the georgetown iiktv tillllu ykait of pijuuoation georgretoven wednesday evening august 6th 1919 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance i u i jw the georgetown herald i- pihlihh i very wedncsuay evening at th nrrald power printing office georgetown ort cflnjjract abvkftjibinp bates j- v frurniined onappkoinylaw jgyjxtm- it-r- willi fur jirtjiisiftulri ttvujiiv ivilui inir llmtfor tttull aitfuiie- ttyfhit lnmruo wlltlje nirfihl tpr all itmutijirijttlwrljwnienoii twelve linea tlllbulllll auwrlrmirnelil without iljic hi- yerilpipi vitiiv w lustrum- nvitn txt rt wiyordinsl avevjseinejitavldh bet cbejurl4 vrtliiiliillf wuitot7xi 0uuryec iiiiku riir itlutviamv tnilktbh tutitfnmllj moiiaijy nir a subscription ates f yyar uiwirruitr ii ujvifprv kik flioirlm er- aeii4i tiifif vhlili j s iov oui lubi shorn thv ihukt ybilr siilmcrliiltpn tulreh j il mqctkb putulie m jjz utrltims tubl ioinohaht pahscngcr 048 am piisweiiycr 10 20 11111 mail ll80juni piwsongor 846 piu mail u2h lm ilishcnger 820 li pasrcdger sunday 711 im going vtkht pntusonger 707 am muil u40 am plisnollggr 201 1iii passenger 450 pni piibhiiwi- u01 lim muil 707 im piissionor siinduv 947 pm going noutii muil 00 iini mail 080 pm going hoijtil mail a 1188 nm mail ho0 lim toronto snbnrbiui railwav daily timktahijk iiin lim lini 10 a24 040 cioiiitf west h05 810 717 hijndav timbtaulk going rllhti ft in 1021 pm 1220 lllll p111 8 ib uio lim 917 going west am lim 104o 010 lim 980 wrigleys counter check books at the herald st georges church rav wm burt l th rector simnlay survlce ua tallowy ilalinn 11 a nl uvuiiuoum 7 p in sunuuy school- sit a in in bauo- llifiiit holy communion lat and 3il tiuikilavh uf each month at 11 a lu legal 8hiuton wallbridge a dale barristers 8oioitora to tuiuntu and georgetown oluoe kuuiieay block 1 itoy lulo in iiliarge of otjornu- hwii olllca medical or joseph mcandrew phyaioian and 8urgon muulcal olllcer of lieultli district hiiiguuu u t r omlco iluura 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p in v phons 68 oluce and hesldeiice main street mouth opiioalte prasby lerlan churoh optical u l plant d o oph d eye spaoialiat georgetown oilloe iibxi to public lihrury satui ilay- kvenlnjfa 8 lo 10 pm unci by np- noicilinunt dental frank r watson d d s m d s dentiat georgetown ont 1 ionia a u m to c m excopl ill uiaduy afternouii ijuntlbtiy jn all ita branuliea over bell tsleohone office f l heath l d8 d d s oantiet olllou in lane block one door nortl at onollla carrluge factory llour ii u in to s v m cuikopiiacx1c imo medicine suroory or osteopathy a m neil8en d c cliuiluuto of tlio iulmor the oi-l- uuial uoliuol or clilroinaotlu uuvon- iil iowa u a a olllcti uvur llouritfuna urntf htoru joiiailltutioirunu hulnal analyala lro tiloaduya tliulsduya uml hatur- duya 1 to i and 7 to 8 p in phons 160s auctioneers benj petch iloonued auctioneer for jlulton and paid aioiiwulluma i oat ollloa balim oomiduutud aallafuutorlly and ut rea- aonublo iutoh ordera loft at the ueorgotown llorulil ollloa will receive prnmiit attention milton prentiss adinkkkk and mu iiinukv hlthkiulk molnra liluilrio hupulra fov blijo toronto t jttfc- j a tracv olork townahlp or isaquealng olailt 3rd ulvlalon court f the loading- flroiiid ma insurance oa ioiiruaentcd likhuer of marriage licensee olllces mill street weat oeorgetown l pflloo- ilqurivrwednaaaay rid bt ssitoybftwnodrav v flll sealed alrtlfiht and impurityproof in the wax- wrapped safety packages be sure to get j- wrigleys a because it is supreme aln quality made in canadav 88 the flavour lasts the signing of peace hits- jii5iilntl in up iiiiiiia4t iotucit yfbuifliiiii ijttiviiu ytiu v jfciirij ith- vl v i iiifljnrl hrtftinijnu foljilji jiim of hwtl vitr fvitflihiib iiifiiilifiinait0ol- r v mitiiiifiuttirfrtvliliv nliolidy lpilurvd tlioir piipi wliti i eviir u cikt oflnbo tiitd mntfiiuj wnitj ihjmit i that thn uihiit iniccb ttlray lx oxjilfcted ti stirttil ilriiiiiniont ottliobf linph iothiuiio tiuhe i i j f vi v locks khqbv sfccir