Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1920, p. 2

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paob 2 the georciktown herald october aoni logo i w h willson undertaker and licensed embolmer huin st oooritetown auloimlil er hi phone 111 prawn hearae day r s born presion llobir plllhloll i kill mmtown ell miiklrf mi inl mrs w ii married aknolo i toronto autf- kev cieorkti hriu youngest drtik flloan in lntiitink brr 1 7ih lfl mar oolo- widow blaikhikn ul 7lh 1mh tt ken klva oomina o mr i i t arnold 10 ven v i riuih only son ol mi anil mr a i hlarlr bum both ol yreumii died on sunday vnn mullin ol hi laic wn j sloan a s8 rear in memoriam jjllmas in lovinjj iniilior ol out dear daughter and staler norma mary who drparlcd tiii- lite lvlobor ut ims aed is year heriheeiy way lift smiling lave are a nleasute to recall she had a kiiidly word or each and died beloved by all sadly m wed bi lie levimf father tan and brother oilman in loving memory ol our dear on and brother henry george who paised away cvtohor lth fls ajfed 25 years ynr will oiiie and aprlng sweet tlouers will bloom on hill and plain yet inver to this world ol onm will marry- return again sadly niikned by loving kalher and brother sis- sinlerh presentation to mr and mrs mothers a very lnrko ktitherium of friends and neighbors mot at the lioino of mr and mrs joseph mothertiill 4th line wont on ttiettday evening of last week to express their retfret that this worthy couple are never- ing their connection with the al loa and cheltenham neighborhood with the idea of making their home in brampton mr lien petoh wan appointed to tho duties of chair man aud called on mr herb jack son to read the following addrens to mr and mid mrs joseph moth- mil on the eve of your leaving your old homo and neighborhood your friends desire to express their feel ing of deep loss of it kind neighbor and friend you have in season and out of season beau one who was always able and ready to asiiist by wise counsel and material help any who appealed to you and he assured you will both bo long lomeinlierod hero as a farmer your example has been a model to copy as is shown by your snecesn while we regret your removal from the place you have lived nil jour life it ih pleasing to know that you will nlil i be identitied with tin county of peel and all its intorehts aul the enrneht wish and prayer of your frienilb ifi tlml in juttr new home in the cminlj town joii may both belong ipuiil in i -m- j i other and on iih iiiiin netunions as possible vir it the olil home mid friends please iieeeil i ins chair for yoiusolf nuil llns lump fur mrs mothorsill mill jiiiij jim initli en joy a well ineriteil tost in the yours jn enine is lb em nest wish of your li iotiiln signed mi lie 1 iry of wuir friends tmd niiglilirn ihis liflli ilny of otobor 11120 in i lie townhip of chingiiiniuim j i j clink 1 a mckane li ielch son 1 1 a unison v t david- ii jlllltsou albert dolson jn the cuni lusion of the ad dress messrs aiken dolson and jack clark came forward bearing a very handsome cheslerllewf chair for mr mothersill nnd an electric pinno lamp of beautiful design for jim mol hersill mr mothersill replied in a short speech that implied a feeling of regret on both hides as lie and his good wife are warmly at ached to the dis trict tlml litis been their home for n munv years mr alex noble and cithers made slioi t addresses the btinlen of hii being the same a general regret that mr mother- nill llnds it in his heart to leave tho neighborhood in which bis peo ple were pioneers town council council inetatm pm oct 4 with reeve dale in the chair and coun cillors all pieaent minutes of the three brevioub meetings were read and confirmed rev davidson as a representa tive from the horticultural socie ty addressed council re planting of plots in different parts a4 the town iu bulbs clerk was instructed to write provincial board of health to have a light placed at corner of durham and mnrdock street put insurnnceon pumping outfit and to issue cheques of lf00 to harold hamilton and albert tost to help pay expenses as delegates to firemens meeting at welland francis melville constable was sworn in as a local inspector un der the 0 t a moved by 3 c rush seconded hywc anthony thatbylawno to appoint an officer under section 180 of c oeorge v 1916 whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of the ontario temperance act within the municipality of georgetown- be now road a first time carried moved by d a mclntyre sec onded by j c rush that bylaw no to appoint an oflleer under boetion 120 c oeorge v 1016 whose duty it shall be to enforco the provisions of the ontario temperance act within the municipality of georgetown be now read a second and third time and finally passed and that the seal of the eorporatidn be attach ed thereto carried moved by j c rush seconded by w c anthony