papiiiiilis matthews drug store victor records and phono a chimi axiortiikiit of lloconls always on hand or muiii procint promptly imy hocmil yoii wish seciei v- r v- u p- personals local wewsilchis vi hrtviiiyj tivv atorovilo hrlilwlion oiionsoif sittuilitv o i ky fimn fcjwhoivis xj rurxioh of 21st iiiuroltii got umuosi uxcutiiion rules at jacksons hiirliiiiilon i iskiiiiik ilibtnl urcs for huoi to cover the nutri otic fund see juolisoiih window for a hib woili kiul mono saving bar- biiin four koniitions love tho sul- iirilay trout lliis wtik luiid moorohiiuls add if you iiipp ktt into tlio habit of telling the trulli you will llnd it much cukht than lyiutj at last our main st is paved tho job wuh completed last friday it cortainly is a ureal ininrovonionl to oooryotown duriuy llic oloctrical storm last sunday mr s gilmours liouao was struck liy likhtuing no groat damage was done sonlencelo cold storage profit oors might cottosnond with tho terms of imprison mont to which they consign llu peoples food a very successful garden party wifl helil at norviil last eeuing under the aiihpick of the lresbv terian glmwli a good program was rendered the ball giinio between acton and ciorgilown for the lloih ohallengn cup will be replayed on saturday afternoon august floth at ulenwillianik if charged with profiteer ing was heard more froiiuontly in the law courts there is reason to beliovo that profiteers would speed ily come down mr frail iovur of milton is agent for keiotjns burners kero- oas is the greatest coal saver known son advertisement in an other column quebec is dfclared to bo more popular with tourists this year than evor hetore iv rliaps thats because tho proviuio doos not buffer from the prevailing drought hurlington corporation em ployees working on the streets have been workintc for 10 cents an hour and object to do so further they have been offered hfl cents august days are charming august diiyn are cool hut were moing to heed the warning buy your winters coal day classohat brampton busi ness institute begin tuesday sept 1 parents or young people intor- osled are invited to call or write for particulars oflico open from august 2 a michigan jury has decided that mr ford is not an anarchist tho dittornuoo lietwoon mr ford and an anarchist appears to be tho difference beuveon nothing and six cents a number from horo ntehclov tho launching of the war hal- ton at toronto last saturday a banijtiot was liven at tho king edward hotel in honour of thoso presont from halton ons iiuihick aro in great do- inand by farmors near valparaiso ind for tlirehliiug and shipping wheat infected with australian takoall tho grain is so satur ated with foriniildehydo that the workers cannot stand the fumes at a special mooting ol tho council held in jjo hoy dales olllce last monday a by- law was passed for the paving of mill st as far west as market st and as far east as dr nixons olllce thin will add considurablo to tho improve ment of our st roots glons bif day was brought to a close very abruptly last satur- turday afternoon owing to tho heavy rain storm many people received a lhoroligli drenching but still they did not feel a hjt dovynhoarlud lioeause the rain wlis needed pvy much woaro very sorry to announeo tins week tho death of tho infant child of mr and mrs f c bona- than of stowarttown causo of death being diphtheria this is tho second doalli in this family in loss than two wooks tho sym pathy of the wholo community is oxtondod to tlio boroavod paronts mossja t ii l bivmford w j stiuson and rev d anderson of burlington wore appointed high school tiimtaos to servo ono two and tjitoo years respectively hoove cloavoi at tlio meeting of cduuqil iofoiiod lo tho fitfit that biirlfribton jiitd boon made a high sohool difiujol artd tho abovo ill roe won id act with tho tlueo ap mojint f laaiaairt- oarilen forty alutfntj pljiisat giiftlon pjirt jf tfiilljo lipid ift tho hoiqo qf mr iiiikvmimoekiii- loii jo 4tli fine west thiinkuaiouvtjjit