the fiftythird ybab op publication georgetown wednesday evening december 3rd 1919 si so per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald i pohllkws everv wednesday evening t ths herald power printing office georgetown ont lv contract qvervtr8ingr rates j- urnieo eivsajlicuvibiv- teh mtit p line for ilr hitfortian aud five taenia per llntvfor tmcb -sabse- uentliiserflou wui uediorged for all transient tulveitainiinia twelve uns lb hi filch t advaruaanmiit without spajciitl- dic j ructions willi be inserted unul forbm v land eccordliutljr avejtiemeut will be bbauatedfu uub month jvllhout extra charge ii clwnbea- for contrast aevertlsemeiiti mui be n tllo iflca by mondt en f- ln i- sdbsicriptjonv hate v oneyeaii t if woo- in advance ant months 95 eenta in 4nb tlie adoreas- label alvowm theaafe your subacrlptton expiree a f maoorr pubuaher gtrtlme table ooingeast passenger 724 passenger 1016 mail 1186 passenger 846 mail 688 passenger h26 passenger sunday 711 going west passenger 767 mail 1016 passenger 201 passenger 60 passenger 601 mail 767 passenger sunday 1016 going north mail 747 mail 610 going booth mail 1128 mail 760 toronto suburban bailwm daily tiuktabzik am in going bast 810 224 going west 856 810 sunday timetaule going east um pm pm pni 1021 1220 846 610 am pm pm going west 1040 610 9815 established 1878 ii5 ornci hilton gc ihk itnmonsc ithoiiicon of cana lin must ltr developed to increase production of wealth aiifnoiontly tp take care of the eotititrya in- ebtndhes8aqd td stimulate b tirihouv healthy krdwtfi trip bank of uaihiuon stands behind inqrcasejprodoqian antelotfifcirnato uumumh enterprise v mannas ballinafad t georges church rav win burl l th raator sunday aarvloa as follows lfatlna 11 a m jcvensonet 1 p m- buiujuy school 816 a m in baae intent kioly communion lat and srrt shiudae of eajun month at 11 a m legal shilvon wallbrio0e av dale barrlstars solioltors eta toronto and qaorcatown pltlce ksimedy block t roy jale in ohargs ot qeorge own oliloa medical dr joseph moandrew phyaieian and burgeon medical officer of health dlatrloi hurxun q t h ouics houra 2 to 1 anl 7 to 8 p m phone 68 office and raaldeiioa mat street rioutli opposite pioabyterlail oburoli dental frank h watson dd8- m d 9 dantlat georgetown ont lloura 9 a m to 5 p m axceit thursday afternoon dentistry in all ita branches ovar ball telsshons office f l heath l d8 d 0 s dantlat ulrica in lena blook one door nortl of oneills carriage factory houra 11 11 in- to 8 v m ch1r0pbactic no medicine surgery or qetaopathy a m nbilben d c ururlunto of the palmer hie ori ginal school of chiropractic daven port iowa u b a bltloe ovor hourlgana druse store oiiaultutloii and siilnal aiialyala tfrte tueadaya thuridayu and satur day 2 to t and 7 to 8 p m phont 160a auctioneers enj petch ucanaed auctioneer for halton and pee ulenwllliama 1oat oldce salaa oonduotecl aatiafactorlly and at rea sonable rates orders left at- the aeoigetown herald ofnm will receive jiromit attention william maddock ketumed soldier iiloaneed anouoneer for tit oonnty of halton salea of every desprlpllon handled also agent for magnet cream separators anil gasoline englnea for ternta write to hox ii or phono 37 milton ontario milton 6c prentiss aoinskk and motor hoy bldc machinkrv brokkrs electric kepaira tp ronto m v xa traov clark fownahlp of daquealng clark 8rd division court the leading fire and ufa inaurenoe rapraaantdd tastier of marrlaiio uoansaa offloe mill streot rast oeorowu oltloa h6ure dneiday and sat day sftarnofiria pattersons mea ma specials for this week smoked ham wlioje or lialfper lb smoked rolls per lb uottisli rolls per lb side bacon slab or half led of lamb per lb shoulder lamb per lb 86c 82c 88c 60c 86c 28c stewing lamb per lb 22c rib roast beef per lb 29c thick riwroast beef per lb 26c shoulder roast per lb 28c boneless stewing beef per lb 26c rib boil per lb 24r clioion pickled porrtpbtlb 40c dry emit per lb 86c hamburg steak per lb 7 26c sansago por lb 26o teal obops per lb 86c tioin roast venperlb 86c shoulder roast veal 80c shortening 1 lb briok 82c 1 lb brick of lard 87i 8 lb pail of shortening 85c 8 lb pail of lard 106 20 lb pail of lard for 82o swifts oleomargarine 88c cheese per lb 88c any person requiring a dressed hog or a quarter of beef call and we can supply you with no i quality at a reasonable