fl padi 1 tub qrdbqktown urld bkokiinkiierii loss robert steads greatest book in happy novel of the northwest neighbours u nurw the been t cauda than any other of tan earn canadiaa anthers books ataanascc of um ual groat tie of settlement in saskatchewan cavalry la big thesse ym wtu never have to ask that question what ia canadian lltora- tarsl again when you have road robert stoada latest and ao tar his greatest novel ne gbbours thar an few canadians who in i not fawnfll with this authors foasr r novels the twvi grant ibis saw book ma tras to tba stead tradition of a geed story ml swasenvpar tors and real lilsa even mm ml aay and k has anpre of um reel s phere of ufa fa it than amy otear wuch haa cone to u h a lsaw wuk it btnt writing and wfll add fresh lanrele to thblaans of this already weubelove anther nmgfaboars relates bow two families of young people toolbar and slater neighbours in a uttts om- urio town iieigmonrs fiftoan gears utor on adjoining homektoeds to tba saakatchewsn country tod 111 and love their stories im nm until a young englishman aacttss fa the community and asse ao ox peeutaons blading r sot e beat part otnsbbbsurg- in uj mind and wfcat nufcaa it a great book ia the picture o pss- pie who make up m veubonrfaood 11 jako tbettld villain who cations for the gjaulhls u the itf tjw polak fanny who mi to a m that thotroctoaa li r rfktejbjow ml of that la r tho test love bond writer favors brief separations ol wedded pairs p mumably basse on om oe- c ar no that abssnos makm the hart grow fonder 1 1 ere arenuvm ray knowledge any a lie sihiihiiis from which una siiy will certslnty wheilier ninr- rr isa depend on tneltuatiaiiuh oc- ci u luii lu tile the subject came up r lnhixalou in n company cwnnoeed u imiil n ihtteu meu and women and i i ime or two maintained hat a i n kih culllnj had not hi or to do he kiicicmi f marriage thegenl pinion iippeiired to be that it waa u r mr r very ureal importance v i ka hnehemr in the coutleent- u 1 tluiinr hie tjtnioon stall nmuinl went so far ai to draw u onhrr if unrltasfollownaty n imiira nlih cood practices com- b il imvelew explorers a small a i the very bo t two of the list s tuuftl university professors ac- t rn ielwjiiiiii nnil men of i pe c i of ijitfcendeut bvr iiiiwt of litx time a blinnreil unit hirmtertoo of k lm l nuullty nun the lensth of tjma e i ileirtvt if his wlfo aodetj aumiiuing unit nil married conplea sturt wiili the hume ailvnntaie it ia furl up liwmilly true that the htf irt in uiimi tei i prolong mid intensify 1 e an a feurful imi wise yonnf woman oi iibserwil 1i l lerrlble to av te upliile pourliik mil tea f6r the same face every miiruliu for 40 yeara e ed hi wirt wumi it ia certainly a i nxtpect not devoid of monotony n 1 ven terror for hotn parties let the hopplmt couple 1 ever knew was a rlerjcyiiiiiti and hl wife who bad i rouslit up s family of nine aitf durli a s years of marrloce were nev er luenl from enrh other tor moro tl 4bihiecutlve nonra i lplirkeeier make good bnabanda 1 1 n e known a domn of them every- n e i ippy in hl msrrlaeo theybpeod- sis weeks on rut and weather per il i ii a mrtnuhl ashore wltb tbelv ft i ea theroplnlehtaarellte re- ci rrl b liuihaymuoua j iimrn on the other hind who are j ever far from home make easy n i comfortable iitikhanda even where nnrrtice ww not preceded by eoort- 1 h r even acquaintance i minently in tlie british lilrirtd a i ur rorinerh uiurrtage la arraneed i er bin liulh parents or raatch- nl rn ft is nnloo- of property i i r thnnmif persons anil 1 knew- r i vi i nut n life where bride and- t m met for the nrst time in churrh he wedding mornlnc- tei both ere mirwwwftflt specied shoe rl th o f aind ot a job pnoe so in tho future xjwill obargo so much tor tba ontterial tfaed and a reaaonable price for the ttmo it take- to do the work tfais wijl caqaa my pnoes to vary bat to ahoe panrjg cbaminft a oostomer who wears a 5 ehoe the aauio pnoo aa the one who wears a furnier mid hla wife are ttimally rkluc pnrinefk and it tatxest tlmt vhen huahiind and wtfelntve ci ujntereh the busbanffi oocn i i may not matter- at any rate i is better thnn matrimonial test fures and delllterate abaencm tricksters kaveadroppeni have been cajislii and polled ft a startling dtecover was- once