfjgiaor counts for attendance atoutario bail way board re toronto riobur- ban bailwayv ann ontario ruril municipal convention p g thompson 2 days expenses- 16 commission total 10 w j l hampshire 8 days expenses 9 commission 6 total j6 jl standfbh 1 days expenses 8 com mission 9 total 6 carried filliott mcdowell that the treasurer pay w o morse for tile supplied 975 oeorge campbell on account as assessor 60 car ried elliott thompson that the treasurer pay d neilson260 for operating road machine one day carried hampshire elliottthat a copy of the following resolution passed at the meeting of the rural muni cipal association of ontario be for warded to dr a w nixon mla for the county of halton and that be be requested to take the matter up with sir william hearst pre mier of ontario and the executive connoil of the province carried moved by w j l hampshire councillor of the township of es quesing and seconded by f c thompson councillor of the same township that whereas the upper canada college purchased 600 acres of land in tbe townshii of bsgnesing some five yenih um which nnder the terms of tbe up per canada college act is exempt from municipal taxation although none of the said land is or ever has been used for college purposes and whereas ib appears to be an injustice to local municipalities that land used for farming purpos es although owned by educational institutions should be exempt from municipal rates be it therefore resolved that the provincial legislature be request ed to so amend the statutes gener al and special as to provide that lands owned by the upper canada college and other educational in stitutions which are not in use for purely college or school purposes be no longer exempt from munici pal taxation hampshire elliott that this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until april 14th next at 10 oclock am carried kfjuecrankle sold the historic estate of tjrrard llecrankle has been acquired by mr andrew scott glasgow for the sum of 885000 the estate which lies on the northern bank of the garry extends about 2000 acres of which about twothirds are moor the remainder being arable land and woods the i rental is fully 4000 i the estate is noted as possessing the battlefield of klllleorankle tbe conflict taking place on july 28th 1688 oh tho plateau tor tbe west of i urrard house which was occupledat i the beginning of hostilities by qen mackays troops there is a large mound above which marks tbe spot where tbe elan were burled and in a field below the mansion is s drov dic standing stone marking the bur ial site of some important leader of the plots horrors you must have seen some per fectly dreadful sights at the front remarked miss kaintlelfjh i heard a lieutenant tell of a shell bursting among a group of twenty germans well i seen a worse sight than that sighed the sergeant i was once in an o pip looking down un jlveenemy- trenches jndjbyndby up oomes a boche working party of about a hundred sfa starts to work behind their ore trench right out in the open welt i knows the position to the length of my lanyard so i signals the heavies to let em hare it and tbey promptly drops a couple of nineinch shells plump in tho mid die of the bunch oh gasped miss falntlelgh how horrible but i know it was your duty 0a on the rest is almost too awful io tell continued tbe eerseant and j hope ill never see tbe like again were they all killed f not even scratched both- then shells was duds bandaawd beyond recogrnluon an ambulance had just discharged its load at a dreeslnt station aad the luartette of wounded were lying on stretehers 6a the ground one of th patients was a youth even tho band ages whleh concealed fourfifths of ills face did not corneal that while ho waited his turn on the operating i able his one available eye twinkled is be related to a line of walking voundeu how it had happened sud- tbnly ho paused in his conversation mvlng spotted a tommy trudging own tho road a chum from bis own lomotown and hjs own regiment hoy joel he shouted and when 06 reached his aide he said sayi ii bet you dont know whi m joe- v v it- judging class and seed fair the judging class held by the farmers clubs of halton co and the department of agriculture and the seed fair held by the halton agricultural society on monday march 10th at milton were a hjiite success a large crowd attended the class and the interest never lagged thirtynine boys from all parts of the county entered the competition the judges were very much pleased with the high average in marks made by tbe boys the winners were let c t moffat acton prize a shorthorn calf 2nd j willmott milton prise a yorkshire sow 8rd e e patterson milton leicester sheep 4th lome mclean qakville shropshire sheep i 6th fred irvine hornby hol- stein calf oth donald pickering oakville leicester sheep 7th john eliott milton ayr shire calf the exhibits at the seed fair were good samples for seqsv and considerable seedwos sold tbe winners wero early oats j f ford late oatsedwin harrop j f fofdrfletebeircampbeh- barley j f ford h cart- wright james stark peas m j carton marquis wheat j f ford e mccann j e hunter goose wheat j f ford a w milne bed olover h cartwright j hv wilson alsike j f bord a e mo- murray alfalfa e mooann e harrop potatoes late w d castle best exhibit j f forjl the evening mooting in tbe princess theatre was well attended considering the bod weather and roads and those who wore present enjoyed the splendid programme addresses wero given by mrs flet cher of newmarket mr mason ouelph mr harding middlesex mr fulthoipe winnipeg and mr bottle af toronto j f ford very ably acted as chairman hear lieut beverley bonert- son b4an the town boji on shniigday march 87th rlrq 4i v v4 vijjia s 1 avlycl iv sjil v r wi vi lf a il t 1 m 4 im m j aii isjax m mih vh w