price watch our window for specials on saturday t w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 jmbuck btjtohee alwaye keep a choice stook of the beat procurable in freah and salt bfaati wnloh ha eeue at the lowest possible prices cnnntu food hoard llrende lo otjok gtet the best full stock of always on hand at our elevator georgetown all kinds of grain wanted at higher prices robert noble limited i draw oil yoiir gustdiiiers through the merchantp sink with brancbes in sail parts of canada ant eorrea pondents abroad this bank is in a position to present drafts promptly havs them accepted and collect payment with ths least possible trouble and cost to you the manager will be glad to take up this aoattsr with you th m6rchant5 bank head office montreal of canada established 1884 georgetown branch h r mimms manager storage battery you may put antjfree in your radiator but not in your battery why then neglect it when it plays the most important part of the car of today leave your battery with ua this winter and have it in firstclass con dition next spring we keep them in wet or dry storage as the customer desires also repairing done work guaranteed batteries left at fred cook s garage will receive prompt attention d f brigden georgetown madges candy shop aanaasnaoat all kinds of hot drinks served main street phone 214 rubber boots our rubber boot are of standard makes there are no better fnade some stpres buy rubber boots made of inferior composition in order to quote a low price we handle no auch qualities as they always work an injury to the store that sells them its the best or none here our stock of rubbers is complete and out prices are the lowest t h rumford main street georgetown wm main street christmas cakes orders for christmas cake willhave our im mediate attention a quantity of prepared almond icing for sale at 78c per lb- saturdays special cream rolls- and puffs filled with real cream- m rt late for last issue rev mr jewitt is continuing his special services this week mr h rartb terra cottn hap pened with a painful acoident last thursday when trying to got his car out qf a vuthe ram into the stone fence iii front prmissliiort- illfl hottse damaging his ciir ap4 breaking hfs tines cap qa was taken to tiuelph hospital vbew he is getting along nicely a meuiper from here attended the ouelpli district meeting arid the anbun difttvict bporth league canenfciori wld in ergos lat tisdny mrsb tendry has rnovcr to westqm themissea jtfceiieyit viitei- tained number of their friends at a social dance laat wpdesln3 yentng trie proposition ofope a-rrieri- oanbcientist is to try salting the cldudafrom aieroplanesin trtkr to produce rain care sbowed be eaken however that the bintof dontuse rook nalt as a man striveth bjr kasutyf bowuno educational and for service brampton businexs institute coursoh prepare for the best buai uess shoithnnd and secretarial positions train in tho underlying essentials of presentday business success moderate tuition fee minimum time consistent with ex acting business requirements new students received mondays thruout the year address today for complete particulars c e bousfield prin brampton ontavrlo notice of application of thvvlllc of oeorgjtown in thm county of halton to tao omtario rallwaj mid municipal board to bo wroototl into town nndr pro imiona of tao mtvnlolpal aot take notice that whereai it ap car by the aastsinent roll for the year 919 of the village of georgetown in the county of halton that the said village contains over 2000 inhabitants it is the intention of the council of the said village after three months from the date of this notice to apply to the ontario railway and municipal board for the erection of the said village into a town and further lake notice that the limit intended to be included in the said town are the limits already established for the raid village of georgetown and that the proposed name of the said town is georgetown l grant reeve dated at georgetown thi 1 2th day of november a o 1919 notice to creditors la tao anattor of the estate of joan a hendoreob late of tho town ship of lueaesisis in the county of halton fanner deoeaaed notice ib hereby given pursuant to action 56 of the trustees act rso 1914 chap 121 and amending statutes that all creditors and others having claima or demands against the estate of the said