rfc- paoh a the sttoixwwm hmuuj ajml 7tb imp irv fib hi f- both belu al the bumsjde hopitml toron to on march 31 10 mr and mrs david brill of georjuown a ton married hamdcock stbwaut at the presby terian manse brampton on saturday march 27th by rev malcolm mcarthur fied handcoct of union to ethel stewart of victoria harbor died thommow in toronto on wednesday march sim 1920 mrs william thomp son in bar 80th year mcrhimon at lngerbohne norval of wednesday april j 1920 david t mc pherson third son of lane and the late alexander mclhervon the funeral wiu take place on friday at 3 p in intermeat in- noryai cemetery ht memoriam cowak in proud and loving memory of pie jamea cowan who made the sup reme sacrifice for king ipd country a yprs loih april 1916 when alone in our sorrow and sad- tears do flow there itealeth a dream of sweet loos t go and unknown to the world he stands by outside and whisper thejfe words death can- not divide weepinjf friends wlss him but why should wer grieve 4 little wmua longer and vie too must leave to meet those we v nave first gone before i where partlugs unknown and where deaths no more someday well understand wife son and mother dobbib in loving memory of our dear lit tie son and brother orville ross dob- hie who passed into the great beyond april 8 1916 in his sib year it was hard to part with him so young so full of promise bright but god to him a crown has given and garmenta pure and white- it is sweet to know well meet again where parting is no more and that the one we loved so well has only gone before sadly missed father mother and brother ufojmeeling a banquet to be tendered promior drury at well attended meeting of eequesiuk branch ufo lieu in the rest rooms of the morobants bank on saturdiiy aniotm othoi- matters discussed wan the question as to whether or not the cki should oo opernto with oooibo town chamber of commerce in tendering a banquet to premier drury it was uaanimoiinh de cided to do so and a doiiiinittce was appointed for unit purpose there was also a motion unused georgetown getting in line at last while nearly one hundred other places in ontario have for years been getting liberal grants from the government for home and civ ic improvement because they bad organized horticultural societies onr town baa been out of it for lack of such a society we are pleated to know that sooh will no longer be the case last week a committee of the men from the civic improvement committee of the chamber of commerce met with a number of the ladies ot the worflens ciyie association ano plans- ware made for a systematic canvas this week for members to form a horticultural society a meeting of all interested win be held in tbe library pext mon day evening the 12th init at 8 p no to select qfftcers complete tbe organization and discuss plain for trfsiseasonsrwork this isa society that it will pay every householder iri iowp or in the- surrounding country to join for through its- vyholesale purchase of seeds bulbs plants trees etc it is able to give to ite members big value for the membership fee of 100 those outsldt of town who cannot be reached by tbe can vassers may bendin their dollar at noon a petition against the return real estate special this week 1 07 acres in peel county 14 mile from stop n toronto suburban railway 34 mile to school i 12 miles to village with store and churches ui wu soil- light clay loam 95 acres under cultivation 35 acres tqholtt ttneitrpjuramewlng ajl wheat looking good 24 acres fait ploughed large base- on april 12tb iri tbe ouynoil cjmm- rnerit barn- stabling f or 7 horses and steel stanchions for 24 ber at stewuittowd as- some of cattle good well lots of water windmill large cement silo the members bad been r expressing good 7 roomed house see us about this farm for spring po8session the wheat next fall will make a large payment oh the farm pricss 11600 terras arranged several hnebrlofc prases lor wle trt liame prkpii dissatisfaction with the move- to georgetown v it -was- considered advisable to give iherri eliarico to voice their opiuion in open meet- ingond hen leave the question ffo ybteothsmenibfra the georgetown herald wednesday evg april 7th 1980 fobms fob the income tax be turns may be obtained from the inspectors of taxation or from tbe local post office the penalty for failure to make tbe return is 100 a day for each day wbicb the de fault continues those subject to the tax are as follows every un married person or widow or widower without dependents as defined by the aot who during calendar year 1919 received or earned 1000 or more all other individuals who received or earned 2000 or more every corpopation and joint stook oompany whose profit 8 exceed 2000 during the flsal year ending 1919 the time limit in tax forms and returning same js april 80th anytime to prof- hutt who will hand it over to the treasurer to be appointed at the