Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 10, 1920, p. 5

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m the georgetown heram wed bvg march 10 1980 presentation a large number of the friend and neighbors of mr and mrs dan campbell terra ootta met at then resiiieuce march 1st the ove of their leiuoval to their new home in georgetown after the gatherinit bad been called to order by the rev n wuddell the following ad dress was read and mr campbell duly presented wijth a gold- headed ebony vana mrcampbe11a preno fvoryqileteiiiiamlfe matmw rith a crewent bioocufslsd en be bjtlf of the wh8 mrs- t b foster presented airs cuniitbe11 witha alorocco bible to mr aadf re d camybeu admisaayiinie oaiipbefl we year tn wiiida apd ueijjlibora u cembleu- here to-night- willi i iibned feelings or haptinetr arid v rekret happiness in fcue waiiy jjleaaaofr memorise ojtsobial and other gal tier ingsiri ypor hbspjtttple home and regret that at last we hnvetiqme to the parting dr the ways lin that you are about to eave us aud take up your abode in w surroundings and apoidst a new oil cle of friends during the many years inwhiqh you have been with us yon have taken your fnll share in ail the events of the church and neighbor hood was there sickness or sor row you were ever ready to help and comfort was it an occasion of joy you were equally ready to add to the general happiness and to countenance every good work that made for tbe betterment and moral uplift of tbe community an fellow members and support era of tbe white church you have always been active in everyhini that concerned its welfare whether in relation to tbe work of the session committees wm8 mis sion band or other of its organi zations and we matefully acknow lede the sound judgment wise counsel and cheerful liberality which you have invariably display ed in connection therewith we hope and trust that you may yet be spared to sometimes occupy your accustomed place of worship among us in what we know mutit ever he to you a sacred spot and while you are removing from the old homestead we are glad that you are leaving in your place a worthy son one who we are oonltdent will ably sub tain the family tra ditions with integrity and honor our best wishes go with you to your new home and we pray that with jods blessing you may he peiuiitted many years to enjoy it in peace and comfort and now we ask you to accept these gifts not for any intrinsic value in themelves but as a slight expression of our abiding esteem for you signed j j moarthnr d w mcmillan j g sharp eon- aid mrbacbern mr cam libel l feelingly replied thanking tbe friends for their kind ly remembrances and assuring them of bis nndyihg interest in melville church and the oh neigh borbood speeches were then riven by several of those present and the company was entertained with in- stiumental by mrs oj mcmillan solos by miss nellie richmond and readings by miss annie gibsonand mr r 0 carpenter an exquisite lunch having been served by the ladies a social time was spent and after bidding an revoir tbe gathering dispersed clearing auction sale of- fam iapfetkafs be the undwalgned hiu received inslrm- tions from he executors ofjjte estate uf the ui roblvt khdeiuon to eell by public auction at lrt 3 line esquesing on ftisur muck lsua ibm ut one oclock sharp tbe followiitt horses general iurpoae am clu-s- nut gelding 6 yra bay gelding 5 yrs both souimsi iseneral purpose team blaik gelding rising- 3 yra bay filly xiemic 3 yrs ikjth ound i koad team bay sreldink naing j yrs filly riaing- 4 yrs both aouudi gen- rral- purpose- amtremn foal to stiver duke lefallirpo4l month old jsowsdurbatd grtule co yrs atft wihrc0t at ooli jlrirhaai gadftcowi j yra wilfcijalf at fi reairhetfer fresh lolsteih cpwj with- calf m ftyii 6 rsi tlobtc4h cow due april 14 6 yrs tnr- hnmjfadc cost duelling of 4alt llurhitm irrade coar due march 27 1 ronu cow due luuelii ptosa helferjlue june 2i flrimltc hvifer