john a henderson farmer deceased who died on or about the firttt day of november 1919 at the said townnhip of esqutumi are required on or before tlm fifth day of january ad 1920 to send by pout prepaid or deliver to thu undersigned solicitors for marie r hen derson of the said township of esquesing widow the admlnlntratrix of all and sin gular the property of the said deceased their christian names and surname ad dresses and description a the full particu lars in writing of their clnimn a state ment of their nrcounts and the nature of the security if any mid by thorn and take notice that after uvh hist mentioned date tho said adminutratrix wilt proceed todlntributelhe rshaih of thp said deceased among tin part leu entitled thereto having regard only to tho claiitim ol which she shall then have noliic nnu that the said adimnifilrntrix will not he liable for ho said asset a or any part there of to any person or poraonti r whoxe claim notict shall not imvu hewn iveeived by her at the time of such distribution shilton waulbrlpoe of daik solicitors for tho said adminulrnt rix dated at georgetown thin jnlh day of november a o t19 notice to creditors in the matter of the aetata of will- lam mewtsn lata of tha townaup of eaqaenlng in tha oonnty of hal ton farmer deoeaaed notick ir hereby ffivtti purfiiuint to aottlon s6 of tl truairux aiuicj0 1914 chap 121 that nil rredflorx mid othera huvm cluinih or drinandtt afruiiiht the estate of iho auid william nowton who died on or about the 17th day ol- october 1919 at the mild towimhip ol eaquealng nio required on or butore the 20th day of dcccnihur 1919 to aend by poat propald or deliver to tho under signed sollcltom for john nowton jamea broun and william c scott executors of tho last will and tohtnment of the said wtlllairlfjewtoci farmer deceaaod their christian namea ami surnames nddroaaoa and description the full particulara in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the se curity if any hold by thm and take notice that after uch last mentioned date the aid execuiora will proceed to distribute the assets of the said decesied among tho parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the laid executors will not be liable for tho ssld asset or any part thereof to sieraon or persona of whose claim nolle hall nol bo received by them at tho time of such dlitrlbwiotl shitjon waltbripob dalir solicitors for tho said oxocutors dated si georgetown this 1 jib day of nevamvsr ait9i9 epyrtm c wonder what nnally imnasm hi adrian hopet isabella sbeke uaileaaly tlimw utt no laflechon is her voir vber touv was nejatlre t6or adrian tie waa on of iw uii- otv notblng efsw hfctmls of nch qesv thiy atinplj oeas t tilted back iny bamwio xftrtf v ndled uiilntly s lalitfllf x twiil baeo elaratlnr ib ffitli iim- yeitanrar of oajr wedding rfliryvivanif ithneil oomlortably and now- iniuiliit ou tlje terrace of onrcmnieny vflla we er eojoylnsi the rttiil hnnrf twhight a dellriuoa sninnojeuce wait tel- hts over me rite isantvnr aneaajr oos- vlenoo snd a 9004i dlreatlnn antvellt routetl mo frmu my dreanl- inga tlipn- wnii teuaeoeaa in her- vole out of keeping with her forme npalhy tell nir milrliik la it a divine nr nly u inunun inw that no one woman tit on lime msr trrnke more than one man happy sound llk n irnbltii in ghini- try or an slairrlrnl equation hend it tn the puxxb- flepsrrment i 0i1- ervcd lanlly h- pulil no attention tn me but con tinued in the same strain i would nevtr be the eaoee of suf- fcrlns to nny tnsn never willingly if 1 have been an it waa through an inex orable inw oh a to adrian hope i re- marked airily tracing her thouiht to if kpnncell it waa part of his unfit- nesk you conldnt help it yet he waa in earneat too intioh in enrneat for otbr pe iw omforl he and lila flddlf be- ituiie m neikhhorhond nulaance hi hail no more innalo in him than aer a bllinblehoe hitinbuhe ur rathtr uilodlouk he cnrrtcteil me and i tlilnk yu hardly do jubii- to adrian hop- what ilil you njoy hla miihlc no hul ho tried so hnrd i wns sorry for him and it worrtek tu- ome- times worries youi i w srowltik little impatient wlml worrit- von adrian hope left rallfornln iu- very day of our miiitlas nml lm never been heart of mme he went to the knd liollen i hnve told you so many tlmea purlly for business partly for pleaure and wholly for pain my dear murine