ujthmihpiw iocl horiarjwjn of tbe iijobi slvtrte ittorjri oftlit wailhmiijanijftuturtlji v ufso biv hn attiactivp dubortyietitbf wikpollnmoous 4iniijiiiihi as hat tind cot hoois sttah itiftv jiksll plates door bella bnttti and hinees and sliding door hangers gatage seta pnvoid ready roofing w iii it uhpij w c anthony phone 46 georgetown rexjamoe not to the awift tho rape not to tbp mtroni the iikiii not to the ukliteuiih jerfert krooo npt to hit- wisn the ukiis lrttoftibii rultprinticeet iqinftauiebt to wio 4iiil j x ajid thrij- jijfhp- 5yffiikli9 jjuknpsi rtiwit tljosuinirtp or the boui a tliormund umoa by night the- syriariliosts bftve died a houiipd umeii tli xitnqtiished fikbj hari riniglorhlei t tfilefcwitiiibiwiaii tnon fdtliiwib viokbytibridi wnp bnitilvt irt liimbhrt liarfda dell led sflili from tlipholflli hcr jieiinibut front uit stnrj abfloiv nvt fijoiuvjiiyluait lifev co strpruliiuul idiiijrtid depths of tote rjiprrry vandyko d d lllliulllllllllllllllllhiiiimmif georgetown crramxry highest market price in cash for your cream vi will 11u0 buy your pomltry uml eggs now wo think you have conllcliiicc in us and would nnl you to enquire our nrirpm before mliijtiti iik an- lliiiik out of town pot- tlio iicoomiikiilation of fiirnieih we will be open on monday weilnemlny and sill unlay niiihts georgetown creamery co m saxe manager pattersons meat market is where you can secure the very choicest of all kinds of fresh and cured meats fish etc at the lowest prices any person having veal calves for sale communicate with w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 good flour is absolutely necessary to produce the best in bread arid pastry the noble brands are the superipr brands of today try them robert noble limited nprya ontario prompt returns from shipments when you ship grain butter cheese or fruit put through the merchants bank a draft on the buyer this is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement it saves tune and possible loss trie mcrchants dank head office montreal of canada established 1864 georgetown branch h r mimms manager acton branch l b shorey manager pf5 estabushep 187a til sfbf ghmji3u nnaiisfioj- iftexix office hamilton jjavk you over tounideied the iidvimtiiuth of a joint account in the hank of hamilton with drawal by cheque either by the wife or liiitdiund such itccomitk are invited by the hank of hamil ton whore deionitorn may alwii depend upon courteous treatment and oflloient service bank of hamilton gcmackay manager real estate my bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attracting many buyers pobably 1 may have just what you have been looking for call me up and i will be pleased to show you my list phone 16 4 geoigetown e a benham palmolive sale 3 cakes of your favourite palmolive soap for 29c 6 cakes 58c 12 cakes s1j6 while our stock lasts no more than 1 2 cakes to one customer come early cumuli food hoaiil llcrtiiro no 8127h a m grandy phone 75 quick delivery prompt service sjiv styjuvwm- i vv tv rirrii i iv mvi- r i at failures climax by s b haocley copyright 191 by the mcclure new- papr syndicate wnen muxun kliot htepped out on the platform to utuke iiih ringing coni- nicqcenient speech and jessamine far- ra felt the scrutiny of many pairs of yes friendly curloun ryniputhetlc she liflu her hend hlgli who wouldut be proud to be the kweeiheart of brll- llnnt pronilhe he wnsnt the vnledlctorlun that conceited redhalrvd vnllon durretf was thut but muxoiiri rank was hlah mid with hl8 brown mop of rurly hair hu goodly height und his cleur friend ly eyea wiih he not jool to look tj that evenliik after young kliot had cniu out will judge fnrrnh eldest ditukhter bis honor nt a long time lu hllent thought frnnrly three yearn mux on eliot hml immii ithftfimlneh humble worshiper mid ourrett the helfeonfident vulcdlrtorlun had been her devoted admirer lurrett was one whom one would naturally expert to do things and kllot whh a young urn n of brill in nt promise the judge preference inclined to the bitter