tub qbobqhtown hhiiald may l7tb 1q9b independence on a fruit farm gathering fiupberries taa smaufnatt than la a jtorth aide of th and though the 4 in british columbia aidrgood prlcea as alnall obuntry 1 fraaar f where every landowner has his mercul patch of raspberries i r large one of lha beat examples irf what a perfectly developed wall run fruit farm on a small acreage can be is the maple croat farm at umtzif belonging to mr a e dann mr dann ii an old country gard ner and waa brought up on hit father a fruit farm of 200 acre in kent as the condition for fruit growing are much the same in brit uh olumbia ai in england bia ex eenonce is his greatest asset out ere he believes that then la far more profit in the earaful and thor ough cultivation of the small patch than in lha big patch cure least v lool w after the aoil in this district a naturally rich welldrained and therefore par tnularly well adapted for small fruit but vl r dann uses farm yard man urc u hen possible and plenty of chemical fart liners as trail ho has an acre in strawberries the magoon variety which are beat suited to the district and hi a food year rvalues 1200 on these nil of thm must be allowed for ex pen sea of picking packing erating car lag- e so that he clastra a profit of f00 h jslly i bimself earliest oregon lhnnipion the main crop and joce jyn the late ones there are 1100 bushes in full bearing which aver age a gross return of 1 per bnah more than half of which is clear gooseberries of course are far cheaper to crow than strawbernet- nvcding renewal mr dann baa over an acre of rasp berries cuthberti and an unknown variety much grown in the district that surpasses even the cuthberti for earlineaa and heavy yields three tons to the acre la an average crop r 300 crates for which the lowest price la 4 par crate ao it will be aeon that the profits w6rk out much tbe same aa for atrawa and rasps rasps the crof asu much longer and pickers can pick double the amount in a day a the profits work out the sama logan growers are very anxious bi see a plant for bottling logan imca started in the province and we nop this will coma ere long over an acre of thornleaa blackv berries are grown aa theae ara oeev idered better than snyder which are too aeedy ar evergreen wueh are too late they do not bring in such good price aa the other fruits but the crop is heavier lasts longer and the expanses are leea ao that ai good 600 la cleared on these also there are about one and a qnartsst acres of rod and black currantaj some of the r3d currant bashes reachiac the prodigious size of 8 ft m diameter and producing over zb lbs of fruit tbeae bring tn a grosj return of 70o8w per acre mr dann has atao fifty bousseck paar treea wfcieft invariably yield i good crop aa are a variety par tkulaiir fraa from disease tab district has learnt the imperative necessity jj apratnjajiandliria their fruit the area of prodactlet has i in th neaa lines nothing abort of dlaaetea couid hare oecnrrad bath for thai individual and for this industry id the province cold storage fadhtiee are abao- lulely necessary and the expense ofl this can only be met by every grewl er joining the exchange in bia dls4 trier last year the habric frail and mercantile exchange shipped six carloads of raapa to wiamipefl a tit not one crate waa spoilt a traveller from the east tau mri danr that he aaw several crates on rasps from the h state district las summer in fort william and taegj were all r perfect shape this yaar the exchange expects la ship over 500 can of fruit and the strawberry yield alone ia expected ta total from 8001000 tons there are about 2800 acres in british ceftssv bia under small fruit and taa vauaw of laat years crop waa axaarad- mately a atulion dollaravh tlt ionic mal quartette under auspice band town hail georgetown friday evening may the 19th plan of hall at wahons drug stoe admission so cents you get all the scream with a de laval not every separator u designed so that it will get all the cream but there is one machine that can always be depended upon to skun clean the de laval a dc laval user gets more cream from the milk of each cow gets longer service from his machine poo spends less tune turning and washing it ask any of them waalda t tbs ilk is know ami bant taw da loral t map your satisfaction with a car depends upon your satisfaction with its performance appearance economy comfort and price these ore the vital points and you must get aatmracbon in each one if you are to be satisfied with your car as a whole consider the lichtsjx from this angle it ia essentially the same car aa it vraa when introduced it was tight before it was offered and it has made good in the service of thousands and thou sands of owners jt independable its lhead motor is powerful flexible and freer from vibration than any car at anywhere near its price i ta graceful lines are enhan ced by a lasting finish cowl parking lights and thejowl ventilator iot only add tc itaflood looks but are nee- tw i essaiy for complete satisfaction ughttiap the light