ft i tb qpomqtowtt hwbalpj dbcbmbbb 6th ima v straw for feeding a great factor lor carrying over live sock f most valm wriem od bert oat straw ileat of tbe cereals ota and musty straw not desirable for ijve stock vewdln cooltlbulw by ontario dapartmant of asrlcukur toronto the quantity of straw cooaumed by the live stock of ontario amounts to many thuusaud tons each year it la important as a feed but unfortun- atety ha value la frequently over rated straws- ins byproduct ot different grains have dineto value tbe line ot demarcation between hays atrawaand f odder la dot clear but generally spfafcing atraw la the byproduct or ripened grrfln or forage iilaaja belnamdjtuportlio dry cavea and sternal the nearer the plant la to the mature condition at ume of harvest the lower the feed ing value because of tbe concentra tion of the nitrogenous and fat pro perties in the develop lot and ripen l ug liaeed utraw tent 4v hen cut karl the atraw from overrip grain is generally hard in character unpalat able and ludlkcauble while th atraw from grains cut on tbe green aide are aqfter more palatable and gen erally contain a higher percentage ot digestible mat it- r tbe hard condition of some varieties of atraw- cauaea even if audi fodder naa a feed value that value cannot b aatlafactortly ex tracted by the digestion processes of our domestic animals varieties or straw fed the straws generally used for stock feeding are oat barley wheat pea and clover other such as umotnj 1 n beii and rye atraws are aome- times used but with indifferent re- auttaoat straw the beat of tbe var- lloua straw tor reedtng oarrtea eon- aiaerawe feed value an indicated by chemical analysis but unfortunately l large percentage of the nourishing properties can hot be- extracted uytbe digestion processes of our domesua animal what is true of oatjrtraw is varieties of straw the uarder and drlerucn are the lea the animals j theni j oe straw u a oootl balky keed pat atraw can be used an feed for cattle horecaaad sleep ourtnt u autumn and winter period to supply hulk and aome nourishment to theration dry cattle can- use larae amounts of oat strawaa a mnlu- tunaooe feed horses tent are not at work can use oat straw as alars ljibobeirrittonxlstrajllp jo- bnlkyrorhbraes at moderate or har t wotkt i- j vbayley straw ltrree ttbrnoeards rana next ibl oatatraw aa a teed and may be used aaaougnagebui a goodpartotube animal malhten ante must come from some other botoee vi -i- whtatfltrayer a v 7 atw tea 7 twervalue than bariey auwaitdsertea to sire bulk mdv flblfcartiof the rqulrl r i nourishment toveaalma ybel straw as ajpletctnt obif agd silage tawinter reeding plays an ttn- v toortjiitlmrt invtbniatntjwrtoea of atocfcayestravril generallyao hard ajilndueatibleae to be of- lltutr use as f stock feed uovetveothlecijuniaatrbtvs while containing compounds of considerable feed value arerequentyjio j oanim n yvetdh slrpirtjare generally me tu ivalqabltoitne legtome- straws sad clover atrawa oralfi y ya jamcvalnetttbaf lasen sfveajbh o the averaae tyatraws nave lltueoro feed vajoe fresh soft ant j clean strawa no matter from- what s-j- r somre9canxeaerallyb nsed t gooc vadtamaca byall uve stock u can is taken upiparbueh in a-maxi- pv tnei tnativu aid ue animal organ- il- tarn fe- attract tntlionriblnbeie meats cutting steamingtpr mmng wjih othui feeds to increaae palafa- jijv bultyiand- digestibility- is always bki advleeiliaterenson ec ontario mv v i iparment f hjgrttul tutorontp y- itna advantage of- matter in the aotljnay ocaummed up as follows it raws aeration se tains moiature prevents bakltlc provides conditions suitable for bacterial aids deeooipoap thm5 footln deepens soil iiayer prevent laaahhtf waahlpjtwnd drifting bvery opportasalyxtpjjrelurn ttt tne aou vegetable nunst of any- sort u oho ufd ben advantage of byajlarnftr afraln eropptng de- f the productivity of aouatbu j la- due largely to the reducing in qnantlty of the freeh cou ebemleal andvbacterfat action la i the sou uefeedlnsvof planu would e iulnoultr stevenson toronto save ahelllnapaeiiny oslng the fouowur metba wash fdut the uhsneued pbe atewyaar