Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 17, 1923, p. 4

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tlik imohuktown ilkltal 1 1anuih 17t 1 8m it iiihii into llii hikm l i or tin hi ithr liivuil nrk to bum in h hi ml u t know whnl i ii do uiiiihk t uiiiii to dim tin id ah i in i h it oil i mpiil n ltd way 1 hm hi llki poi bj tlm turn i u t ajliirrd wealth our nlom tr1 on i htriko you liuv n l k tl hall to ina a beifhlonk or n mmil i vo ual 11 n nidi hh lhi ijet linrn ulii liu i ml behold tho rit td cuosst rw the uiilcli ru tidil tlti uk thay ic hapji llic it iiiillolcd tbe uctertho mienik the wolf roch uiiiniiiif inn tin and lie h out tor blnuil lied be a gentle buhttt if iip could icayltoobew th tnj vopetnrianb prtim tit their bill of litre of brims ah if w4 ft onntiykottt a rabbit or an iuih if our vermiform ihuhmkjix r would doatltomnoh bud ft thon like the o wed sat our haj por we ooortcbpw tho ud el my breakfast takes three minutes m dinner hour taken ten and bolting pic i rcnuiiear amotik my followaien we ii have to dik tiomothink or else our dame is mud ii louo our tfrijioa things u lehh t we learn bo chew tbe oud workneos couipeosatloa report hive theamlt box pi and other live mock re quire mineral food huirlfil nm ha ii ins mcm s department there were 50411 accidents re ported to the ontario workmen s compensation board in 19s as against 48191 in lftstl an increase of 6220 the fatal accidents id iu ih uio creasedtrom 886 to 418 the- us nail pronounced an number of accidents reported daily averaged 198 in 192ft aa against 16l in 1921 ffhe total benefits awarded durmrt 1922 amounted to 56928961 as agaipst 6189 868 60 during tho prior year the difference being no donbt largely accounted for by the decreases in average earnings compensation being m most cases based upod the average earnings the amount paid for medical aid including doctor hospital and nurses bills during 1922 was 692819 90 as gainat 66279889 in 1921 the average daily number of checks isaned goring the year was 496 and the benegtb awarded averaged 18976 a day h acton last sunday the baptist con flregation welcomed their new pastor bcv mr howard mr jamen anderson janitor of tbe qovernment building has k j been boffenog frm blood poison in tbe hand tbe past week v however improving mr b swenerton who was a brother in law of the late zalnian hall and john sooord died at bis home at xjqs angeles cal on chnatmas morning he bad not 1 been welt for about a year a waterworks feed pipe at tho gtb tank in the station yard was burnt with tbe frost on sttur day night and for several days no engines were supplied at tho big r tank t at the jast meeting of the ae ton 110l no 487 bro c o plank past master installed tho following ofjloertt for the present year y w m bro e t thetford d m bro geo anderson chaplain bro rev h q ii sangh assistant chaplain bro j p bcarrow b 8 bro e f kennedy p s and treasurer bro b smet hurst d c bro wm beaers 1st l bro ed gamble 2nd ii bro herb ritchie v inside t bro v wheeler ontsidot bro g dntchburn c men bros h masalei w h smith b e cook wm hall j h deridy free press tho tidn ihnl we vo our jrount an i inula an tlif imily bulldtni m irlulw mill ar 1 lit na ofraaait to ii run pit rait or coll aa are tnkks jiuil buurda to ibe carprater imtd ii ixilldliis a houae hbuaa ii lldlny and bodv building are uke ii llmt both deprtad upon tbe atruc inl mutirlala rurnlabed wdpd we k tln house w are at him lui pnan d with itiu evidence that la lr r lih iu ind and abunduui iiihltrlul nuppiled tbe workmen wlii we b e well grown one and f h rjhrn and du webave tb afnrthoubt uiat ahmdimt body bnltding iihiurlnl haatjeeii aupplld on hit- 0ii1t liuud wbeu wo obaer a ji ark built of acrap iumbtr ur h 1 cult wllh itr back up p belli d undtr biip or pk crippled und iff its tet we are at once truck wlili rlii ihouklii that aomeone ha nut supplied the ery terlnla bulldhik ner1 or lime and phoplinronaa two malirlala thai are nedbary in itrowth and body building are llipe and phoaphoroua oun anlmala runninj wllh tbelr dama on paature will aa a rule bllbw 110 evidence or a shortage or thoat minerals inthelr dvlopmeni alnco the mitk rfwlr dams is adjusted to the mltmvkl re quirement or the young but an aoon aa the youus animals btcome deoen dent on tlu feeds kiven them by man their case is different and they are frequentl very much neglected in ibal a proper aeltetlon or neda la not made tor them a cult or pig fhar fit shut up tight ia a- pen ha no choice it la entirely at