eyliihgangihi- irtth an excel lent program will be rcndereif lrj the fax un c6- cainpbclls or chestra and other talent dont miss it admission 25c and 11c w j mrkiiinev chairman liaanoh of the 44 halton the steamer war ualton was launched at the poison ship yards foot of sheibourno street toronto on katiiiday august 10th at 12 noon tho war ualton is so named on account of the splendid record made by tlie county of ualton in the last victory loan this is the lust of the victory loan boats to be so named the others having been tlio war tiiiiiskam- ing war hamilton and war algoma name changed an onler in council has boon passed changing tho name of bur lington bay in hamilton harbour when hamilton mode application to have the name changed the mayor wrote tho provincial au thorities objecting to tho change and tho department promised to do nothing until iturlington was heard from that was tho last heard of it until the announce- niuut appeared in the daily press the government iiiih certainly give the town a raw deal gazette rex thtr wednesday mile a minute kendall with jaok pickford no 1h of the lure of the circus thursday mr logan usa willi tom mix western drama a canadian soonic and a lyons and moran comedy friday pettiooat pilot with vivian martin tho british gaz ette and a big v eomody saturday jtiddle gawno with w s hart tho little widow sennott eomody coming vitagraph spocial with alice joyce the third degree the referedum voter lit a registration board of live members has charge of the votors lists for the coming provincial elections and the referendum judge ijiiiol is tho chairman for this county voters lists which are now in the printers hands will be sent to clerks of municipalities postmasters inouvbers of munici pal councils enumerators and others the time and place for ap peal is announced in another col umn young moil and women who become of age before september fi will have a vote garden party at terra ootta all xooil roods lead to term cotta harden party to bo held on grounds of v g marshall on thursday august hist 1110 a splondid program will be given by will mair comedian janotte marr highland dancer phyllis marr national dancer miss thompson boprano soloist lieut ii cotton bfc will give an ad- dross on fighting in the air and oxperioncob in german prison camp carnpbefl orchestra ad mission 2se and 15e refresh- meht booth on groundst re lf ii cotton chairman one of canada flnettt soldlen brigadier general c 11 mitchell cb cmg d8o who mado tho presentation to the returned sold iers of ward 0 esquosiitg in glen- williams last saturday is one of canadas finest soldiers in addi- to tho honors montionod above ho won on tho imlllc holds of hal and tlio wohtern front tho follow ing dooorations legion of hon our franco order of leopold belgium crown of italy croix do giiierru belgium croix doouiorro italy 111 11 o star he was also chief btalt intelligence ollleer 1st can div can army corps under sir herbert plunier and was in charge of intelligence british tor res in italy with the prince ef wales lioutcol goodwin gib son jr in charge or demobolizn- tionof toronto district aoconi- iiaiiiod briggon mitchell to glen- williams bartleman homatreet a vory tjiiiot but pretty wedding took place at the home of mr and mrs 0 a ilouislroot milton on tuesday august 12tb when in the prusonco of tlio immediate rel atives their only surviving daugh ter laura may was united fn tlio holy bonds of matrimony to james p biutleuiiin of tiiniiilnm the eeromony was porformod by tlio rev a e marshall ba mrs i bakor waterdown cousin of tlio bride sunn bouauso the coro- inony took nlace under an arch tlio room lifilug decorated with goldon glow af tor the foroliiony the guests and bridal pair silt down to tho wedding suppor aftor whioh mi and- mrs bartloinan loft by motor for toronto and oth mr fred uiislon of toronto was in town last wednesday mrs major wood left lit fri- da fr her home in st paul miss lindsay has been paying