Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 12, 1919, p. 4

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bgsww l ta- fc if the georgetown herald wednesjuv kvgnov 12th 11 m- s fe- hlh itoval uuiiinkhh ulc prince of wales appears to have been in a purlieu luil happy mood in lii farewell remarks to the people of ontario delivered at memorable ujitlierink in toronto lata week iris words will live in meitiory for a long long time lor tliey revealed it character devoid of ppduntry yet filled with a broad nod touching pride in the position lie holds and tlie empire lie will sonic day govern the prinna touched a popular chord when he declared that the dominions were no longer colon iea but sister nations of tho jtfit- ub nation twirlrui to ieiiiuili ifrfthin the finipitv wsltonf u iiit efciowu by eeniuon itlleimico to the kins hhtiei put wasnt it but still liwriti it canadian sense jxtith his declartui6u that is lb4 reuson yvlijl- if ffaay he porsouo fori monientv i do not regard my- self as beloiikihgiliiibaiilr tqgjeat bwtitinwiuoalvin ft lesser wty odiuida and the oiilwy jdqinjijiionsv on toe contrary rjbgard myself as belonging to great britaipnl to canada ib cxaotiy tlieaiuo way tbis also means that vhenikq down to tutfunitea states- nct weiek i wiqll regard riiysli aflan eoglislhirtiii and as a britisher but hjso its a canadian and li ropre- wentattve of the whojle empire- no wonder suoh a declaration brought anveriiik salvo of up plause and no wonder that his highness is the prince of princes in the estimation of those who bave seen him canadians recipro cate all the kindly things said by our future king whose visit can not fail to strengthen canadas at tachment to the empire and its af fection for the reigning house fjfo reeommeadmtioai j j morrison secretary of the ufo thus recoin mends the vic tory loan to ontario farmers if the farmers of the country lire tn receive good prices with a ready market for their products it in allimportant that there should be an oyer subscription then in addition there is the fact that the loan affords a good investment almost double the rate of interest obtainable at any of the banks on deposits with the whole of canada as security hod and gull the november isuue of rod and dun published by w j taylor ijimited at woodstock ont keeps big game hunting storios to the fore a caribou hunt in resti- goucbe county by henry duncan chifcholm days of heal sport in algoimi p v williams thrilling story with cover cut to illustrate of the gun that would shoot a mile the konnell and trap departments will all be found up to the usual standard with much to interest their various followers by-lawno- a bylaw to aid smith sc stoke xiuited by exempting their proper ty from taxation and providing them with water free of charge for a period of ten years and to authorise the council of this corpor ation o enter into av s agreement wth ite aacid company fox that pur- pose whkkeafcthe fwncm of the or- portmloiof j lie vrhutfe of oebrtrowii jeems it tlewlnible fo juid sjrflth sto mj 1ami tbi f 7 j- ojro m ptln e thy mv ftoftv ttiiatlffi uthirptiiag them wtth -freeafti- hpflj tli6 iejrfii uilw cohmqitnbvt- forfliln fhiugrqmwrt ufeihttftorrocttrj to wklfth fiiriys p ani svheilbas tho of ttlo inknblfe inoprly f hie lyiunlcl iui coppaiwn of tho vlllafirp jorketowji according- to thq ttutt viueu uuteatkhjuqjic roll is f k149q0 and whekka th9 amoupt oi tho whole debenture dlit of the sal 3 por- poratlon ailiotinta tothe sunvof60- 80762 xciuhivc of local improve ment tlobts uiid io irrtlon of tho principal or interest ts in arrears now therefore the municipal corporation of the village of george town enacts aa rotlowa 1 tho corporation of tho village of georgetown muy make and enter into an agreement with smith stone limited an hereinafter set forth and form a port of this byluw and the reeve unci clerk of tho said municipality arc lioreby instructed and authorised to sign and execute the said agrooiuenl and the clerk of the corporation in hereby instructed and authorized to urflic the corporate heal to the said agreement 2 upon tho wild company comply ing with the terms of the said agree ment nnd subject to tho terms and conditions thereof for a period of ten yuars from january 1 at 19 20 the companys lands and premises de scribed in tho said agreement shall bo entirety exempt from all municipal taxation by the mul corporation eith er in respect of the suid lands or any part thereof or any improvements now or hereafter to be made or erected thereon for the purposes of the said buslnosu but not for dwelling house or residential purposes or in respect of any business which may he