inadelo briush post offloe engineers tt was that every mcwaaee sent oyer a cruln telestsph win connected with the stock bxcbaago could be ed by thenaernfanaalaepnt new canadians ga home for christmas ancient city haifa has figured prominently in biblical history s llu aaloon of the hontcalm typaqdof the comfort and rngb standard k ctbm on board the mooteahn tua sup carries second and tfdrd ebisa tfajpa which win tbta year be oc dococatioq afttda daaa of abip- acontly made a fit port tho pisco la iwxparably associated with holy marnorios a man who npild btiver hunt broadimfy snd fortyaecniut ptreet id- york fur a year anil emsm at- teutiop would he cumpanihlelu haifa cmupaiatlvely ohaoura alunk o littoral iteekeil by tyre and slihin and tiasa alid jaffa nuli ihmiascua snil jeruha- lem in the hlnterlnnd myn a bulletin if the nstlonal ueosraphlc society cuncernvok the city which dlnpatchee is to be a free port hy t of riitixh sod french manda tories of palestine and syria respect- halfanow bids fair jo emerge np- in hlbiorys nain as one of ile free hirtsofthe wiirtil wimi-s-wiio- of cities rarudni from unmhurn to ma in snd froin mnntelllex t trieste the parados af tialfit itt thut it la frebirraplilcally okmiciiiiihi ulth llfrant tunnel and the sreni pin in of ksdrae- ton the armateddnri of jtllile times tiitt hlatorlcally it is linked chmer to heriln bonalo n yl and the crn- adea one may stand npnn the hlnpes of jlonnt carmel where it almost achieves being a pmmontocj- mt the bay of acre and look wiulh inward caesarea built hy merml umi named for caesar where peter preuihed and panl was jailed or he may turn north toward tyre proud port of phoenicia in the nearer foreground will be the ruins or athllt with the refnalns ca castle built by the knights templar and the tor of a twocentury holy war carmel itself be will recall was pontons statue when he said of a bride thine bead npon tbee la like cannot and npon carmel bujah mocked tba prophets of baal bout an altar apon which the ore of the lord fan aad coosnmed the barat watch our window for special choice pastry on saturday uojjf e tor christmas to many a thontandi of britisher now tal in varionspart of canada that ta more than a thought tt s senti ment christmas probably means more to english people than to most others while to the scotch new years day is the day of days for both of them the holiday season briags a heart poll towards the old country that wl not be denied and to many of those who wtu not ad mit the touch of hamaanardre that makes as sllkfo he uolldsy season comes an excellent oppoitnnly line of an acense to make ht w hraj 1adrome forchristmas 4hesc stcaniersprovidc secondcli wedrold imdon draws all the world the asdnatig splendour comparable fadlii nlendonr ibes of aient are at their beet and like april hi the english coantrysidci it seta all who know herlongingio be there it is already apparent ht the holi- dw travel to europe wilflhis year be rafher heavier than it has for some time which may perhaps be taken as the country has passed then too conditions in great britain are some what better stabilized than fhey- have been and the welcome home will probably be all the hesrtier the canadian pacific railway has made special arrangements to meet the expected increase in traffic trains carrying passengers will run alongside the ships at st john nb thus guaranteeing a practically unin- temtp ted journey from any point in canada o the british port a fea ture dfthe trans- atlantic holiday travel thft year will be the employ ment of the new canadian pacific sfonoclass steamers technically and steerage accommod thenapoprntmenla and service are eatectohk anch as to makelhem adequate for total length of sw fret with the inosr in spariri and liixarious ac- commodatiod tn the short time i wfpeh she hn iccii niniiing she ha proved comfbrtabte 6 the last di devices lounges irawtng card and sinokfnb rooms and drnmat aa- loon are the last word ia modern interior decoration with first thoughts given to comfort and goad taste a special children room is a new feature and the st ar third class- accommodation is of me most modern description here again the loooges smoking and other rooms and the dinmg rslcoaa aao- vidc ttnejccelled c aad aasatc space i