fpfffpppff iirvwthrmaj ffppff xiiv m flfib wj wiw v fybji svm f ti ik pica 4 aw vj i tv frm abobftaiows ftfclaii mjaviw iwi mmw aocobdino to statistics re ported in a hamilton teachers convention thoreare 29616 can adianborn adults in the dominion who can neither read nor write an educator who would not be quoted owing to the ethioe of- the profession aaid oor 80000 illi terates is a matter of serious con cern to any citizen but it is not a thing to become unduly excited over nor is there need of calling in volumes of statistics from a larger country 3 nj one 6f our leaders for saturday midget rolls almond or cocoannt can rely upon them absolutely gibbens phone 909 next door tp radial station suits for you laurrsrar spring i w produces results that cannot be otherwise obtained miss r of georgetown is tfow writing 66 words per minute on the typewriter she started heroour8e january 6th aittbiie now for after easter heraxd bxdo gyfetpfi ontario aihboook prin v- botter paes at the herald i i-v- we taice tlea8ure in annuncirtg ol the rntcitfilet imebeiticym gergelpwri we areshpwuig all that is to r be desired in the rhatter bf qiitiilit auiiij variadon of styles what is niore ah the seasons latest touches are represented in oiir complete range for men and young men splendid variety of tweeds and fanoy worsteds also some good varieties of navy blue serges above suits are either in full i box nemifltting waistline and belted effeots prices range from 9185oto96500 for ladies and misses the styles of these suits are too varied for authentic descrip tions but there is a surprise in store for all those who will come i in to look them over bach and every anit has an individual touch all its own and the styles can only be compared with those muoh higher priced our prices range from s350 to 9650o brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown but he w w speed that was about all witness cars to testify at to the oslt v of defendant the mai was in the maries draft court en appeal from the ponce court where the defendant nod been gouty of violating a city ordinance prohlbltj- ing the throwing of rubbish in the streets relates the indianapolis news the charge had been preferred by neighbor who died his affidavit set ting forth that the defendant had wuv mily unlawfully and maliciously throws certain perttdea of glass lata the sttsetw front ojafhenirvrv dicv jiv idmlng tar htcwtfy of testimony lax the county court the defendants law yer wnh all sails set let loose his best ttne of crossexomlnatlon of the coqfiulnjns neighbor tou say mk vnmess snarled thai yon a thlsdefeedukt chrrjw tome glass lu front of your- house sod then run back- t fcjsvfront doorryou mean totemuua court iat be sen or jpirt tlniblj walked uttt hnss itoo wheal maa run the- wits halt answered t say did w ran or justwatt jatr the attorney thundered judge your honor xbe witness excitedly replied he turned sad faced the judge this here same law yer made me a liar in police court bright for all i know gone sixty miles aci hour 4 aint no judge of homes nature plea for memorial trees committee would have one planted in baptist churchyards as tribute to roger williams a memorial tree in every baptist churchyard in the united states tjj commemorate establishment of re ilgious freedom and snnl liberty is the plan of the soger williams national memorial committee of the district of columbia the committee which u in charge of the drive to raise a fund for the erection in washington of the roger williams memorial announced it would ask every congregation 1 the country to plant a memorial tree the tree stondh for life says statement from the committee issued at the washington headquarter andj as the american foresty association is urging the planting of memorial trees in honor of tbe american sailors aw soldier who gave their urea that po litical freedom sbouldnot perish from the earth so we will ask that trees be planted in honor of roger vvtlllatnsy who worked and suffered that religious liberty might be wevea into the na tional fabric of america h you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firatclasa companies viz british american- british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomic mutual waterloo guardian ciedoniari hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance phone ape georgetown wl norval flour mills red clovesr alrfke alfalfa and timothy anouier car of cora jusr arrived t estemigsietd j j- ontario- pselfle bleekade pacific blockade is a term taveat ed by bautefeullle the french wrltr on international maritime law to ih scribe a blockade eierclsed by a great power for the purpose of brtiirlng prrasnre to bear on a weaker state without actual war the pacific block ado bim apparently establlndefl itself hr a lerltlmate means or coerdnr a weak power to observe its internal tlonnl obligations without retorting to war for that purpose it re modern- development and ban