carried on upon the said jnnils in pursuance of tho wild agrecmont or in respect of any income but the company shall not bo exempt from nchool rates or local improvement rates und during tho said period the corporation shall free of nil charge to the company hiipply tho company with 76000 gal lons of water monthly and every month from the corporations water supply provided however that the company shall novo no claim whatso ever against tho corporation for dam- tlie water supply when huch dulcion cy is caused by any breakage in wat elwork system or from any other cause beyond the control of the or purutlou and provided further tho said corporation roffurvh the right to slint off the tmpply of water to the ma lil toutpuny in common with all other water users of oio municipality of tho said corporation lfin it ih-coh- sary for fire prolculion otherwise but any breitkuk will lnrulrl diligent ly forthwith s this bylaw in tho event of tho uiutcmt of the ilottorm hctfig obtained thereto shall take effect from the final passing ami riitlfinlloii thereof tl this f kffvi 4 the company shall liavo the right to whut down tho ractorv for two weeks during ench ealen1nr yor during the said period for tin piiroh of taking muk of muklnir roimiri nnd dnilng the maid period of two vfk the oiiiimiiiy nhall be relieved r i ant- of lt inilttuuinn lo inphy ilir niiittrmm of cniployi hih tn jhij the diuinttty of vi oh htmelnhfon- mt out durintr the mild period ii hitid onipany khali he ontlroly xeutpt from all m nniripal tuxatloa iy the said corporal loit vltlirr in ruspent of the wild luiwlft or un part tliereof or any liiipreiiienih now or hfrrairter to be iliad or rert f hereon for the purposes of the stid liiihhifhn i j r not for dwllint jioiiw- or nmldtnliit pnr- poseh or in rkmet of nny husinens of which may he carried on as aforesaid thirteen township of i3spieslnk nnd nuty be better known and decrllpi u un- menclng at tint westerly angle of lt nunilier tweniyono as shown on reg istered plan 182 or tlie county of halton thonco north fortyflvo ile- greh and eleven infnntih west twelve chains md fifty two links more or less to the hdiith uncle of lot number twenty- three as nil own on i l h ieore mel litlll ps plan registered in the ftejflmry orflco of tho county of halton on thi twentieth lay of june 1854 thence nori li eukterly along the muth easteily hoiindaiy of i oth n iiui- hers twenty-three- one and tjvoof the kald plan four eluiiiih and thniy linkh more or less tn the month bound iry of the i in m i trunk i tail way irupeiiy thenro eiinterly along the n ihmiii- the wild i tall way pinjtorty chiiiiih and twenl ytliree aoreemknt- ramrnl in flylow boo rittn tuslii titllfrsmvtfk iiidjii in dt plliuillil 2jllli hiyijr orrulior 1919- uktwfcrijn hrth mtonk mmr- 1tk a ltuorporatl un- dittli iircniiiliw lit the rn- talikl vumianikh mt timt ilftjr rliotonipftnyv opthlj mum iwix anil iohfhutatiom op xjth faoe of cluokc11lltlwnf iiftr iulitli torpbrrttln of thskroniwattt corpimrtbrij nnd provldwcl furilier the mhti p whehkas ijkip wrtik beftaoilisj mda covprfitloi rservoilhvjrlrhi to c t v dtthlroiia thhc- ttto coi piury shoul shth pffth supidy ofwure to bo 11 tttuehxdjcj liat the ovgolnglsj earry oijluir imipirjlur- coiupany in eomnion wjh wl otlt trie tfnpnto protfvrlhw of ju ht0 of ing kleoirlcjvi nuichlieimhupphcsaud t tiseis of lh municipality tt the i iortkvatjotr tvuio vhtiuta ii livfak- ast raocesorliror either or artyf 0iftn nhl jocpoputldn tlecnts ff yytcvitrtfi ry loiv u je sjdihilttou to the cptes i i a wlllifn thb lliiitsof hie t for fire protwtion fir otherwise hut tho elecloih oh the 2 4fh dayofnnv- fwv of luiohiwkc to tl tympany noiilh- limit of vlirtortd- slreitf tlie hoi- supply thy ompinywlth 7aoi gal- easterly iiubng the sal 3t limit of bins of water id ont lily and 5 vtryvicriorui htrqet twentyfwo utihtt ivh- inohilirroui thecorppiathn iyuter rtr isito tho north westerly bnihmmry works jrovinett lioweyrr t th tfiosnld ut lwntyono of 4hfjriid tontuny smill hnve ij hairwhiitse pmn itliitejirn softth wehfytly nc eveoiignlnsl the iorpornion for him- huiulrod unci two twt along thvnalil ttgf by ihnof uny deaidvhoy lu nmwtury or irp ud lui tweiifyciiiv water wfipply wjeij aiiohjk-flmvi- iijithe phipe of kbnilitr cojilffitilift iswiriul hr jahy jreakit i sevyaid twcntyix hundrortthvacift ix wuif- iystein 61 ivpt uiiyr 4hotinic a0-or- rosi atlt avhkmbah thq ttompany iiuh fdr that purpono purcliased the land and premlkon discrlbod in sqlmdulo a herein hereinafter culled the said landm anli whkhkah theiorpornilon ian accordingly agreed lo give the company certain privileges and conj ccmkious herelnnfter set