a i vimii to friends in guclph mrs o t melvu nnd marion iu visiting friends at hand hill miss alice jiceliniui is snciidiim a couple of weeks in itishester mr and mrs j no mioeriuldnnd son visited friends in acum lost week mr wpiskirrow of todniorden is visitinis cku uituwiiatnl vi- hiss jnehie jobnitihivf it wimp- loniislted f rnfk in town evei mia ytceken ijll4 mill alj- ii i wiirrbu spvjnt viillijidav luteruuon itt mrjs utisseys t ilvia gtufjitt wwjbifdio klkv hoip3inijiiwpociviiif illttesp ofjijiiviiiotlier mr antlialis jj oitqale siwyding n few dlijiji wjtli oliripbdsin town misac6rthna wwjglelwpr h f ehiiiemngliiikheii vlsiting aliss dbreei alexandeittt tordillo mrsc barnes and miss arnott of preston ale the guests of mr and mrs fred hurley mrs wrigglosworth and baby winnifrod of ksipiesing biive beon visiting friends in acton mr and mrs a norrington left on tuesday for a holiday at the montoilh liouso muskoka mr thos wriglesworlli of kn- clair wis is visiting ilk the form ers brotbor mr geo wriggles- worth mr and mrs matt telfcr man ger of bank of hamilton blythe are visiting at the formers uiotlio in ksijucsing miss a skirrow and miss howe of todinorden toronlu wore the guests of mr and mrs a j lovans hth line last week mr and mrs ben krwin and family and mr and mr chas er win of rochester are visiting friends in town and vicinity w p chard or lindsay district deputy of tho woodmen of tho world is paying a visit this week to hie local camp hero an increas ing its membership we notice by yesterdays globe that miss amy m donald was successful in passing her kinder garten primary part 1 exuminat- tion at the summer course norm al scliooltoronto mr and mrs j it randall of preston mr and mrs burr lee and mrs downing ofchicago mrs harry mclean of toronto misses watson and jarvis of klniira visit ed at mr and mrs win mcleans the fact that two american aviators fell into tho bands or mexican imndiu in mexico and arc being held fur 5150oo ransom shows that there is more tluin one fall connected with hying over ten thousand dollars in cash prizes and trophies will lie awarded the successful dyers ill the canadian national exhibition aeroplane race from toronto to new york ami rein rn a terrific explosion occurred at kitchener last thursday when 100 gallons of gasoline exploded it was heard tor many miles around two men were killed audi many in jured alao ii felt plant nnd a ava4telyeroydhiilloy1trovea i i i i i l i h belgiums gift i ip canada it is rumoured that iciiernl focb will visit america sometime in tho near futifle men who think money will do everything may be suspected of doing anything formoney by yawning freelj talk is said to come freer now let moil bear this in mind in church when tho parson is preaching the body of melville young who was drowned thiw weeks ago in toronto harbor was found on sunday in the credit river near port credit the potition sent to ottnwn in regard to tho italian oiovanz zo of guelph who was convicted of tlio murder of one his countrymen was ignored the tlovoruor-gen- eral declined to intoifore so gio- vanzzo will hang on friday aug ust 22nd babe vffth 4 armi and leg a girl baby with i arms and 4 logs was bont at st harrys hospital brooklyn last week to mrs mary piotrafeshii brooklyn the extra logs arc attached just abovo the normal ones and the ex ternal arms aro just below the normal ones all 1 ar of tho extra limbs aro of normal sizo anil shape ball boyn are soaroe it is stated that very few of the toronto boll boys who enlisted for active sorvieo aro returning to the hotels which formorly employed tliom prohibition is given as tho rennon of their seoltlng different employliient enquiries in the largo botelfl brought out tho in- mrmiition thai tho boll hops were nearly all new hands and al most all declared that the shut ting off of liquor had knocked the bottom out of the business prior to the autumn of 1110 it is slated theso young men frequently clear ed ton and twelvo