bjy way of guaranteeing a naraagh service for holiday travellers toe canadian pacific wfoton special tear- and win cbnhectwith special i winnipeg and will r chips sidei sailings from st john are ar- ranged aa follows ttnnisin to glasgow and liverpool dec 5 me- lita to soafhampton dec 9 mont calm to liverpool dec 12 and metagama to glasgow dec is isilmdty j jv ballantine alsaaw ravotsrr csrsiaraf xla sswaaaiswatoaa- t isfltua llonra 8jb u 610 dally 7 ns 5 rday wo called for- and tfh errrl yjaeou box 56 rbooo256w abootl prmg m and receiver rorn perfectly tegltimata clop hone operator one telephone line provided h under stood the atone alphabet in this- ay it was bejlered some rascals had obtained lniormatlon which tbey had tomed to good account i similar leakages brought about by accident or design are not un- eomiuon when a telephone oper pus es back a certain key on ber ww switchboard she can listen to every 10 or 111 if not really the nmper wh ttaidr to do as the partv with email feet m helping to pay for the ono with the larger i raofte mr pnoos aaordint to the mas of tho sole or hoe used qp the nixo of ahoea k soloing and hnolini tiii tfliu6 rain 75o to 200 wholo aotes oew heeln ropainnit wnlts sewing toe rp oto will wnt ox tra i dont repair wh to yoo wait as una i4 n tt a proiwr or paying system i have the expert j njtnip i niioty njiso- the largest trade f rjm ring in this ecliorj of ttin it u it all rrrv rs receivo tlm or bil and pro npt led back this key and overheard iu people whom she knew make an 1 1 itntment y day or twomater ahe honed this fact quite innocently j third party with tberenilt that tl re was a searatlonal dlrbrce sull in another case the subeditor of i nlng newspaper while at the i phone heard the proprietor 6t a i cal morning paper sending 6 his otacu particulars of a serious aecl- i nt which he bad just witnessed j ottm gdoisnrthe deiol tsthstnave dn per wrote up the occurrence i d icaa than on hour afterwarda- 1 i rn containing an account of- the d a ater were on sale lion mmm broadcasting for moose in nova scotia h r loyd geo rge when at the ace confereneejln paris was for a thiro victimised in a similar manner af ur comniunleatlne with london by telephone he discovered that the line waa being tapped tola was awk- ward but he was itaual to theoccav c alea a wetahman was installed at the london end of the wire and aab- sequent conversations were carried on fdootwonr about ma i w the wrong delivery of telegramm ttltirfl att1ttiafj mtwwatifjll la another proline cause of- leak oa a utue rassawway an aorth a hf jt tom livsn with i 1u paraata aom trcnt in scotland wtra concern- awotaer la fatbar wu op la tears lag certain goods addressing itr s2jst azvaasjararask hagglsvllle the ageafa t aara wen ox far ao tom took j4 mj j j l v- aucdub jemeaad tba lad atsaad up wttb a aad aa ho waa the moat prominent ttuabar a-aaa- worklna nearby aawlatf mania mpplag bark and drlvln alt 1s wall sued jsssiftist i n m aawjavilio the telsgram t i v away lambwrmen kept hla dar went tho agents most cherished te ii5 to 5 i errttbe name of the manufaotnrer vspzssissssjr uegood victim letters may fetrlatothewtoac hands and canse endless mischief in a certain building in glasgow were two young wotnei of the same name and one of tbem who unfortunately for her lived at ue top bad a sweet- learta sailor while be waa away r tiring varlova ways to ever- a ala payslcal weakaaae ha wata 40 ua jgaskaka hospital hu par aata awe aamoas about him thay send tba other aoa to sea aim often far tbay are om and feeble aad joucaay lar 1 a hasardosa undertaking to an i sal loblm that he roraeu oiaara on a voyage he wrote to her ijoatman bavlag no number to guide to sand nnw rnis lm o hla- lettera to the t worry ebeat saa i j woman on the ground floor save do treat yea arlhtle bttsof n and awver rafia o opened them and circulated the et tfc tavatloaai aaaltarlani atdrally the other girl was tur- rcha death rata from tabervnlassa ta i is and complained to the post- tu5rts cr clmt ieclaed that they were aaecuve fundod tat her and tt was laipcev m j1 tieoattaunicate at once with a m oauase kress t sender the true position was not i covered for a long tlmt there is one other great source of trakagos that la the rural post