does in jmiki harrow coo- 1 lnr ltxin gthiw fuu 2 jpl i 4 teer rialnjc x vr whmitt riaing 2 yra f 2 heifers and aswvrlinar1jrri pigs srvcio ibai plga 75 lb i 3 iniith old yarunrealw whb lajerof prybrkjbirohr opposed to rmrrowiovfiajy sheei- sroov brtedlnsj ewea poultcrytrhdrocklleim v mlle3mbntspoilt fc wood hinder- 6 f tuti in runlnonierbranltord bind er foot cut mrfmpkoanlejri maaaey- lliirria monaers ft cut hvirtiuing wdrr froat a wood mower 4 fr cat goad newt verily land roller two drum good a new firow i vood cultivator 13 too- ibinoxon aeedlrjii id boe fanning mhit grindatonasi adnata waggon box with apring aeatt kood as newt band power ri der milli bobsleigh with hoxt truck wag- gont bay aracki ecjdeai ihjn bay loader gowdy plows 1 no 21 plenary plowai t iwofurrowr plpwi acuftler newi atoneboati pigcratat crosneut aawi national cream separators top buggy with two acts uheewi open bukfvt 2 cutlersi twoseated deino crati pleaauire sleight frost wood diac lutrrowt sroad cartl aooden land roller iwoaection harrowsi foursection barrowa forks hoes chains and other articles loo numerous too mention harness i set team harness with breeching- almost newt 2 sets heavy barn- easi odd collars bridles ami plow hameaa i set double driving barneswi grain cradle buggy polet sleigh polei alejgh tongue iieavyt grain bagsi about 10 tone of hay 10 bags c potatoes robesi horse blanket the farm west half of lot 31 con 6 e questing consisting of 1 00 acres more or less on the premise are a frame houseand frame barn with ahed never frilling soring creek through centre of farm potty acres of timber the farm and limber will be offered separately sub ject to reeierve bid terma arranged termsof sale10 and undercash ovtr that amount 10 montha credit on all approved joint notes five per cen per annum off for rash poultry hay and potatoes east positively- no reserve as life whole muat be sold to wind up the estate r j kerr auctioneer phone 36 acton w k gauham clerk county halton fourth annual seed fair under the auspices of the haltnn farmers association and the department of agriculture at the fair grounds milton friday march 12 programme 1000 amj 8htp and daibt oattle ijopjf horses beef and hogs the folwiin prizes will l uiven i shorthorn calf 1 holstein bull 2 months old 1 ayrshire bull 1 leicester ewe 1 berkshire sow all anironlx are hire bred anil from a i stock winners having choin in turn ah ljfisjes will bfoinxjmlititjvtjd- iven out the day of tliv nr fty f v 5 1 jiaiitiil1 biiysof llalfciico wlo ait rtdt mdrerthah 25yeaif frf atex 2 wlio have npi uttmiltl rtujiiruisoij theartorjjtoral col bte anic hivve ilutbetmi tin i dna team ti utichpli 8 wliuhavenbt wtiiijumtfa asiiiiclavntinti vt in theviiast s year ajl bis whbutejr wirfnevriilu ue lotui ijoutestbycnot sbotid attenil in many of the towns villages and counties in ontario rival pro posals have been made for raising local memorials to tbe soldiers who fell intbe war n most places opinion lias been pretty evenly divided between those who advo cate the erection of a piece of heroic statunry and those who would pre fer to see the memorial lake the form of a hospital or some institu tion- it is usually found that the dispute is a difficult one to settle betfuise earnest and sincere people disagree hopelessly about it and each side advances arguments which it thinks the other should accept as convincing those who advocate a memorial in tbe form of a hospital or siime such institu tion claim to be practical people debirous of paying tribute to- the fallen by means of something use ful and enduring something that will tnnkntlie world at least some small part of it better than it ever was before those wbo oppose proposals of the kind declare tnat the attempt is to provide the pub lic with something the people ouht to have anyway it seems olear from information that domes from different quarters that proposals for memorials in tbe form of bos- pitals and