naually been tbe net of several powers setlpg in concert it was brat employed in 1627 when the combined fleets of great britain france sad russia blockaded a por tion of the tnrktob coast more re cent instance of its exercise war tbe blockade of crete by the powers id 1807 the hlocksde bf venesuelan ports by great britain oermudj and italy in 1802 and of turkish ports by tbe powers in 1003 m- ljt jtmu mjji to be given away a car of sugar to arrive it- j v- for granulated 3ugar and lc i for brown jsugar v at car place your order now a m graiidy phqne 7c sihiftidlfi sapraatce and tailoring jioi i our new spring stock has arrived ladies dresses suits and coats n good variety come early and inspect our display and get first choice suits of every description made to order we guarantee satisfaction to all- rrt i siretipandl yiq taityritpsoa 1 mingpeot oairswk 1- w3 ry beet m okeiee stock of tbe jnt m canada food boanclicense no 9- the barflee american soldiers u mndob said den samuel a ansel take a great deal of interest in the bargees who raw enormous cannl boats up sad down the tbanins a soldier stood on the blackfrlars bridge one oay watching a brgea row bis canal boat or barge it was as enormon barge half a doaeo oaramea could hardly have managed it but tbe lone- bsrgee wielded bis oar undla- mayed and tbe barge approacbed the soldier on tbe bridge at the tale of about so tneb a nitunte- the sipldler watched tbe barge long time and when tbe bridge was at last reached be took tbe cigarette from bis month and shouted down to tbe plucky oareinun well so long old timer dont forget to bring us sparrot buck with rout georgetown livingstones bakery main street saturday special selfsacrifice s the war made any change is pongelelghr 1 abould say sol in jhat respectr ibponiewgh aaya that in view ou fac7thst mifrlinda are buying uberty fronds and cpartburfag to war pbllantliroplee bconftdere if bis p trlotlc duty not to borrow non tbaij is at a time from any of tbemrr blrmlpihanj ageherald oause far thanks i met a real optimist tbe other day said the war hospital surgeon a fellow to whom i certainly dbft my hat be bad lost leg and when they picked bits up tbe flrattblugbe said wasrtbank ood it wasttia la- wlth the rbeumatlnnl african d for laces trade ef that section sure o e wall worth oultlvatlng aseordlna ts il ceaeular report he ucas esabrolderles or dress trim auhgt of any kind are produced in fast africa of msclnemode goods prtprlpally eetton large quantitlas are imported being supplied chiefly hy cngland rranae aiid swltierlnnrt tlio native women ore them in onibroidered lndor and lop klrt rlioinlic chemir setter and kimonos this is true as regnhla the nntlve wbnten lpu weal afilcn even jn the far interior they fnviiy hie tup clietnl- sette or ibort chemise worn ns a l- oionu cor tle niot imrt lej goods are embroldared but iunqy have begqo ip wesr samen willi insertions sad lacak fciijjrxfiguroirniid lowflldrt vbllasiandwmmlaawiwellv kad j banaskii ii- t hlil rtistuan man lved 1 for five ved in oeorgetown yesrsttndi would like svu the people of oeorgetown to plettfe seu me thelx f pring wilisb to pay fironi 4p to 5e a pound for risdsiblghpri everything ib jfrr f fipvpwrf w4 ief their tribute to fight er pontaneeue expremlone ef admlrsv tlon from colonials at sight of gallant american deatroyer the mxt suniisp found ua anchored st the cntriince to no english harbor alin hiid nntcrn as far as the eye cniild rench 5tretrbed u line of ships uniting to carry food into england that is how kugland is being starved bv germany aud that is how the british and amerlciin navies ere do ing their work i after several deeply loaded ehtpa had shot in posvns we got our pilot and joined the prwjeaion- bouid out ln ths opposite dlrectipb pewesfnt idestroyer of tlie litest type swept npii three black plutloca trailing from her funnels and a great white bono- jobber ttl she was the very spirit of dasjh and ilorlng with b tlruteof swank- rsythafs p topholer look at itliot absolutely it btppbig was vliprttsed in the bnglrsti of thelslai a big souih african nudged mil tahk look at tnafflagj ssssit 4ba 4tai aid stripes- orsrthauautna aseacfiesi bad ybaerd on the significance of this waur t44he angloaaioos meant the quick aunipse of that flnaahlp utcierthait sug outward tfonnd to dafsnd me tinee of sngland cbaue en springboks a food one tor the tasks yelled tbe big oolotnal and the man who bad licked the oea- mnits la bast africa and wbo were going to oak them in france reared the zulu war cry g mason tsj ovllewk ftst for choice quauty salmon haaddiesv bloaters clifford unham phone 196 main street inner man well fortified amerloan soldier ordered to the front at least did net set out en mission hungry an american doughboy entered a restaurant in the hue richelieu and after carefully studying the maun or dered dejeuner the waitress brought him bacon and eggs oaeeaa and a pint of beer when he