out on the ternm und condlttotih hereinafter set out now this iniikntritk wit- netiskth that in coiihideratlciu of the premises the suid parties hereto for tliomsehos their nuceenhoih jind as- sitriifl covonant proinio and agree to and with one another as follows thai is to say 1 for a potlod of ten years fi un january 1st 19 20 hereinafter ciillod the said period the company shall employ in mh hiiklnefn for the first year nu average of ten employees for each workhig day and for ilm remnin- ink nine years an n vera go of twenty oniployoeh for each working day und shall pay in wages to tholr employees for the first yeni an avvrago of not iohh than 20000 per week and for tho lumaliilng nine yearn ai average of not lews than 40000 per week un- lesh prevnletl from ho doing hy ac- eld en t fire strikes or oil tor unavoid able cause in which ovent the cnlen- latlons um to the nuiuher of eiiiployeem to be employed and the sums of money to he paid in wajceit shall he made as hereinafter provided any hjeorkagt sjiafl ho rcpairij dlfi- inb r 1919 botwoen the jiours of gently forthwith nlnoottlock lnlh fcuetioon inul fle 1 thti toinpany sluill nnnuully ojclot-k- in the ftrnoon lit the town wluthever ko requested by hull in the wild vulnffo or tleurgre potutlori furnish t ho corporation with town a statutory declarntlou to tho effect and that the 1 70i day of novim that the coiuimny has duly obnerved her am 19 19 at itte oclock in tli and perforitiel all tho terms and pro- afternoon at t he town hall in tin- sm livingstones bakery main street the home of the best quality bread all kinds of saturp ays special i citfiflr ml a np pvff s ix filled with reaicream7y a phoness georgetown this agrooment durliik the municipality lias hetn rixed for thu i apptdntment of ptthoiim to attend the snld polling plttce and at the final summing up of the volos by the clerk and that if the ament of the elee- tuxes tors is obtained to tho suid proposed have fjyluw it will he taken into confident vtsionn of aald year 7 if the company should make do- fault under this agreement tlion the company nhall tliereupnu become i able to pay the corporation all and water rates which would been chargeable against tho company tlon hy the municipal if this agreement had not been made sold corporation at and then und thereupon this agree ment nhall become null nnd void- 8 tho corporation shull pniw such bylawn ns may be noceshury to carry out the tonus of this agreement from time to time nnd shall when nnd if necessary have the same ratified niiiic- tionod and approved by tho ratepay ers and unless so ratified sanctioned and approved this agreement shall im null and void in witnkbb whereof tlie said parties huvo duly executed thltf neroc- nient under their respective corporate sea is w h smith president 1 htone ttcc treasurer uiul of the ectlng there re cvrk k ages hy renson of any deficiency in boforo sot out kciikoui 2 all the said ctnnloyoeh shall he ajl an h ioho cor- rosidents of tho said village of pttri oi of mrw und georfotown promlseh situate lying and being part- 3 in tho evenl of fire apeldmt ly in the village of oeoikotown and btrlkoh or any other unavoidable partly in the township of ksoiieuing cauao mich as hhall ciuiso such an in- all in the county of halton and im- torriipllon then iu such case oporu- vlnce of ontario and being composed tlons shull bo resumed n soon ilh of four nnd hi- 100 acres of the north possible thereafter and until business cast half of ut number nineteen fil ls resumed the company shall he re- the ninth concession of the towimhip tleved pro tanto of it undertaking to of khquotdng and now in the eaid employ the number of employees and village of cseorgotown nnd two and to pay tho quantity of wages herein- 38100 acres or lot number twenty in tlie ninth oncesslon in t he of to he held lifter tho expiration one month from the date of the first publication of till notice and that such first publication was iniuli- n the twenty ninth day of october a m 1919 i i ilkatii clerk take notice further thai a tenant who desires lo vote upon said prop ed hyhiw must deliver to the clerk not luier than the tnth day before the day appointed for taking the otc a declaration under the canada evi dence act that lie ik a tenant whose lease extenik for time for which the di bt of liability is to be crentid or in which the money to he raised the proposed bylaw is payable or foi tit least twentyone yours and that he has by the lease coven a led to pay all municipal taxes in nspect of tho property of whleh he is tenant other i han local improxmoiit rates h c bailey electrician hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring