Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1920, p. 2

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xn wt thb geoho crown 111x111 junp 10th 1920 married smelev oneiii in knox ruetbyler- ian church georgetown on wednea day lunr mill 1920 by the rev r f cameron melrose mabel only daugh ter of mr ami mm j n oneill to mr earle i sheley ol detroil mich died nkwton on saturday june 12th jajw- es newtcid of litntrhouw- u the ageof 79 year 1 cr the georgetown herald news from ottawa is to the effect that the dominion govern- merit will jset apart october 25tl as the dftte for taking the prohi bition redrenum asked for by the province pt ootwrio this will mean a comparatively short oarn psign daring september anil qetr ober i 60 far as law oan do it the united states haw put under per manent ban the manufacture arid sale of all beverages with an alcql- faolic content of more than one half of one per cent all htate laws legalizing the aalo of beer or wine with mare alcoholic kick in it than one half of ono per cent are deolared unconstitutional such lawb as those recently adopt- ed in new york new jersey and delaware new hydro rates the new hydro rates show con siderable reduction after the mini mum of 75c per month is reached the following shows the new and the old rates new rates domestic 25120 min 7so per month not prompt payment 10 old rates 8lfi commercial t25li old rateruo 686 power 28- 18 10 old rate 81- 215 street lights 050 net light per year old rate 1100 power from commission to mun icipality reduced from s86o0 per hp to 8500 per hp it will be notioed from this sch edule that the minimum bill for domestic and commercial has been raised to 76c por month net this rate has been fixed by the ontario commission for all muni cipalitios glenwilliams our roods have been repaired but there is considerable criticism about them it would be well for some of the boys in our village to keep away from the town hall when there is a lodge meeting on it is a seri ous offense to interrupt n lodge in session a number of our citizens went to ballinafad friday ovonirtg and enjoyed the garden party the children cortainly enjoy the privilege extended to them by mr joseph beatmont in allowing them to use bis beautiful lawn for recre ation the orangemen will meet at the town hall at 0 pm sharp next banday parado to methodist church every member is reques ted to be on hand picnic at erin the provincial paper mills an nual pinic was hold at erin on saturday aftornoon june 12th there was a good attondanoe of which quite a number arrived in motor trucks and cars mr and w grant and miss arinio sullivan also mr and mrs ed mowhirter and daughters were present while mr groennword brought a party of friends who motored from to ronto the park was in good con dition and the boats on the lake and the merrygoround wore in great demand the baseball game went deoidodly in favor of the lad ies their fielding and oafcohing was certainly wortb watching and the way they ran the bases more so the ladies were also greatly in evidence in theracea whioh were keenly contested from tlio throe- legged raoe to the fat ladios race we have to thank messrs bethel and blackburn for the lino prizes tboy contributed for the races again wo have to mention the ladies- in thanking them for the great supper thoy provided aftor everybody bad made themselves uncomfortable the hall wasoloarod frfr danoing music being most ably rendered by mr nnd mrs ed hill in the midst of the program an oleotrioal storm broke overhead which burned the fuse of the light ing system and plunged us in dark ness uut with great presence of mind somebody suggested a song and what might have led to a small panic ended in harmony thanks iouie7fch lino nobody fell asleep on the rood homo and we nil arrived in georgetown in the ama we hours lodges attend service ilbv bnfa wray x davidson framokv d to oddfauowsamd juaakajaa about eighty members of orion lodge no 101 ioop verdun rebekah lodge no 184 and visit ing brethren attended divine- ser viee at the methodist church last sunday evening the order of ser vice was as follows hymn 872 faith of our fathers living still in spite of dungeon lire and sword 0 how our hearts beat high with joy wheneer we hear thatglorioutt word faith of our fathers holy faith we will be true to thee till death our fathers chained in prisons dark were still in heart and cpn science free 4 hrfw aweet would be their j jd- i ens fate if they uke- them could die for thee faith of oar fathers- holy faith i we willbe true to thee till death faith of our fathers we will love roth friend and foe in all our strife and preach thee too as love known how by kipdly words and virtuous life faith of our fathers holy faith wn will be true to thee till death amen peayer anthem jesus dover of my soul by the choir scripture lesson luke 10 8687 hymn 810- fight the good fight with all thy might christ is thy sthsjigtb and christ thy right lay hold on life and it shall be thy joy and erown eternally the straight race through gods good grace lift up thine eyes and seek his face life with its path before us lies christ is the way and ohrist the prize cist oare aside lean on thy guide hie boundless mercy will provide trust and thy trusting soul shall prove christ is its life and christ its love faint not nor fearj bis arms are near he ohangetb not and thou art dear only believe and thou shalt see that christ is all in all to thee amen sermon the two sides of life the speaker chose as his text the 81st verse of the 10th ohapter of luke and be passed by on the other side he said in part jesus christs life on earth was not a smooth one he was not