bylaw no wmcllkas ihe mid company iiauull i v milk oiirriitrit n factory tn the said iiiurin orrliwd for thr tnanu securities of the gaorfcaton foun dry camps 7 limited to the inwanl al twelve thwmj dollar mad in ereit lafs at sbt par cant pai aanuan for period of twenty jreara uhuhkah the rucl i ho in lry i miipony i imltril mil ihe f nrpur ntniii if tlie town f nrti ti rnlrrnl into au ngmuinit intnl ilir imrlirth tiny of ortiibrr 1923 nubjn i tu the approval of ilir iimlifliil ralr- irayrra of tlie said i mm f limtgr 4o6n a rimy nf mli ngrcrment in mt furtli in tlir whriliilr lirrruiil annrxnl nnil mnrknl a all wiikkfas it is firoirnt in pnu this in l imd to submit thr mime to thr lujilflrd hrrlun uf hie nld tunntripality for their approval t nuthurlm- thr haiti corporation to guar antee thr uuntls debenture or secnrl tics of i he kbiii the georgetown foundry ompany i i lulled to the aigireftnlr principal sum of twelve i in linn nil i milan and interest thereon ul in rule of sis per cent per annuo fur the purposes act forth in the ahovi mentioned agreement and wlikrbas there is no the industry of a similar kind or natun ritbllahrd fr ln ul tiriirgctown ani uiieueafi ihr n unt the whole rateable property of the mil municipality acrurdinff to the last re vised assessment amounts to 936 am 00 j and wmfrfas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclusive of local improve ment debts secured by special assess ments no part of the principal or interest of which is id arrear amounts to 3t 44 mov thkrkr- th mntlpal council of the town of gcorgetoi enacts aa followai 1 that the said agreement hereto annexed and marked a la hereby ratified and confinnfed that the bonds debenti securities of the said the georgetown foundry company limited to the aggregate amount of twelve thousand dollars and interest thereon at the rate of ate per cent per annum pay able in the manner and at the times stipulated in the sard agreement here unto annexed and marked a be and the same are hereby guaranteed by the bald corporation of the town georgetown 8 that the said bonds debentures or other similar securities shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years from the date on which this by law is passed and may bear any date within the said two years and shall be m sums of not less i than one hundred dollar each and shall be payable at the bank of mont rest georgetown ontario in the man ner following that is to sayi interest principal total first year st2000 cttfcal ciomjll snd year 7003 345 79 6tt wm 65t s88ct 63487 4118 m cs 48sm 888 47 4s2t4 54870 40 01 s2s7 bit m 49808 801 18 44301 sbfcso 436x96 1ss 88980 80s 41 88042 80867 ilndm iifukas thr kaid o iirthra with intrrrxl th i iinliliok- nil or any t hllttl p f lurlve 1 lioimancl dollars bearlns ilrrrst at six per rent prr annum niiilrd thr corporation ttuaranrre nil bonds debenture or nuritics m vhfhfs ilir nld c in n greed to rxrriitr n nrir in vor iif thr itrpiirauiin s urcjtrit ir thr paimrnt of thr mid wihk brnturrs or smirirfri ami will iii ihr mild t pprooil of hi unllfird elect r if ir nid liwii f tirorarlown l t hnnllj psiw if npproved n hi i iv to nid criiomlion to kuaruntre nuih bonds drbtnturri or curl ties to the sfllil amount now ihkkffoltf lllsltll miin1 avirnksselll tint i nidrratfon if the prriuur mill tin further terms itipulal limit imd ii tidi lions herein niei ifted i l hereto do herein oiiitii illi rmrn ml an to anil with rai i otlrr thai the tooiponj will iim in rnrrj on ihe business in their present prrniixm in the 1 own of irgetown during the whole prrind thr rnntinuatlon of the guarantee if iu if tnd by ihe said orpomtiiin ir cose of flrr utrilcr mc mathinrry or any en vine hicli will render an interruption un vii ul able and in any such raj opera tiuns shall he resumed as soon as sslblr thereafter the saiit com pany to have the right to shut down it fnctur for the purpose of making repairs or taking invcntury for a period not exceeding two weeks in each year during the period of the guarantee above mentioned that the company shall dur ing the said continuation of the sold guarantee employ in the sad factory and busbies in the said town of georgetown not less than twehrcctn ployees dally on an average for each working day of each year of the said term and shall pay in wages a sum averagingdot less than three hundred dollars per week unless prereuted by