hut he or nny other would bive to mnke gooil before hed give his little girl to lilm the judge titgtieil thankfully jessa mine would always listen to fo titer a little later when she hhyly suggested that at the end of ftfaxs first school year in marlon hed been given the prtnclpulshlp of marlon- ncademy there would he a wedding the judge hook his head a year is all too short little girl 1et him prove himself jessamine smiled certainly two years if you think best pupa but when mux is a university president well laugh about our caution wont we the marlon school hoord at the end of the year very quietly asked pro fessor kllot to resign it was not that he was not liked his thoughtful con sideration his pentle courteous man ner made friends hut somehow he had failed as the schools principal that summer through the recom mendation of n rolntlve kllot secured the editorship of the lonl paper in the large town of itnmpdin for a year he wrote brilliant editorials and strug gled valiantly to build up the circula tion of the paper but at the end of the year the owner nuked another man to take the editorship then when jessamine with her sla ter and parents flnued for three yeara oforelgn trnvec max understood that he was free when the three years were at an end and he heard the fnrrns were coming home he mnnnsroil nnmehnw to scrap together enough for a ticket to new york his was the flrflt face that jessamine recognized on the pier for an instant her heart bounded nnd despite the old- world wisdom she had gained she had to fight a foolish impulse to lay her head on the shubhy decency of his serge coat and toll him among other things that failure in business ftldnt matter but fulton newtioldt who for lx months had followed in their wake was looking on nnd presently kllot wna forced to step nslde to mnke way for their other frleml strange that maxou kuot should have happened to be in new visrir tbg very day that we landed the judge remarked johsmuiiio said nothing she knew it hadnt just happened- mujr had traveled those 8k miles just for a flight of her well hed hudtt ithd she the day after they reached her home newholdt who was their guest asked her to marry him instead of say lug yes please as sin- had eontempluted and as she knew would delight her father nnd mother she found herself saying very earnest ly nn thank you it wiih tour yeuru before she snw max ngaln und it wus at the county fair ive boon out west be told her sort of knocking about but im doing hoi no bookkeeping work for my cousin now nt tht mills his regular man had to stop awhile because of- 111 health t he spoke cheerfully but his mouth wore a subdued conquered expression that was pathetic hob keeps me very busy but 1 begged off todny to run dowp here on the elitince of suelng some of my old college ftlowls be remarked but jessamine look oil into his wistful pyet und trntiblptecl his words on the chance of seeing you dear on the chun co of hoolnr you i jut thon tlm redhnjro vnledlc tnrlnh nou nuccessful lawyer and nulltjhnn gnjnej 16 epealt tpjeksn mine imty nhout eliot- being a dl-mi- polntuifrmit he remarked when miin had fakin hlmelf off all vmm uml no practicability the wonder be hasnt married and drugged sunn- wo man davn t4to his kind g mrnllv do jessituil lies heflhgrjewjiotvltb nn asiujt ix but she inifrietl rawdrtisjp knhrtt riurvttbowwl ov wamiiithu- til ihittvi ji position to offer u- wwuiib theri- a leuberiiatnrlml elertbro hext yjiy she wtlvuncvil ttntntivelu hesinied lu tetiiwi and thihal ehot vhll who knows fair lad vt the njsxt year maxoil eliot atlu rajr told jessamine h a the liihr k ipolttisastef jt -prt- -sewiiil- riiuutbs tiejfore svv jeacwed psyb t am spare the money to runjover and eev ipsugurhted- governor in december his elect t oh v a sure thlug will you be tiererv heekfled strlfl wistfully 1 ii- tve v promised i think 1 ste lnswereil max uiderstood her embarrassment iind the look of defeat that had tempos rurily rulsed itself settled baclt over hli face- in november jburrett- was