public buildings of one sort or another do not are very well the opposition partly comes from those who do not approve of this form and partiy from another class who oohsider the projeoted institution- unnecessary taking the oonutry over it seems probable that if memorials to the soldiers are to be erected tbe plan of erect ing monuments id public places will have to be adopted and if the designs are artistic what uetter form could be ohnsen soaool iuart of ms wo 8 following is the sobodl report for februiyry 8r ivrceoil wilson hon iioja 4 i jr iv harold reefl hon pearl brownridge joe drake jr ill alice leslie hon tans- igyparqoi r at the guclph business college herald bido guelph ontario placed your friend in that po sition of responsibility ask tbe business men in your town about our graduates and undorgraduates come along on monday a l muck ftiidpa tbeilnaitvotte oat9- early white iatstwhite bagley- tsix rowed two roed- eas avl large wheat marquia goose beans bite pea seed fair prizes olovfcrs- 2- 8l spc i- 9j i ib f50 i 50 i 50 swee white swt yellow- red alailte itiinothy k alfolfa ivtat0bs elirly nound late round karly jong- late imi fall wheatt red white 2 r 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i sa i 1 so i so i so i so i so i so m4 have dreade ghosts elrrt play a mosjt important part in hi uvw sf primitive pstplsj f the wiris obosts are extremely nndrnt the monleot old wbo dwelt in caves wre i wu acqunloted with them i in me uvea of primitive peoples of today a very important part l plnye by ghosts their world is thickly i opulnted with tlieni when n imm bleeps his phnntasm tilch einnot lep goes ufn vel op i with this pllnntasm lie is quite ii arillar because it vlallily atteniu i- u the tliiytlme it lilssbnilow sin ajtifi trlw usunlly tpore r -leas- n frnlil sjiadwv- 4 i totb6 not 4y nnmhite iwt ivon loajilmnte wings theli ehosts coticenled wtthlp wen- objeei a mystery n nojamenoa lurking he- itad the phyiiomebon i piyohnlo 1st wattln press il- hie 1 fti icb ihereis nre tildden on haw- ntvjo strtke it with nnhthor pe of i vtrft sod snajka- r ajbojlfrtw tnojtl nipauldgfspoo hat bittnt nwmjubli is fi cathlvntv 1 ilia ghost thm feedaflji om echo o rhelr tiajllejf la a paatom quit rev pmusthelr words mocklnitly anksni rfcp hloa portlotilnrljfmavvorent are rhnln rhnw hontl wltbonl v bodlasv hiit- on nvnr ntvnit 2 i x0 special prise of 5 00 for best exhibit of seeds s17ies 1 all seed exhibits mube for sale and rjoast be a representative nam pie of bcci for snle 2 all seed exinbith must have been grown by the exhibitor in 1919 8 am seed must be correctly named and placed in ball before 11 oclock march 12th 4 an entry feu of 10c will be churned for each entry 6 nu exhibitor viin have more than one entry in tbe same olass but he ma enter in encli olass open to him 6 the hixccutive cmrnittoe reserves the right to rejeot any entry iiall control arraiuemeutti of all exhibits to be labelled with the name of the variety name and address of the exhibitor and amount of similar needs 7 awards- will not be mart o in cases where exhibit in the opinionof the judges in not of a qunlity to merit a price of the quantity w weight required 8 the artsuciaticm will not be responsible for loss or damage to ex hibits 9 premiums will bo paid by the treasurer by cheque as soon as ixissible after show is over 10 protests in writing will be received by the association secretary up to noon march 16th and will be considered by tbe executive com mittee 11 no two persons from same farm will be allowed to exhibit any entry in the same class 12 in oats barley mid wheat ono hau of grain must be shown in peas beans ami putatoen 1 bushel inuat be shown in clover and timothy 1 bushel 18 grain may be expresxe prepaid to milton in care of a l macnabh and it will be expressed buck or sold if the owner winhes 14 exhibitor should htat the number of bushels of seed he has for tutle and the price tier imxliel