dollars a day and a yoarly income of 2000 to 11000 was not uncommon notloe to the public i l hank ny imitiy eiiklomors fur llm pfisl piilrenitge ii is plainly seen tint my inisitusk hnf doubled mviy hik iiioiiiiih sitkit 1 hiihu1 up itilkinthh in 1imgitovvn i rnll more shoes ihnn nay oilier shoe suires in the eouilly il was ililncult lo prorure lla hesl made mill registered oris utf wlioes on the iiuirkut iml the peo ple are tlmlr own judge nij know ihul i ho booln tluty bought fmm me are the host and cheapest and 1 liu only slioes- ihnl will turn water as my inisiorsk has in croilucu so greully i hnvu piirtluoied llto kintr kdward hloek i inn hireliiihtng now niacttiiiory so tlinl i will iimiu hoots to order m sueh low prirui tlinl will lin- lonlsh tha pisoplo of tills llsirlci i hav on liuitd two thousand imiru of the host inaito and will sell ihoin lor an iiutuiiho of 25c on ilia eld prloo my envoimirs aru lecillud nil ovur ontario its ttiouo boots i mnu raimol bo purvlimued m mirh it low prlco kf a a u ji jtwhoro ihoy nro hying i have two pro- fewiqnnl repair map in my shoji t horotoro gooix work is gniarnrputl n ou run sou m lily shop what you will vory milium sua in el her places and that is three military medals bno cross imoiis ribbons anil ono disilngulihud sorvieo nioilnl all won by iny four sons i also have onu of the largest piooso heads in oiuindn cull and sea ham i have n shirk of hourly all nuikos of boots such lis meriiorsoiv v h hnniillon mid wiiiisiiih wo deal in iiollilnir iml fhi liusl j hone sign remarkable fuel lake birr saldmer ud overseaa 1ls kind of fuel helped wiathe war belsflan mukol mikihlnr ery la now in canada to help yon solve your ruel protblslll see this wonderful mvfiu nukol at the canadian na tional exhibition toronto aug 23 to sept 6 nnkol may be seen also at the london and ottaw fairs visit the fair see mdkol burn longer better eloemer and oheaper than ooskl no clinkers little ash mors heat less eash tlu aeroplane race from the canadian national exhibition to now york and return during tho progress of the big fair in august will he the hrst international event bf ilh kind over attempted the idea unbind the contest is to do- niiiiihtiate the commercial fcawihil ilyof iiorial lransortationhot ween toronto and new york nnd inter mediate points write today for freo map of toronto exhibition grounds showlns location of nukol exhibition also get frea litera ture desorlbiuk nvkoav vis it us at the fair wrlto to day for free map and folder the nukol fuel co limited head off 88 bay si toronto offices in hamilton london brautford and kitchener j h lane rtal estate agent georgelowo rrrrrmsj laannffllllpbl h b a r n h i tm ibtiiiiinn lls pkkij ani3 halitons hauoain stork mcphersons honey per lb 22c golden syrup per lb 8c barnhills norval icmnidbi ibimiiiniinjbl n biiiiiiiiiiiirjn mtuuiuj from coast to coast the verdict is the same no shoes wear like the williams if they cost a trifle more than other shoes it is be cause they are actually worth more will last longer and give constant satisfaction t k bumford sole agent greorgfetown georgetown creamery highest market price in cash for your c r am vo will ulso buy your poultry and ekk now wo think you liavo coplldonbo in iisand would nk ybu to onquiio mil nricos bofoio shiiuilntf finythlnu out of town poc tlio aooqmnioilation of fimners wo will bo opon on mnnilfty wednesday ami subuiday niglifcb georgetown creamery co m saxe manager stenographer wanted kxrhrioike hlcnokrnplur wanlotl pliciilioit hint mk ixituiu- ntul mtlary lo li iumrrknttl lo box i ich torjelowii 1071 wanted moulder machine oper ators bench moulders good yneii ban earn 960q percuy steady emiloy- xpent we pay learnert joiantbf apply hairdwlfitre p v taylorforbes gr gtilre ontario auctibn sale i bf t household furniture tlu tinctorsijrtvhl lm beon iihitrjiaetl bv e w hayard iiimlf by piiblir iitklion ulbis tuttulonoc terra cotlaon triday aogtit 8fhh 1010 m 6 ocl6ik the following 