Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1920, p. 3

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k m i 1 mm ww 2 tosflagstc it- ww anaomnoed the other day that wtnurn o moadoo the nantar uw of president wilson bad mad the siiggsstlon that to united states mlcbt bar bermuda and the british vvst indie la orderto enable greet britain to pay their dettfto tha re public tab proposal csused aoces- thing like cons in the bht uhdomlnions mentioned and many meetings of protege were held at first sight it did notseemss though canadians aged beffconceraed bat d vetdjomrtutiiar hsw fouowstflndp- tote t carefulty-esrrahged- cajapejgn- to spreatfvabroadmrioea that the temtihotf of joanda might- be sotd like sfsack of ruuibfemereeindlmr toohci 8am the washington correspondent otv he jew york journal ot commerce w n gentleman of vtvd imagination or else hebaa an antijbrltlah slant iobl neutrality at any rate it ts ixqrely see heroes hot know ther facts regarding for british financial pojsrllon si it is now and has been shaded by some bureaucratlcfrlend he says theifr u ho prospect thai england dan bay lntereslpijhlb debt mtoifr hlulona owed to the united- wlcpiii used with oooo beaaltear jail num the old idea that spanking days were over when a hoy grew too bis tor bis mother or father to do the lob has received a rudeshock aa seven young men lent to the ontario jail farm cat testify the youngf mens agis ranged from 17 to si yean aha they were happed six imee in therxhtdifahlonea way with a very iteajjhyloomhg school strip about 16 inchesv long tl two inches wide and thick enough co mate aalmpreisloooajhenlprlts ij 4o hie samsiacllon of my that 1 under sellariy ehoedealsrvin ontario ftftjwilltbe eoiijtvtimeforaanptbr bankrnpt sale takes place 3n qeorgetwn as the- lasl man found t4at this wbsavery bard locality todtsrbeof inferiorgooas boots from to i taeive the largeststook of mens boots in i town attheso- prices 876 to 600 we re pair airkiuds of rubber boots low prices and good workmanship we have no oppoai- hon andtboway we are going aueadiproves it a good tthe repairer wante jgmj satassssl buy here ajsd keep your money in town the peoples family shoe man m main st georgetown f s riceman kkv f r i russian man v r xkaye lltod in georgetown tor lve wew wears and 1 would like all tne people of oeorcetownto please sell v their spring- goods- invnen tney are noiaseelegqiins x ant willinstto i p fropz4o to bo a ponnd for 7 ragnnsl ajiiglk prioe for wirtmig i bnr tnbberaliottles aid tea kettlee boilers and xtarpete eoondrhand elothei eoondtiand nwnjs lrotsajboondliand bagb and eaoks oldelwwanca i pajrjcsaf thetliiilieit prioje solnethinsi duterent from ptlier peolawi biy old itewapapers bpola andinaikn ttonro erytrnly rx0 tv- iikvs bzotdelfoe qrdit bor near paper mill aniii php- mmwmwtiv wwwmttwf s3- j n a d i a n n n 1 1 a n a i h a 1 1 uj a lj ie y ujv n flas 1ff akiwiuatf i gmgg eeiioas t itrttv officials ebnnectlbdjjrith jtfle pi- iimira hot auowed thlkabout th that weetlbp do nor try and pa into tneseerentot spanking at the xall rmwejrarftthij job haf jn donerismsjor w j morrleon rniper- lntdndent has potlfled the torli ctfwnty cwk of the jeeic1to that kttettbe spaaklns waaoartlfid out on fits- reconubendmjoiior his honor judge fcmersori coats worth v i tberoulpriu vws-gfi- pd honest slaps and the cemony was witnessed by the superintendent states jideed it was a mattet of icertaln knowledge feth mldeuintneiu y m19l that great brltaih would hot ire able io meet her interest obllka- lions after the war the leading fln- npclal men of the united kingdom tttd thlfe was a foregone cooetualon uind this oovemmtqit f ram that time forward wjth- all the enormous ad vances of mbqeys that were made knew what the prospects were from i he beat authorities on financial mat ters in europe this correspondent utterly ignores the fact that the brit ish government- is now making rev enue meet expenditures- tbnt jits year itjs expected british export tradiwh be a oillion dollain more than imports that arrangements liavo been mads to pay4hfulrnbe anglo- vrench lbah when it comes due thnt not billy is britain paying nil interest except that suspended for tbrce years on the debt to- the untied stales government but raising the money by testation to pay it anotlutt wlthr in a year or two the prospects nre that british exports to thes united states will be paying- not only interest on the debt but also the principal but the correspondent of the usually careful journal of commerce dis closes the object of the misrepresen tation of the british position vhn he argues not only for sale ot the british west indies to the united states but also canada his dream is this the sweep of the proposed scheme for the extingnllnment ot the british debt to the unitedstates has included canada but no steps j looking to any deflnlte discussion of such a trensacttbn have yet been taken the plan of course is tn en- lire disregard of the principle of na tional selfdetermination