Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 10, 1920, p. 1

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the georgetown herald x fiftythird ybab of publication the georgetown herald u puhllhrf every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office georgetown ont ontaxt advertising rate s kurnltwitd lf apptlohtifii iwoenlilfur luio for ilrat iqaarubn aiidnv centa per una for ea eufiim- juonl inaertioh flll bo charged for sill transient sdverthiemcntsk twelve una n in ineb j- i acjvartleerooirt without peelou dl- rrtcuona will bo inserteid untlt forbid vartd chea accordingly adterueemehu will bachangad 000 mvu ftioittli without oare ohart cnaiibaator contract sutvj muat be in- in omb4y lib jinav- r sucworiptlvn rate out yeex f ito w limf paidin 4dvancadx months j oanla to aa vane j the afldres label atoowa the date your subaorlptlon expiree i k uooretpubuabar aeorgvtown wodnesdsey evening mwoh loth 18so 150 per annua or sl25 if paid in advance o trtuee table going bast pamenger 728 sum passenger 1016 a m mail 1186 am passenger 846 pm mail 62 pm passenger 8s6 pm passenger sunday 711 pro going west passenger 767 am mail 1016 a m passenger 810 pm passenger 460 pm passenger r 801 pm mail 767 pm passenger sunday 1016 am going nobth mail 800 am mail 610 pm going booth mail 1188 am mail 800 pm toronto sahara railway daily timbtable am pm pm going bast 810 224 640 ooiug west 866 810 789 sunday timetable going hiast am pm pm pm 1081 1880 846 610 am pm going west 1040 610 pm 817 pm 988 t georges church rev wm burt l th rastar sunday aarvloa as ouowa matins 11 a m uveueong 1 p m dunday uctiool 146 a m in ban- meet holy communion- lal and rd sunday of each month at 11 a m- legal 8hilton wallbriogb av dale barristers solicitors eta torouto and uedrgetown outoa kennedy ulook im roy dele in chars at oeorge- wirotbe medical dr joseph meandrew physician and surgswn medic offloerpf health dlatiiot burgeon o t b office houra 3 to 4 and 7 to t p m phpna m oibca and residence wain street south oppoalta presbyterian church dental frank b watson o d s m o s dentist georgetown ont houra a m to 6 p m excei iiiumlay afternoon uenlljitiy in ull iu brauohaa over ball telephone office p l heath l ds o o s oantlat umoe in lane block ona door nortl o unellla u m to flavors like the pyramids of egypt because they are long lasting and wriclevs is a benefldai as well as longlasting treat ft helps appetite and digestion keeps teeth dean and breath sweet allays thirst a chew it after buerv meal sealed tight- kept right a10 hirschorns ladies wear and tailo qur new spring stock has arrived ladies dresses suits and coats in good variety come early and inspect our display and get first choice suit of every description made to order we guarantee satisfaction to all a hirschorn brooke block georgreto do you want insurance if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies viz lana blooi ona door nortl p hou british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eqe nomical mutual waterloo guardian x 1bi caledonian hartford western conti jjujtuck nental dominion hand in hand do- chirqpappc hu0u14 uiot or ottawpathy amkbiu01f d ao a anrcmr gmduato of the painter school of cuird pracllc chiropractic fountain hoaif uayeiiport low usa oiyoa ovar hdnrlpina drus store ooimultutlou and spinal analyal freaj orrios hours tuaadaya and satur dayi i to s pm and 730 to 830 pm phonk office and residence isow avasaaa avtuiuvu uhu wi 8tjtqhjbr minion of canada g a fire insurance uiwrkei at- w w roe fhojte206 auctioneers benj petch lloaiiaad auctlojiflar for halton and eael aieiiwlllamapoat obica salw unductad uttlafactorlly and at rea- oimblo rutaa oidera left at clio aeoisetuwn herald unit will reoelw rumpt attention milton prentiss h enoinsbrb and motors rov bldo macmimkrv buokbi electric repairs i toronto clerk towuahlp ot bfuealn ceju rd fllvlilon cflua tle raadng plra sn uifa ineursnoe wprwwft issuer or nsrrlss uoanma offloai mill btraal waat gaoriatown orflp hours wadnwday and sat ryff frnwnimi- livingstones bakery main street 1- tb horn of the f best quality bread ah kinds qf fancy pacing at all times