the georgetown pictythiud year of publication qeorgretotni wednesday bvenins ootober 22nd 1919 si 50 per annum or 125 if rld in advance the georgetown herald every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office georgetown onl i contiw0t rates i ftoertjisithfi fipllostleat aii live centi pur ifcae fi clv-siibae- u0ut ituieruoiiwullni chars fur all triiiwlliitiviitlwaiuiil twbiva ituuu liin inobt advertlsbmrut wlthoniapechj 01 rilon will bv iiisuti uiitli forbid t mhajrueil ilaitordllialy i iiauvtiruaferoeu lll pkna oiiojj uulvlhouth viuwuiwrahige j mjuaivgeli ft uouffuct auyertlitemeiitij inilm l lii tte jtlois by mohia vii- li i v 80bsoriptlonrate onvvour ilji rtr llj w 11 liailyaace sui liiobllis sgcentjh n 114 etiuce 7- jlle aiiass- label mli6yn cjia date vow hubhtrlptlon expfre j m moorh publhe 1 i- pattersons at market- ik- sw t georges church rev wm burt l ttw rector reunduy service an follow mauius 11 a m lalveuaoiig 7 p m duuday elcliool v4c a m lit base ment holy communion lat and 3rd huiidava uf uauiii month at 11 a- iu legal 8hilt0n wallbridqe a dale barristers solicitor etc toronto and georgetown ultuts kennedy block l ituy dale hi uiiargu ot onorve- iivvn oimc specials for this week rfiniikiil lmmvhrlcir half per ji stivifrif intw iwjflh i ci i 1 1 ili yft t rx k u w swi luwipli hiju il- juijt i fjoaiat rjftiutmik jlr- vi i uoaliwrtiiil jio ijjf wtowinklnsnl jiit- lb jtiii hiaflt btvf jtoi ii j thick jjfrrinl beef p lii rluiulilty ioiltoilhf boiioifmn fttovytrirlmitif jicr ih rib boil pr lb uhoice iickloi pork tieilb jh hill t por lb lliiinlftitk hioiiu ir ll i j sillmnke per lb r i vonl clioph por lb loin ronnt veal per lb shoulder fount veal shortoninit 1 lb brick 1 hi brick of lard lb pailof xhorteninr h lb pnil of lard t tjflo -cv- isoi 9up- tflas i8- jj5- tri auo vic ioo joo wic me 8i3o llcc 80c 82c 87 h5o 10s m we are making a specialty ot cheese at 33c lb miidical dr joseph maandrew phyaiclan and 8urgon madlcal ultlcar of hualtll diatrlot survaon u x k uuica huui- i to 4 and 1 to i p m phona b8 olucv and kualdauco main titraet south oppomilo preabytarlan cuuruh dental frank r watson dds m o s dantist gaorgatown ont hourm h a m to 5 p ro excil thuntduy afternoon uentiutiy in ull its btanotes ovr bell telephone offfiot f h heath l d8 d ds dentist ollico in itiiie block one door north of unttillm currtuge factory houm u u tn to 6 v m chiropractic no medicine surgery or osteopathy a m neil8en o c urufunto of the palmer the orl- itliiut aciiuoi of chiropractic uaven- tuit lowu u fci a ultluo ovfci uuurlicunw uvuk more coiimuluitloii uiiii spinal antuywia itrttu tuemiluyti thuiuduyu uttd butur- dayti l lu i unil 7 to 8 p ra phone 160a watch our window for specials on saturday w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 the way to make money is to save it and the way to save it is to boy your shoes at rumfords the reason why is that i buy my shoes direct from the factory and i bought them before the price went up you can save from 1 to 3 if you buy your shoes here a pua grant to mo this the htronuhth to do my duty and hitiiln of love to welcome my return x oimii my oyok to nil the worldn bright henut tiiicli me to nuikc thp iiiohi of wliat i earn ritliriuh itoll le bv v bbwtfiiifel oluil oipre tire tnfcki tyitif l atir vh1ihi uidd tjoi lov of tniui kroiviiif- fiioin tlcpdtt jintiiu lwnitld riot jfajil i jtoo i nrjli on- raiotluttfjitmcy not- nirikiiity tlirourlibohljvh ixyy rnywydbs avlapiiliiiw aii4 tpivwl inii ui4ct iiir left nro rcjoilec tbntl eiiiboai iilowk v little sister by r ray baker t h rumf0rd georgetown kopp uiefip4iiontyaptlio joaloiw mrulrhrh whiohblintii jhcr8 jo jrrj that tlijy 1hjhb0ss and make blity u think anotlurit iiout of hiiuiiiohs ih robbing tbom of fortund dnd s11cc6hh through every day and ovary hour that 11ush08 let mo prosh forward jlail to take and give looking at lifo th rough clear not murky glumes and come what inny finding it tiood t live i by edgar a cinest auctioneebs benj petch ltloenaod auotloneer for halton and fool uloliwlllliiiiia ioat ollloo salaa oonduoted aotlufaotorlly and ut rea- aoiiublo ratua order left at tbe uaprgetown herald olfioo