to the ladies of georgetown and vicinity if you nio foimiclorink buying a suit or com for uu- fall soiwon on uh mill mhvp money w hiho iimkc up siritxnnil coath toonlcr we inuk up your own maloiiul if you uiuli inul miaimitoc i rfct il ikfuetimr wv kiuuiintoc all our roods if you mo not atillid witli any imr- clinn in our store rturu nauip nnj your money will lio clieoi fully re- fmiilod otrtim table ooinoeaht plthmllcm- r lm i njhkciimcr 1010 iini nllfinm i hhhciihim- 845 pin j 628 pn paflhoiir 8 piihsciikor siiiiiluy 711 pm ooimi wkht paseiikrr 767 am mail 1018am panor 201 jiin piiksoiiker 4oo pm piimscnkpr loi pm xi 757 pm pimspnkpr sunilay loljiw j p qiso wdbth i r mair 747ftinis mitit r 16 prii iolkhlsojtil mml- v 1j28 anv wau pm t torputo sjifinvbun riiuvrw w nmi- felijiv liuij aoinfotbt ajfiirfi 640v ipinkynbyjtim i0 hnmuvtrmkrvhrb jjoirtkjjijiiiity turn fim jivii tvrii ptti xu1 1220 hni 61q 017 ani p hi pm golnk wbt jq40 ft10 ofic guelph business college herald bido guelph ontario 1 the school your friend att tended will do for you as they did for her and hundred of olhers viz put friendly terms with you on a bank acconnt hake electric wiring and fix tures orders left in the harness shop will be aaid promptly attended to a hirschorn brooke block georgetown monday your day slartlbg guelph business college a l b0uck principal butter paper at the herald ki ings ch oice fl our manufoctuipil by w j caniplipll ltd noivul wan used in the bread which was awarded first piizo at milton oporrotown and nrnmiiton pairs try this celebrated flour it will please ton bran and shorts at best prices w j campbell ltd norval ontario w pond parents dream of a bright future for their children they dream of the literary and musical education they are going to give their daughter and of the high position she will take in her sphere of womanhood they dream of the education they are going to give their son and vision him some day as aclergyman a famous lawyer an eminent physician a prominent financier or a captain of industry s to make these dreams come true ometrtie or even partly true requires foresight planning and money to provide the money what plan so wise as to buy victory bonds for each child thousands of parents bought victory bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918 surely you will be among the thousands of loving parents who will buy victory- bonds for their children this year victory bonds may be bought on instal ments at such easy terms that every parent who so wishes may buy protection and profit when money is in a savings account in the merchants bank it is absolutely safe from loss as far as you are concerned all the time it is here it is earning interest so that the bank actually pays you to let it take care of your money dont carry unneeded sums on your person or hide them at home protect them against loss theft and fire by opening a savings account th mcrchant5 dank head office montreal of canada established 186 georgetown branch h r mimms mrjiager acton branch lb shorey manager deering farm machinery international tractors sharpies mechanical milking machines sugrgies and waarons carload of plyinocli bind er twine at reasonable price phone 101 r thos hewson norval ont georgetown fruit store bvlyvictotytortds foroxir ckilcl re ititiied by canadas victory loan committee la cooperation with the minister of finance of the dominion ol canada fib w 1- i klgmrkk a long pull a strong pull this is another case where all the citizens of georgetown must pull together to win the princes honour flag now thgn all together buy victory bonds with all your might victory the bridge peace bonds from war to a restivo frnit specialist main stiast gmrgvtewa 0 learn wireless operating and win a good sal- nry shaww school 890 yonkesttorontobnn the fin est sot of modern apparatus anil gives lient instruction at small onnt write for farts o v crewion serty life insurance t eroteet your wife children yourself and your bushiest with a nolipy in tho great wont life as- riirniipo co the lowost rates with tho best results for iiavtioulnrs see w w roe ofllot 200 pbon m ralieno as georgetown ont r a m rhone ts quick delivery provnpt servictt canada business college oollaaa u spadlns is torontos popular commor- oial school positions guar- toed individual instruotion enter any day mail courses geo spotton ifveiident counter chech books at the herald toiii and ohle st toronto urijoya art- ellentrenutallon for hlgrhr clrmle b aineag training- and for placing ghidimttm in good ppnitions i imr anv fo tin e rile for mtalogtii w j bluott principal ftf is mi k

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