ifinsr of marriage uoenjios in- snranee agent jbtri kaal6am aunt vka soi saturdays special i cmaa rolls anp pijfrs filled with real cream aaabjasaiaaaaibi b q rro w to b tiy catt e mixed xfcrahig to the ug raoney- rnater today of ebuhe grain and fruit and vegetables pay well but beef and bacon butter and cheese are piling op the profits for the fanner milk more cows fatten more cattle raise more hogs if you need money to do it come to the merchants bank we are st4 to ataist all uptodate farmers th mcrcmant5 dank head office montreal of canada eatabllshod 184 georgetown branch acton branch h r mimms mjiagor l b shorey manager 7 woparty line telephone service necessary curtailment of new construc tion during the war followed by the un precedented development since the armia tice have resulted in a universal shortage of telephone material in order to utilize our supply of equipment to the best advantage to reduce delay in in stallations to a minimum and to avoid refus ing service to anyone we ask those intending to order telephones to consider the advantages of twoparty line service the cost to the user is substantially low er than for individual line and the service of a high standard we will be glad to furnish full information to anyone interested every ball telephone la a lona slatanoa station h m black manager the bell telephone co of canada but pcoowraale la traak aad salt af eata wfcloa ae uue at th lowest possible prices greoitgetown fo board llcenu no 9 2108 get the best r mail contract sealed tandera tddreaaed to poatnuis- ler general will be received at ottawa until nodn on friday the 9th april 1920 for the conveyance hla majeetye maile on a propoaed contract or our vearai twelve tnnea per ikaak on toe redie ceorgtowijkad glnjwtluami frpm tbo fbnnkajater teneralapleifaure f rioted notices contaunhij- furtnir 4n- ormatioo a to condition of propol4for weakljrigb 4f teralt oreuey ask koi for bast vatbb ask not for easy paths to tread or easy fights to win aak not to know what lies ahead bat bravely bookie in be rather proud to face what comes unmoved from day to day press forward to the sonndof drums i andglory in tljelray yyr f bejgladttst raedlyoliiway and diffiuflllyoir taslc contract may be aaen andbunkfonntof tender may pvobtalned at the pott offlcea cnrsretdwnaiepwilllanniand at the of tee of jbe poat ofnc loapector toronto pont ofbce inarjcrtoro ofitce torootq febrilarykth imo i suthbbljtponve jntpctr jo creditors lathomfyetltalt tiyt j- la bjareby btven iihirauant to 56 of r racv aptar lit l u 2aajtorlor bavins olalma or daniinda tewe- uef notion la bjareby btvejv durauant to motion fit ofth 1m4 cb7 otnar bavins olaiina or damai azalntr the- aetata at tbe eela jobn j- 1 jtluen wbo dledon or mbout tbe ieh ond day- of february ad isie jii tbe wroiu anaa 1 to end by pott prepaid or dellv the underalsnad wbo simple hardens ask qreater thtjbnrdjen- greatertpo- the iriory when yon gi tbegoal that beckos unto ou jifen ieldont tod i vojis the ught woitri winn wft istfae flgti fr i jn u- ot rtiecet6nra8 aiwf 6f mitit tho8ght yfb make albrie ask not ui win fn easy style bat rather ohojoseto bp wbereonly6raveinen daro toamiie and only weaklings flee edgar a guest liver 1920 to end by pott prepaid or di ie underalsnad splloltora herein or chrlatlna k allen tb adiolnittra- trl of the eatate of the allen deaaael their cbrl aald john j- latlan name and aurnamea addreawa and deeprtp- tlona the full partleulaca in wrllln of their elalma a atatemant of tnalr acoounta and the nature of tbe aeeurl- ly if any held by them notice that after auoh laat ned d proceed to distribute of tbe aald daceeeed and en will piartlea mentioned date the aald administrator led to dlatrlbut tba asset emona tbarata kav- tba claims of ins retard only to which sbe shall than have notice and that the said adminlatratru- will not be liable for the aald assets or any part thereof to any parson or persona of whose claim notice shall not have been sueh received by distribution hr at th time of 6hiiton solicitor for tbe said ad dated at qeorsatown tbla day of february late dale ntatratrlx- tfrd notice to creditors la the matter 1 