bad finished eating be paid his bill and onlled the waitress now i want some loach thus nine aha brooght htm a plate of n roast beet vegetablee and chicken rariti which he washed down with half dosen cups of tea than he paid his bill and called the wondering waitress back again now my dear 1 want dinner he ate some beef vegetablee an las and drank a bottle of wine at i jo after bavtag takes all three mcela st oaee the swldler left tbe ree tauraat and a little while later set out en a mission to tbe troat stars and stripes t m big price for furs to the trappers of georgetown 1 ng a bi- t rappers of georgeti want you to know that purs bring price in montreal market i am a buyer for montreal market ho dont sell your rare before you see me fbr i can aesure you a good price or them drop a card to me i s riceman oredll row geergctewa mltvecjeii pfenvatrnesphera these has beea erected at the ttnlw ad states department of agricultures experlmemt farm at arllagton ta the largest experimental plant in the chit ed state for the production of nitro gen rem air the nitrogen so pro duced is combined with hydrogen to form ammonia which can be used la the manufacture of explosives and fer tilise experiments with the view of increasing the efficiency of the proc ess ere now being conducted by the bureau of solhv- the haber process of manufacturing nitrogen ts being en plsyed this process involve the pro- dnctloo ef ammonia from hydrogen aud attrogen tbe two geaes are mist ed in the proper proportion pat under high pressure and eobjeeted to tatenac lieat they are then passed over a spongy troa whereupon a portion of the mixture combines to form ana- nofti esnosjitlei flsh8kln at tbe resent estpoalrioa af the sbemleal industries at ew fork thero was aa interesting exhibit of leather pled trom tbe skin ef saber shark aorpolee and tuna flab which showed it to be as full pf good qualities aa leather made from tbe skins of anl- sdeatuu ef tbe rrart tasntutegnd the united states bureau of flsberlet bare been experimenting with tab akin i a esastltute far leather aad the rawxhlde ef sharks and porpoises al ready ta in comnjerdsl use porpoise skla tasor strops hare been used for year and ether kinds of fish leather would have been on the market long ago the scientists say had it not been but there was nn abundance of real leather deering machinery international traotqia qtaaollne engines sharplen meehanloal momn maohlnes wire fanoins and oalwavntaed bee lag cutter and bugarfas cray dort meier can call and inspect this car before bnyinii phone 101 r 88 thos e hcwson norval ont w a bailey uptodate harness shop now is tbe time to have your harness overhauled be ready fot your spring work dont put off till to morrow what you should do today a full stook of all harness needs we also have a large stook of the old reliable international stook food trunks and grips for any old trips y repairing promptly atteaiej la w a bailey halp street gpqrgetovn ae a i 9 1 a a a a yon hear s a 1- tjaev industrial exemption conscription boards have their trou bias axtd occasionally a tragedy but ones 1st a while they have a little joke too the local draft board at 8cotta burg thinks it has a good one on the third district appeal board becently the bcottsburg board seal up papers of a man who songht ex edptlbavbeeausa of tnarrisgs since jfa gust s ims to due urns the papers war returned by tbe appeal board with the ruling deferred classification re fused place can be filled by another it i presumed that the appeal clerks wrote reason for refusal of an appeal for exemption on industrial grounds on the papers instead oof the on intended fdr caaav tndlsnapplia new 4 plays anneeords at iftfirbcstt a a u j otherosdlgarabn o fmpedlmsnta how much stuff does a tank take inrijepr jtfimmwtfc vsnk jp one sfiuadyon wjll see a maa carrying fil pack including extra shots andofarcoat and wearing a whole atrfpg of cbrfied wu1 caul much as a v islander wears a efr sloth 4 au in the same sauad will go up minus his blouse gad cap rjlng oqly a blanket gas matand helmet parts stars and stripe s sllm knd specs 811m wns bilking about n young lisrty of hia noqunintnritio mid innplqtlert frtthi and oh how tlmt girl can tickle the ivorleal borne plnnlste la she queried specs innocently r no cbuckiii3 rjllmv hiip ghoa scalp diassugcirontnionts cstt damy frank king dealer georgefaira xv osea bteaiaaje wiw a i busntess ojavrs daily for jualifled reorpifts a obprsp in ope of shaws sohqola will qualify ypp jn short order write for cat alogue and proof of demand for onr gi ad notes address p mo otleprjpp pnl yonsp n4 qprrard stp tbrppto mt of brcms anotber thing pruhlbltlon has ld onclplh piitiletnlyvlafto makf tueibartpyefsv until jenipsnince life insurance proteot your wife children yourself and your bubidbbb with a policy in the gi eat west life air burahco co the lowesc rntpa with the beat results for particulars see irzii ocoitoetpwir i m