elected tovenor of the state judge and mrs furra prepared to give their daughter i very handsome wedding maxnn kllot to be tried by the tatted states court for fraud in the harper pot office these words con- frutiteil jessamine one day when she picked up the paper too hd a perfectly innocent fellow gflh himself in n place to ke technical ly iru illy of crime und liable to the penltentlaiy her cousin will payne remarked looking over her shoulder at her startled cry ive heard aboot it seems a discharged clerks twisted some patters some way so the blame falls nu the postmaster max eliots been adjudged guilty and theyre going to send him to prison jessy payne told her a few days later unless the president par dons him seems his friends are get ting up a petition jessamine fledto her room a lady wishes you to call to see her at once sir a messenger hoy said to ma ion kuot two weeks afterward when he wan going to his room at his hotel after a satisfactory interview with tin- nations chief executive wiihii he went to the address given a figure in a blue traveling suit ran across the room and then jessamine furra was running to him crying soft ly oh max max dear why jessy jessy astonishment trapped him what is the matter oh max i want you she sobbed i wnnl you maxons heart racing with the wild hnppl fipss of her weight against it overcnine him and in spite of himself for an instant his arms went about her and held her tight then he remem bered yon are going to marry governor purrott jessy i tin not going to marry walton dur- rett unless unless you dont want ttifo mo brft i poor max stammered tin a failure im disgraced id he in prison but for the presidents kind ness surely jessy you dont under stand t lo she interrupted its taken this to tell me where my hearts been all tliee yean if theyd sent you to prison und youd have let me i would have married you on the prison steps 1 kirs me max mux kissed her then held her sway from him with a groan oh love i cant i cant let you do it r but she was not listening oh max rite smiled im o glad grand mother left me hr horn and so much of her money its invested safely we can live on the income you you dont have to try to make money you can study and write and and make me happy if you wont go with me and hunt up n minister ill go home and marry the governor and live miserably ever after and max went acton mr joseph oibbons of george town aiient yeteiduy with friends horo miskoh mary mcphertmin and minnie partriiliip of jutlith visit ed acton fiioiuls this week mr and jjir jto j ilaauard were fltjvlooo atillulaiiwnckjittndiy tbvlriddf mr jfrrffeitli v mi ftltjtiiinornita hiflrebot baktoq jvlftih are -guests- or hen- sister mrs ilsobv at knox church mansd rv findjn8 bf- miasejl toftlhst vioeb qr- port artliirr to peada pontb iti ill malurishq liakilj8 tnrt mji d tes ocjewb- m robii mfpherisfe biigertbana darolby nhd iklisses tifiusie- tafl anrio aicdjriar3 visited friends inr toronto ow iicniclii nt nintjairav lrl i- mltvlflbarptlpiiwuiiivswen appointed rt8sisfcarit o tte plldcipal ofoiuco street public school torpnto er salary lit tlio berin- iny of tfif eerin will bo jleck mife bonhott isohe of tbe grndu- ntea of wbom acton continuation school is very proud tieorge muifiicliuk nnd woayl pincliunck two austrinns on par ole took a trip to kitchener a week or so oro without going to chief lnwson for permiatiien they came before h p moore on friday afternoon to answer for delinquen cy both pleaded guilty the line and costs of each aggregated 1100 they will soy please may 1 go next time free press 1 v trl v ikv 7 r tc-i- i milton mrs o h power of toronto is visiting mrs m scott victoria ave mrs r j hare and daughter mias phoebe spent a few days thin week with rev s v and liann at thaiuekford rov w m mckay of knox church loaves today witli his family for their annual vocation at balsam lake he will be hack for tlie last sunday in august landlord kennedy of tlio com mercial hotel is making still fur ther improvements to the exterior