will receive imomiit attention milton prentiss nginbkhii and maiiiiskbv httokkrk matoih electric kepitirit ioy bldo toronto j a tracy clerk towneltlu of eaquealtig clerk 3rd divlalon court the leading flra and lite inauranoe oa repreaantad laauer of marrlax lloanaw oihoe mill street weat qeorcatown office hours wednaaday avnd bat- iday aitarnoona w a bailey harness dont forget to drop in and ee our most complete stock of ughj and beavy harness of all kinds also a goodassort ment of wool and fancy dusters for the auto or buggy ah kinds of repairs neatly and promptly done w a bailey main slreel georgetown fcrit is no axorallibb required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically sorooned and ijoodod j iilgii seloot iiump for domostio and threshing purposes smitlilng and cannol ooal k in fact i carry every thing to be onnd in an uptodate coal and wood yaid p john mcdonald c i fim i hope every city arid district will win my flag when edward prince of wales eager bright eyed smiling and sincere arrived in canada in august and when he voiced his great admiration of the wonderful achievements of canadians on ths holds of battle and at home once again we were thrilled with joyous pride he asked concerning canadas reconstruction pre gramme and when he was told of the victory loan 1919 he graciously consented to the use of his coat of arms on a flag which is to be the prise of honour for districts achieving their quota in the loan in dedicating the princes flag at ottawa on labor day his royal highness aid in part it is a great joy to me to be associated with the loan which is the bridge between- war and peace and which is finishing off the job i hope every city and district will win my flag striking and beautiful in design this flag will form not only an unique memento ofvictbry year but a lasting and outstanding souvenir of the visit of his royal highness a visit which will remain as one of the most memorable events in canadas history the reproduction above shows the design of the flag the body is white the edge red in the upper left hand comer is the union jack and in the lower rightjiand corner the prince of wales coat of arms the flag is made in two sire 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet for small cities towns and villages and 7 feet by 13 feet 6 inches for cities of over 10000 population canada has been divided into canvassing districts by the victory loan organization bach city forms one district other districts have been determined according to populatoiu bach of these canvassing districts has been allotted a certain amount in victory bonds to sell to win the princes flag therefore a district has to sell its allotment that is the one and simple condition anticipating that many districts will buy far beyond their allotment the organization decided that for each twentyfive per cent excess of the quota one prince of wales crest be awarded thus the workers in a district doubling its quota will be the proud win ners of four small crests for their honour flag these crests will be sewn to the flag the princes crest fau and winter millinery latest designs now on display at misses claridge parlors up stairs over herald guelpli business college herald bldo guelph ontario yon know all about us our courses method facil ities for placing graduates this year bigger and better than ever fall term now open have yod registered guelph business college a l bouck principal the three ostrich plume coat of arms to every organization with fifty or more employees where seventyfive per cent of the enrollment invests a total of ten per cent of the annual payroll in victory bonds a supplementary prince of wales flag in smaller form 48 inches by 34 inches will be awarded the allotment for each district has been carefully considered and is bated on a conservative estimate of the purchasing power of the district your district can sell its allotment and thus win the princes flag provided each person does his or her share you will gladly do your part and encourage your neighbour to do his remember your purchase may be the one that decides whether or not your district is to be the proud possessor of the princes