meeting next monday evening for every dol lar in membership fees received be fore the 14th inst the government grants another dollar for tbe use of the society be ready for the canvassers when they call on you or send in yonr membership promptly come to the meeting and see that offic ers are selected who will have in mind not only the good of the members bat the beautifioation and general improvement of the town with a live energetio society of this kind at work in our midst our homes gardens and grounds should soon take on an improved ap pearance that will be satisfaction to all concerned and will be an in ducement to onr visitors to be come permanent residents the bfbinq fkveb has very quickly had itseffeoton the owners of autos and many cars are already to be seen on the road with the increased number ot oars whizzing around our streets wilu come tbe added danger of acoidents from col lisions and runins to say nothing of the numerous frights thrown in to forgetful or careless pedestrians a lot of this can be obviated if drivers will be more careful book less outting of corners orossing street intersections at dangerous speed absence of lights at night ailnre to give proper signals and warnings and tbe persistent tak ing a chance if guarded against will reduce acoidents to a mini mum and cause less swearing and hostility from tbe public let motorists start out with tbe motto 8afety first spring assizes spring assizes opened at milton last monday marob 29th before mr justice orde with a s clark of mount forest as crown coun sel there was one criminal case on tbe list that of dr geo metb- erell of burlington charged with performing it criminal operation on theresa kew of brant ford re sulting in ber death on april 8rd 1919 tbe case was adjourned from the fall assizes and dr metherell bad been out on bail after bearing tbe evidence tbe jury returned a verdiot of not guil ty and tbe accused who is 6i years of age was discharged gray vs dalton this was a burlington jury case the plaintiffs little daughter winnie was run down by tbe car of tbe defendant win dalton jr and damages were claimed a number of witnesses were examin ed apd tbe oase lasted all day tuesday verdiot for plaintiff for 005 judge allowed high court xioits monally vs ldpinaky non jury action for breach of promise the plaintiff mrs mo nally of georgetown sued a young pole named mike lepinsky who is a seotionman on the gtr liv ing at ash for 8000 mrs mo- nally testified that the defendant oame to her bouse in january 1919 and btayed six weeks and that be had made advances prom ising marriage after hearing of evideuce defendants counsel sug gested a settlement tbe judge gave the parties a week to- settle be to give judgment should they fail to doeo w s morphy of brampton fox plaintiff b h clea- ver for defendant obituary peter fbboubon in the death of mr peter per guson sr at the home tit his son peter at ballinafad marob 88th the community has lost one of its most highly respected citizens born in islay scotland he came to canada in the early sixties in tbe prime of his young manhood and was a blacksmith apprentice to d moeinnon of georgetown later on he established a buuiness ot bis own at ballinafad and was very exacting in the quality of his own work in politics be was a staunch conservative and enjoyed a lively debate but never was a gtessivetbeijand o the heather was saered to him peter per guson was a man of sterling worth industrious tenderhearted and with a simple and beautiful faith in tbe gospel of jesus christ that made many friends for bim but no en emies his large funeral on wed nesday afternoon wasoonduotedby bis pastor bev mr waddell of ballinafad presbyterian church of which deceased was a faithful member his remains were laid beside those of his dear wife who pre deceased bim about ten years ago of a family of six children fonr remain to mourn the loss of a loving father duncan and peter ballinafad mrs frank binnie 9th line erin and mrs may little current maniooulin is there are also four grandohildren and two great grandchildren mas b thompson mrs elizabeth thompson widow of tbe late william t thompson died at her late residence 258 bus- holme road on wednesday march 81 mrs thompson was born in kings county ireland 80 years ago came to canada at the age of fourteen years and settled at stewarttown where she lived until 11 years ago when she moved to toronto deceased was for many years one of bsquesings most high ly respected residents she was a good neighbor a kind and affection ate mother and was beloved by all who knew her she was a member of the anglican church and is sur vived by three daughters mrs g appelbe mrs o langley miss eva thompson also four sons william john george and james the funeral took plane on sat urday afternoon last whsn tbe re mains were laid to rest in stewart- town cemetery the service was eonduoted