w s t the georgetown herald wednesjav lilv oct 29tli 110 latest type ol tonrisl cars ou of tfce features in ca national juu dau sarviee torontowlnxupearvanosniter tiip canadian national daily transcontinental train toronto- winnipegvanconvor made ita in itial trip from tvpe of steel tourist cars as part of its equipment the flrstof an order of twdnty hh4i 1 oars i whose eonajsriictjon tverv oint iiis jjeiv fcojibidniicdffo tlin aajfy and oftwrt ofjiassorfges this rnodorri typq of tourret ar with antitolescppiodevicois of sum- lar design to tho atundttrd sleeping coabb wie exception beinrt they ire iuplfolstoredio ltlic- instfead v jmekricfrl y i istie throughouf al berths tipper tinl ldwy are ifvidea ithbeiiji a ttow feature fortbisplkhsof oat islftt lainpts have benjnstalle4 oder the peats in the aisioottjio car so that wlientbe carting tamps are turned out rpraheniguuiubt may be provided under bjsrlli- cnrrtjti a groat ooqyenrence for pahsepgers when goirigthfoiigbtliopav phosphorous push buttons rianbo readily seen in the dark should tho passenger require to switch on the light or ring the boll when the berth is in darkness a safety feature introduced iaade- vice for holding down the upper berth which precludes any possibil ity of the upper berth closing when in vise separate berth curtain are provided so that passengers in the upper berths will not disturb pas sengers in the lower the kitohen has the latest steel range facilities for washing dishes and lookers enable passengers to store their food lavatories have received special attention and pro vide greator conveniences than the older type an electric thermos tatic heating control can be so ad justed as to regulate the temper ature of the car thus preventing overheating thus with the introduction of the daily service of canadian national lines between toronto- winuipeg- vancouver is the added convenience of the very latest typo of tourist cars for secondclass passengors who can enjoy a trans continental trip in every comfort at minimum expense no best month time of birth has little to with genius do a the 6000 chimney at the dale estate heating plant in brampton was finished last week it is 17p feet above the ground and carries a sign in white brick on the red horizontally dales 1500 cans of sweet milk wanted hlghmt market price pid by kc- 1 im jj your milk to me you always train you dont lotto any time in regard lo shipping mi all you do is bring milk to me and return with unmo cans therefore lliu feed for pijjh is very high will give 95 per cent of the hwill absol utely free ho you will always be an safe side if you cell your milk to me call and aee me jnmifh longo term cottn cheeae auction sale farm stock implements etc tho undersigned had raiolvtul iuslriic- tlnns from joiiah towmbend to sell by publicuctuwi ut lot 26 cnn 1 1 esquosine mile from terra colla on wednesday november ota 1919 at 1 oclock sharp the following- morskh bay home 5 yn iidi ray mare iifred hfi spring roll hdt sor- rel mare driver 5 yrs cirey tnaro driver 5 yrs cattlk 30 head choice holstoin dairy cowbi 20 holstein heifers 2 and 3 yrs old all in calf 6 steers ris 1 yrs hons 5 broods sows impibmrnts mh grain binder 8 ft ciltt new mh hay tedderi disc harrow oliver single riding plow sulky verity glow side rake mh 15 disc seed drill arrel sprayer rubber tire bukiryi climax b cutting box no 1 cockshult manure spreader and many articles ton numorous to mention terms 10 anil under cash over that amount 9 months credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent per annum off for cash rfn petch auctioneer 8tstlstlci show trot nature practical ly plays no faveritm in her production of the qlftsd onaa of the earth atrilitij bvllevr that the plmieta ivll lllll nl lltf lime t lllrlh v- in li- ilirouicliniit hl rmu ii lliiriry point f vl wrliiln months urr more favnralile thun others in wlilcli to be born i4kli the bunilrvil lies british writer lpuiij of- chiucer do iessjfluiti foitjfelitit ivety horii lii tlt foqr injiutbil february mb autf list mil noveuihaw lu t boru clmrlcs l-flck- ana jpys tndlartst and tmojpias moore while uf- ioo modem date auj fanik nr leonf- mernmdi tarsal zaugwul aothouy hiipi tlairliiqd alnsworui ahd wukle cpuif vfiffi tud aodntttttotjchrti jn milrarfais nivyiilng ijins- ltij mic- buhvit- jyijoii jtimuhvm hrtriu jerojue k- i it hlr juoits m harrje anihntrmwristo w thelilrthitwijiiu uvphtrforinrtiiit tiiudrth vver ssiri irydetii llerrlcilt sciitij shmmji souili- eyutid iennvsnti avluirvnty nuvrtnlur is an unlucky iiiuiilli fur llriiry jhupje for iifimjiii thusp wlii wer4mirirln novwiiher ore thuiiuiluitta wli in dlnsppoliit- invlil ului poviriy riiiiiinllteil suklil- ut ilkhwu wllllniu twhr who auf- rvnd from iiitliiiiilinllti and milolilal iiiiiiiiii nnrl hnullv illvil iiihuiii oliver oipiiuiiiiiii cuutliiuiilly in prison rr ileln luliii nunyiiii