bou j irertklsnlhimv arfe norooch- f utesn into atcotander savlngtha watwms ent tbe empty pbdapirt tbw peas in r tbestralnd water and return ajjl to aottacand toonh ilnableunia it i time that we should all realize the terrible com- detated- northern ontarip in the early days of october fires and men and women of ontaf pleteness oftne fire cafefa- that devaatated northern ontario in trie early days calamities we have had tfotut ri over 1200 square miles laid detotini after town notjiirig but a bleak expanse of ruins hundreds of farrno w cjlafe deam into mans primeval 8uggle firtl hungerv ice m swept barer thousands of your against nature and hefjffim ioi temporary reli winterthe relentless foetf coining aa this terrible fire did in toe autttnxt with li harvests in with the toyrnapmb already preparing for the rigor of winterwtje complete deatrvction wrought- ia the hardiii overcome thousands of people at first had- bterallyi no place to lay tnejr head little tokwcsut and taomilljgt to cat tbey karl to batkkea siare of atptifst somehow and then desperately m theuyswont by antl tbe cold grew fcowteafcsei rough tut taarviceable attaa6rdiaceaa16 2bvv bavebeen tctniffifil iold street resular- food supttlj tablishedajid roueb dtatributed chielnce to get oil then eet we must not fait the north r relief until spring etlnaxnekof if urnaniry we must see these cjfiaeriahrtufirja tftl fee biiajncaa airiviue axef m mofeixiiebi the atlxexui of qnwfrmfr atutptjes dutriee- aoci- cticptibtdic lodges eurclfies c not for teautatioa or itauishroeriftfeut for the suppljr of bare pe relief in fact to teatricketi north the brighter side of the picturt everywherfctliroiithbut the fire swept district one jtearai only a strong manly note of confidence of tsdlutioh to go- forward to stick to itbe county if jdy anb jcanbe held together to make jood once more to restore the hundreds of burned farina to the eight ortert destroyed towxis and it- will be done if the stream of temporary relief from old ontario doer not dryupt all for one one for aa here u a portion of our province in ruins and for thesakotof the whole province as well ai for its own sake this aecticra must beestored to prosperity and bajspneaa ce nec4the korth we need its vigorous pioneering smrit so one and all lete give a hand into the saddle and do it now money la riaeded thi relief com- tafttm iart buylnlaaa quantities got bis duebufiis and oftan jfraa giftf omaicharidlaa frorn tharriaoy i pgftjjjffiffi cotoruraunt wlh fjv cummittaa the ect needs era rwjw known the northern ontario fire relief has been cnlargodvand now iatcproughly reprcaen- tative oih0 ontjfrio the provin- ciat goveminent is oooperatmg to the fullest ejiljent jidftpirig every thins that a govern ment capropsffy do to assuit in temporarily relieving the fir sufferers l during lh ahtunu derablft- farm butclivt andlo tbe operation nia are spoiled in tbe aklun giod job aally aefect i la dune iy kuod hldea uk- to do a i hiluu hard aput in the bbelter of a trtm or i n building u thw door is good- a block auu lackie or other hoist arrai u tutnt ibould be risked in a cuu fitiluul pobltlon hklti wtdle cascase la warm u animal ahould be ctfan if pot 11 bumfflnuit to keep the hide 4 d curcuaeln proper condition- the kmntue ahould a tart immediately tbe aoliual ia dead and the tnoru qulcklyjt la done wh the anim la warm be more aiuy the 1 ida will cohie off atk auv lhl tuo pendttdtpraeuttate bleeding wbea in the suspended poltlon the oper ator ahoittnlla aunntng the head cheeks amllaoaic when kinnlne over the fsceleafefuielleah on the head the preaenee pf moaton the hldp la an obleeudny the head s removed wtu the 1 animal should pe compstely lowered ana placed bfoaiit up beln held in this poluobby a spiked stick be- tweev brisket auasflopr the legs should thenbe skinned out and the feet removed avoldobjhlg alter removing the feet the bide ouid be rippedidown tbabauy front the smfmletit to thjbtallthe sldea antulasiansbe slclnneilh by working forward to the brttkevana then back to uie lajjdeioitbe bind lea close fardaml a no uidyettafisaj jdnpftsntl jfte form atlonj