that the name of win rozol be added to the georgetown fire co as proposed by f armstrong carried moved by w c anthony sec onded by d mclntyre that the horticultural society be allowed to plant bulbs and towers in the plots at library corner main and uuelph at j m bucks corner of guolph and john streets at john mcdonalds and on king st in front of j c rushs hpnse carried moved by v c anthony seconded by j c rush that the following account be passed w c cunningham good roads 4600 carried moved by w c anthony seconded by d mclntyre that the clerk be authorized to have cheques issued to albert tost and harold hamilton for 1000 for expenses on firemons delegation to welland carried moved by w c anthony seconded by d mclntyre that the following accounts be passed eli board oleaning streets 6 00 henry marchment streets streets 400 waterworks s2520 21 20 md kennedy pumping sta tion bert kentncr streets 8 waterworks 1000 kd kennedy pumping sta tion henry marcliment streets 14 waterworks 8 lieu ry marcliment water works bert kentner waterworks mcllwaine patton water works 10 or i ales niven surveying etc ill bell telephone on town i neptune meter co wilier metre 77 bell telephone co con stables residenco li v wliitmeo team and u men for half day 4 t j speight account 07 75 r 11 thompson tfc co ae 0 hi georgotown hydro kleetrie system power for pump georgetown hydro klectric syslem linht town hall church news lultikt our peoplu will worship god with our presbyterian friends on sunday morning the young peo ple will have charge of the evening service special music you are welcome uy pu monday even ing 8 pm subject tho way of salvation mutiioiiibt service next sunday morning at 11a in rev milton aikuns of nerval will prune i service with drawn in p nuing on account of presbyterian anniversatj sunday oct hi anniversary services rev dr workman of toronto will preneli grand conceit monday evening nov 1st auto for sale good reason uu niu salnnl mebanli- un flix cylinder louring jfeiod condition run lesn litnn 12000 milrs ahto hup 20 rnudiitr cheap phono 150 w 20 00 24 00 h 00 22 00 h ho h ho i0 oh moral welfare of the town and in regard to dr watsons appoint ment as constable a representative from the unit ed steel product co addressed the nounoil re reinforcement for queen street pavement and ho was given the order for the same moved by j c rush seconded by wj c anthony that the follow ing accounts be passed f erwin good roads 108 50 streets 40ft0 144 00 geo sayers 25 hours pumping 10 00 carried esqaesing council stevvaittovvn 16th oct 11120 the ooultful met pursuant to adjournment the reove in the chair members all present the minutes of inst meeting read and confirmed elliott thompson that the treasttrei pay the following ac counts canada ingot iron co for two culverts to c b swack- hamer and john baie lb in x ltfft loguage 10171 grand trunk ry freight on re tnforcing material 1775 em pire typewriter co repairs to typewriter 1646 carried thompson hampshire that the treasurer pay 11 aldwell for hauling and putting in culvert 4946 adam alexander for 116 yards gravel at 25e to m 1 car ton p m 1726 boll telephone account to oct 1st 52h car ried mcdowell hampshire that the treasurer pay the following accounts win miohie tor put ting in culvert supplying cedar for railinti and putting iu same 11700 angus lawhon 2 days man and team j day operating grader and 21 loads gravel 2115 j a tracy livery hire 200 carried hampshire elliott that the treasurer pay gilbert groemore the sum of 800 for 20 yards of gravel j l standish j a tracy g b thompson and neil gillies 0 each for selecting jurors j a tracy express on paroels 100 peokovers ktd reinforcing ma terial for 80 ft bridge 82h25 and exchange carried hampshire elliott that the treasurer pay hodgin barnes tho sum of 9 on good roads account toronto general hospital 14426 for medical treatment and nurs ing of ethel manchester ains- worth glenwilliams jas cleave 44 for returned statute labor in division 42 canada ingot iron co for one culvert 10x20 ft 18 guage at 100 per foot aud war tix 04 total 8204 for john hum phroy 2544 beinr paid by humphrey carried mcdowell hlliot that leave ho granted to introduce n bylaw to appoint collectors of the rates for the jeai and thnt said bylaw ho now rend the llrst time car ried elliott mcdowell thai the hj lav to appoint collectors bo now read the second and third times and passed and that the blanks be lllled up as follows waul no 1 poter mciibhoi 2 henry may h g b thompson i m turiiii f 5 ii lindsay y william michie and that they receive the mini of 85 each for their services ciuried hampshire elliot i tlilil this council adjourns to meet nov i ill 2 p in carriiil kltom i ni organiser for la-mitut- of kl crpss societies tells of neiil of kurolwk liiluiiui while we at home are intent on indtistrlul expansion and u place in the sun