uho spent i- ywirs in prison thereby aelvlnic us iii- iliiis rnikrimst swift sulijecl n fllx ui iiiiiiii unil iiiiiiiiiiiii died liisuue ituheri houls hievenaiil suffered friuu ulimisi roniliiiiul llllieullll ami 4 ut rurtyroitr su hindi rr the favored innnihs or iln itjitk jununry auw the birth uf ilnlilile burns ityrim and lwla rnrnil uuthor of alice in wonder- luiiil who was also u famous mathe- iiuil iiiii ii mnrili tvus the lilrtlnuonth of smol lett mill kleele hh also of blltabetb uuirett llrciwnliik in april born tbe greatest ireiiluk the kngllsh languse ha kuiiwn william shakespmtre while aniuiik other born in thla month were wurdswortli keble heber swinburne and herbert charlotte bronte and anthony trollope were also born in this month june is not a very good month charles reade and charles kinguley being t lie only two writers jiily gave ua thackeray and george bernard shaw and those interested in astrology may mid a resemblance between the two autlrlsta september and october were both pour months mrs heiiuinu and h u wells iisiiik burn in septetnlier and coleridge keats anil sheridan iii oc tober finally milton iruy and matthew arnold were imrn in december as were hlsn june austin and cnrlyle so there is hope tor umst people is far us lilriliinoiitlih ure cnucerned has new idea in sculpture tennessee girl usee dried apple fashion her modela of the hu man form divine to oown iii klloxvllle tenn uvea tlm iiahel million i hnx cranleil new ami distinct uri ii lie brier she bus iimiiimmi rleil apple sculpture iflth reltiiirkllhle reiillli lor veur- ll mllllnn iiiik been iii- ten ited 111 the vil types of in- tnliieeri trhii iinie ilowii to lir fu- tilers store to trtide i1tiln iirtlitlc iiblllty ulte tried a kimm ninny times to model their quaint unil vieiitli heaten hicea hy the cuiveitioniil nielli- ods of hciilinire hut ilie results did nut surlsfy her one evening vlille ciittlliv tipples toiltv fhilll for the fu titre sliesiilokeil 1 t ilec of- pn- tail9is1wlapnvffnil neii fhjilrla ingyesijiutjloiine iharliltfet fice- of th luhttal bltlerf- tiuutu4i1prij whrim she wui etitliuvnrlitk fo jior- tray taking np ii sharp rulfiyiihe llit n little cutting i jt tu- taiihlimt flie jrflnkled apple irrtli a liuiimn fce the 0ufconh vaw miikt successful sbs wiw possiwiitlea jb- jwb tiewjydlhrtrtervii art- apd jn sjet io woraesperltheij- ing jn ilrj apple syuipaiiv lte- by little -sh- became qitlteexpejt in qjaklag dolls whose heads ore jihlfply idfled apnles cleverly eiit before tney- are dried mim mlllton has found a ashsfo- tbry prejeryatlvo tjtlth which lu var- nlshes the drier apple heads mien they have reached the desired state inf dry- hens the costumes and acceftsmrtea are carefollv copied from life v in deed miss pillion always jia wi particular person in mind when she evolve a little doll with a dried ap ple face 43 ii for canada v- home of famous orators this is for you you are interested in the high cost ol living suppose you had to replace your house or the contents of it and buy everything overagaln you would need double ns much mon ey to do it a in september 1914 everything has gone up the puri-luis- log power of the dollar is iilioul 47r coin pared with september 1914 building costs of all kinds havo nearly doubled clothing is going up every day boots aqd shoes furniture curtains car pet food fuel everything costs more fire may destroy your entire property anyminule your 100000 policy today wont buy half what it would three years ago so you need more insurance r one thing in t ho world lias not increased vlncoafhnat is insurance tho thing you neediest- j ln you most need is the cheapest thing you can buy protection you need jhe best kind of protection 00 vou can have it tim best costs hompro ihinlheworst j v phone nie liow much more cover you require and wo will put i reproducing th talmud one nr the circumstances due to the war is thnt it him been found nec essary to roproiluce the plate for printing the hebrew talmud orlg- liuilly pioilihil in the town of wll- na ittimsln itiii tills city was cap tured hy ueritiniiy the electrotypes of the tiilnmd it is iviurled wtre uxed fur iiniiiiiinliloii to reset the work in llelneir would take years with an urdliihry outnt it wiis foiiuil necessary that th plates should lie iiimle by photoengrav ing aucl this wutk is now belug done in montreal under the auspices of the union of orihiiiliix itubbls of the unit ed states mid cnniitta the talmud mwrrnilus 9000 pages g by 14 and it is ulvlilil into 18 volumes the firm volume is finished and th second is in print nmv it is estimated thai it will hike nli mt two years be fore the work is completed army animal bought abroad not nil of the animals used by the united states expeditionary forces la oversonf service wtrt taken from this conn try more hum twice a many were honiilit nliimul ta total num ber of