now so tritely regarded in all comment on the adjustment of political bound aries canada might not relish the dea of being exchanged body soul and breeches for any part even all of the huge international debt of bri tain to the united states with the hinall dependencies in central amer ica or the islands of the west indies however it would be another mat ter the article includes a minute de scription ot the british eolontes in the west indies and south and cen tral america and says that efforts are being made to arrive at some basis of negotiation there is propa ganda at- washington toward this end evidently but the false founda tion- of the whole story lies in the journal correspondents assertion that the british debt to the united states is ten bill inn dollars that is the amount of ho total allied indebt edness not britains which la onl about four billions and which cer tainly canha repaid in a reasonable number of years the inclusion of canada in this propaganda to stir upunlted states opinion tn favor of demanding british colonies to llqul date the debt shows how scatter- brained to- the conception behind it hnn agent coming alvo von avenaeben german fin ancial baron ot the paoloe northwest before the war and interned at brt douglas salt lake city since hay 1917 was granted a conditional pa role on march th and it is expected he will journey to vancouver soon to esther together what may remain of tile fortune be hid invested mines and timber- lands in that region during the- war von aivensmoen is declared to hare been an active agent against canada he was a for mer lieutenant in the german army but wag expelled from that country because of a dispute with a superior offloer claims that be is szoousm ot the former kaiser hsve never been proved butlt is bellsred much of the money he invested in the north west was furnished by william of hohensollem parole conditionsdid not stipulate that von alvenslebeh return to ger many v i g artist was jjpnored miss emma goring of st cath arines has at the request- of the so- ciete dbistorre de la guerre of paris prance forwarded two draw ings for posters to be reproduced in color and sold the world over in aid of an organisatloa to reconstruct the devastated homer of the country artists all over the iworlif were ashed to submit drawings chooarng their own subjects miss qorlriat sketched thetwlvemhe creek at its junction yfliu ttnroldjwehahd capal and the immwwmjw i v aqnlok change mrs baconsdo you remember the night you proposed marriage tome menryt mr baoon- dh yes very well in deed v mrsr baconrrl jus hung my head and saldtnothlng didnt ft jfr bacon you dlfli and that was the iftsf time i eyerjaw you that yyri fwisbfiww ceuriler cjk iiiir iwatiiw 0 xuk tfjgsaisoa ufa s course surge0n- yoiihtr men dtl7t6iioyi bf lb slapper jlkmou lerlntenaenti h tcjersiof jble taaace e knee it used to do so a chaniftiwas madbmn the position of the victim of the whack ing x no 1- he is not even stripped only he sectloh of the anatomy especially arranged by nature for thej purpose of bpanklng wai laldbare the youhg- man la told to stand up with his face tb the wall and his hands held hlghvjorer his head grasp a certain steam pipe kaon of these seven young ipsnwul probably have no ad- uilrationfor a pipe afterthla as a tingling sensation will follow as soontasany one of them seeks steam pipe but listen ltlsdeclared ftbat use real punishment is tfotlnthe sla plng as the young men took the medicine fine it is the outrsgesn the feelings of the culprits which has theatataryiffecu st undeclared fhey feet uke two cents j it is claimed- that since the spank ings were ordered here has been a materia decrease in the stealing ot atitos in toronto and those who- know best say that the punishment is a good one and is much better than long prison sentenoes wanted to fight among the most restless and un willing stayathomes during the war were the eskimos living on the arc- tlc coast oflaska a theeagerness of the juale mem hers of the eskimo tribes to get into the ngbtlng in the war on germany is one of the most interesting tales brought beck from alaska by william b van valln leader ot thejohn wanamaker alaskan expedition who has just returned- to philadelphia af ter an extended sojourn in the north the eskimos listened with horror to the accounts of german atrocities and the sinking of defenceless ships by submarlnesrhr van valln says they grew so angry that the white men in the section were obliged to use all their powers of persuasion to convince them that their hlgber duty was to remain at home and attend to l heir families news of the armistice did not reach the arctic coastdntil last sep tember and then there took place one of the most picturesque victory celebrations in the world the na tives lit ttref dressed in fancy skins look their war weapons and danced and sang until they could hardly stand on their feot the celebrations ended with feasts in all the eskimo hamlets on the coast hart by khcchange the adverse