lov ed by all the people and many try ing questions were put to him when asked the question what must i do to inherit eternal life the most important question iny person could ask christs answer wasr thou shalt love the lord jesus christ with all thy heart and mind and thy neighbor as tby self who is thy neighbor there is a tremendous amount contained in the word neighbor dont narrow neighborhood in life some people think the members of some speoial ohqroh or sooioty arc the beet but we must be world wide in our sympathies christ used sympathy and kinduoss to teach man the right way thero are two bides to life and we are on onn side or the other the priest and the levite passed by on the other side unheeding the need of the stricken man but the samari tan showed love and sympathy by binding up bis wounds and caring for him choose the best side lots of people think they aro on one side when they are on the other religion is the most im portant thing in life and those who would be christians must have both service and love for christ and their fellow man on the other side are he unfriendly un loving untruthful and god dont want to bother with the man or woman who is unloved and shun ned by other people the groatest sin in life is selfishness and woe lathe man or woman who lives for self our happiness and pleasure in this world is just what wo mako it too often we dont soo the naeds of others and if we do we shut our eyes by suoh action wo narrow our lives and oloso the gates of heaven against ourselves keep on the helpful side of life lot your love and sympathy ho felt nnd take advantage of what christ intended wo should stagnation moans death and christianity is worth i ass if not put to prnotioal iibo fraternity should not bo u thoory but a realized fact put into practice with love and sympathy to help brighten and mako hotter tha liven of others tlight living for qpd brings us right with our follow men solq were ninoty and nine by miss josephine wilson hymn 878 soldiers of christ oris- and put your urinniir on strong iu the strength which sod supi ios througli his eternal son strong in the lord of hosts and in his mighty ower who in the streiikth of jokiih trusts is more than concpiernr stand then in his great inighl with all his siiciiklii endued but take to arm you for the unlit the panoply ol led that having all things done and nil your conflicts passed ye may oercome through christ alone and stand ejitireiit ratl leave no unguarded fhii nq weakness of tho soul take every virtue every grace and fortify tie whole indissolubly joined to hnttje all proceed but arm yoqlaelves with all the iiund that vs in christ ypur head ajikn llfinbduxnox tn the return to the lodge robiji afipftjie hervioe a hearty vote of thanks to rev bra davidson for his able and inspiring sermon was carried umanimously by the joint lodges in the interest of church going keep going stand still or do backward we must io one of three which shall it be it depends on you and you and you uur churches are made up of ones and youro one are you doing what you can lo make your church grow and in crease in numbers enthusiasm influence and effectivonohs if not come on out and help church news st georokh holy communion will bo cele brated on sunday morning next at 8 am morning prayer at 11 am uuly ck088 church rev father mark member of t the order of the passion ists west hoboken now jersey will preach a weeks mission in holy gross catholic church beginning sun day june 20th and ending huri- i day niiht juno 27th all who wish to hear this eloquent speaker will he welcome metitomht sunday june 20th at 11 oclock childrens day and flower ser vice tftis will be one the bright est and happiest services of the year you are invited car struck horses two aalanl kilted aid tkrea la- jnrad by gaalpa radial two horses wore killed three badly injured and eight women fainted when a toronto hound rad ial express car of the toronto sub urban liielph division struck five horses on the tracks between chiirchvillo and meadowvalc 17 miles from toronto at midnight on friday lost the radial car was carrying members of oriole iteliekah lodge toronto from georgetown whore they had been visilirig verdun lodge when st crashed iiilo the horses hie fint irucksof t ciu were lierai led luid hail the ear gone twenty j iird farther it would have toppled over a steep embank ment the driver escaped auy serious injuries while for u few minute the women passengers wore stricken with panic i june is the best month b jbammramal i fa rrmrrrrrrm b baseball h kaciiv staniiijjif won ijohr george own o lira nip on 2 o m 1 ton i o acton 0 i glen 0 a limelioase 0 a lost saturdays kcorokr leoorgelowii ll lion h broinpt 8 ijiinohotiro 2 acton at milton postponed georgetown won again saturday defeating the glen m mueller pitched for georgetown and made a good job of it he was a bit wild at times but always tighten ed up in the pinches a regret table accident oceured in the 1st innings when noblo and best col tided attempting to catch a foul ball nohlc was knocked uncons- ious nnd received n nasty gash over his right eye dr moandrew stitched the wound and noble was taken to col nobles homo at nor- val where ho is coming around oij best was knocked out tcmpoi arily and had his forehead gashed hut pluttkily continued and caught a splendid game the george town infield playet grand ball and the toniti should give milton a good gamo in the county town next saturday livery ball player in town is requested to report for pi notice thursday evening at 7 sharp season ticket solleru will phiase mako their return to the rhcrotary oiloi- before that date iry ouor before