a meeting will be held in town hah at 8 oclock prominent speakers arei w j gardfconse r h hardin r w wade mr maokeuie o ooke or 2svits vf j bell hebrale iffea of ood the h-l-rnli- lilna of god a am ithuii lmuiiiinble transcendent batng i ho yet reveals himself and works dot iih will in and through the life of lmrt hie people who is at once trl- bl and iralversal at once a roetarpby- irnl prlnriple unci a very present help in time of need at once independent of nil human agency and is soma way unable to fulfill himself except through i i ho striving of men for goodness that idea is typical of an attitude to the world which can defy logic without inking into mysticism and can insist on the application of abstract prin ciple in human life without making human life the slave of abstractions in every manifestation of the hebrew i spirit tbe attitude can be discerned f has still something to say to m fform and ib tbe jewish palestlde of tbe fnjbre its new word will be spo ken not merely perhaps no pri marily through literature or art bat through its particular way of han dling the practical problems of or- sunlted human society prom the future of pnleetlne by leon audsoa in asin mnesxine madges candy shop all kinds of hot drinks served also city dairy ice cream main street phone 214 iil j new and rwrful txs far many years mercury fojauaats ha held its place sa s detoaatjnsf substance superior to all other of i recant years bowtvar its place tea keen threatened by other compounds i which bid fair to replace it one of the most promising of these is lead aalde a salt of hydronltrlc add tola acid forms a great number of salts as mercury slide silver aside and s dlum aside largs crystals of lead aside and mercury aside bar been found to be very sensitive to nwehanl- eal shock says the scientific ameri can the sensitiveness increasing with the slie of the crystals even the breaking of a lagle large crystal la said to bring about explosion crys tals as large ns 8 mm in length whan iry often explode when brushed with a feather contrivance dene jems a baltimore woman miss oornoua rlske has devised u simple scheme to prevent the possibility of contamina tion when making use of s common drlnmug lays it consists of a sfloar of rather stiff waxed paper famsia througp th center and wba dastruvt a thirst qtnncbee of any kind the paytr i placed over the edge of tks g and the up uencsn not cant la ej- tact with the glass and tasrsfor tasts la no exchange of garnuv a ssapply ef these paper can be carrlsd sjaavwav ently in the purs or pocket r tksy may be mad mora substaanally f csl- lulnld or some other equally suitable material and od of the up prol luude to do s prolonged term of writ shorthand basy to read yon easy to learn easy o write the course that qualifies better in standard time official notes- and a freo trial lesson forwarded without obliga tion upon request write as today l e bolstleld prill branapton ontario df- deering farm machinery intsyjrautttonia xritotoiv shrirplciag meolnioavl reasonable prices themoit modern made by tbe ivv piiipiipa v your floors are hardwood feet that never touch the floor a worn floor spoils tbe look of your home and is impossible to repair but if you keep your floors painted feet cannot touch them let tbe paint wear but- save the wood save the suace and you v all senours floor paint n easy to use dries very hardws a high lustra and will with stand a great amount of bard wear no using senours floor paint smt buftsfsfs o skulls required in aynroaiply aateaamaamasiaamaaaaaaeai f specials dominion 3up 2 fbr 2 lb tinspprkdveans ii tomato sauce lbs corn mear for v ctorri 8tarpi per pkg t 6 pkgs qbng 8up for 8 lb pkgprunes quakercorn flakes for 2 ibsu valencia halsina for s lbs cooking figs a- vv- peerless shcirtening in aand5 lb pails per cotosriet shorteilnf pat lji pkg 4 lb- pail apple and strawberry jam a lb pail apple and raspberry jam bpps cocoa per tv i0c 26c v 