by bev mr rogers the pallbearers yete six grand sons says eleettdii was irregular the toronto siar of jasv weefi contained the following edward s stebbenaoh attempted to have tabled n the legislature this after- of premier drury but it was ruled that he must have recontso to the law courts the petitioner claims to bo able to prove by documentary and other evidence and the evidenoe of wit nesses before any competent body of investigation that the said by- election was irregularly held and that prior to and on the polling day of said byelection there were reprehensible and improper meth ods used and corrupt practises com mitted within tbe meaning of the ontario controverted elections act with the intent and effect of strongly prejudicing the eleotors of the county of halton against the petitioner and perverting a free ex pression of their will by means of their votes and unfairly causing numbers of them to vote against tbe peti tioner or to icfrain from voting for bim tbe petitioner claims that of- floial returns of tbe said byelec tion received by him disclose ir regularities as to the taking of the vote and the tabulation of same of a obaracter and degree which it would be in the public interest to investigate the petitioner recites to es tablish that he flics thin pot it ion in good faitliaud in the public inter est that his election disbursements did not total the sum of one hun dred dollars that no organization or individual whatsoever asked or persuaded bim to file this petition or assisted in its preparation or suggested in any manner tbe nature of tbe petition or its phras eology and that the petitioner is a workingmnn of moderate means who is unable to avail himself of the nfachinery provided in the on tario controverted elections aot for judicially aontesfcing the said byelection ev an s r ij s h phone 237 willoughby block georgetown farmers business for the put 84 yean tkb bank has given particular attention 6 tbe buairma of farmers we have helped many ovar the rough places and have aided many more to the highest plane of success we are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate hanking practice come in at any time and talk over your flairs with at you are always welcome th mcrchants bank head office montresl of canada established 1894 georgetown branch h r mimms manager acton branch lb shorey manage sewing motor changes any sewing machine into a self operating electric ask for free trial around spring ballinafad a few of the farmers here bave started their ploughing miss p buntie of georgetown spent sunday at her home hero mr and mrs i roszel mr and mrs w roszel spent sunday at the home of mr clou and misn wilda roszel miss c henderson spent easter with friends in toronto mr harry soott and sister stella spent sunday with friends hero miss dorothy butnside spent sunday with friends at crewbon corners mrs ostrander had a very suc cessful auotion sale on monday last this simple little wonder worker changes any sewing maohine old or new into an electric selfoperating laborsaver you donu bave to foot pedal you can do all your sewing without getting the least bit tired all you do is guide the sewing hold your foot still dont pedal just press a bit harder to sew faster perfeot speed control you can sew a stitch at a time or 800 a minute you never touoh the wheel the maohine always starts tbe right way no jerks it never breaks the thread jnst a silent steady motion that stops the moment you remove your foot trom tbe selfstarter it makes sewing a pleasure you oan make all your own olothes and get more of tbem and better material for less money you oan save tbe cost of tbe singer sewing motor in less than one months use nothing too good for my custo mers union made registered boots best hoots- ever pat on the market since 1865 mens boys and woinens for sale on ly by j boney the gold boot georgetown a school expressing intrinsio educational value 8prink term now open brampton business institute o botjsriaxd piin sfj l ib uuuxmum bi immmmmiib lai i gram the mens store special announcement is advice to onr friends who are thinking of getting a blue or black serge suit we have a large stock pf the above goods bought beiore the big atfyaiide in priceiliyou are considering the purchase of a serge suit now is the to place your order as you will pay onethird more for these goods by the end of the month no matter where you buy them bay now aid save money special clearing of all x winter overcoats and suite ra great opportunity to secure fiargaipsas these goods must- be cleared to malje rppm for new-spring- lines bargains in all departments during the monh millar co rine hiohclass tailors mods famuhlngs and ready-to- wear clothing georgetown phone 128 m i igmiiiiiiiiirm ibihiiumiiidbj ib mamm jackso n s kitchen cabinets economy in the household gienwilliams la tbe interest of church going