Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 10, 1922, p. 6

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paoh o ttion till ue nrtrlurlly no deothb fron ptu mm nihtiou tin new wium conns in in genem uw iwiorilinri lo dr a w cov mi cuurii f i nil n inklkntl wliu bivjh lug linn i iwju tlnu womlir ful discovery lr outline anyn ox perl moo th with liih htriini i britain and tiio urn led slat abow that n uiuunm run b eli dialed frum the lint of dimci oub dinonseh he h txerud to give the rfitlniltt of lux diso totheltojal colonial liihtituic a few da j a bk ztza it a nmill woniiin traehint over tbo southern piciik ttitli her bc a bo ery land fur hm nre banded tbo conductor uliairraro ticket and a wl ole fare one the conductor scrutinized the boj critical imd tutid but raadam 1 can t iank tln bo on a half fare ticket he i viry largo and boa on long imntu very wom re plied the uoirian if that la the baaia lor jour decision use the whole ticket for him and the half for mo ktnetrle want tor oakviuo following a long discussion the town couticil last monday night i decldedtotfoceea with its plans for the installation or an auxihar generating plant which will make the town independent of niagara electricity in the ovont of a power tie up the proposed plant will coat88000 and will be operated by gasoline engines nf iso horse power during the heavy storms this year the town was left with 6ut water when power from a private company failed and with the new auxiliary it will be pos sible to provide water for are pro toot i on and light for street and house use under any condition tub gkobqktown hrea1j mm lolh 1082 a tire and tube of the best make in ford size only for loss than the price of the cover these carry full mileage guarantee and are first class other bar gainb in accessories speight s garage agent for overland cars owfce laates tt wester canto the canadian national railway in addition to providing unexcelled service between eastern and western canada offers patrons op tional routes you may travel westward via the port arthur fort william route returning the northern route via cochrane and north bay or vice versa this means that you are in new enviro nments continuously a train leaves toronto grand trunk by at 845 pm carrying standard sleeping car to winnipeg via north bay cdbalt and cochrane daily and through tourist sleeping car toronto to winnipeg on tuesdays thursdays saturdays and sun the national a solid through train leaves toronto fo win atlogpm every monday wed neaday and friday via sudbury and port arthur with standard and tourist sleeping cars coaches colonist car and dining car service get full particulars reservations etc from local agent or nearest agent of the canadian national grand trunk railways rheumatism aclatica ma s aaawtat pasa ttitwhtfalw a ttwfizzr do youttalij fca- aaaoa nousa i giiatfal ffcfifa r tabs aana waaafaa tr at that yen hava aw at anatlat v haw aaa ha i i t 1 tricky who t gecowaew la sag trca ftiai viesaalli cundn wa hava thavmada at wttm that femwoad doaht tjlca tab tha aioatptactieal a4 mowm bknamlkna oltl jttm- gfate 100 por box md writa tamsiataa tama said laomiptmra vy tjjt matthew business and tayel less in 12 months of 1921 lumbering in british columbia value of economical management at this time la shown in big railway a increase in net earning a in face of decrease in gross during the year 1921 will be lly to all canadian tbe annual report unusually interesting document of this company la always of inter est in view of tbe fact that more truly and more completely than any other report issued it year by yeax reflects the stale of national trade and industry the c p b touches all parts of canada its earnings at once reflect the prosperity or de nression that may exist m any part of the country and tbe sum total of the years operations as analysed in this report may confidently be bc copied as all unerring indication of bow tbe country has prospered dur tog the twelve months under review at this late date there is no news tit the statement that 1921 was nut a year of uninterrupted projfressj comprehensive report as that of th c p r- to clearly see in what dire tion canada s business affairs art nvuig in this teprrt thcc p b report for 1921 la an outstanding example in spite of a large do- crease in gross earnings the com pany is able to show an increase m net as the insult of nfid economy throughout its working opera tioi and in so doing it has pointed out all canada the shortest road back to norma trade activity dunng 1921 u companys gross earning were 1m obljrw gainst 216641 349 in 1920 crease of 23 613 494 or 1020 per cent this decline followed natur- ally upon tbe general business de- pfeeriea resulting in lessened pas senger and freight traffic decreases in both passenger and freight rates and to a partial crop failure in some parts of western canada the company s sales of agricul