the batata of arsaetaeaa g rawtaws la to ta sea late ef the villain ef la ta oesatr hal- jpa iaaaia aaaeaas notice la hereby alven purauant to section 6 of the trustees act rao 1911 chapter lit that all creditors or other bavins- claims or de aaalnat the eatate of tbe aald tijomae armbtrono who died on or about the ksth day of deoambar mil at the aid villas of oaorsretown are re quired on or before th 17tn day of msrob 1920 to ssnd by poat prepaid or deliver to the underalstned bollol- tors hrln for john w armatromrthr sdmlnlstrator of the eetate of tbe said th i air thomas arroetronf daeeaaed christian namea and sur dresaaa and descriptions tbe full par ticulars in wrltinr of tnalr claim a statement of then aooount and the nature of the aeourlty if any held by them and take notice that after auch laat mentlond date the aald admlnlatrator will proceed to distribute the aaaeta of the aald daeeaaed aanonst th parties en- titled thereto having regard only to tb olalroa of whleh he bau uten rhava notloa and that th aald admin istrator will not be llabl for tba aald asset or any part thereof to any per son or persona of whose claim notice yj btvi aoyctoir bun daub at the time of sueh distribution shilton wallbridob d solloltpra for the sld admlnlatrator dated at dvoraatown thls 23rd day of februnry 1920 notice to creditors ilma or m day of ausustl ad townehlp of fiaauaslng on or before wiin ana the executor anient of the latlan namea la tb saatter af the ewtate ef jeha k brawa late ef the tewasala at da- aaeailast 1 tba wewty mi haltasv favsnev deceaeea notice la hereby given that in pur suano to seotlon is of the trustees act r8o chap 111 that all tors and othera having olali mande agalnat the aatat or tne said john k7 brown farmer deceased who died on or about th eevonteenth 11s at the said jng are required the twentyseventh day of starch 1910 to sand by poat pre paid or deliver to the underalgnad solicitor for harry roaa brown and frsdertek john brown the of th last will and tastan said decaaaed their chrlatl and aurnamea adareaaes ana descrip tions tb full particular in writing of tblr claims a statement of their acoounta and the nature of tbe se curity if any held by them and take notloa that after auoh mentioned date th aald exeol will proceed to distribute tne aaaets 6f the aald estate among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to th claims of whleh they ah all then have notloa and that the aid executor will not be liable for tba aald aaaals or any part thereof to any peraon or per sons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time or suoh distribution bhikton wallbridob 4 dale solicitors for harry roaa brown and frederlok john brown the aald exe- outora or the said asoeased dated at georgetown this urd day of february 1920 cuura notice to creditors la tb matter ef ta aartale ef msrr nthevferd xiaiaar 1 the vluage aargtew la the ceaty efhalta widow deeeasea notice la hereby given that in purau- anoe to section s6 qf the trustees aot rso chapter 111 that all creditor and othra having olaima or demanda agalnt the eatate of the aald mai agalnt the eatate of the aald mary rutherford lindsay widow deceased who died on or about th eighteenth of november ad lilt at the vlllaga or bafor deoraetown are required on the rrth day of mareh 1910 to send the un- itlna it ay and by post propaldor deliver to tl derslsmed solicitors for chrlatl ilndsay floekard n lindsay amea r undaay th executors of the tat will and eatament of the aald eoeaeed their christian namea and aurnasnee addresses and description ths fuli particulars in writingof thalr olalmn a atatemant of their account rnd the nature of th security if any eld by them and take notice that after- auoh laat mantlonad date the said executors will stw td h claisn of which they shall then hava notice and that the aald executors frill not be liable far ihe aald asseta or any part thereof to any person or parson of wnoae olelm nolle hall not have been raoelved by thm at the time of htl jbm daily service iv toronto union atatton 9ie 15 fm caloahv kdmqntom van00uvkr yj0t0aia tsnobrd tkars0ontfmti out iwqtudiwq wi tlhhtl toum slbipmrosmi