six stands up in service with a minimum of repair expense this with low fuel consumption means satisfactory economy we never beard of a llght six that was not comfortable to nde in and the pnee 1495 f ob walkemlle ont is out of proportion to its value this price includes the thiefproof transmission lock which reduces the rate of theft insur ance to the owner 1 5 to 20 per cent large plate glass window in onepiece rear curtain inside and outside door handles and other refinements and you get the priceless in gredient prestige and high standing of the maker who for 70 years has been building aniotk quality vehicles and selling fisjo them at fair prices touring 1495 3 k i49s 3 o rofdilar si49s coup rmoatar 1b2s aajon 425 alt ri f o l laarwtfa ont tdk xmokr numanub mterpool huftara hiu procn boot lundun from a ry arly tl in 1273 the ut lilblthd as tin nil i t all in 1j07 u i ai burnliik it tin- soot dp hid yiar verad i to t mil smokflth a rauivdy and u ful t at wt tuioiluti la far f roiu bulufe- t ll- lupd mt ti uroluklcut onica i in ci uje dts inclluii on 1 ivirflool where it la atuttd durina january nloue tbero wur 26 03 topu of dirt ilt pualttid un vury square kilulnwr kltikbton upon hull caiuu ntxt with 20 it and h w cast liu pun tyov aliowtd a dupoalt of 183 e tons co ni par lion with loudun may be niuili when ii la shown that thu dirt lest neighborhood round southwark park oulltd is 91 tons a square kllonitttre sonil or the iuuks uf he metropolis wore uatontstilnly akan and ft li a bury pafk wuu only uno third aa dirty aa southwark golden lane and wondawurtb com men showed 14 and 12 loua dupoalt ruhpee lively march wlwa had a xood ehuet up on inoat of the dirty air spaces gut side of london but tin unenviable reputation which the town han guln vd aeotiiu again to be largely dui to tho tnuwy fall lu the soutnwark iiulkhborhood qlaacow la a much cleaner place abovo ground than london but dinning bam la distinctly bud and with the inovltuble eiciptlon ol southwark park ahowid u niucti higher percentage of soollnuaii than loudon georgetown ontario j n oneill son h c bailey electrician see the beautiful statuary in our abop window elegant dosigrjr at low prices ileadqiuarterb for man iiompi fixtnxea shades etc call at the harness shop and let me give yon a prioe on your electric worst satisfaction guaranteed phone 232 georgetown i norval flour mills j seeds red clover alfalfa alsike and timothy 1 seed oats and barley j seed corn ban arrived wo hnvo a quantitv- of big crop j z sflcd on band if w j campbell limited norval ontario iiiinm sold by f hustler norval when y dmefi look for this trade mark when you buy kitchen utensils would 70a buy a can of salinon if it had no label or a bag of florjr no certainly ooi tfien be just tfcareftn when yon are baying kitchen utensils purchase only those articles of ena meled ware carrying the smp trade mark it b your safcaraardaod your guarante of quality ask l smpeware diamond wan is a threecoateti ena meled steel sky blue and whit outside with a snowy white fitting pearl ware fa a twocoated enameled steel peati b inside and oat it looks like ride aial furrows undi the maarnifyin class its the valleys in paint that make it poor paint streaks are caused by the brush marks no matter how much it is brushed if the paint is cheap the brush marks are bound to show good paint levels up to a smooth surface cheap paint dries with hflls and valleys that are alternately string and weak just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link so is a film of paint only as good as its thin nest places the valleys most paints are made of only three things lwe brothers high standard is made of six- three more ingredients that exhaustive laboratory and practical tests have shown to be necessary to make food paint adrl tothis the fact that these ingredients are mom finelv ground and you can understand why high standard will always smooth out to a uni formly thick surface which is also the reason it lasts longer arid looks better as long as it lasts gomem andsee the sa p a ask for- htenlurc his standard goes on smooth and stays lasts labgaod r h thompson aco georgetown v ontario jbrltaln ftetalnx load koenur there was luauguruud li london tho inati utioii or itubbe industry with tile object ui iiromol idtf the interests uf rubbi i growert tuadufacutrera and dialrlbtiiurs am or advancing un utiiudard ur ti rubber industry 1 wui imuuh ul thai thu luauturu inn to k pluci ul uioat exactly 100 yiuia ultcr 1 tiuma hancock bttkuu tu uiduucuctur iub ber in great britain 1vliiu jtir later this piontti toub uu i is j tent for tulcan lint ion thut ia i da for the bardetiiiit uf rubbir bj con blnlna it with sulphur another inturuadiik uinn of ubb hlatory la that it waa an tnlia man who in 18tb bruuilii tin lib seed of the srmul tbttat tda h to ke oardliits loud i where uo fewer than plants were rala d anil traaaferred to ctjlou mm lot the rubber erowln the bast tli tumlll ir la alao a bruiab jiivint been devised la 1h43 b id tosh who dtviatd in proofing