she continued quickly can i help remembering he was desperate ly in love with me and i could never reciprocate his feelings and he went away brokenhearted do you call that koimit for nlenmirc and are you jealous heituiae 1 feel sorry for hltn 1 tun not tealourt i answered qui- ety why ahould i her adrian never had the ujhoni of 11 how itmltelle lenued her elbow 011 the ton- lihliistrnile which separnted the terrace front the garden below anil rested hor ihln in her open pnlin the floddens of reflection whut 11 picture i if i iimld put you on ranvan just na you look now i murmured bhe shook her head and mulled sadly you ahandnoed your brush and nl- arte long ago marina im afraid you couldnt do it her last remarkt catiaed me some pinprlrka of conuolence slnep jul one year after our mnrrliive lmlmlli hntl inherited u eomfortoltle ooiniif tente 1 had entirely neglected iny studio on which 1 luid formerly hsd ttt rely for a living my art bud oat been art for arts sake oh well its never too lute in mend i stinted you xee fate sttrtie- times seems to iwilhl in one dlree- tlon and then the unexpected but fate slid the unexpected are twin brothers a deep voice broke in with tho bnoui of nn ocean breaker i jumped to ruy feel adrian hope was standing only a few feet from tne i hod henrd nt sound of hla approach ah i stepped forwartl to greet adrian she retreated into the phadnw of the porch i have haeu away n long time luivent it adrian begnn apologetical ly i trust my sudden return haant nturtled yon its hardly conventions i fear adrian shook roy band heartily hut seamed utterly oblivious of my wlfea presence your present life murlua he linked presently is it happy as men tall it perfectly happy i assented isa bel le will tell you ah yes and bve years ago i imag ined myself perfectly unhappy istibelle stepped forward into the moonlight and i saw that her rheeke were ciltijstin adrian addrtuned him self to me conio tn ik to me of perfect huppl- neatt ns men see it you used to be ii gootl talker aa talk goes he smiled and wrinkled only one corner of his mouth his fnce in the innonlliiht wss the color of dead nim i ptild no heed to lilt uneerlng remark after 11 prolonged silence he began nun in i ihotnrlit once that ii waa niy failure to produce results tlint put lin- out of eiiitri with isnbelle she spent ninny liours in your uttiiilo nil- inlrlnti your pliiiires while my music fell on deuf ears tor you could pnltit while my ail dllng i intint fonfess waa strncfesja- isidielle was always an idealist rlv jeurs ngn you occupied the prtatsl mow do mutters stand nowf 10 the prenence of my wife iuch re marks are lisndly in good taste i aald inwardly boiling bo driiniiusd the ground with hi foot and hummed h llnle tune by lbs by yon rulfllleil mm prsim- lasyon thsrittrt hove yon heconie the great artist whn i married i found something belter in llfs too meal something easier tnw thoufhf you ond rest on your laurels iloif tlo yoi suppose i spent ihe int ave year who had no inurnlss to rivt nnf i uudsrstood you had gvn to nsw ttlilnea nit you ever bear the purpoae vo li was a queer place to go to whalever the reaaou in every way i had been a fail ure be declared impressively i retnlved to turn that failure into trluinpth to accompllhh which you burled ynurvelf in a nsw guinea uwaiopr yesi went tt rhe tnly reaj teat- her j nature hwsej amarig jhe- rieep mpraasea r of sreek lujt troriteal swamp lmught far tweivej wearyroopfhs mouths op irj-t- irvu- tlqn and tlsaase till frnin suitoik the acre if rushesj t- had selected one pi feet reed iook st it marttlsreiamlnrt ir lw itrougb it loa it representaj the 0ve yesfs of life which ytjrl hsr eousuhied tin hidijieitcix v wllflog to lmotfhrtlckealtv h jlt seemed alniost to vlbrsteln my nngan blowlng intoit prtxjuwbd j nnsdand bat a queer uehrtnii ifttsd over me it wis a j though i were t f plecje of ijste nod iwieone iiatl rtilj led- il3 sl ivet with oruliiiiieil pafur 1 havent the snack of jt i nalrt dryppuig it tn the ground hwe a rett- hot coal the reeu gatve forth a musical atgn a it strur k the atones v adrian caught it ou the raoonad and furuetl uddeii- ly to isabaue would yon enre to hear my one little accomplishment after tire year of the eraaleat concentration isabella nodded eagerly but in a frightened manner her hands were clenched tightly against