un mn atianal ilswiwsniram fsiise0 m rys tj- apawowi oftt suts ana lull inttrswn ri sfti few uhl wovimjk r vvil iiiillljljllilimaaaaafl ti i s d 1 1 a i r a i i uu a q 5 itrlbutloe 11 w or un said jjioitofs for lindsay tne daeeaaed dated- at oeorgstown this lrd day of february 1920 neuralgia public school flcport following is tlje school report for february 8r iv pass mina saxe maud modonald jean mackenzie mary mckinnon qeorgita henry doro thy frampton beginald hazel- wood helen tjswson and doreen moonaig equal wakefield ford marion mckay marion oollop snsje canute lsanore cook boa frampton dd mildred fleok equal lillian watson earl vannatter and fred davis equal willie tuck jr iv hon ada lane kath leen treanor pass alex fraser muriel ostrander may modonald violet laird jr iv hon lilian kennedy delia boles isabel modermid jack lucas pass marie cameron ruthorr and harry wood equal gladys tost clarence walters sr ill hon viotor norring- ton clarence spenoe pass stanley godfrey aileen ross lily leslie susie ellen ton watson win field jr ill hon evelyn stonkford raymond harley editb francis albert livingstone margaret wil- loughby john armstrong elva dobbie daisy whitmee bessie dobbie cecil staple too jack mo dermid isabel willson sr ii hon annie hirsohorn and eileen bullivant equal alioe treanor marjorie hillock wilhel- mine hynds and garfield mcgil- vray equal pass gordon aloott pearl saxe violet tedder bennett arnold hazel holmes frank tost bert hale jr ii hon kathleen barnes lome cave willie reeve charlie kirk john hall pass jack buok and gordon spenoe equal claude kon trier beth mimms isabel cameron and isabel lqugbeed equal eleanor maw kenneth weston joan watt charlie willson clifford bradley ruth evans jaok watson harvey king jaok forster wiunle hy3e sr i hon marie cook edwin hoare maretta boles and her man cole oqual reuben eason pass donald herrington and stephen reeve equal gladys hill stephen bason and jaok harrison equal lloyd cole helen forster violet blair aileen groat marion barker roy bradley maurice hil lock and marion plant equal norma mccartney madelein er- win eleanor treanor mabel sparl ing jean bullivant roy costigan and marjorie mackenzie equal elisabeth spenoe margaret wright jr i hon willie king mar jorie mayoook roy moenery cliar- liestookford emily lucas fred morrison joe hall hugh monally and willie rutledge equal pass lloyd walters olive davis bddiefranoes and gertio hirsohorn equal edith toast george hoar willie ronoy may hoy irena marohmont percy barker walter lawson and gladys weston equal martin bush bobbie hynds and bert tuok equal clifford blythe and percy hill equal prim hon frank lorusao bay oriobton louise bullivant jaok armstrong and jaok duncan equal elmer costigan roy cole helen rush alioe henderson pass gordon harley and rena mcenery equal lily muggins winnifred campbell peaii blair myra boles martha graham ar thur haiptwood edna sutton howard beaumont minnie sar gent ethel fisher a fluetta cook edgar gregory evelyn hoare norman gieensides moitland wilson ethel hall muriel wright health report lor 1919 following is the annual report of medical health officer dr mo- andrew for the village of george town for tbe year 1910 to the members of tue board of health georgetown genuemerrrinbubtnitiunk ndy suouatcsashealth officer amreaseasjir itjiiit dtjririk trie v- past yeai the sanijtary cpncjitiobs and uie health of the town have been pxceptjoinalty- good tbe dvlriibcr 6f nctiriniihiicable drsedses reported ha been fewer irfniv usual tujjreljojve bcenno dentin fronj sueh and at anyi ttrue diirirjgthe yefji tlioro wora nvvererreujib a indjeate cpideptio tjbjie ictfn tfltiofa 1 jjneidec iaijtrwidire jpot only totliti itad that tnsqarariv tine in each aod evpry cwpa has bom itfcwotlx observed biit also to thy wjnlwkf ulceus- exerlsed hg bofh parents and toaebers ovir the chirotten for- these infeotionsanl contagious diseases i may say that thetieaabors are always ou the alert and any suspicious cases are at once sent frpm ftcliool to me as health oflltor for cnmination or to their homos for examination by their family physioian the folldwing diseases were re