r uuluiioi tecteanianile ui tttt aaalat la maiiiluininj tn en co which oru liilud the mauufuciure ami itt rubber ieiff livingstones bakery main street no 1 a bread m 1 kinds currant brown milk homemade white saturday special chelsey buns iliun ilium and uread liolln nvcry lrt aluu pius a livingstone son phone 55 csctorgefcown btmna western sway canada tub new routs winnipeg saskatoon prince rupert brandon calgary vancouver regina edmonton victoria amd all western points choice of routes leave toronto 8 45 p m daily standard slaoptn winnipeg via north bay and cochrano through car toronto to winnipeg on tuesdays tbuiaday- leavo toronto 10 35 pm the national monday wednesday and friday via sudbury and port arthur solid through tram with standard and toonst sleeping car coaches cotonnt car audi dinuig car service connection at winnipeg for all points west fays saturdays sleeptaat canadian reational railujaus get full particulars reservations eta from nearest agent canadian national orao 1 trunk railways or c cowles aentstoronto suborban railway gpoqetown ont mud lti nan ituiul about 1 970 juti u julius caesar invaded dritalu and itoniuii cohorts took thiii coinpulaury d jm lure about 450 ci a u r j t mtit baa to bt uucertiilnil cuitc iniif their eiitsrpr aui in tiiklund and fresh dlocoverici dhlciobp rcilta their skill aud mdilbtry under uj dlus hadrian stvorua and couau tine not many tuars nine a pluiil mail turned up a taaselated ttumui hour at castor near poterborousi on tub site or what la believed tu have bjhna kovnan city the floor uow being on view lu the dairy ut fluwllliam hall and according tu tlm rtiirtt at huntingdon it ha i ui lllu detenu lu id to provldu work for tliu unumnlu ed or the dlstrlct- tbe laborora ocjvutink a mw atwtr suddenly happened upon an old ho man road bull ot dint and con crete of great thlrkneaa the ulte or their discovery alood on the old ho man road known as ermln stnut and close by we e uncurthed several molded atones apparently btloiih lag to some old monastic establish vj ho we brothers paints famishes a coniij fire the news tbu lirttalaa blast fur oaces are being rekindled la en con r aging for mouths they have b tn cold owink to the prohibitive cost ol setting them going the blent furnace which look like a gigantic beehive is used it r smelting iron lis roarlnt crown ol haines is a familiar night in uu uldlanda few people realise what it costs to set one going many tons ot wuuil are needed and uoce this has ignll ed load after loud of coke is pound into the furnace tbe beat is t uu intense but it la not nearly sudlcii i i to smelt iedd ore for three weeks tbe furaac mug roar night aud day to bring trie cijj lining to a temperature great in tor the purpose all this tin tin urnace is producing uotbiiis nlillrt it consumes coke worth about 3 000 as bore are about 300 or these mlnlatur volcanoes id the cout the cost of setting all of them runs into something like 1 000 worlds cotton spanners one of britain s niost important industries la cotton splrmlng and nf the ist 000 000 indies at preatnl at work in the world over one third are in this country the raw cot on used during the of this great britain used 030 130 bales the unit- d state 1 640 000 japan 71 6s4 india 904 181 ger many 4gt 257 i ud france 1g1 935 a bale varies from 400 iba to goo iba lu welshl browns garage an to and general repair and n full linoof aiito4ccp8bone8 also rfnuino ford part in stock oasotioe and oils agent for oil fiimlim twrtnata- sctsjccbtfttldll for mack atjdpresto lufihtbatlpr service phone 200 dny browns garage mala it marta fa to ah interested ue sell and erect preston si eel tra i icenaed and enclmnis dealer in shmn flal valeni lhn ns prolrrtion i rot tt h da imliuber gutlr if an buiklinfitnirrwd from ligmntns afler ha ins lha i irhlnins prolciikmi installed the carjwnl work ill be done frre of rharge on new butkbnga by the dealer and parthue money refunded for pnee wme or phone g saj during paint up and ctean up season and all the year around s when toti waht to fix that fence jxss s d l somerville ha1tg that door s- build tliat small mainiai bis oarpantar job c the quaint exquisite legend of the wedding ring tua rfalightful brochnra wedding ring sentimarif contaloa tba aihhant lagsnd ot the wedding ring from tho dim past whan ttaa marriaga vows ware bymbolind with rings of graas and iron you will find it absorbing reading ask for a copy a b willson main si cbaaaia 445 ronabont 4q truck cluasi 675 strirtmr and dlectrm lighting on above sa extra cqnpe 840 sdata 980 comnlpteh kquijmej lets go no sooner said than done when you own a ford it may be a drive into the country or it may be a trip to town it may be to hear a sermon or to see a famous movie it may be to visrt the old folks or to see your young folks but no matter where it is or what the object the ford will get you there and bring you back we are in a positron to make immediate delivery of any model easy terms if you wish sedan car 93000 all prioei ire f o b ford ontario h a coxe acton