the tendrils of tbe honeysuckles as though he- were- bracing herself for an ordeal i began to laugh nervously where- apon adrian wheeled sharply on bl heel and faced iaabefte again li- blew inn the pipe a low note the purr of a distant tuningfork trem bled from tbe frail reed it grew in volume till it resembled a broken mel ody at my cry he stepped lightly from the terrace descended into the garden and disappeared among the dark shrub beries faint and dliay i preaaed the ttpa of my flngera acalust my eyelids to clear my mental and physical vlalon when i raised my head the terrace and porch were both deserted i was slune only bluck shadow tn the garden the sharp outline of the cliff and an immeasurable coldnean of aky and ocesn the surety that stimejrftinforeaeeft crisis watt upon me like the ttlng of a whip forced me hack to ilmught antl action i tulled loudly for ian- belle denceiided from tbe tertnce plunged into the garden nothing there but solid dnrkuesw checkered simile and narrow strips of moonllntit of course hmhelle unablo to en dure such on unnatural strain had slipped iimthservetl into tbe hoiiat- and was iirohiimy rsmtiiig in her own rtwni in 11 1uuiily hhimier i rcmiod my ttteps ttt 1 li- htinae tntentl h ly a side door auil biiltwiiy up tin- lairs gave 11 peculiar whistle which bad alwsya iteen 11 private atgnal between isahelle and myself there was no reply the limine seemed very still i repenietl the whtatle in n higher key and followed it up with a thump ou the bedroom door then from trie west side of ihe house i heard once more the sound of the hateful reed and that wonderful medley of which adrian hope alone was the master 1 rushed down the atalrs and hack to the terrace again i ran down the drive into the road way and made for the spot as i ap proached the sounds they tlrew imper ceptibly uway from me when i reached the outside wall ihe music was ascending the cllffa tnwartl the uroiitl pacific i started to climb the bluff at every step the recti ijrew fainter antl the iteetin more itlulalent the reed i ittiild 110 longer hear ion there on ihe point of ihe fullest cliff one foot ailvnncpil ttt the edige of the tihyss her hitntls stretched forth in nn agony of muppllcutlou i saw imu- lielle suw the whine in her hnlr the folds of her frock even the ring upon her lingers so clear to slmrp so defi nite was the moonlight on iliut memo rable occasion oh adrian take me lenph me teach me too the despair ofa lifetime wioi con centrated in iter voice her form still sluikliigwlth emotion r saw her step forwitril sow the white fluh of her tlress the downward sweep of her itrnis oiul then- beyond the cliff nothing but sky nuil sea a few second they seemed a yeir and i was siiuidlnc n the konie spot iintl guxlnu fetiifiilly frmu 1 1 1 rail- cliff onto the jugged rocks nnd broken waters n hundred feet below me tile waves pounded the hindu with cold mechanical precision far on in it choppy sen a fishing bout unshod nn intermittent lull wisps or foiz were hlttrrlng ihe horlxon ajjav9 oer all apreatl the steely elenn- otit brilliance of the desolate moon vitliil m now shortage of candles rltlsh food ministry seeks method by which it may is bnablsd to rsajulats vuppllsa news is coning from mauy parts of the country that tbe nhurtage of cgndles is incraaslag awing to hi fact flint maty people who did not uae them before are saw aupplemsotlng their gas and stactrli light rations by their use it is stacetnlng more clear every day that sons mesas must ba adopted to issors that aeasenoldtfs la rural districts where there is no gas or steo- irlclty save an adequate supply of tllmulnauts important national lulus- tries which cannot wall its carried on without an adequate candle supply must almi be prelected a schetns for runtrolllng candle supplies is engaging ihe attention of the ministry of food during sad alnce- last winter liters has been a candle shorlnge ths tills and fata branch of ihe ministry of food wlthlu whose view ibis matter comes hare reielvod numerous complaints from rural councils nnd indlvlihiul nf the dlfnmlty of get tins sniipllsh nnd of retail price golne up by leaps u ml biliiidsi there is o lilenca of 11 itew drmmd lisvlug sprung up tvllhln tha last six weeks accoiuiiatlnk last win- tars shortage and milking it cantlle fmnlns ituuilhetit mnncliealsr guard ian if