of his popular hostelry mis einost crawley daughter of w j c mac i am and neice of mrs noil mckechnie milton died on tuesday at her homo 212 weston road toronto her cou sins mm john coxe and mr and mrs stuart b robertson attend ed the funeral on friday a motoring party from kitohen- or got stalled on the cpr cross ing on martin street last sunday and before they could got the oar started a doubleheader freight train camo along and crashed into it smashing it to pieces the oc cupants however had all alighted from the car and escaped injury reformer r b anderson arrived home on saturday he and his brother jauion of acton went to uartney man on account of tlio illnese of their brother joseph and arrived there before his death on the 18th inat the late joseph anderson lived many years at acton be fore be went west ho was taken ill last fall with hardening of the arteriea sold his farm and moved into the village he loft a widow but no children chamiiioii how much risk to assume first thing to be decided on when one li contemplating an investment the flrat thins for lnveators to do- dil is the amount of risk they can af ford t take with their rands says wiirlda work this will depend on hi imrpoae which they had in mind wiiimi the funds were accumulated apd mi tlio ciindltlonn thut will surround die investment if one is laying up unvliticft to take cure of himself in hla old due la he not rciitly n truatee of tliok rnvlniim rnr the old person he is to he if lie n aitvlnu for hla fnmlly in it not the siune hut if the money la bclnjr nictimulnted with the view uf inking nilvantnao of n business op portunity it is different or if one if i rnie touch with conditions in fl ror mln busineiis i nluht be juutmtl in inlilnir rlk in thut hhtu aiiit wuuld he improper for one lenomnt of cnndl tlona to take the deitreo of rlak that one ik jiibiiiiimi in tuklnic must be large ly ilwliliil by the invoator himself al- llmtinh otbcth of more erperlttnce or liiiliiliiu might help it is the ftrsl polnl mini mlxitiltl he decided how lloyd george keeps pit pew men have ever had to bear such n henvy burden ns the prime minister iiiih hml to curry luring the last three nioiiilm a beneral election a peace ilmfiiince nnd imiustrlal trouble incli would hnve mennt an epoch in the jiiewnr life of n premier how iloex iloyd oenrge manage to keep so licry nnd 117 an interesting light on tills point is- thrown by the fact hint recently mr iloyd george bus kpteinl times trolled into a room oe- iiiplii by his stuff and naked if the kid hucrctnrloh hud nny nmuslng novo i lien lie has picked up borne light lliiniiiiri and gone off to rend it qui- hly for half nn hour or so a a dls- irikiloil from more serious arfnlra idtnlhirgh rcotamnri only real fallura ricnuxc a fellow ha failed once or twloii or n dozen tlmea you dont want in mit him down as a failure till hei iieiu or iq- hi couragetaml thats tbsaniuu thing george hlkiuaer county rate speiinl rnte kqunlized vulue bylaw 428439 levy trafalgar 4003j5 1484 79 4287 h esquesing 3907247 2735072 nelson 2928152 214472 2260678 nawtwoya 1317785 936449 oakvillo 1460516 1022375 burlington l 222314 i7871 873493 oeorjretown 740106 53618 575892 429631 acton 575381 10724 413491 645166 12675795 mi national victory cel to be opened by hrh the prince of wales ml i vil exhibition aug 23 toronto sept 6 british grenadier guards band war memorial paintings sensation of the art world recording every phase of canadian operations overseas war trophies mammoth assemblage of monster guns aeroplanes ami all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by canadian soldiers froth the hun canadas flying circus cola barker and bishop and other world famous acas in aurrendared german pianos whippet tank captured u boat festival of triumph the mk stlnbt u ci sual spiluui m the surrender gl lh cirsnin fle vkh versailles cwluvlclort ardl am auenbts enlijiiila jrsulsai ami a ttw if ttttm lliw l the owartst xhlsiti0i4 of au tlf vvkss mfeaiaiiaife smmimism vjyk wam ii mlm3