the mercy of the owner or teeder should he reeds supply alf lh requlremeul or growth then all la wll afnd good if the feeda do pot suppl the re qulrementa then development cannot take place with animals conotid in peoa the mineral rni d uliortafcp s gome spe cial provision ta made to aupplj such the effet of lia abmnci it snow 11 li untlirmy frlpplod or dwnrtan inula kehultm of kxperliuenth in an experiment recently conelii 1 ed where two groups or ulfcb weie beine fed the aame grain ration 1 remarkable dlfrermce waa noted iu one frotip thai received in addltl 11 to the grain ration rree access mi mlmrul mixture or salt box conlani lug the following essentials 10 rottth lime bone meal rock silt and charcoal the presence of he halt box in the one pen during the 124 days of the reeding experlu ent gnvi an average gain of 132 8 pounds per pig while the pltrs i 1 the pen la whlc 1 there waa no salt box gave au avtraxe gain of 6l 5 pounds per pll in tlu 121 duja the presence ani 11 bi or tho salt box was accountable for a jtn of 63 pounds per pltf if yount block art out on good grasa they can cuerally get what mine als are required for their body develop mont but tbe confined animal gets onl wjiat you tlve it and tbe giving is indicated by tho condition ot th animal if the animal does not thrive jour tmng ban beeu mladiroclod or sllnn ualcli ioor fstttck look at the pikb and calves on your rarm arc they offtbulr feet up in the back stunted or scrubby t if ao then uat uka look it the mirror when nobody la around and see tbe fellow respons ible for the condition when you recount a jouraclf aa tho stingy or neglectful feeder proceed at once to the workahop and make a mineral salt box fill it and see that tbe young animals never want for the essential bone and muscle building elements the pigs and calves will be more apt to unite und lhe will alao have a better opinion of you l sttveuson ontario depl of agriculture application to parliament notice is 111- kebn given tbat m 1 appllcaiioawili be made by the cor porlwio the town ol iieorgeiown 10 the leghnlattve mumbly of be pro vince of oniarto al he next ae thcraomoan act 1 to validate and confirm by 1 bar 414 of ibe iownol georgelown being a bylaw cihiood aby law to aonhonie tho isaoe ot bobenturea oi the town ol geofgtom 10 the aroounl 6f forty tbou and dollar to grant a bonus by way of loan i smuh and stone umlled to aw it lo olnre ibe r present factory and put dp qulp a operate v id tjuihla ra ly aid ng octorf tbe ejtrttculart nf the preset exiaihgde- beninre debt of the aaid rpori motlows hi kb school rirtimtjcll enr lurbe hireumtk l rtarahail hudvonud water woiib locanmrovematni 9 6sss2 5000 tr i621 67 0747684 the reaaoti or requiring a further in debeoturea to enable the lorporali crant a bonua of forty thousand dollani br way of loan to im ihsnd stone limi led upon ibe lefoia set out hi the mid by law atxj the airreeipent therein refefml to dated at georretown ihn fourth dy ot januxry i9m between tbcsnow ahovel and lb omtl abovel a man has bis time pretse occupied at home these dayt r cruising in the west indies pure almond paste prepared ready for cake also choice fruit cakes with pure almond pnate mud butter icing a livingstone phone 55 georgetow i empress at britain at si pierre of martinigue the seme of he volouuc eruption in 190 ivhru iu 000 peo- iple lo their lives tle path showfl was once a bnsv street 2 headquarter palace of ciilii htiiblic ho vana s itatoe of entprr josephine fijat wile of napoleon on martinique island writ inle f motto castle santiago oiha uonibattlng held mice traps for held mice ban be ised only on limited ureas in the caae of large tracts recouisi must be bad in poisoned brain one ounce of sul pbate of ttrycliuu dissolved by poll ini in a pint of uater and an equal quontltr of cheap syrup added nil poiaon halt a bunel of wheat or corn cracked and crushed corn la better ror th fa purpose than tho uncrusbed kernel litis grain siiould soak in the poisoned liquid several hours and then be allowed to dry qrosa xrow ink about the buse of a fruit tree encourages the presenc of mice as does also earl mhlcbing ct cr c ops such as buckwheat oa11 or closer may harbor mice snow about fruit trees should be tramped down occasionally lo keep mice from work lag under it xhes pesta woiid be less numerous if neighboring swamp areas were drained and thorough ploughluk and harrowing lesortad to tn cultltaung crops hawks and owls weasels skunks and foxes de- slofy large numbers ot held mice tbe free