ported diphtheria 8 cases scarlet fever 16 smallpox 2 whooping oough 6 uhioken pox 4 sonbns 4 impetigo contagiosum 7 with re gard to the diphtheria two of the cases were contracted in toronto while hamilton favoured us with tbe third these oases were strict ly quarantined negative throat re sults obtained and the premises thoroughly fumigated before they were released with the result that nb other oases developed most of tbe scarlet fever oases were in april and may and the source of the in fection of the first patients was al so of outside origin i visited the homes of all these oases as soon as they were reported to ascertain tbe measures and precautions that were taken against the further spread of the infection we have beenmost fortunate in having but two cases of smallpox both children and as with the scarlet fever and diphtheria this infection oaine from outside iu the ii ist oase and from subsequent ex posure here in tbe secondlthough the patients were of different fam ilies i con hoed them in the same house vaccinated all personsexpos- ed and continued the quarantine until absolutely sure all danger was past with regards the safety of the other children of the town i recommended in tbe looal paper that they be vaccinated and an op portunity for three jays for free vaccination was given as a result most of tbe children were vaccin ated and i am sure this has no doubt been the means of the ab sence of further cases in town the other communicable diseases repotted wore simi liirly dealt with with satisfactory results with rogarcht to the sanitary conditions of the town wo have hud all kinds- of complaints real and groundless to deal with from time to time and as far as possible these were looked into at onoe by tbe sanitary inspector or myself and abated tbe thorough spring cleanup the improvements and tidiness in homes and premises the paving of main street tbe better watering of the strcots the cutting of woods etc all of which certainly contribute to tlio towns good health is worthy of mention however the two things most urgently needed at the present time are moio houses and more water regarding the increased water supply during tlu summer we had an engineer from the pro vincial board of health look into every possible snurco of supply as certain the quantity and the qual ity of the various springs and ad vise the best way to increase the supply r this report has been received by tbe oounoil and i firmly believe that before the end of 1920 the water problem for the town will be satisfactorily solved all of which is respoctfully sub mitted jos me andrew march narne in liko a4umb but at tbe price the latter is selling were afraid it wont be safe for it to be at large very long wolvos are mooting the trains at a station i n m ap i toba probably they are tired of tho monotony of a somewhat humdrum existence and want to be neighborly tmplwtens rhoumptlq llioovr samples msyliba b4 at matthews drug orand conoert in acton remember tberand conoert to be held in acton town hall st patrioks night maroh 17th splen did concert talent from toronto and the oration of the evoning by bev l mlnebao lately returned from a tour of ireland reserved seats on sale at browns drug store acton price 80 cents 2t stlvluaatabvau mr david coventry writing the herald from knlowna bc under flute of february 28rd sayai ploase flnd enoloaed amount of renewal subscription remember us to all oldmends my son freds wife died here on february 1st leaving four small children we have been very well h winter although at present the flu is around ns in all directions and all publlo places are insurance fire accident wind and automobile if you want insurance of any de scription come to tho office of evans 6c rush who are re presenting some of the worlds strongest and bost liked companies such as the royal queen north british liverpool lou don and globei london and lanoashlrei perth mutual wo represent those companies because tlioy gvo honest and fair adjustments in case of loss evans rush miu btret georgetown wes f v 41 vis mm i 431 jltig i twf m m 1 i 1 ft i m yy mgi ti v

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