flag the princes motto is i serve will you also serve imub by- canada victory loan committee in cooporiitton with the minister of finance oitho pomjhlpii 6 canada x this is for you you jtrv inlmenutl in hit hiilt cowl ol living sufposo you itiid lo rvplura your houm oi lie content h of it rind buy ovtrylliinj overajffiin ylu would tuuul uonbltt hs imuh imm- y to do it ii in sthiitltr 1914 kvorythiiitf link ifonti up tim purrliar- tk pwir of tlu ioluir in about 47r ioni- pftriril wit li sopiombfr 1914 hiilulifiif toktk of all kindh hnvt mnrly iloubleili cloihttn u coititf up iviry day boots nnd hhoes furniture luirtniuft car pels vuidr fuel- evmyihiup toiiiw nur fir may dexiroy your entire property anymimile your 100000 no uy today woitt buy lialf what it would dirt yearn atjo so you ittod more itmuraiuo one tliingr in dm world hau not itnttiaitud in iof1 that in lntniriuiio ilu thing you nouil most in nhort what yiu mom uoed ih iu chtfapokl thiujf ou fan buy ivounmion yimi nued the bunt kind of protection too you can linvtt it the iuh contw no more than tho worni phono hie how much morn cover you ristiire ami wu will put il on today or wet will call value vour proporly ami ive yttn tin nocehmftry proleflion r j hynds qanaral inanraatoa agaat pfibne 209 georgetown bran wo imvn a car of western bran to ho dtilivoronvaif onoo if yon iiihn pood of any phone 19b georcetown and feed mil1ls icapilrtam l tr tka moiilar nw- jr yalai froiipen- hnvden ant at tb window of her room and looked oat on a dreaiy drlrtlj day aunday march 80 in one hand aha held a letter which wan xiipuwhttt crumpled a thjouirh sh hud ttarted tp coavect it intijwiiiteiiiperaod hdahoult fyt- lerbfili itwo rotdnnire hiidiniii cilivsraa tloq ijio trta v vrbjuui bifsnejws briudied th window rjjv blida stttirt- eh ouih iftkey were quurreiifiif tn ixclryd clurplap dlmlnliihed ifltos jouitd thut i uvar coolus aa cob w expected ol rowua wpuljb ltbe una tobe ablfat kratirta eishea tlveyrtf alwy happy ii aeemn sha lookedat ihe letter sad wry hltlk aiillle ndpriitd br face vhecallame hlatar sbe niuaed tluita wllat they ull lay when they want to leave you for aoiueone else kittle alater ihuta what he says it nuuiula prelty lint he used to aay llilnitx ihot were prettier she stood up and made a motion at ilmukli to throw the letter in uw uuatvbnakel ut changed her mind ugh in mid placed it in a drawer of tbe dreiwer then alie stood before the uilrror and lurveyed herself critically for hevmiui luoiticnta the perunn vuc teased back at prnncea from tlio glasi waai arllv beautiful but there was aom thlni about lier that would not permit her to pass unnoticed in a crowd tnt eyes were juat common ejaa that is there were no special arches to tl hrowa and the long graceful lashea that are considered to desirable were not there there was a lot of good wholesome blue in the fm which could aot ke discounted la an inven tory ot attractive points the naae was inclined to be pus which gave the face a kind of sancy look and the hnlr was nearly atrlnary being of a rusty due but there waa plenty of it and it was done up at- tructlrety if not op to the minute in my la the teeth were the principal utractlon of krancea haydena coun tenanced when ahe smiled even the lenst bit they showed dasxllng white and even and the smile was about u sweet us any girl could hops to offer but frances waa unhappy she hail long suspected that melville clark hail ceased to care for her in the way lie once had cared but she told herself it waa hardly unexpected despite the proteatutloua melville had made when he left glandule two years ago that he would never care for another girl ami i but he wus coming buck some bright xiiniiy day to make her mra clark sbe remembered the apprehensions alio had onteitulneil at that time re- jjnrdlos of his earnest words that he would come acron someone elae in che blc city however melville had writ ten alcuillly for a year sad in every letter hud reiterated his intent lorn luirlng the next year however she could not help noticing that his letters ulluded more and more te friendship unil leas in love finally they dropped off altogether until for a period of five mom ha