iiiiliiiultiurilinsed overseas to tniinnry 11 1011 is 112886 pur- clnikis uf linie in im nee amounted tu mnftls in kpnln lnsl and in oreni itiliiiln 11wi8 the value of ptirilinueii in ivimce tva s4h122os4 in rpiiln sstilihi and oreat britain s1h1it11 uf n inlal value of s40- tlsmliin ror lol hnrse purchuaed oversell the tnlnl tiitmhor of mules pnrclinmcd nveileiis amnunted to 20- ow with n value or 1111ft8it there were 014i iiitihniilil at f28in028 purehnavd in imi lj041 niujes willi n viilne nr x 11111116 purchnwed in rimini unil i7tt miles vnliieil nt s2ihnita1 iiiinluimil in irenl britain mlnnt man who havs occupied th pulpit of spurgaon tabr- naola london kngland commenting on dr a 0 dixons resignation of the pastorate of the metropolitan tabernacle london which will probably be knowp to the end of time a spurgeons tabernacle a writer in the london christian world refers to some of the eminent men who have occupied that pulpit in the past benjamin reach john gui john rlp- pnn and other and gives the follow ing interesting incident coming to more recent days it is just thirty year ago since trustee of the tabernacle spoke to bpnrgenn shoot an american preacher named dixon who had spoken a the worlds 8undaychool convention spurgeon at one invited him to speak at the tabernacle it i interesting to recall the fact that they might easily have been associated long aefnre dr dixons father who sus tained pastorate of nearly 80 years in a church in a wood in front of which he is burled thought spurgeon was the greatest preacher since paul he longed for his son to hsve a course of stndy at spurgeon college young dixon sent in his application spur geons reply was my dear sir yon can and institutions in your own coun try better adapted to your case pleaae accept this as final of coora it wa in that way that the great preacher tested the persistence of his candidates a o dixon took htm at his word and never applied again he was howerer destined to more than fulfill hla fa ther desires and following men ilk spurgeon and a g brown he has thoroughly maintained the tabernacles great traditions cctnadiana thi is a t to national service thi victory loan 191 v which opink todai j vv of- no meanvqriuntrys r iganadais a fe free jand- canqta is your country canada nowhas need to borrow from you lend lnd without festraint of politics or fine distinctions of creed orparty r the leaders of the political parties endorse the loan it is canada that asks and why to clean up the last of the wars commitments and expenses to establish beyond all question the capacity and credit of your country to care for the wounded and maimed soldier to finance the bonus of the returned soldier already paid to enable the fruits of victory to be garnered to ensure the prosperity of you her citizens the guns of war are silent but they are not yet cool the victory loan 1919 is a war loan canadas book of war is gloriously written make this the closing chapter worthy one the responsibility is yours lend i r 617 lend lead st offictml pmfrtdtu on anolhtr pag ftttud by canadas victory lean commit in rcopmitisn witk th mmixtn- of imim of i4 dominion qf canada use of metal in th war a german expert has been compil ing some statistic of the use of metal in the war he says that if the iron and steel used by germany alone in 45 month of war were forged into a ring whlcb went round the equator each meter wonld weigh 80 hundred weight if the man of metal were made into wall along the battle fronts or 2a00 miles a yard high and a yard thick each yard would weigh 200 hundredweight germany sent to the front every week more gun than were used in th whole of the francoprussian war twentyfour hours consumed more than did the whole of the earlier war the moral he draws 1 that such thing were only possible because germany had bean wise enough before the war to con quer the worlds markets and oust her enemies jriijvwll wllvlue yourproperly and pive stif ypu tllsncesry protection sisyi p ihv 7 x afiw i 0hrisr gpeoial nival uniforms riilfiirni luivlmr iintltietlve inslcnln time been itcslmiil liy the shipping luinrd for the yniinif apprentices now in irtilnlnir at the eniliuis uchnnl ships an onilhulileiiil lunlinr under the im- tlnnnl alilelil uurkci into the clcith of the mouse pocket and two liroiit white stripes mi cullnr anil cuff in stead of three narrow oiioh iih worn liy i hu navy will cniistliule the inslicnlii hy which one tuny discriminate be tween the men nf the merchunt inn- cine nnd rosenrnllfij tlmsii worn liy li regular men of the navy microbe in our clethn apropos of the liability of demob ilized loldler to contract colds a soon a they get into civlet a cor respondent suggests that probably trie civilian clothe are the cause whith er they be warmer than tbe uniform or not sir brnest shackletoo had something to say about thla matter on hi return from the antarctic