fire strikes accidents or other un avoidable cause all the said em ptoyees arc to be residents of the town of georgetown and shall be british subjects the company shall annually during the continuation of the said guarantee if required so to do sub mit to the said coroporation a state ment of wages paid and persons the payable to the shall be uiortgaac 7 111 vi in he iid hiortg riiank ls tlik okoimktown flkrai0 kii r ullkit nth ims appalling record of careless driving 12500 persons were killed and 300000 persons were injured in automobile accidents in the united states during the year 1921 and yet this appalling total teems t likely to be exceeded fat 1922 iu it mil eptln i srd year mb year 7th year 8th year 10th year 11th year 12th year 13th year 14th year 10th year 16th year 2448 17th year 21tji1 18th year 167 79 19th year 118 08 2utb year 0922 69079 7bt64 78179 828to 87843 981 18 98899 10431 1 04831 104431 i04s3i 104831 104631 104031 104831 104831 104831 104831 104831 104631 104831 104831 104631 104831 104831 104831 s892430 1200000 2092430 4 that the aforesaid guarantee which is hereby authorised to be given by the said corporation shall be en dorsed oneach of the said bonds de- bentures or other similar scctthuej and shall be in the following words or to like effect the corpobatiqi of the 1 of georgetown in tbacounty of hal- ton and the province of ontario hereby guarantees unconditionally the payment of this bond with interest thereon according to its tenor this guarantee is given in pursuance of by law number of the town of georgetown reeve of the town of georgetown 8 each of the said bonds deben tares or securities shall be signed by the reeve and also by the treasurer and shall be sealed with the seal of the corporation and the said reete and treasurer are hereby authorised to sign such bonds debentures or securities and the clerk of the monl- eipallty fa hereby authorised and in structed to attach the corporauan ihereto 8 df case of the failure of the said the georgetown foundry com pany limited to pay the said debentures or securities aa they titdybeeome dae and payable the event that the carporattoe of the town of georgetown shall be called upon to pay the same then there shall be raised andlevled in each year by special rate of all tta rateable pro perty in the said mnatespaltty a sum sufficient to meet the myakent aaade by the said corporation ja each such year under its gaaraatet and the said apodal rate shall be levied at the same time and fat the tame manner as the annual general rates 7 that m the event that the said corporation of at town of george town shall be called upon as above mentioned to pay any of the said bond debentures dnc ass payable and in the event that the amid georgetown foundry com pany intuited make default in any of their payments as aforesaid then said corporation of the town georgetown shall have the fall benefit of any rights as mortgage against the property j t said the georgetow rlkix uihlrr hi full und uiupl- rl if lrgrtown foundry company limited and as ipedfhwtin wise a of hie the agreement hereunto annexed and marked -a- finally passed fay an affirmi live tote nf threefourths of ab the members of the council this 81st day or october 1922 memorandum of agreement made this soth day of october thousand nine hundred and w two between gawgetiiwa fo 4 lamhad a company incorporated under the lows of ontario with head office at the town georgetown m the county i- hattoh jstfetaafter called ani1 caeamxti of tho tow- pi j2srlarter corporstka b fcr thb sbcond part ployed by the company such state ment to be prepared and signed by a chartered accountant satisfactory to the corporation and verified by statutory declaration made by an of fleer of the said company and if it shall appear at any time that the average number of employees of the said company has been lea than the number required then the said cor poration shall be entitled to realise from the saht company at the rate ut twenty five dollars per annum for each employee short of the average number required to be employed as liquidated damages for said default and not as a penalty and farther if it shall appear that the average weekly amount paid for wages has been less than the sum required then the sab corporation shall be entitled to realise from the said company as liquidated damages and not as a pen alty at the rate of ten dollars for