10c vmc ik 26c r46 ioc 45c- lb 6c 88 80c 80o and 2fi6 i a m grandy pone ib mfafadlm cwranftn fnapt delivery mp pattersons meat market bib roast of beef 89o thick rib roast of beef 28c shoulder roast of beef 26o stewing beef 26o bib boil 24o bump roast 29o corn beef 1820o pork shoulder of pork 28c loin roast 86o fresh bams 86o pork ohops loin 86o shoulder chops 82c side pork 80c veal chops 88o shoulder ohops 82c shoulder roast 80o 8tewing veal 24o leg of lamb 86o 8boulder lamb 27c loin lamb 86o stewing lamb 22c sausage 20o smoked meats side bacon slab or half 46o side sliced bacon 60o smoked roll whole or half 82o cottage roll 87o smoked ham whole or half 87o smoked slioed ham 40c lard 20 lb pail of lard 9660 8 lb pail of lard 100 1 lb brick of lard 8 lb pail of shortening 1100 1 lb hriok of shortening 86o 6 lb pail of shortening 166 davies pork and beans 0 11 18o tomatoes 8 cans for 66o corn 8 cans for 60o pea 8 cans for 66o tiger brand salmon large tin 88o tigjr brand salmon small tin 19r sunflower salmon larue tin sunflower salmon small tin 10c fish bc salmon whole or half per ib 16o bc salmon sliced per ib 20o- fin nan haddie 17o fillets 22o cisooes 24o lake herring per dor 60o 20o freak bones ground daily watch qw window for special on saturday w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 georgetown creamery i ii cream wanted i highest prices ptfci for cream in any quantity old fowl wanted pric from 30c to 40c per lb live weight open every saturday night for the accommodation of our patron skaf es and t4j0ls sharpened on- shortest notice prices reasonable new woodworking shop itavink oiiened up a shop in ur ebtrry oartleys pretnu- i georgetown we are pre pared to do all kinds of woodwork i tso i- cash brose nmf l georfleiowsa 1 v w harness now for the good old winter time call at the harness shopand see the fne assortment of bells blankets and robes and a good supply of everything tc be found in uptodate hal neas shop keaalriui promptly atlentlea to w a bailey haia street georgfiwa i just ton bear tsvef m plain ad tteconto at l their best dany frank king dealer ceorgelowb ibraaitaa vv this is you art interest to tbe high coet of living suppoee you had to replace your bout or the contents of it and bfy everything overaizain you would need double at much mon ey to do it aa in september 1914 everything has gone up the purchas ing power of the dollar is about 47c com- pitred withsepteaiber 1914 building costs of nil kinds have nearly doubled ilolhiig h going up every dayt boots and ihoei furniture curtains car pets food fuel everything costs more fire may dniroy your enllre property any miituie your 100000 policy today wont buy hnlf what it would three years o so yon need more iinuirance one thing in iho world hus not invreased in con lliht in insurance he thing you need moxt n mhort what ynu most need is the cheapest thine you can buy protection you need the beat kind of protection too you can have it the best costs no more than the uoref phone mo hov much morv cover you require and wo will put it on today or we will call value your property and give you the necessary protec tion r j hynds genarml iasnranpa ast phone 303 ceorgetowp bt7sinxss caix8 daily for tjualilled repruits a course in one of shaws 8miooih will qualify yiin in 8hoi t order write for cat alogue and proof of demand for our niadnates address p mcintosh chief prirjoi pal yonito and qerrard sts toronto life insurance rjproteot your wife obildren yourself and your busiijebs wifb a policy in the great wobt life as- auranoe io the lowest rates with the bent resplts ppr partipulars spp ww roe n bealdenoeas oeoboetown omt all bnalaeaa oolleae arsaot allhal select a school ctvehdly toag adpiarlm st torani invites iie patronage of all ivho nt jiimrloiv ralnlnsr 0t our catntojnif reaawncbiirihaaelde enter 6w -sbifrricfswlrfjt- rtkir templsik vr- oi f im m w ama

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