lz v r mi rflwr rirgh v j jl r r n n j y j i mv i r i- tar s a -j- ilsxili hollands vf irjtfaljjilt only product of lilitnutinuir lwmisf thb telephone anrak the pswriifiir ypn jeaveyoor customer or your f the theromi i the flrat so be aeighbbr to answer it the oaa held in the permanent building n- pectejiy erected for the purpose of holding these fnlra in the future as atse three previous unes havobeen so successful as k leave do doubt that these fairs will be held front rear to year the third industrial fair was held at otreeht from february 2 to jnay- have beenunjniportant hot jou did not know listen my fbibnos in one respect tbe call of religion isjuat like the call of the telephone as that call has first right of way 05yonr tune so has the callof beligton on your iife other things are pressing bat- this has the right of first plaoe it is never unimportant other uthings can wait god a right to he beard 1 march 8 1918 there wei 8f x- hlbltors ih19i7 1mb number waa increased to 1260 in lhtaud-i- most every branch of the dutch in dustry was retfrmwrifeil the fair lad a birlctly national character only product ol dutch manufacture jyr adiujttud strong oieasoiwreialteititfiolnthaij- uearjmoa of toiiiffn iavrtlcltjtvi m factories sl jail vwer vlated by adpeclal cjtfmnvttteet w- 1 qulry and a register v of complaint wika kept wten a- juaottallea- llonrab brqugtitto their atrention the tfeunbueofesrasseteinu cases jmniedliwly tsnioved thelgh quality 6ft ihepiact exhibited jaw- qlivlqus- the lytk tlthlos brtbe toripdugtrieswklch had merged a muabrobbw dnrtflb hiithvii badvuiiaraywii niitheapf prbafn of peacevopfylpejflilph is f fliesf -jfihe- autbihbbile bast re- i abpedttkfrnj pppitjatron oft wes lcepidlan8iiatiie durleybue sticky papers that form- erlywiornedthejight fixtures of so oiwy hbrues in 4y tiine the ntqinobile has reduced the num- ber of sbftblea almost tottbe van- iahing point and stablesvare the favorite places for flypropagatioh whsn3hey cannot find stableb theyi seek garbage and refuse tjevethe fly no place to live id oproibri maie oeinft a fly a joy- las existence hd he will die off without any progeny on lionday eveniog may oth mrjriurs 3jjbbrown nioxored tonorval on their return a few hoaps latertb their home on mill stmpy found that during their absehoeorneohe hadfbroed open the be door ofthejr hpuseand had rahsackea it nothing of any great valnewas missing but mr i browiioffers arewatribf f 10q for evldenbe to secure the oopvlotiiop of the hbusebreakerohatapioin swwna0ftb oran offeribe against i the sec- tionpf theghminal code relating to fraudulent advertising maurice 3ohehwas filled 100 and costs at owen sound- recently cohen wentthere a ahbrt time ago adyer- tisiqg aiale of bankrupt stock at what- looked like very- low proes hut representatives of the retail i5wfa merhhants bbrean whodrohased 3i some- of the advertised goods found v tinwjtbey wjere far from being whactheywewmpresentedtpbe the liimagi8tratjefontidthat iwsisplear case of misrepresent- ajohpne of the hasio factors of mf goooverttkjilgjis to te tb ning of walkers 0y- whiskey had s rived at moffat iyi v sjtsjfcinron wie ope aqd oiroum- tbe shipment rjhl l iookifiuspioioijs- the inspector x moffat ip fe er so perfected that theyj6uld ijbiuuid wprl cerasiatlpi yere vowbiipv- aluoiulof- the tlmwthe uneertainty of the general market snd theejtr pectauonof a general drop in prices the buslbeia done amounted to only flo0o000aa agslnst p000at the yeav before tie banietbingek curred a few months later at the fair at basle the comparatively aatall increase in busineesrwas larger ly aetr off by the numerous relations made especially for foreign trab the number jot rultoh ffonr abroad was estimated amtoootatart loguea in dlfferem languages we especially prepared for them s rersl of the foreign eoirotities mdlally tepresefltecliy theireomv bierclal attaches and jljbw ropnjbf wore plated a their disposal to bev med as offlcoa in the borealled ilthus des vnatlgne ingnehef countries jropieaentcd weriipfanee hwitaerlund swoaen houpianln norway brazil japan and china tobulld up cloaejr foreign- reja tlons a service bweauiwmforniar tlbn was opene3 autb e- second fair in 1918- which iias answered thour odiidh of enqutflofl besides glylgfv tab official statistics v concerning all these circumstances the flilrd rihualfalr wa looked- upon navery succesbfut and- satisfac tory tolii parttclpancbt and tbdrefqre- isceat- success and enthablpsm are ex- oatptl for the fourth annriatwr banker will tm yon if you ask him that next to victory bonds there is no better investment thanprovincial government or municipal