each twenytflve dollars short of the required weekly average any and all disputes rising under this clause shall be determined by a board of three arbitrators one- to be chosen by the corporation one by the company ind the third by the first two 4 thai the company shall exe cute and deliver to the corporation a first mortgage in the amount of twelve thousand dollars covering the lands buildings plant fixtures ma- chlnery and equip o t said company and such further plant jna chlnery and equipment as may be sub sequently placed upon the said lands in connection with the business of the company which said plant macfaln regarded as part of the freehold free from all dower hens charges and in- cunibraoccs of every kind or nature and the same shall be of a total value of twenty thousand dollars and the execution and delivery of such mortgage shall be as a guarantee of good faith and for the faithful per formances of all the covenants condl uons and stipulations binding on the said company by virtue of this agree ment until the said mortgage shall have been discharged as hereinafter ided and such mortgage shall to secure the said corporation nst any possible of the said corpora to guarantee the bonds debentures or securities of the said company to the aggregate principal amount of twelve thousand dollars andinterest thereon at six perjcenl per annum aa provided herein and to secure the said corpor ation against the payment of such bonds debentures or securltlea 0 thb said mortgage shall be made la pursuance of the short forms of mortgages act and shall contain the usual statutory covenants contained la such mortgages and such other covenants as the corporation may deem advisable tor the security intended lihjnwgi but without dero gating from the generality of the fore going the right to convey t quiet pos session on default freedom from in cumbraaccsi further assurance that no act has been done to incumber the lands i a release from ject to proviso for repayment t power of sale on default for one month on one mouths notice and until default the mortgagor to have quiet posses sion the said mortgage shall provide that the company shall insure the buildings plant machinery and equip meet on the mortgaged premises le extend of their full insuri line such insurance to be not less than the amount of the bonds de bentures or securities from time to time unpaid and such insurance shall be endorsed in tavor of the said cor poration and payable to the corpora tion as its interest may appear the said mortgage shall incorporati the terms condltlont and supulatloon of this agreement so far as the same may be applicable to both parties here to the company if required at any time by the corporatioaw shall execute and deliver to the corporation a coo irmatory mortgage of the said lands and premises plant machinery and equipment as additional security to the nortgage that the company will transfer and deliver over ui said corporation the policy or pollere of insurance on the said buildings machinery and equipment to be i by the corporation so long a portion of the moneys aecuredrby said mortgage shall renraln unpaid and sokmg as the kabtlrry of corporation as gaeruntors of bonds debentures or seeariuesotvte fault hail hrrii uiadi in tin pi unit il ii c sum mcurvd ij uc ajid mort mt und till iiuum mu be plidilpl s nil estoppel to 111 di i nit privuit us the orporutiiii from prfet ceding 0 reulisc the id umi undi r tin mihi uurtguffe if ul un ume- the torpor illou shull be tailed upon tu pay und shall pay ml of uie bun us debentures ii the uiid t urporulioti shall hute the right tu recover aa liquidated juuugu uuili uui or bums with interest at lire rule uf six per ienl pi r uimuui froiuitij ilatr or the uaymcul so mmjl by-ni- 1 orporulion und lor auili purpose they may exert ise any und uil rights ml remedies ua mortgager under tile said mortgage in as full und umpl to rei over the mild sum iui interest as aforcauiii u default had been mode in the ptu if uie niunejs secured b the suhi uortguge and tills cuusl may bi pleaded as on csttfppu to any defend preventing tiie said corporation froti proceeding to realise said sum or sunn under the suid mortgage 8 thai uie company shall nut re muve from uie lown of ocurgetown either in whole or in part without the consent of the corporation 9 that the corporatiun shall sub tnlt a by law to the ratepayers