1-pt-ea- bedroom kuii ron hod ami spilitkmj hitilo bidintl miitiriskt chtwt of dntwemi kideboardi dining room rbairsj exteimion table h fti upbolhtercd leather eotitll new 2 kitclien tablet tfardm toolni fttiil jark s kitihun ohnlmi ouch bij lcil- clwii ciiplxmrd kilfben mnfe batir 2- bunut coal oil tttovet ouniey oxford 8- dny clock liansriiif lamp lampi uiiti 30 ft oxttmihion ladder mp ladiler and numerous other articles terms cunti hkn pktcii amolioneer property for sale 10 liousob from 8150 up to 0000 aiho iota and naiwlh of land from four to twonty aorow for hale anyono liavinu property for halo writo or plioni 17m coinniihhion lovvost in town thursday iq bargain day wcdi openi from s sum to lo pm v the following prices for bargain day c- ce soup tisj ijiklit foloipd printh hoo for 24o dnrh oolorod printh mqr for 25c uailf eolared prkt 8fc for 283 qirl flabrfclpttv a0fiforvv s f 29o itikbi wtoiib fiunhpjottciaotv t jjiidit oolorod lliunielttu h5c fiii oc linbixtowoliutj 60c for- rvj 4so uniiofn towelling iv tor j l j 28ov hemp towellink 0 for scotch lingering shgo iei 111 for children x plaid cuohkoh li miit tiiirfiew pullpvy kwejuiivij iu- vool hpijltvprjjuilyfpo4 tiii4iwvpmrcyiati 670 jcrt jjadiefeuroy unci brownlinle lloiifje qhfldvehk rftriiw hulwiil liajy irice jjlenvhoivyy hifcefjl boots v u 1- i iil9 425 350 510 j29o 236 vt cart or fipiclitjc12 i ir coaj problem solved kero gas burners uidiniuy coal oil for fuel aro easily installed in any stove or kuruaco and will supply all the heat necohhary for cookink or heating pmpohoh write for particulars and prices iuhi ariango for domanutration fred d dewar sales agent for halton county milton ont hirschorns ladies wear and tailo to ihc ladies ol georgetown and vicinity if you are eonhidorink buyiiik a suit or coat for the pall scnuiin call on iih anil kiive iiioncy wo auo innlje up suitw nntl con ik lo order we make up your own mnterinl if you winli nnd kuiii- antoe perfect hiitikfaction we guarnntee all our kooiik if yon are not kiitilleil with any pur- ciiiikc in our ntoru return hiiiiic unit your money will be cheerfully re funded a hirschorn brooke block georgetown t kou8p fbr sjujb hiickjumin 7 routiim nuvdem vvfni ftutw oij john s7 lhktklioi arranjftm apj- to loiif ioklif quneij street clrjfrtowi 20sit dog lost uefi lu promikoh ol the undent iued on lliurhilay last a brown collie bomail ffoch by name of nnrmy any pernon knowing wherrtibouih ol tuime kindly com municate with 1 1 arold bingham glen williatnti i hone 41 r2 it bread a word to the wives is sufficient after a trial our brown bread will be your bread fresh now and tuesday thursday and saturday morn ings phone 202 gi next door to radial station b v gibbens nnnrkrnr mxlaiys sunshine as we srll this furnace it is xx a guaranteed heating ays- tern when installation is planned by our engineers we deliver exactly what you want comfort in your home if you are going to install ftunace let mcclnryi engineer ahowyou how it should be done they have seventy years of experience to guide them and their services cost you nothing adopt their plan and you are assured of a comfortably heated home and a durable economical heating plant let us tell you more about proposition this 11 a about the little draft man that tumt on ttsa drsfta and fsustea thara automatically for sale by j w kennedy dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dpdge qr can safely calculate the cost of operation in advance he can depend upon consistent continuous and economical daily service the car is light but substantial and particularly good looking it wil1 pay you to purchase a dodge- from j n refbebentative oneill ivrtv f siftlvotf ajlssslr vresslllifs tsri-p- plil boot jaiiiit gofiieuiwi biwirtt tt tt7tttt v ffiziyiw r ytfijfy yk r c v iv j jrf bmtlwasaasabsaiamsailthbap jbhsabsablwntawft jtkltfbt jkllvflsas jastjftclwflitfp nyjrtsjhrrtrrf hfist ml j ff lfl5i llijfifetf 5jvsfisft ww v geobaetown 31 ll si i i m wf j- a rt v