cqco itamr villagers who as the t pest oltioe- baauk always saake deposit j andrnvarawant la uuttowa o vrhltdi they goto market it nore act toeyhive to receive a omuktnat- aeau0uoutjo i i oooohoowoa er ughr louie harlow ardde stood an fe a bark bora pressed to his lips and prayed the wudcr- nesa with this 0uaorakr waa the p sbna latedcad of a cow moos ught ugfar was tbc rsmtanoa of the grant of a little bati and the com bination waa inttgiwd to fool a big male and canse hms to a xssary delay d appeaa with- new coal oe lamp ywtjblir 0itciabtoavflrwupiirfb4hiraa asmtoe cent of oil in six hortrs laghtb tike drdinary lamp but gfvee vipma 4ba afmonnt of light flsyoaretteadgbtby reutng one ot tbee tardpa oall and see or wntst iff home jr 3 ia their sosaldea foe otrrtoitaly tareyare anspfcldus wattaetf satalra might ba talked aboatloeally -aa- resaoaablet no mot that raral post one betray their trdst the trowmeifttmat fa aad ge u thastanl umektuv long befare the radio was beard of jsova scotia gstdes were broad- moose love song with in- the vrirard of fhli vrbderneaa less and he uses aoimnplicstl paratus he cuuabkejy scroll of bark from awttte bnrcv roha it mo ine f otbv h itnenscwa iefldribaec- gat no l coem do better there are aaootb loops at intervals the wbole leagth on tta oasid bora every knot b ned toafcu vea at tm amah jbow do j mthrtmijjaie wlss a saymr ivwhssy csse louie b a hairbreed laic- mac and opines that his other is scotch- he was born river on the indian reservation and has worked as a guide under a d thomas of south uiuord for 23 years swarthy of complexion wttb a black mosttache aad straight black bah be resembles an indian less than his own son but b master of indian woodcraft he can hear a moose moving tntae woods when teat to late the lordly moose within ms companlocis bear nothing and b range ofbe hunters rifle louie the first haaight a moose or deer fw n jje w standings oa the- ibore a moose in ten dgys or less b lome harlows motto and it b said that he haa never yet ted a sportsman who can ren song wmfool jffiwwos kut wben he comes wftsfifc range the bbter mast do the jaitl free dt the most t i the most popular sportmi f the daited statesthi an sat tn days wftb harioi taavejsiei ofme woods aad brassfbiytbey werenew to tt woods bat they came owt yrith aihrb bnrucnlaily bulialmg tba land of fbraagenaertbs to- tcriorb the moose hooters pa tbere are moes upon mfles of lakes riven aiid forest wet populated by deer bear and smaller aai- a favorite approach to tide is through south llluerd eaauy rcache4 annapoua rami ns by way of boston and tar- montk njs or st jobs nbaad dtoby n5 the rtaefron dblbr and annapolis royal da the doaaw mnatlantk ra ford farb an south mulord t real estate at bto aet beghalfa whhmleajbtl forward to the middle sges becanas it was token by tabcred during tba crnaades dvsa medieval events are but nseomaies there the present town of abeatttaoo souls is modern it received an tmpetns when wtluam then emperor of oermany vtrdted the city in 1808 went the ronadn of ger man schools and soap factories or dered tablets to he erected to remem ber him hy and eranteit a kuhsldy on account of tljt- floiirikhlng oerinan cblnny there the lenuan colony had its incep tion in the ermnn templnra a re- llgtout commmiiry fonuiil nt w iters which founded itx firm roliiny at haifa in 1s0s and limrtshed that later it acnulred a section of the town which was belecti aided lir a dtlzen nf ilnltnlo n originally the templars had vision of a klnplnni f ood on this earth which nnwt froctlfy in the old testatnei land of promise and re- uenerale itarobai later other ftet mo wi than membera of this sect were admitted and after thanliiers visit the purpose became gvowedly to pro mote german interests a livingstone son phone 55 georgetown insurance houses to rent t for nformatum apply to i r j hyndsl insurance and real esta te broker i phone 203 georgetown hydro electric wrewseme historic relic to the dlberent parts of the world there are heads without owners the atummlbed headjal0uvecjrom- well for inatance which on the re storation wastorn from the exhumed body and s roof of westminster bait is now in private ownership it belongs to ur horace wilkinson of beat chart dear serenoaka he inheravd