mr ullery brownridgos big auction sale on thursday june 2d th is attracting the attention of ninny prospective buyers see ad vt in this issue recent sales made by willoughby farm agency frank binnie has sold his 100 acre farm being the east half of lot 8 oon 9 brintwp to f h arsott of toronto john bradley of hornby has recently purchased the brown ridge homestead being the west half of hit 4 and the east half of lot c con 7 esquesing twp ownod by ellery brownndge of esquesing twp- messrs brownridge and sons now own oooaeres of splenlid farm lands jnmes i lyon of palmerston hat purohasod the 1c0 aore farm boing the enst half anil northwest lialf of lot 7 erin twp from robert moenery roy stevenson has sold his 50 acre farm in nolson twp to h livingstone of toronto mr and mrs ij r ritcbleyhave purchased a fine home on the hamilton highway near bronte from w weolo john guthrie of dryden has purol iaod the 100aero farm in tra falgar twp belonging towm dowler thos hewson jr of norval has purohasod the switzor 50 acros on the the 10th line in esquesing twp vhiram tuck has sold his house and lot at hornby to john currie of toronto in which as you see the crops growing the mens store to buy a farm special announc advice lo our friends who are thinking oi gelling a blue or black serge sail icggnnisji we have several farms from 50 acres up to 250 acres for sale some have choice buildings and are well located u vou want the best in a100- abre farm see us also town houses and lots for sale- willoughbyfarmagency head office ceorgetown ont e8tapu8hed 1672 ftfcad office hamjlton tphe successful huslness man knows the value of saving in all prohabillty the habit of saving made him successful you may got on tho right road to sucoosa by depositing your money so that whop your opportunity comes you may bo prepared to lake advan tage of it bank of hamilton c c mackay manager evans ruii willoughby block pnbne 237 ceorgetown r j hynds insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 203 georgetown if saturday treat hcr in an old ruliuhle fcr you and it is nluo a wv fuvoriir- with voting nnd 100 lbs of our fresh hommiiiudf maple wiitnui kmle ji rih wliusnmi mapl cream with walnut iu it rtf 50 lb saturday treat price per lb 39o weekrend chocolates 49c our weekend chocolalcu arc- bftior than ivor 1vuhii tlustis hordi nx ivppfjtmint carainclr and ulf luailin iruit llavtrtl civnui ciiiik ki 60- and 70i- ir lb weekend speoial 49c per lb ice cream sodas our nparkltiik ire treitin kodas arc ih talk of tin- town tluitu hot dav and you will find them alwuyn ice rold tr h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton we have a large stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if yon are considering the purchase- ot a serge suit now isthe time to place your order as ybu will pay o ne- third more for these goods by the end oi the monthi no matter where you buy them buy ivoiv and save ivioney specjal clearing- of all winter- overcoats and suits 4 great opportunity to secure bargirrs aa these gpods mustbe cleared to nitake room brnew spring lines bargains in all dapartmfents during the month millar co fine hi8holass tailors men farnhhlnica aud rowlytowear oiothln geo phone 126 j laaiiiiiiiiuiwig imfftttttrtrnna jm mtrrrrrnrrn a lafmttrj lal 4- jacksons the wau to the west daily service lra toronto union station 916 pm you have promised your home some new furniture this spring ationa calgary edmonton vancouver victoria why not now you fieed not pay high prices for furniture here standard trahtoohtiiiciital tmm cquipmmt throuoh- out inoluoins iiw allsteel tourist slicpiho oars sua man wd frl oanadln national 11 th w tiiai thurs sat via ot t ho ooohran thno 0 r rya tlaktt and full information freai narast oanadlan rational railways afnl r o 0owle8 georgetown r anrtl paanfr oapartmani taront ladwtrlal dpartmant toraat and wlaalpig will furnlak lull partlaulara maralag land i watara canada aallabl lor tarilnt af athar uraoaaa canadian national railiuaqs georgetown creamery cream wanted wool wanted wanted cash paid for above at market prices we have a host of pretty and serviceable pieces at less than todays value we furnish the new home complete paporthc walls carpet tlio floors ourlninh nlmrfcs polos and tlrapnries lor the windows furniture for every room bedding comforters blan kets sbaots pillow ciihoh toweling liililo linen kniiinolwaro table cutlery crooliory kliikswnrn and all rpijiiisites for tlio home fnrnisliinb open every monday wednesday and saturday night for the accommodation of our patrons georgetown creamery co m sace manager living room suites at about half price hligco suites malioiiany llnisli silk uiiliolhtarod fah50 largo roomy livinu room chairs and raoliers in silk plush anil ijontihorotto from 1200 tip largo ooucliob from jsltloo up sots of diniiik chairs upholhlered from sloio tip china ciihitiets from lji2h60 up splendid values in womens house dresses from 200up womens apron dicshch from 100 up children dresses from i2fi dp childrens kiniipiirs from 7so up childrens joihovhfroin hic up ctthvlrens overalls from iplfio up we ulfcr you im mentions styles in while outinn footwear m i i jacksoits georgetown au kinds of ws thedesire of every womans heart is to have a good complexion one way to have that ia to takf care of the one nature gave you a goodcjream or better two crearna is indispensable in any weather a wise woman ises a cream dajly before gpjng oiitrnoprs or ijelore going to bee rrjr t week end jonteel combination cream jonteel cold cream paradis cream yucca rikery disappearing cream jfejijsgg mmimmmm

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