bonds the securi ty is of the highest grade arid- the interest rantfrs an high rfs 7 if yon have morey that is not earning as much at yputwntjt inight yon woujd be well ad- vised fe dotisiuer huying these bonds you can get thei i in amounts of 9100 and upwards and wewil dehyvrllhp bonds to your local ajrjsptd you- c s vwegwt ii i tof ihem i i i- i tr wood bnjyifir 0mpny canadian patticlulla buudini v 7 vtbrontri mmm p m tke dnbjt trsuslc route ti bsm hmtieal knteivto mtioit wcncacd nexeclm pitii carscrvice bleeping oars on night trains and parlor oars on principal day traing fdll ihformatipn from any grand trunk tioket agent or c e horn ing district passenger agent to- rpnfo j xt gwkr aimlcrhneltin h j adaiilrtra jaflee feci i- mn iaiothm y la uof heasyffxawo thecredltots of hentyj lawson late olthe vlltagrsofceorgetowo ntbecoun- of haluw xuroberman deceased who- tlie stb dai died on be t l20 amtall ouwrsbavtok orfltmed to ahara in tbf e by nbtlftad to aeodbynoat erwlae dellvarto tba undot ittrkton oooftbforetb15 t920ubeir christian udaurnawas ad- dress and descriptlooa andfuhpa narf their claims accounts or interesu ar44benatut pweibfltiea if tbef heffl 6y tbin lniroouaty auathejald tatdirewun iwjtlaaaetfptnv aimtsjot the aajd -henrcpsw- o- saed wlu be dutributed aroong the par ties entitled tbereto bavini f amrfw1irrtnyijweyiefflrtpri jrvsi oqarge of a oonpla otitheidepftr ii totnts ovdale rbof4lne fe 55 k j i 4wliunbaiee3 jshotweon tsjooo rxnanmucea ja dotweon ojwo k rmvnv having regard only laira or interests of which tbe adaiio- istratorp analf ibaji havo noticoand alt others will be escluaed from the said dis tribution zk tobosrbcaneaattaurrscoarobatipn u a3 bay street toronto iv h wallmimu barrister 19 mellnds street toronto jl admlqiatrstors jpiw8hilioif v vc- dati tbrootof ti swthday of apr iilj sssaaassisjjaisasisastsfcssi v jsipjhiififg btt the begf vjjreiih elrpty dav- i 11 afthe5bakery pdsite ptej ot give rftrtii youll never ret it f vviu b order jv v onta9io i method mist- proves its superiority whip hsa been in at tendonpe 8j months wrote 88- words per minritin the typewrit 6r thib week ljj aalla flsf oeaspeuat help tka waek start seisidzi tlie zitire tear this coimpanua ofthia agincy have taken into con- eideration the increased high coif of bvalding material arid labor ajnijoiih to adpiie tti public that they will bv glad to write additional iheartince on any property where thetraluee toaxrantl thh agency will im glad tommroe ypu if you will adviee by phone or letter ewicalln you at once v i 1 r- aj i always or hanabrjnf hiwtlj chfrpe4faeaof afl kit flf oake mealqiutenltejsl piirfand coarse salt cfcrn meal boiled wheat aqu boiled oftts noryai- ji4r l vi tt-svs- 10 tesseallslsahitroatfl la noted itbrbugboutcanada for blgb grade wbrk great deroahd for our grad uates open sail -year- enwr flow write for cahubgiie v j blott priaclaal v j euloti ihrptooi yourwife tourself and your business with a folloy in the great west life as surance go the lowest rates with the best results for particulars see r wiooa jfiiataaaoem vat norval everything in men we must aomibc thkv protfktiaw andondrb is vovna coujftry arlsaatlmlpi tv r yfirjl yim i ed i out the royal northwest xottnted tkhf have been mustered onf of fjetifc j vjoe fter making a reebrd tliat- cannot be matched- in the bstpryv 1 of modern pioneer dnlertakhilgs under any flag 4 i famous northwest mount- police has beeji mustereiel j out of service gsxl for half a century vbili scarlet and oold of the riders of tnavvj t plains had been a la ajldv i prieri and tterrtto7theyimwirtv lsiavrast aviihetjnttea sateaweat of the mississippi on the prairie in niounalns andr jbrest through the leebouhd raphes 2 of arctic coast they made the ions si i patrol protecting the settler supvf corlag tlie weak end fartiuldisterlng i justice wjutetentleaahsind to inolanfv j andwnitemao to brjtlsh smd slleji the territory covered by the royal i northwest if opn ted pollel haiii ribjw w1 reacbeda point in populatloownetw a different form of polfclngla callejj for j v the many provinces which ittls lnceptoik- of this fam bus corps were populated by hunters trappers and indiana have been thickly settled by farmers merchants and professional men and these plroylnces have form- ed their separate hvwa for governing which may or may not have inter fered with the methods of administer lng law and order aa carried out by the scarlet and oold it is now merged with the cana dian mounted police only in the tar north is any of the original work of the police left here in the oreat barrens along the deso late shores of hudson bay and the lowest