nonecnuie at all krunces went about her ateno- gruphlc dutlea in the real estate office with the ueual smile and the aaiiie ra pacity for work that she had always displayed but when she got home at night she often shut herself in hsr room and thought bard and sotuetlmag cried s little frsnces had given her heart to mel ville wbea hs want to the city to tuaki a name for himself and a few coins for his pocket it was a hard and rocky road as hla letters showed during that first year and then his cotnmunlca- tlons began lo tske on a more hopeful tone things are coming slowly but surely he would write frsnces hoped in vain that melville would return liouio for a visit he had said he would come for her when he made good but now when he was mnklni good there was no men tion of the visit than came this ut ter referring to her as little sister in which he told her that he bad st last attained the object he had sought he was a auccesaful stockbroker wltb an office of bis own and a neat sum id bank but never a mention of coming to qlendale did tbe letter contain later in the day tho stin chased the clouda away und warmed ths earth again and frances went for a walk maybe this is the bright sunny day he referred to she ssld ss she threaded her wsy through ths village and she laughed with a tinge of wist- fulness when she recalled the little sister psasugea of the eplntle rum melville at tbe edge of qlendale was a wood en bridge which apanned a silent little brook wending its way through the valley with many twists and turns foliage wsb beginning to adorn the nu merous trees on either side of the stream which looked delightfully re freshing francos leaned over the railing and looked into a miniature whirlpool created by a bend wtalcb formed a pool just above the bridge a fish comlni up to dine on an esrly bag left sprenillng circles in the wuter and it caused something like a sob in frances throat she had seen that nine thing happen perhspa it waa the same fish when sbe and melville stood looking over tbat same rslllna of thnt same bridge on the ssmr kind of day two yours ago it was the day in which ho naked her to marry film a purlng xound along the rosrl hume her look up the slope sod see mi automobile approaching the brldgo unil tho village in the car was mel ville clark on his way to jenion pity ia miles distant to deliver a propbaal of marriage to julia armstrong daughter of benjamin armstrong the wealthy importer who lived in tbe sumo city where melville bad made gond in the financial world melville had decided to marry julia not bscauie ot love but because sbe would get a dewry that would increase his little fortons at least thrssfsld a taste of rlebss hd made him banjr formere wd de hadrmt ow dtaiby hiieimil reiinlre nud he could see hun her pureuth did not object when julia went away for a week us the kuei of honor ut u bouse party n jeiisnn city und invited melvule to join her sunday he had decided it was hie opportune time to make hla pro posal he uroae sunday morning when the watch under hla pillow told hlra it was eight oclock picking up a titnetalrie he otaae sure that the truh tot stpton- city left it t and tbev he amhdhesi tiaw fhaf doe tor hripbrodlt went exactly- n hour later v- the smile was occasioned by the feuilzujion that hlsbld bpme town was on the pembreok line and because he jind never boe bscsrior visit tran- baydsn old not enter hlf thoughts fbey wre bnav wit mere important tjiatters frbesi melrnjtj arrived at the istallps ha had flve aunates according to his atch and a train wu standing on the track it wis a branch atetlop and he did usr have re shew s ticket stiliegata it was only after he had been riding half anjhenr tupthe dls- v covered- he was ton the wrong train that was whentue conductor came cot take up hla ticket your train lejftan hour before this one ealdlhe ofllelar yon most have forgotten to set your watch ahead shall i let yos off st the neat station r can you seat thatr melville ex claimed la vexation i forgot this was the day the daylightsaving law went into effect be thought swiftly ill get off st qlendale he tola sbe conductor i eaa get an antoasebtto to take ass to jensen city its b 