gnimmi raih w f int9tmbsttollal tzounrsvnotv istbe ume u pbrcbaao your tractors f mm machinery meory tjhamta wilkioaoo plbwa boffirea stoves jpedlar steel roofins lightntng rods wire fencing etrrujcawfra v okd9kfan brantford gaa aogine on ttnok obp monitor gaa aogine robber tirekgy tonbognr steel tireerlavbi binder 7fk oofc mfc dhan drill perthisei hoe drill tnboroatiooaj baperior dlanvrttl r several horeca driven and workeva smsll i 111 iii i iu1kjii i j kwiwtfmmaha rtm- dokertj biiinm ud uimatiia ooililojsijllij u f i us harasbtt jlayouwd beaver and white 8e- imi maebinee laodlfi hills and talking plows t bain todbope and uolaughliii trscsasrip bate t ikaadtwalnm fie- ihmifuk a liot ot attkw to be ted aa tsastthar isrsaajetaeoaa fonwafe aaovall sataa aawawsrvcaalwmav ibemf baeawacmak c dewajnsbt aeteaptr axa w a wtaoxa r j kerr lbt officpfarae89bw tteudeno- vs obofedeiown pbon vol r33 4- jrnjf prioa for all kioto jonk abb hiamlnj p6oifrj cffitr- p m feteem an andadataodable rangala u est aid a woman can have to nach the heart of the man in bar home that h good bakar- that gets t carter voor i 3 fnaljse ihaat j thcogni ranges a your back your dm happt tbooghhaannk samathtan m foal and happy teougmkangee ask aejgnbont she probably- baa r h tiompson co skinning an animal how to oct the best out of a hide tin while the carcase la warm have tbe knife hluirp v ld w cat carefully about i uaiwvrtmant ot lrjftio tffit at the boot jegs start candaavance abacsftd the l and body and pjudeot leg to meet ffs wajaniag theahla lbs- hind jeg atari iat b about six inetiea from iajslunln luaight toyjir the rump irltaae it l best kahovitthe hook t carcaas so- that ieaklaon thejuider slde ofjjjftja4- auajontthe tall hone fet7fm3v f5i sato 4way ttoatllaa and xiegs skin ole juocaketelly away mm the bale orto tail anotrlp tromxb legs bntaent wajngith nst or a blunt instrument such aa kalfe i- jeduosa saxnasddowa to carcass is hoisted and the smimiw far tavjieck split t deagukwlas and aide in tie for xkapartmant at z sitiwfib i farmewwho have not already a so shonutrebbjre to lay by a store at lee for eoousguilk and for house hold iia next summer the cost ot harveatin and storing lea la low when compared with the saving ef tectad ordinarily it is sale to har vest two- una ot toe for each cow in the hard this will allow for melt lng and- leave enough for family seeds where cream only la sold about onethird of that quantity ot lee wilt be needed did you ever try cooperation in ice harvesting it works like a charm oct one or two of your neighbors to go into such a schema one pond or alream and dneset ot tools will answer for 8 the equip ment necessary for harveatlbg and storing ice consists simply ot saws tonga and iron ban for pushing tbe blocks of ics around a rough board enclosure ten feet souarjan4 eight jmi hieh jrmhold sufficient ice to provide uxty pounde per day for iso daya aften-ajlowln- for a reasonable amount of wastage an important faet to be remembered la that the smaller th quantity o lea tared tnethtrger la tbe proportion of waste the bottom of the enclosure should be covered wltlt a root of aaw- duau and a foot outpace left between the boards and the lee whlcbaooutd also be oiled with sawdust the lee hould be almllarly covered the drier the sawdust tbe better if the soil beneath the enclosure is imper vious clai a layer or gravel under the sawdust ia advisable if sawdust ta net obtainable plan er mill shavings will serve if neither is to be hadr two feet of marsh nay or any wild hay will answer the roughest kind ot a shedthat will re al l the weather la all that ts re- it you are not making money on the farm scratch your head and da nine hard thinking keep feeding the hena or- they 11 top laying keep reeding the pullets bvu atop teage aaa qsprtea ata teeeate twachool stabda todr arilb a doae- cut record for high grade stork eveiy gradbate at this year secured eaploymenl write n oatalera w j eutatt petaalaal ww si j jrterualou- long distance hauling teamingcarlage long disumce haaling with motor iruok piano and furniture men tog teaming and carting dooe n snyder ptanorni