not withstanding tbe intensely low temper atures and almost incessant blisaard experienced cold were quite unknown until a bale of clothing brought from england waa opened tbe next- day there was an epidemic of cold in th party nnd sir ernests explanation wa thnt the trouble was caused by microbes that bad been hibernating as it were in the closely packed clothing ct0ry longer british strike the longest strike whlcb britain ha experienced wa that which broke oat ut lord penrhyns slate quarries at lletheada in october 1900 nd lasted until november 1008 during these three years more than one and onehalf million dollurs was lust in waie alone and whereas at the beginning britain imported no slate at tbe end ships were hiking more than 1200 tuns of foreign slnte a week to british niurkrti what shape is a horn did you vor hoar of n horn or a miignphono hint was square do yon know why they never send wntor through n sujunre pipo eyory plionomiaph or talking machine lias a imrn imt they call them ainplillerx thoy uro ronlly the tiiouaphonph of thetimfhine it in thoirdtily to round mil tho tone nnd send it to the lintiiicm tfow what xhape do yon think this liorn hiioiiui ho touiv hi uoat tono and what do yon think it should ho matin of- rphonant vibrat ing motnl or wood built on tho violin printtpln before yon buy a ihououinih lliul out the shape of llin limn and what it is made of one of the socrou of lli hrmmwicks wondoifnl tone on all too- ordff is the exclusive piitentod ovaij tono chamber and throat bltilt entirely of wood lilio a fine violin it nntnally deb eliminate all haihhnehm all the stridency and that tinny timber that we linvo always thought a noeeksaty evil of the old style talking machines all wo nak in that you use your own oars your own judrrntinfc- see thin wonderful improvement with your own eyes coin pine it with any thing you like at any price von cannot afford to make a miatako and it eosu yon nothing to be sure wo invito yon to eomo in and boar the new 13d i boo diamond disc iooor in playod on tbe brunsiwlek mason risch pianos bell pianos singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king next door to iiivinkrtnnnh brtkoryo main street greorgetown eveni daty in ihg week volers list 1919 village of oicougktown notice is horeby given that i have 1 ran- smitled or dolivereato the persons itiari tioned in suction 9 of the ontario voter lists act the copies required by the said section lo be so transmitted or delivered i of it ii nmde in pursuant lo said act of bout materia do all persons appearing by the last reviled lionoy and i will assessment itoll of the said municipality etion wo mend lo be vote in the said munlcf- just loave it to mo i will allow tho imblio that i am bnoking up what i advert i ro if i didnt bow could i have three hhoomakors at work getting all they can do bo- oaiibo i ti80 tbe tho job for less money gimrantoo8atlbfaction wo mend rubbers of airwnds and can mate lexsbfy zttjlm now boots what ogives me the advantao is that i buy only the best and buy from factory to feet- if yon want a good uris calf water proof beaver brand mopberson bitot you can buy only from ma in goorgatown wocn modal ok willilflns or wbhbdpb pall on ino and uavo from 1 bo 2 dolltiig on a paiv lots of boys booth fronr4donp andirenafrjog whlle you wait j boriey otiff pepplos family sboraap ilgn of thi gold boot ashombly and at snl klectlonsi and that the said list was rst posted tip in my office at georgetown oil the 1 8th day octobor 1919 and re- inuins there for inspection and 1 hereby call upon voters to tlilce immediate proourdlngs tolmve any errors loromlsslon corroded accoaling to law u heath clerk dated at qoorgptown this 1 7th day of octoher 1919 isttjiter paper at thus herald its no pleasure to carry a watch if it does not keep perfect time we are expert watch adjusters and guarantee our work to be satisfactory sun iwom tub wedl thu 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 toronto toronixwancomev both ways all the latest and best in watches circles jewelery etc at right prices ia aatmsnolnf iufjwf ootobek th luting toronto union station 915 pm daily most modern equipment standard sleeping dining tourist and colonist cart flratolass day coohs parlor oar through the rookies sunday monday wednesday friday 0nadlan nation all tha wy tie eta tuesday thursday saturday erth lay ooohrana snd oanadlan national toronto winnipcs csmpaitmastomniu ulirary cars oeneral passinom departmint toronto t canadian national railuuaij 5 a b fall and winter millinery latest designs now bnjdipplky at missis claridgef parlpri up tbiri over herild highest market price for all kinds of grain dolivoroil ut our olovntoix at ooorgetown and aeton we have choice timothy seed at cloae prices i we are making applebarrels at norvnl astual robert noble limited ndrval ontario ul j i y 4 t l c aat5 i wm mmi