during the world war when tbe conservations of coal closed many publio buildipgs president wilson sad let tbe ehurobes apd schools be tbe last to oloso for its my opinion tbat salvation and eju- oation are tbe two preserving forces of onr great civilization help tbe ohnrohes of george town by your presence each sun day y mrs caldwell of toronto is visit ing mr and mrs 0 everson miss bella boberts of toionto is visiting at mr and mis j weavers the oth line from hunts bridge up to mr sam allans is still in a very bad condition a lot of our boys spent good friday fishing eakter sunday weather wan rather t disappointment some couldnt even wear their new bats what about a band this summer we would soon like to hear a little music mr george cornell who hur boen stopping at mrtj hills all winter intends leaving in the near future qe is entering his three horses in toronto woodbine races for the kings plato in may good lurk george mr stick davidson who has hod a bad knee from blood poisoning is a little better mr bailey electrician has com pleted wiring t roberts house notice to cemijitnbx plot qwnebb last saturday was ap pointed cleaning up day but ow ing prevailing high winds the work pould not be done kindly note that on saturday next 10tb inst the work will proceed all interested please attend with nec essary implements 0ne soreyr will attoh it no motor will mtohit this style motor is permanently attached to your singer sewing mnobino and folds in whefh machine is olosed yon can pmrtbm opt fff these pn snail mmthly payneis frank king georgetown main street saturday treat thai goad old faililoued hamamado maple cream is a great favorite with everyone the kiddies dream about it and the grown up also love it this saturday we offer you iso lbs of our fresh homomade maple cream wo know you will like keg 40c per lb saturday treat price per lb 880 weekend chocolates 43c we notice a nice increase in our business every week we are well into our fourth yetr in gooretown already auti each year has ahownd us n nice increibo in business we are out after another record yonr and 11 value count we will have it our weekend chocolate are the boat value in cana da rfifjulur 60c per lb weekend speoial 4be per lb t h moore he ad mjftofi brampton georgetown every housewife in justice to herself and family should own this modern kitchen equipment it organizes kit- phen work because of its special features it saves much tiring labor clips rriany hours off time in the kitchen saves miles of needless steps and is the means of stopping a costly though often unknown waste of food can any home afford lo be without one we are allowing some of the newest models latest equipment good material and construction beautifully finished all white enamel interiors t large oak cabinets latest model speoial equipment white enamel interior 80 for 88800 large roomy maple cabinetb natural finish bet equipment white enamel interior 70 for 5800 boomy serviceable cabinets maple natural finish white onnrnol interior splendid eq uipmt 00 for 4700 can supply good serviceable cabinnts from 1500 mens shirts pants and over alls of a substantial saving- mens overalls oxtra large and best qual- ity cloth 87fi for 85 mens pveralls 826 for 276 mens heavy flannol shirts 876 for 825 mens military flannel shirts 290 for mens heavy denim shirts 225 for mens heavy furlined dips menh pivots mens ooo suspenders for mons heavy wool jackets mens lenthor wool lined mitts 160 for 840 195 150 896 48c 635 196 a saving on every day needs 8 comfort soap for 29o 8 star ammonia for 95c olnfant delight for 83o 16c old fashioned 8oap for loo pine wilton squares 8x4 126 for 8450 english tapestry squares 8x8i 8800 beautiful tapestry 8quares 8x8 9700 fine bunglo rugs 8x8 9000 good bunglo rugs ux8 1875 extra bunglo rugs 2jx8 1qso jap floor bugs 64x72 t60 tapestry mats 27x64 650 velvet mats 26x62 875 japanese mats 75o and up new spring footwear we rtre showing a splendid range of the latest in spring footwear for men women and children that for stylo service and value will give every satisfaction jacksons georgetown kodak pays are coming in a few weeks spring days will be here and tben yon will need a kodak if you would like to spread tbe payments here is our suggestion plqk put any kodak now pity a deposit ana arrange to pay bo mnpna week until tlie kodak is paid for wo will keep the ykodak for you and by the time spring is bora you will bo able to bftvfl ft fully paid for kodak wten tho flrsji wirm days of banefkwvo box srownl wo 8 takes pictures 8jc in xovla ios v9ll other moaels op to 0600 wtxjtend specials slvf polfsl- reg 1 5c frd and saturoc u s g heave heljef will relieve any case of heaypa alrno8t at once bg 5qc frjovand at soc 8 m abbprlpt cottonreg 25c frid and oatur j00 centittirpoqiii end and sat 49c per llj hourigans mmsaastsswmbbsaaalmis i ml 11 i 11 ili ill i l ii i ii i