entitled tu vote oh such by laws fur the puc pose of obtaining their consent to the said by law to authorise the curpor ntion to guarantee the bonds deben turcs or securities of the company to the amount of twelve thousand dol law and interest thereon at six per cent per annum for a period of twenty years ihe said principal and interest of the said bonds debentures or securities to be payable in the manner following that is to sayt interest principal tutsi first year 72000 3621 8104631 2nd year 70048 34079 104631 said boitds debentures or shall be fully paid and satfarf company ii the event of loss by fire the moneys payable by virtue of ey or poueles of insurance parable to the corporation tie applied pobey or policies be buyable to tt thciaad shall be applied by uob la- replacing or restoring buildings plant machinery or ecjuip- in 1ii h fey corporation ts pay the unpaid or atured bead debenture or at- 3rd year 679 67 4th 607 68 8th 6s437 6th 809 66 7th 883 47 8th 08070 4th 02637 nth 498 08 1th 462 01 2th 426 96 8th 389 80 4th 300 43 10th 30u7 loth 26448 17th 21781 ihth 167 79 19th 110 08 2tlth 6924 36664 888 08 411 84 436 80 462 741 490 61 819 94 861 13 08430 61938 686 41 690 79 787 84 781 79 828 70 878 42 931 13 9h6 99 104631 1046 21 104631 104631 1041 j 1 104631 104631 104631 104631 1116 104631 104631 104631 104631 104621 104631 104631 104631 in ipile of the moil extensive cdu cational campaign airamsl railroad hirhway crossing accidrtid rvcr car nrd on figure just compdrd by the insurance department pi ihe feiyi ylvania railroad system show that in june july and augum of this year mich casualties increased jo per c careful oossirtr cm ipaigu in which railroads of ihr umird states have joined in effort lo make plain the deplorable results of carelessness during the three months on the pennsylvania system alone there were 107 crossing accidents in which 71 persons were vhled and 115 m lured that his years large increase in these casualties ts chargeable almost entirely to growth in the reckless and inexperienced driving ol automobiles is shown by the fact that casualties at highway crossing from all other causes combined decreased there were 85 automobile accident j t pennsylvania railroad crossings in the three months in question they caused the death of 56 persons and injury to 107 others or an average of two personal casualties for i accident twelve of the accidents re sulted m 39 deaths four caused the death of 20 persons or an average of five for each car involved in two of the accidents entire fam dies were wiped out that these lives were sacrificed to pure recklessness is particularly emphasized by the fact that in both instances the driven of the car lived dose to ihe scene the accidents and were entirely fatm- har wit iv- the layout of the rairoad track and road over which they thr responsibility of automobile drivers for the safety of nders their cars is no less than that of lo- co motive enymemeo for the safety their tram passengers it b refore ixoprcssrve to note that as jnst the uvea lost m oat three months by careless driving of motor cars over tracks there were no pas tengers killed in train accidents any where on the pennsylvania ra system during the entire year ended may 31 it last in thai period no less than 1400000 passenger trams were operated and 152000000 pas sengers earned safely the chief reason for this stnkmg contrast is that locomotive engine- men are thoroughly trained m every detail of their work and are required demonstrate knowledge and ability operate trains safely before being entrusted with their handling on the other hand anaryani of the causes of crossing accidents shows that the vast majority of motor car casualties at railroad highway cross ings are attributable to a compara lively smalls percentage of inexpert enccd and irresponsible automobile drivers who have neither the know ledge trainmg or judgment required for the safe operation of snd mach tnes the result is often failure to exercise even the most ordinary pre cautions necessary for the protection of life when approaching or driving over railroad tracks moreover reckless driving of au tomobiles is not confined to tnghwa crossing- this is shown by the daily reports in the newspapers o accidents caused by driving automo biles into telegraph poles or stone walls and by skidding sideswiojng turning over and colliding from this running