kuropetn lis wurwca ketuid condition u tlg-tillng- for its very existence said donald w itrowu director of the depailiiint or organi zation in 111- ieukue of hod cross socltiett of lie world wlilrb lias its hiiilqiiartcra al csonevu swlt zrlunil lie visited toronui 10 leant the pac lirokram of lite catimllutt ited clo- society and to establish ciimci- contact between it and llie league millions of war orphan having- just aiilv iil ftutii europe mr brown wus able io nlve the canu- illan heil cross home llixt hand in formation coucernina the people 0 ktirope ho called uiieiiittin particu larly jo ihe cotidliloii of the children so many of whom arc now orphans while the exurl number who have lost otte or boil parents ilutini the war cannot be luternilneil the most ouaervtitlvc estlmt placcii the num- lier ut over ten tnlllloiot this num ber seems qii lie cortsutoiil- with the heavy war couiult les unions so many uatlons ucpehdent rimti imrtty the condition of ihihe yblldren is in tnobt cunob vepy pliltihls many of tlieitt have no lienem iitnllbey ave dependent upon wlinver may be cliailtable und kind iaoub to help ilflit but there an- few who are able to glvq bitrh c lp for hie maafl of ttw people of itukii poland parts of houuiiitila cziihiiliivakia and other countries are no pnorthat they have not nectfisiiies for themselves confiequently in the preat area be tween the llsltlc the klitck and the adriatic siis there ere millions of children who face the next few years ami particularly the coming winter without hope of proper care unless outside ahxistnnce is given them disease prevalent s in addition to the unhappy con dition of the children tho adult popu lations tire in ihe direst of misery on account of illaoabe suffering has been acrenumteil by lack of food and clothing nuibing aud medical atten tion anil tuberculosis smallpox typhus anil dysentery are continuing unchecked typhufl which has so often proved a scourge anl menace to the human race is agurin prevalent and unless checked will most likely extend its ravages to an aluimlng degree british lcrilre apeal for these urgent unisons mr brown said the la ugue of ited cross societies has inatle aa earnest appeal to the people of the drltish kmplte and tie wus glud io hear thai mhe cause of ihe suffering children was beinb taken up lu camilla he hud learned that an appeal un behalf of the urlllsb km rite rand would be mude in canada by the canadian heil cross during armistice week and wlrthed tor it every iiircns farm town properties for sale particularly good fnrm in peel county 2 j miles from railway go buildings bank barn good brick house all level 7 lures un der cultivation balance hush and pasture s130oo in i laltott county near oitkville on lundis si reel looiiere farm nil tinner cultivation good farm buildings good soil owner sick and farm ijuotcd very reasonable 13000 in corporal iop of georgetown- 10 acres good gnnlen liiml a choice piece of garden soil 3o0 nn acre new n ine roomed solid brick house lor mile wilh two lots for 7500 or vvith4 acres of land for 0ooo 50 acre farm good buildings close to v illage nnd railway station 86000 fine large poidure farm for sale i evans rush willoughby block phone 237 georgetown a hi council met u 8 p in oct 1 1 vvilli members all present and reeve in chair- a deputation ftoin the high school consisting of messrs day- foot willotikhbyand unit address ed the council re a new heating syslem for the high school council has this under considera- ion mr willougby addressed the council re getting water for his club house at the golf links moved by j c rush seconded by w mcmillan whereas it ap- pears from letter published by dr watson in the georgetown herald that considerable lawlessness pre vails iu the municipality which lie desires should be stopped bo it resolved and it is hereby enact ed that dr p r vatson ho ap pointed a eotistablo for the village of georgetown carried moved by w mnmillan second ed by w c anthony that the clerk ho instructed to prepare contract between corporation and 1 a willoughby to give mr willoughby waler for his eluh house at u minimum cost ol 50 n j ear ami lint rate of 10 cents per 1000 gallons and on terms ngrioi between mr willoughby nnd corporation for period of live years carried a valiant battle for their lives a world in itself a uuntlm little world each citizen bt- tlinif for 1114 llfo very detr when you r yuunic and so many patients at tho muakokt bvee hospital for conmimirtlvefl ure atlll in their euffer twenties yet each haa some- iltlng of tragedy and of herotam in that snort lifes history here it iflrl who oared for orphaned brother aud suters there a ttchool teacher alone in tho world a nurae broken down thro he h hard work a itoudumald u factory liand a younv mother or amongst the men a laborlnar man friendless und unnllma a farm hand who has wife and