1ft- tnlle trip as the car approached tbe little bridge and melville discerned the girl stsndlng there a strange feeling came over him the memory of that day t orsafe flashed across bis salad and it made b ue with mingled sadness and pleasure stop a minute be ordered the driver stop right on tbe bridge i used to live here and i want to glance things over the machine paused on the bridge and melvilles eyes met those of fran- cea there was alienee broken only by the shagging of the motor a mo- meet later melville was out of the car and clasping francos in his arms he stood off and looked at her yea ahe was tbe same girl there was the reddish hair the sincere whole some blue eyea and the flashing fas cinating teeth by george i ton look good fran ces i he ssld and he meaut it in the two years he bad been weaned frem the influence of ihnt smile nnd thse eyes but sow he was back in thalr power again you mean little slaterr she aid aomewhst mischievously bung the utile sister he ejacu lated lets go down to the little nook on tbe bank of the river and talk tt over then to the chauffeur move ahead and wait bealde tbe road ill be back soon the driver did as directed the sun was rather hot and he pulled hla cap over hla face the air made him drowsy and he curled up on the seat in a few minutes he was sleeping an hour later the chuuffe r waa awakened by a poke in the ribs how mush do i owe your asked melville ive decided net to go 01 to jenaoa city im going to stay right here for a week itlsnd in the air three miles south of the mesa bta- cantindemn mexico is a splendid speci men of fsntaetlc erosion an island in the nlr a rock with overhanging aldea nearly 400 feet high and to acres in area on the fnlrly level top indented with countless bays notched with dlsay chasme the greater oart of tbe island overhangs the sea like n huge mushroom and on the top atnnds a town which for artistic charm eth nological interest and romantic his tory has no peer this little town of ancouin te one of the prehistoric pueblo architecture it was only with inconceivable labor this island town in the air wus built it was reached by a mere trail up the stem of the mushroom the nge of the lalnnd is not known except that it was already old in 1510 fly modal plsneo with the wind as regsrds the dying of a model ilanexthsrleginner lias much to learn writes william maclean in tho every day engineering inngnslne it should always bs remembered thnt while it occurs to the average person that a model should be flown into the wind this in reality la not tbe case a model should always be flovn wltb the wind another point to remember is that a scale or reproduction model can never be s long distance flyer as are type of stick models further a re production model must necessarily have a propeller or tractor sbrew out of proportion ss a screw to scale is not capaaltof delivering the neces sary threat ta fly a model wbicb must necessarily be too beavy for the thrust developed i iv tftiitw a- im j vjt3 1 v-v- v vai vssfl r visi cubsa neglected resources though an agricultural stale there are important brunches of agriculture that are all tint wanting in cuba thus cereals are not rained on a in rife scale the hay crop is unimportant and lurge quantities of flour potatoes tneuts litinua ctmrntt good iipidex and oilier agricultural products are lin- ported tlinttgli many entile are ralbed on the islnnd the dairy industry is ns yet unilovelopett unil lunch milk liultor and cheese are brought from til untteil utahs anil other countries the ni nil population liiruoly eugagnd on the griiil sngiir plunlnllons is es- kintlnllv different from mi iifilcultural mule of the inlleil states 1 psffl ill at i peace perfec peace yob wo have poaco but vo vflll uovorhavo perfect pence until we havo paid its prices canada iiiib hunilrods of millions yet to pay lioforo penoo is with tin thia yoar victory loan will tnko tho loiul of war bills off our hncktt and give ua a lift into nionpoious futnio tho loan in the prioo of porfoct ponoo it- talto oaio of tlio iiennios while young and tfivo noiiio follow a oha- ncn to biinoo you out of tlio dollars wlien you are old i j mtvt v vi wsv 4 ah fkr