exchange situation in oreat britain and europe presents a serlbus problem to the lobster can ning industry in the maritime pro vlncea one of the provinces major industries whose turnover last year was valuedat approximately are and a half million dollars representatives of three of th largest jlrmsin the provinces have just returned after reviewing the lob ster market in england prance and belgium threequarters of the an- nualcexport of lobsters is consumed in thepe countries on account of the exchange situa tion the brokers are not taking d iwery of the shipments and these packers sax bey saw large quanti ties of the lobsters on the wharves at the european seaports asa re sult the packers are faced with a serious loss no markets being la sight alberta coal alberta hopes to develop a coal market id ontario this year the mines of this province can produce morethan enough coal to supply the whole dominion but of course ad verse freight rates prevent shipments cast of- the great lakes not until there is an allwater route froth at- berta to ontario can there bs any large movement of coal to the east ern province however just to show that coal can bo shipped orders in ontario to the extent of iso ton were tilled last year this was about dou ble the tonnage of lsll saskatche wan was albertas biggest customer taking 1115329 tons manitoba s10 british columbia m1 and the united sutes 121111 tons however the total production owing to labor troubles was considerably tinder that oltls- kept flu mouth bhht my hitsbshu traces- his anoostar back to bdwardj-the- confessor mine comes from a duterent line i can never make him own up to any thing tlioie otaarsl hostyes t got rid of a lot ot these cigars dmrlng the vear giving em io my friends yjtnojr r connolsseurhiu voefcrld tf a of friends too dpntyof now is the time to paint if you have delayed paintihg your property has suffeied do not put off any longer save the surface and save all uook around and you wiu find many r- places both uiside and out that catl ibfla cba of paint now is iirtfil iheto most enohiical meihodis to use r lead- jaw ggy srkti ahn sssveihailes- andtlbnvwuhpnre sed od aha cor- nomine drye sad n be enady ibx srotn wstcr ben sloe wmdng and ottswadnheistsaae anil sotnsijsntct to csbmicsl aav alvsis paint and varnishes v s taifewwisigisiiwvk gnat usrurcayyou to uotsmng popular mdalmaryiusboimrassjtao itohest serve tlwurpiwforwuchit j uses to yous reqihremebts we najsj tout stock an compile womtatloa as te i schemes let us sdvlse yon ah act to amend the jurors at was introdaoed in bfl ijeitieu- ture by hon vr bane sad givea i ts flrst reading this act increas es the allowance to five dollars a day the bill also provides fbr tbe service of jbrors with notion of their selection by registered mail thb next time and every time you areabont- to cross a track just say to yourself ten seconds for safety- tben slow down aa you can stop if necessary a safa- distance before reachingtia traoltj ajjdlooli and listp jebaisauy vr flwtmjtanfliidfynepeseary jand i wnljhiirmbrefcnanten aeconds vf v ofyonrjlmeywljeleiryoofdriv- ipg a horee- on autwobileorev rnotorcfcle and ijyou are walking it worif take any time just a glance in eacb direijiioti as v near the tracks wijj insure sjonir aafetyr j -x- wiy shoald patdhes pcit v popular as a mefns ot lefetjirig the cost of clotwng mi i a for sale no i double frame house ssooo no 2 rood brick residence allr venieoces gsooo no 3 frame houie convenienies s4000 n no 4 itptodate brick remdencc all cohveniences simm no 5 double frame house alt conven- iciken 4500 no 6 double brick houw boooo lots froi ss60 to ttoo in good loca tion also farms m esfiiesuig j h lane seal estate ageal georaetowi boy on onu wanted younfr boy or girl wanted witlffair ed ucation to learn printing apply at once to herald office georgetown creamery rcream wanted wool wanted eggs wanted cash paid for above at market prices -try- clifford linb am phone 196 aim street open every saturday night for the accommodation of our patrons georgetown creamery co m saxe manajjer h cbailey electrician eleotrlo wirinc and fix tures orders left in tfc harness shop will fca promptly attended to ty f 4 phone 292 georgetown r every homo can bo made beanti- fnl by the use of wall papers artistio in design and color- empire semitrimmet wall capers pohs08k all those qualifications for those wfcto 3o tbeir own pnperlianging you will find the semi- trimmed papers just whav you are looking for no trinirning basy to liang i linvo a full linoof these goods ask for samples and suggestions etc ptlptcr psperluaier phoaebrfr box im cleriwillulisr spring term from april oth merges into the summer term from juno 38ti in each of shawns bualness scboosl i tdronlo no vnrullons enter any time free catalogoe p i mcliitosb chlefprliiclpal vongc fi undjfsccmrdsts ot t farin machinery aharpleiif mepnanfealt mflwnk maolilneb t7 1- wirepeaelag sad galvanised ros- 4 1 ii

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