chronicle of death and m tury the conclusion would seem war ranted that what fs needed at the present time is not merely a careful crossing campaign to concentrate tttention on crossing accidents alone forms of careless automobile dnvasjj bi i jwu v ami i lbim how furniture sales are being increased j by tng distant sopim ouotafions from rtcmnl some of our commission iraaplleri lime male us hi h us viooo u ujj by umiik the tilephunr with out leaving their chairtt we reioiid to every let ter of enquiry with u tele phone call us it enables f un to close a ileal give nth ice or necure hifi rniat- uon immediately l d- t nn essential part of 0r nystem for both buyinc and sell in almost as good as a personal contact- we uc 11 to make much uf our furniture ii bought by ijoiift distance wm can ml von how to apply long dtilanem to almost any businea i w sfltluns browns garage has now a wrecking cruno and can handle all kinds of auto wret ka an to und onnerat repairs find a f lino of auto acceshorich gasolino andoilr service nuttion for presto llkht batteries for service phone 200 dm or nirht free air browns garage auatast mta pfcoawltoo 893430 13000 00 30934 00 the first instalment of principal to become due and be paid unc year from 4he date of the issue of the said bund debentures or securities and the re maining instalments of prindpal to be paid yearly thereafter until said bonds debentures or securities arc fully paid and satisfied tbc first instalment of interest on the said securities to be- due and be paid onerear from ate that the said sevrlties arc issued and upon the necessary assent dfthcquelifled ratepayers offthe r- poratlon in conformity with the pro visions of the municipal act in respect to by laws for granting bonuses to manufacturing industries having been obtained to uie passing of such by law atsdupob the execatjon anddeltrcry to the corporation of a mortgage of twelve thousand dollars to be made by the companj as herein provided the corporation will guarantee debentures of the company foi sum of twdve thousand dollnrs and interest aa aforesaid and it is puhtheb ubdkit stood and agreed by and be tween the parties hereto that whrrever either of the parties hereto are refer red to when tiie context so allows such reference shall be deemed to extend to and be binding upon the successors and assigns of each of the said parties in witness whereof the par ties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals and the hands of the qualified officers of the company and of the reeve and clerk of the wild corporation skaled delivered 4 coun tershived by john a w11 loughby president and ibr01 daie secretary treasurer in the presence ol h r mimms j a wujxjughdy pre ieroy dale seey treas sealed dbuerjrd coun tersigned by i h iikar1 weu reeve and v i- hfvril tlerk in the presence of v h h hearts ei l nmvr p i hkath clerk brampton business inslitnfe my scewol nnht school isaac pitman shorthand toueh tipewntink biitfffiesh knijithh office sj stems filing spelling bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship commercial law nptl calculation inauvhaal butmotiaa take notice that tlie fpreg u a true copy of a propasea by law of the corporation or the town of georgetown to be submitted to thi votes of the electors on thr 87th day of november 1982 between hours of nine oclock in the forenoon and five o clock in the afternoon at the town hall in the said town of oeorgrtown and that the 27h day of vovrm brr 192 at five oclock in the after noon at the town hall in thr muni dpallty has been fixed for the appoint ment of pencons to attend at the aaw polling place snd t uie flnnl sum mlng up of the votes bj the c irrk ad that if the aasent of the dertors is obtained to the said pro- posed by law il vttl be taken into eon sideration hy the munuhpsl council of the said corporation l the meetlna thereof lo be held on the ihth dav drrember 1933 the first puhttcatti of this notice was madr on the firft day of november i9ss f l heath clerk take noticb further that a tenant who desires to vote upon m proposed bylaw must deliver to the clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taklna the vote a declaration under the canada pvidence act that he is a tenant whose lease extend for the time for which the debt or tiabitiry is to he created or in which the wionev to be rataefl by the proposed bylaw it payable or for at least