it from hla ktandfatber who purchased it from the daughter of a showman thii abow- man in ua tetb bad parriasatbe gr reuefrsm some def of cromwell whose nncestora had honglit it from a sentry who saw it mewn down from the roof of we minster hall one ternpentuous nlxht and had secreted it the- iron spike which transfixed i he- skull nnd a nor tlon of the wooden post are still at tached to it london uall carl bunch born in denmark carl busch khiibhh cjty composer waa born in bjerre deotuark uarch 10 18c he studied law at the unt- veralty of copenlmgen i he violin un der tofte at the copenhagen con tory and eonrposltliht with hartmann and nseisosde -he- played to an or chestra in paris and studied under godard and gounod he came to the united states to i88b settling nt kansas oty here he established the lndlbsrnwnlc orcbeatra he wjs com posed works- for or symphonic rhapsody symphony violin music the dramatic cantatas league of the alps and kinjt olaf and many songs in september 1912 while mr bosch wsa traveling in nenmnrk the title of knight of iwnnehorg was conferred apon him by the king airplane boo b c lng pece of literature wrn- toa canoe thr s ef cbs war scdiarjlwablande ocean the nsoose season ksts fcosa october 1 to november 15 stottaag with moose catting and ra vrkb atin huathua a doxea g aaeoaat thesn nch celebritbe aa leeae bar low and sam oode both afkaaac indiaas work under toe dsrecmoa at ad thomas along h afceeto bf the- ijvetpoofjiahv of lakes- kadge malcoogecaad beyoshlt moea scotia avcoaservmg its moo a heater bj ten about 500 b c tells bow rawun king of ceylon new over an enemy army and dropped bacaba cans tog many casualties kventuully be was slain and his flying carriage feu in to the hands of the hindu chieftain ramchander who flew in it all the way from ceylon to his capital- at ajndbu in northern india in the hahabharatta one of tba ou- est of brahman riaaatca mention hi made of the gift of a dying machine by a king to a hrmher monarch an a token of frlfvidsblp a sadden ketease the rector waa silting in his study hard at work on the following sun days sermon when a visitor waa announced she was a bard mua- cnlarlooklng woman and when the mlnlateritet acbeir for ber ahe aald somewhat brueduety ton are mr jenkins aint yon i am replied the good man well maybe youll remember o marryln a couple of strangers at your- church a month ago what are the names t asked the minister peter simpson snd ellsa brown replied the woman and im tlxa are yonlhdeedt said the minister i think i re- mm yes interrupted thevlsi- ipr imber all rixhuaa i thought an how i oiight-to-drnp- to an tell trou that petea escaped nbulidfcr oae ba a year nasose osnrtry wffl always mac tbataabsae z 4 in legal r bartholomew faavey u proud of hla library yea he explained to one ot bis mends asjie showed him into the large roostr if uk great ptde in my hooka whenever i qjtd me of them with a torn leaf i put it through a legal process what legal proeceat the visiter ashed i ilainps irons v toasters vacuum cleaners ranges ajid all electrical appliances of- all makes 2g nud wat lampii 40fl 00 wntt lampn t 4so lqowatt lamps 110 special prices on nitrolamps eleotrio heater of all klndm utoht from up office town hall icec ream and hot dnnks choice coniecuonery ol all kinds madges gandy shop main street phone 214 firstclass cigar tobacco conleclionery store 8- i curry a full lino or cikim pipett ciinrf lte ciunrolte lloliiers nnd cidar holdorn i know thai you will need to include aontr tf tlicnbnve artioleson your christmas liol 1 i linvn tbent nil nt tho mnat rvnsottnlile uror ml kihdh of oiiowirik and muokirm tobncrrih now about chocolates splendid linn at iloo poi- lb all kimla nf clhkilau- burs freadi every week sil r like tritiiininsnnil ntliciw iill bijh we also have it itiuh frad line which ihpio ii h maraschino cherriek brnxil nnliv trjrlalirihl linger milk new urloiuift onrmils nil llvittle cpoonnut briltf rurned almond puncy cliocolau alnmrtiln keijllui miilynnr tjtutc 110xk8 op cfrtwolatesalwai rifhh i ihixoh of jhocolalebarrivirir trait in sesssoxt h druks georgetown 3 the east end meat shop c ridler butcher itbaibil in atil kinds op fresh cured and cooked meals orders promptly delivered f ji georgetown phone 26