children a fl reman r it mtnur a telegraph operator a iiachlnlat ah how they want to lire and liow wu spent tho money restor- hib them to health and strength up tltoro in munkoko contributions may be snt to sir william lutf fit tipttdlnn avenue toronto or to lo a ttwld troas- nrr 223 folltu stroei toronto i council vi in kjioctiil hcwsion h p m moniborh nil piokont and the reeve in tho chair dr wiiihoii and hrv mnoro ml- llohhrd tho council itf rnntd to beiterthan pills for liver ills nr tablets tone and atrangtbsn organ of digestion and elimina tion improve appetite stop sick headaches relieve tilinufineaa correct constipation j act promptly pleasantly muj yot thoroughly n tobifht tomorrow alright hod rig am dmsgut tyjlu in ciit ilu in its wiiltcr diy citnii from the r v nf u ih known as hput tt tl f r known o ti il iinvnil jf bucks happy thought range has a fuelsaving firebox m i ts zm i m zm i i m the mens store j special announcement advice to our friends who are thinking ss of getting a biue or black serge suit we have a large stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if you are considering the purchase of a serge suit now is the time to place your ordr as you will pay onethird more for these goods by flhe end of the month no matter where you buv thgm buy now aim save money special clearing sale iii miiii ind youth lieiul io wear clotliinw moiwi- cent litaliiititmi tiltsiiiirt in stuck to malte riuini for new fall cimiiik hiiv now iiiel mie iniiiiey all must he tinlil in ten diis iliiimitii- ill nil spnny and siittitner ckkkis fukij will lio hciiic and ltil in price lliis winter it slionld lie eeoiioniieally imed hie fire box on the happy tiioiiriii hiuike has provril to three hundred thousand users uiioiikii- mil cuntttlii its cnnhistenl aliilily to produce more heal from less fuel they know from tehtilth that the llappj tlmimlit a fiielsiiinn kiii hox let us tell yon vli denitiiislraliim duilv no qhliwation to liny i r h thompson co georgetown phone 46 steady dependable service imperial pourim from hk car it h and every moving part quietly imperial polarine maintain onder all operating conditions exactly the right body to aeal in com and reduce weai- it burns clean imperial polarine establiihea and maintains a power tigh t seal between piston and cylinder walla ita body la proof against high heats and the gruelling friction of angagmg parts look for the imperial folarwa chart of recommendations when you buy oil it ahowe which of the three grades described below is beat salted to your car six sizes gallon and fourgallon sealed cans steel kegs halfbarrels and barrels buy by the barrel or halfbarrel and save money sold by good dealers everywhere in canada igy imperial polarine imperial polarine heavy imperial polarinb a uiblsmsshshssj mwsw7udrt ehnstymr a grade specially suited to your motor miixar fc co fine highclass tailors moil furnlnhiukn tnd roudytowear clothing georgetown phone 126 jacksons 298 exceptional good money saving values in housefuriushings spooial offor of heavy gnage pnro alnminnm ware ireseruiii lii-ltl- lme size value i i yotjr choice itililn lotilo iliii- 7i dutilile llnilit i i si- milne sirl collii inl- wilh iiiiiilitofs miiiic itaij special 20 discount on n line of hoaiitiful hahy ciirriakes an strollers coniffovtnblo livingroom chairs and itoobers at a very low price kniiieil ieiit mil chaiis with tties ry ctishions l7 ilneliers to uiilih 172 ijiirre riiciini nul cliiir- nnil roilieis lent her pad sent and liaek special milne sjk fiiineilrmish lil ilers smrll miliounn linisii rueker velotir enshiuii senn llhi iimpito oiil chinu culiinel s2ki lflul oiil hulfi1 it iiiiiks dnnr jilioo lleilkinn tilllle iv7j ihnmil lop slmpeil i eiisl hi liuriy7 milliotntlv lfllill setee ltpesliv iiilinlst red s2117 clmirk to iiinteh lli jlpiee 1 1 v i 1 1 ic k 1 11 lil silk upholstered sllhoo jacksons georgetown gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery fiedpnlli oiiiniihited kiiur fl hi iie rolled hit n 7 pound fur lie kiilmlii ten let 7le per hi for icie iiipan iliei ntiitj mm 1 i 1 2 111 for 2iie cieiinierv hntler per hi ihe instry klonr niitionnl mmiiil in 21 ih 1 10 milkers hieiimusl cneon in hulk ptr hi sj urilisli cdltimhiit stilnitin in i hi tins ii for 2e gunned 1cus 2 tins for 15c slur anion in 1 pkus for 2fi pnrily sail rei- lie hn 1 for 2ile ilmiinl lltiiierin hulk pel ih io sv ills sin 11 leiiiim in ii 1 or 10 hi pnils per ii 20e im on hulk lllil ten pel hi i7e tl iiv1perial oil jlimited power heat light lubrication branches in nil cities a ot rtgibhens- phone 160 lane block georgetown buy a razor buy an auto strop razor and share in comfort get one on 30 day free trial hourigans jwfeij2 jfea st a i in5- v rj v- iiiliwiw v fc i at v jiivikivsiarji j a ivwvm fewastglqigu jatormiimfl iwiiif ry

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