tural land in the year were 163304 acres for 2872000 or an average of s18 74 per acre included in this area were 6 686 seres of irrigated and which brought 5513 an acre so that the average price paid for tbe balance was s17j7 land sales effected a urge decrease to acre- are but as is pointed out by presi sut e beatty in hbinnual nport the adoption of reasonable courage the entry into canada of immigrant of tbe right type would result in an improvement in this con- in tbe face of the decline in earn ings it was necessary to make a sharp reduction in operating ex penses if the sound position of tha company was to be maintained for the year these expenses anennted to 158320 114 as compared with 1844ho3c4 m 1920 the result at the decrease being that the net earn ings fot tbe year showed an increasa of 1 048695 totalling 334201 740 ja against 3316144 in the nrevt year the years operating ex tenses amounted to 8218 per cent of the gross earning and the net to 17 72 per cent as compared with 1 70 per cent and ib 30 per cent respectively in 1921 how large a part the canadian lac ftc plays in industrial lure may be gathered from the fact that mera tlan half or 6384 per cent of the otal 1820114 working expenses or the year was paid ont in wages while one quarter or 2552 per cent ass used for the purchase- of sup plies jfne purchase of fuel and sup plies jbr locomotives took another 15 51 per cent and government taxea onsuiaed 349 per cent the contraction in tbe countrys general trade is perhaps more clearly indicated in the following jj passenger and freigbt traffic dur ing the year 15186081 passengers were carried by the compaay aa against 16769565 in 192 the average journey was 89 lmlki ana average fare pif was j 1920 the average journey wa hz46 miles and the average fare paid was 289 thus we see that net only was the number of p i smaller in 1921 but each passenger on an average made a sbwrtar tap and paid less m fare the total tonnage of all classes of freight multiplied by the anawj miles it travelled was 121x467579 tons as againat 15k7014791 in 1920 a decrease af is62js9211 the company nuna t spend 16 improve op faeillttea of the entire system and incidentally help to revive industrfal activity you get all the creamwitha de laval not every separator so that a will get all tbe cream but there a one machine that can always he depended upon to sfcnn clean the de laval a de laval user gets mora cream from the milk of each cow gets longer so vtue fiuui ha machmc yl spends less tune turning and ask any of them industry 8nab imber many tbou- re employed in hand ling jt from tha adventurous pros pector was aata out for parts m- tknowa and unexplored to look for freaat and profitable iimberueensaa down to tfca axpezt pouaaer wbo fin isbea off tha beautifully vamed panel f dougua ffr at the factory it i estimated that there are 400 bitlton foot of merchantable timber in tbe provine mora than batf tbe forest weslta of canaan and experts that over ftvo on the timber ream the value oft 1910 wm 7086j4 but this wi largely owing to tbe nigh prices pre vailing for all lumber woodpulp etc duo to a world shortage and a the douglas fir is the most ens of all british columbia s boas grewinr to a height of 260 ft and b and 9 ft in diameter it to uwd construction boatbuild ing mum props polea railway ties bridge and treat timbers and many 4aor tainga then there ia tha bod cedar jjuiiadi all over tha world for tha sunglea it produces adoon frames and finely ureased panelling for lin ing irvingrooms tbe sitka spruce hem- sold by f hustler norval norval flour mills credit auction sale -of- fnsufkiil 1vteawtfe to weli by public auction al lot 14 6h line trafalgar 1 m it from hornby being part of estate of tbe laic ii h fraakland on tltdltsdat mat il al 1 octotk sharp tbe f ollow og iloasis team of mares g p broken single o double cattlb pure bred guernsey beafer m lkmg pure bred guernsey bull 2 moat pore bred guernsey bull 2 mos 2 grade burham cows i yr old steer 1 igs 2 pure tired yorkshire soars lurumsnts new waaoo new set narrows new hay rack new disc oew mower new hay loader new ude deliverr rake double lurrow plow new angle urraw plow eeder oew wheelbarrow buggy nay fork and rcpe t double baidcita et smgte barneas lawn mower rros cut saw bdek saw atable brooiss f ballen aa l red qover alfalfa alnuk and timothy seed oat and barley seed corn hasarned we have a quantity of big crop seed on band w- j campbell limited norval ontario tbnra k a fringe of ban lining tbe nuts mad inleta of the coast around the dry and one seldom looks out to saa without watching some little tug towing a huge boom of logs be hind it that have eoma parbapa wo to case free and next to nature ha panda hia day in the great outdoors with ana scant of the sap that ant ef the fresheat cedar the tiartaai of tha deafening dm of irtlm humanity be hoars tbe roar itvdtobsntwserfall the call of wod guar