use of an effective lice powder is alwa in order with poul try a dnatbatb ivaery essential in ridding the tuwlt of lice wbile- washiok is effecuve against vermin use kerosene on the roosts and in the cracks to exterminate mites mustard cress radish lettuce set onions and spinach sre crops that can be grown in a hotbed be aure that hie snow la well tramped about the apple and plum trees this will discourage mice from netllnif near theui f this years ecttpses in tbe year 192here will be four eclipses two of tbe sno and two of the moon 1 a pmrtiel eclipse of the moon march 8 the beginning isible generally western asia europe a trie the atlantic ocean sooth america north amenor except tbe extreme northwestern partfndtbeeaaurn part of the pacific ocean 2- aoonal eclipse uf the san uawob 16 visible id tbe totftbero half of south amenoa and south africa 8 a partial eclipse othe moon abffbat 86 tbe beinomag anc end ing visible generally in north america excepting the extreme northeastern part 4 a tow eotipee of the sua sept 10th vis ible id canada aa a partial eclipse a man pa always anxloq to explain where he got bis bad cold hot be is not wjilidk to tail where he got his good nmbrlbv since ocean liners have been made as comfortable si the best cttv hotels cruising has brcomr very at tractive to those seeking a ret the mxury of the ship the freah sea breezes the trips aihore at the placet vistcd the nuking of new itquatn onces the experiences gained only by travel make ai ocean cruise an 111 comparable delight in former winters many canadian and americans escaped from tin- sever ty of tbe home wii ter by taking sea cruises crime in tile west indies are very popular not only on account of the mildness of the climate and ihc beauty of the scenery but because of the romantic history attached tn these places in tle seventeenth cenlur hit west indies were the licadquarlcrs of large numbers of british pirates who preyed on spanish trading ships flirtc pirates were in a large y resikins ble for deitrovuw the commerce 01 spa n a few of the interesting sights of tlie west ttijir- are banana plantation mahogail troir spoige fiji m fleets and woods of cocoanui palm trees two cruises 10 the ct lude ind ulands of the spanish mam i anania and cneuela will he made ti ll e pmprms of brilam this vmler the many special features that contr butc 1 la winter lo the succcw of ihrw can dian pacific cruises ha been renin ed and new ones added the empres of britain was again selected by the canadian pacific for the cruises to the wet indies by reason of her great pop iktrily as a luxurious ocean liner tlic tnot and camfotlahjc type and 1 xe being of 22200 tons dis placrttiept the fmpress of britain is also the onl mflamhip making cruises to the west inil es burning fuel oil this uutstanil iik feature appeal to pas sengrrs who i e iravelled m the tro- pxsps eoal iik or hhi r at the rinius ports is eliminated ind pu tigers are assured of spotless orom inade and own spare with no noise dirt or rmders the empress oi ilnuin is devoted enhrely to the purpose of the cruises and no cargo is carried in ad ittion to the com tort lo be found 1 sually at only the bett hotels ashore the food and service arr of canadian pacific standard tlc passr gcr accommodation i nist attractive and not more than two person are booked 1 1 a room un less il is desired to accommodate a familj part those who desire lo travel alone will find a k mi 1 rior hon of single iibtns ot er attrac lions inch he a gymnasium mvttiimin pml terandih cafes an 1 larre ttecks lor game anil rhnc ng an augment ed pnfewio al irehesjra is rarr ed lor the itinerary of tic fir ruse start t g riji nv v 01 jamiar 20th includes the following ports of call havana cuba port anton o ja maica kingston jamaica c 1 n panama la guayra venezuela port of spam trinidad la brca point i nni dad bridg barbados ion dc trance marjtn que si pvrre mar tmique san juan porto rico nas sau bahamas returning to ncn york covering a distance of over x lions and miles during the 27 day of t e cruise the second cruise iwj start from new york on febnitry 20th in i wjttbe simlar in mott dctiil to the chedule of ihr firt the willoughby farm agency 5500 reduced 500 iii h m i i til i unyiorknblc haluo vood pan lilt in i an i ii i h lltw uuuininif lhiugh tlin iinstiin s f ti ii i b uili 1 t n figli i emfnl llooi ti jirjtl tl itingh fuel hoist u k d sli s hid ftfiirch and ulil t mill tl urtti 4 lo hit stttfm see us nt one if jo y mil i tji i t hun utipoil i j ii s tl ih nlh