prices fresh bones oroiiad daily wqur windofbr speoiais on saturclay aretlo ocean through the rockies to 11 i needed dawson the long patrola will be main sbreetv gecwralj6wn phoneno i t any sewing machine into a operag electric tv m 3tc frett sail alwfffcyaon hand t- mfc xhisbinqple jfttle wonder worker changes any sewingjaaobrne 5ofd or new into u electric selfoperating laborsaver yon doni have to foot pedal you can do all your sewing without getting the least bit tired c- f all you dp isguide the sewing hold your foot atill dont pedal pressa bh hasder to sew fasten perfect speed oontrol you can sew a stitch at ajime or 800 a minute yodbver toubb the wtoel the machine always starts the right way no jerks it never breaks the thread just a silent steady motion that stops the ihomnt ypu remove locrjfpot trooi the selfstarter it makes sewing a pleasure you can moke all your own clothes and getmbrc ofthem anc jbiettav material for less money you cot save the ices than but the famous corps- has done its work and baa last its identity in the new national force- the uniform has been preserved but the old romance has departed tor nearly two centuries the hud son bay company bad ruled that vast territory between hudson bay and the rockies when in 187p the dominion of canada gained porses- alon the great company which had been guardian to the warlike black- feet asslnabolnes and cree indians had kept in a fashion law and order the hardy scotch factors had in many instances married into the tribes and their influence waa pow- erful and arm then came a change in control ii became a nonians land with the great company with out authority and the dominion oov- r ernment without any machinery to enforce its edicts it was a dangerous period the united states government was seek ing to curb the fierce sioux- they in turn were making overtures td the canadian indians to join them the whiskey runner was unchecked in bis debauchery of the indian it was at this period that the royal northwest mounted police came into existence and since then have been the most potent influence in preserv ing order la this great territory three companies were mobilised at winnipeg or aa it was then known forroary three other companies joined them later in all 1060 men restored anil preserved order in a territory aaiarge as europe without a railway sad peopled with nearly too000 indians rent with tribal wars ancts- embittered against they whites by the depletion- of thebljf- falo herds the almost sole bourceof ther existence it was then that the famous scar- leti and sold uniterm was adopted to the indian the red l coat the power of the- great lie mother and cbl robertson- boljied white mother and cbl bobertsp boss- organizer of the force sbg- gested the unlfomt in hlftjaepot rrora the red river the bewjiorce made its first long patrok through what was then known as the oreat american- desert it strugglettfor 800 miles establuhing bests audi finally wintered in port mcusbd in theiobt- lulls of the rockies j from there its activities spread until nbw on tbe hudsbnbayqoro- tiatlon tulf the froiep arotlrf anuu the desolate vukonra re posts front cnlch i 5i i patrols keep itatch horse canoe j arry the ajithprlty by horse canoe and dog train they v of the law to the eakliiufotthe arctic tbe vfhalerrqf herschell ialana npd the gold seek- pirn of the hookies in tbe last fifty years they have brought the wild in- bton into treaty have made thecat- kle rustler or whiskey rhnner only a dame and ri the klondiko rus llat seething mining canp of pn bat seething mining camp of s6njraaaarsafens an easier mrto usll pawt r i hamlet juntas the regime pf the riders ewadwesterfldomjnfiiiftiflnr weterf svtfojmtryipbat the railway stage when otir first con- tlnental was won across the pro irle without provoking strife yitli i ha ortitoal owners of the cotth try to the period of peaceful betileuwninnd tlni upbuilding of modern citiejr they won- npt only the confidence of thecanadlan indians but- also of the fierce- sioux who sought refuge in canada after the custer massacre sounds ujee plptloji out at ounton a village near win nipeg wolves parade tub streets in btbad daylight afldqsually borne to the tation to meet incoming trains lo says christopher possett possett ho mftetfoittagwpm thb vlllngs ail cuamplon wolfkiller in the die- rlct slays two or three uk he aotttlngfbbfore breakfast he told tstgmsjievioibliardn pfwlnnlieg hssppledfqr jt pekthlutprbiis tim ways trporson who if slid aflerf hamq pcopn fiviqgs qtff may 1720 nidorii his foif tm a pritlo lspt mesha is a nersqn who feols op ajoftpir io i vv te n ft i mmmm jflsfi mmm