or the warning cry or his cedowa timber reechoing thro the adent forest before thund ria fir thud toilahim that another fir baa fallen beneath their hla good days work done he has aothiasr ease to think about but hi rrinmg meal all ready waiting for dm at the cook house a d a n 1 a donkey engine nata to draw fn andkmd loga on the cars 2 cutting down a douglas fir tree in b c one to all those who have tbefr he ir in it from tbe iumber-kingfhim- leff down to the expert sawyer who can command almost any wage he asks by i of his rare ability and soimd slen there are in british columbw 6j pulp an i p oer mills 212 saw mill and 70 shingle mills so it will be realised that tht lumber world ir i by real g w bad shock absorbers hold the body of the car stfll while thewheelsandaxleafollowthecoiitourof shocks are turned into pleasant undu lations and rebound and sidesway are absent h ovds work with not against the ford springs 1 thejf increase fire mileag a third 2 they make the car nde so remarkably easy that after you have used them a week you would not nde without them for ten times their cost 3 they reduce maintenance charges price aotbttttotd tmvnfkr cars ford true f7m price tnxte w ford truck sm richardswilcoi canadian co ltd wbanlbeg london montreal j n oneill son georgetown ontario during paint up and c up season and ah the year around xtx that fehoe- latthatfloor- s d l somerville earqiha1 doorg u u bnud that bull e bnudincoromtmb houash olu toons kilcben stove oil mlove qun move 2 tables 3 cop boards bookase grale basket pan ornaments mantle m rror dmtng auile of six cha rs lablr- and eh na cabmet quart er cul oak 3 p ece set mission oak tabic armchair and rocker valnut copcb wal nut settee ch t jardioeer and stand wicker chairs quarter cul oak dresser new double brass bed and mattress 2 ne double h le enamel beds and mallrowri tjttimy cola laocy cbeatdiawers cewm 4- 3 lamps 6 k kb cha rm bl nds wwif uebm tekmk liousebold urn ture and nai ot s70 and under caah over that mourn 6 monlhb red i on approv oinl notes 6 per cent per ajmum tor canh no reserve s lb farm udd ban rmtm aucttooeer mfmajisii scetavj staai fm 4 aecood band steel ire top buggiea thun wagon 3 nl tire- i fordsoo uactor and ptowi 1 io- titan tractor lot bona i 8 hp inlcrnatnmal gas eogme tracks i 6 hp oflson eognw 3 12 bp cilson eogmei t i engiae 1 verity smgie ft plowis second binctdulk wnbet fit cut deertng aexeral good work k nefiofil wist sri l mt a aa a an a wmtlllh sasmtoor prince rupert brardbr catgart vancouver re0ina edmonton victoria crlthce of routes a 04s pnv dany standard slimaia cochran ttwowh i t th liavj toronto 10j5 pja- tt natkaj mva teajsuwye ana fndav ta sodb end port arthur sobd with standard and tounat fluriia cars coacbea c duun car soma conne at wkuupej for all canadian fiational railmam get rail pariieatara reaervatiooa et from neareat agent national orarxi trunk railway or c cowlea agent totssblovl bajway oaovmjtown ooi any weuinformed garage mechanic will tell you tbe special six l leads in value from the standpoint of endurance comfort power and economy of upkeep dnve one yourself and you will realize why thousands of owners have found in it those qualities which go to make up motoring satisfaction and pride of ownership unusually comfortable because of its deep genuine leather upholstery and lonfacnuelhpbc springs front and rear endurance and dependabsety have been built into it by the manufacturer through ihe use of highgrade materials and workznanahip a studeoejcerbuilt lhed motor 34 x 5 develop fifty boraepower economy of upkeep with repair shop attentaoo reduced refinements ouch aa you might expect only in higher btday dock on in board 2075 2puia rbadwr 2025 4paa roaovter 2075 coupe 3050 sedan 1250 t h ijl i s one pwxe rainproof in the special set you get such value and satisfaction as onlystudebavcr the world s largest builder of eves offer 5tudebaker yea georgetown ontario j n oneill son c the quaint exquisite legend of the wedding ring thai daughtfnl brochure wadding ring sentiment cootatno tbe ancient legend of the wadding ring from tbe dim past when tbe marriage vowa were symbolized with rlnra of gisaa and iran yoo will find it abaorbtng reading ask for a copy jtrk fr- j- a b wiusoh main st s75 cluwal s44s runabout t4ss traok oluusla starting and eleotrto lighting on above 86 extra coupe 840 sedan b0 completely equipped lets go no sooner said than done when you own a ford it may be a drive into the country or it may be a trip to- town it may be to hear a sermon or to see a famous movie it may be to visit- the old folks or to see your young folks but no matter where it is or what the object the ford will get you there and brmg you hack we are nr a position to make immediate delivery of any model easy terms if you wsh sedan car 93000 au prloe kto f o b fobs ontario h a coxet- acton

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