twentyone veers and that he has by the- lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the pro perty of which he is tenant other than focal rmprovemerit rates f l heath clerk hl rajfkix prln phone 6s1 ho shoeauiaug luqulrwi standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and can n el coal in act i carry everything to bo found in any dp to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald jh0nb 18 georgetown fosters cash and carry grocery specials delietons pratt sauoe ampbells national pastry flour 84 lbs pork and beann canadas pride 8 for lux 8 for pcarline 8 for anionia snow flake and star 8 for eddys matches 8 boxes to package per package quaker corn meal 2 packages atlas peas s tins palm olive soap 8 cakes bwiftti arrow soaps is bars anchor cocoa orj- best 2 tins ftirnaaoea rsucea phone orders delivered heater highest cash prkipjudor fresfl eggs gl 3et watch our window for special choice pastry on saturday a uvindstone son phone 55 georgetown al wright butcher main st georgetown pkwtcsaisln ahstttsj rvhjltkys always choice 5 9 j lsweet ximtv and kept as fresh as ah s p meat special notice shoe repairs the only tair way to do any kind of a job is by piece work price so in the future i will charge ho much for the material used and a reasonable prtoe for the time it taken to do the work this will canse roj prices to varj but in shoe repairing nhartnng a customer who wears a si shoe the price as the one who wears a 10 or 11 is not realty tho proper thing to do aa the party with small rapt is helping to pay for the one with the larger i range my prices sot ordmg to the aire of the solo or heel need not the sixe of shoes i boleing and heeling will range from 76c to 200 wholo soles new heels repairing welts sewinit toe naps eta will cost ex tra i dont repair while you wait as this is not a proper or paying system i have the expert enoe tools machinery also the largest trade for repairing 10 this section of the county all repairs receive the ery beat and prompt attention ja ballantine paetavw donor ef kiac i tawei- t k stetlai hours b ajs to 610 daily tpiin saturday work railed for and delivered cash rox s46 inooe256w coal wood od hand ll tbe timn scraiiohooax john ballantine f hustler norval hardware of every description phone 28 grocery and bakery hav wing taken over the business of the george town and glenwilltnms cooperative society ltm ited we want to see the people who are caieful about the quality of their groceries whatever business we may build up we ex pect for it to stand upon merit in btiyuig we select only pure wholesome goods and if they are not just as we represent them to you we will chepxfullyjjike them back on that basis we invite your trade mark clark puone229 georgetown all at lowest ponmblp pnopfl hydro electric sells lamps irons toaster vacuum cleaners ranges and all electrical appliances of au makes 85 and 40 wat lamps 00 watt amps 100 watt lounpr oe 110 special prices on nitro lamps elaotric heaters of all kinds office town hall georgetown flour fkfeed mills we handle only tbe very best grades of flour and rolled oats bran short baled hay and straw poultry feed grit and shell chopped and rolled feed of all kinds delivered to any part of the town qlenwihianib on tuesdays and fridays oolj w c bessey phone 195 georgetown ice gream and hot drinks choice gnriecuonery of all kinds madges candy shop main street phone 214 fhlstlernorval long distance hauling teamingcariage jong distance hauling with motor truck piano and furniture mo teaming and carting done georgetown phone 171 we have them raymond beaver and white sew ing maahines doberty ranges bull dog fanning mills qoebeo sulk and walkinc plova bain tadhono and mrlaughlin buggies oils and greases ts b groat office phone sssw resident m georgetown real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to r j hynds insurance and real estate broker phone 203 georc etowt farm machinery interatrntloiaatl trtsetors now is the time to rmrobase your tractors farm machinery flenrj chantx wilkinson plows bnggies stoves pedlar steel roofing lightning sods wire fencing oirrolar saw seoola4xislaad 90b p braotford gas engine on trook 6 h p- honitor gas engine rubber tire baggy top boggy steel tires m h binder 7 ft cut h b due drill fertiliser boe drill international superior disc dnl several horsosi drivers and workers t e hewson phone lokrss nohval