in irtfi town or write nt phone h b iwcdowell rep georgetown ontario or to the willoughby farm agency head oihce 43 victoria st torooto phoae halo 7m4 bermuda beinjc tohthtitel port of call tie fi al there excursions ashori u ibe various porli conducted by rrpr rnla lives of the canadian pacific alio vm ut usual opportunities for vis tn g ev cry possible points of interest luring each cruise two days will be spu t ashore at havana and two days in ja matca including trips to many nearby points a add tlonal day is prov d ed this year at pinama and a j rncy will be matl fr n colo i tlir il the cukbri clil ti irlro miguel la ma c ti ind vulboa i e lench ll r trip ncludei 01 r of the most fi it ng ri irs it tlie vorl 1 from thi 1 caw the 4 tlklo resolution for 1923 we know ite hard to nay the caeh bnt credit makes us sore some people do insist upon and even ask for more my shop is pjaptered with cnab eigne which yoo can plainly nee and when you ask tor credit its always up to me when i refuse it sore does hurt i do not think its clearer bnt aa for credit in my shop those days are gone forever skates eharpened oil finished is crowned sor hollow ground 25c screwed on bcc riveted 1 go complete seis 00 ja ballantine ravir tmtorr oaraar ot kimc mm tfwowa st mmmr o t h stetlon hour 8 am to 610 dtl 530 p m saturday ioretta academy ut st mary hamilton realdcnul and day school for little girls and young ladies department commercial and preparatory courses music course leading to at c m sod bachelor of mu ale por further information address mother 5upenor 10t 2t to water users owing to tbe continued dry season town water users are requested lo be u careful as possible of the supply and se fralo from wasting- any any person al lowmg tap to run or in any way wasting water will have their sui order of watterworksc norval flour mills at all gkooers kings choice for bread national for pastry bran shorts feed flour coarse and dairy salt rolled oats wheatlets and feeds of all kinds apple barrels for sale w j campbell limited norval ontario i farm machinery interiuationaml traotora nowiu the time to pfirrhaitc air tractors farm machinery flturt otinote wiutins n plowb bnggies stoves pedlar steel roof ins fifihtniok ioln wire fencing circular saws secondhand 20- h p brantford gan eurinc on trtirk 0 li monitor gas engine rubber tire burg lop buggy aiwl tires m h binder 7ft cut m h dthc drill petlili i hoe drtlr- international superior dinr dnl several horson drivers and workers t e hewsol phone 101r33 norval imi h drakxcigaistofe cigars cigarettesafkiti bacco all kinds of pipes tobacco pouches etc all limes of confectionery all kinds of chocolates from 35c up fruit in season u h druks georgetown bllv l tphitlr ii 1 1 ii lift oe real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to r j hynds insurance and realjeta te broker 1 phone 203 georce to wn hydro electric sell lamps irons toasters vacuum cleaners ranges and all electrical appliances of all makes 21 and 40 wat lamp 40c 0 willi natnis 45o wo watt lumps i 110 special prices on nitro lamps eleotrio heateri of all kind irons from t 76 up office town hall hirschorns ladies wear tailoring j special values for this week end in all lines of ladies readylowear garments aihirschorn hcctbbon bhxkj georgetowa pkme l how garage sales are increased by long we mu imie thstmnc ctlenkivcly tu mil ap prospects ami stll we line laos distance ta all our sobajou to tree in touch itl alsjs we depcl on lone deiv tsnee to tu our ratcaa- uinft berrat we order parts u the tnomuie ly lonr instauaeb ami iret thrtn in the alter- we pot ue the bell to sell bttefcers on all price imls and amies ueraau ark k aboat mutkbk lonta distance skfc vicf on osv parts a motor sales co wtftcs oujif town iiracssjti w pan tell i a tppty lont iji e to ta the pubbc eye nun tasulrie mv somm isaac pitman touch typewriting bnsinesa bnftltan oflloo systema filing spelling a business wwas t fsiii ils a a aimasbsasb the way lo is miatmcm and latlura as tojeal as hjbta owschaac il day for our catalogs we have them bay mood bmtw and white strat um machines doborty banffnt bull dog fknmag llilla quebec 8nlk and wajhaaaj ptowa bnin todbope and hckaanxblm btlrftlob oils and c s b groat office done s beaassti qeobghtown junk wanted 1 arn payiiag the highea caah price for all kinds ot jamk also hide and pdeltary m m freeman pose offioo bds470 1st browns use4 cars far sak service pbooe 900 da er nbl irm ail- browns garage

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