Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1923, p. 4

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xhk oki huktown iikkai i jt mk llh lt p waba1xey harness shop we carry lull uk al ill harness accessories stock too traaks dak bags suite cases paries laagslea lamps lose nan elc ii ya are la mi i aay la lls uae give us a call ar prices are aa the e is i e w a bailey up1u1im1 ii mm ss sih1i mala street fceortetoin we can supply you willi i water power wash ing madaine8 harness etc cultivators new and second hand drills disc harrows harods and everything for spring uae on the larva b t washing machines sb groat office phone 322 w residence 22 georgetown to the public eye j t miuiu wtimblla t tunet rholt hjji- i drat add mb will uwaxonthuf maa i i ill a i ail in wruuai anal eraaa tfn tihnoaa cauwjnumta ot walker r o take notice uvbopte tfho have sheeting raft- ems h4 good frames fast going to iyflrt for want of protection with jgatvmnixed corrugated sheets at krprewar prices orjesa considering qtabe improvement or sundries for nvjfb linsnousetbsell and buy the fcijxtiiry worse take tttook jand fcevvaralk with gilbert sin plair lobrs rb no 1 oeorge- bwa ftes trubb barns garages fidlltb galvanized fiaakbsligbt aauir protection working the mower practical instruction on rim- j in this useful machine i ulve h culllna bar and nteel plalr attention keep the knife mhari jo mrrtfic maelilne ualtj tiul0 by i carlo department of aaricultura to run to t i ucl ln at given aplendld to iti farmer otln pat and g rrutl lift kitty yra ago iwrt van a perfected machine e iiiipiui difnia slue tbat dale i ul becu uf a revaluttfnary utch i lit- cutting hat- l ibla machine la tuinjsctcd to a n her uf abuses traceable lo the curvl saneis of he average farm i i it lack of atlfot ou in oiling dull ledger plates and knife operated ovtr r li or stony ground with tb j hi itu matting cltwti to tbe soil sur fnct ii jury from coutscj with gravel i id und small atones la frequent ill jsulclitulueaa of the operator to i a id subjecting tbenuar ur o ini i r la the best proieetwp whenlji a r is in use on routi ground i i utter bar wlfb it binneroui v rda can lie elevated or tilted 1 1 kly by ai experienced operator id wru tluua avoided tbe guards nil ill lt ki tight and in perfect jjikutll t uuc tl e bleel plat atlcatjod lie amall ateel plate that ja rtvat d lo ihu guard at tbe point where hi hnife edicp performs tbe scissor ii ovemenl should bo kepi sharp or ut leat not perniitted lo wear round ibeui platen cowmonly known aa ledger plates become dull with uae ndltlon tbat greatly reduces the efflck ncy of tbe mower and in creases the draft a mower with dull or rounded ledger plate will stick in luavy cutting or damp araat a sharp knife and sharp edged ledger plates means light draft tor theuani and clean free cutting of he crop tlte knife fttwtt be kept hharpn to much attention cannot be given to the cutter bar with us at ached guards and qi tck niovlg knife if the mower sticks at every i use- nest or luft or gran the plaee look for the trouble la in the dull knife the ledger plates the worn guards pr the sleepers thst hold tbe knife down in place with the new mower it will be noted tbat the cut ting edias are sharp that there la but little play for tbe knife other than as inteuded in tbepast too lit tie attention has been git en to keep ins the ledger plates sharp with these dull no matter how gnod the knife la tough material will be drawn beneath the knile i on lead of belnc cut forcing the blade up against the gua d causing uear that glvea a loose dttiug knife poor work and greatly lo erased ilrafi why tbe ew m her cuts best tbe experience of all le tin he bower cuu butler tte oral season than ever after this experience is largely due to the fact hat lou link attention is paid to the parts that urc responsible for hie cuttiug the wear on the section points of tic mojrer knife is greatest near the point this wear together a 1th ihe grinding necessary to keep the knife sharp changes the shape of the section con aldetably and in such a way as to reduce lta efdclaacy as a cutting ltu plemeol the man doing the grind log ahould endeavor to keep the or iginal shape of the section in so far aa possible many of the emery grinders used in sharpen dc mower knirea grind awaj ibe points of the section to a serious extent without doing very much sharpening a spe cially shaped emery or carborundum atone or die should be used and the work done in the farm shop a spare knife should always be at hand lo the field go over the machine dally the mower should be gone over care rally twice each day and all bolls tightened tbe main be inge sbwid be oiled at least once each hour and the pitman bearlna at least ever haf hour when be mower la not in uae tbe knife ahould be removed the cutter bar should be elevated to the vertical position when the ma chine is not in use a little heavy mineral oil should be brushed over all parts thai are likely to rust don t uae paint oils tbe mower like ihe binder to give its bust up vice should be given good care l stevenson sec depl or afjrlcultiiru mm sawmluauralavtlv stand anthracite scranton coal in tulsises automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing parpoees smithing and dura el coal lofaot icarry everything to be found in aa up to date goal and wood yard john mcdonald phone la georgetown bternahoflal deering and mccormick v machinery and interna tractor repairs of all i band njaomachme oils uesvlbe big ball deertnp twine gives satisfaction b itoall and see us pier of nness in ibe jjenry blockjt- 5 poalte the s m barnes fire insurance jtw hmnrseaara accent for aeine of tbe- strongest rowf jsvaerrtfrafrinanranca rarp you piotiected reinnm from nera good returns are obtained from keeping beea in canada the condl tlons in many parts of the country belns partleularti ravorable tor honey production yet much uncer taluty exists anil mlaconceptlona have arisen as to trie returns to be expected one so me timet bears that a colony of bees has produced in one season four or ave hundred pounds of honey such yields however are exceptional and are the result of a combination or fortunate circum stances abundant nower or atklke and white clover fire weed or other important honey plants a particular ly industrious colony a well trained and experienced beekeeper and above all favorable weather they cannot be obtained from every hive nor ean they be repeated ear after year somtlmea a year at rail u re fol lows a year of plenty to get reliable figures it is neces sary to average the rettirna from the colonies jn the apiary tor a number of years the latest figures show that fne average annual yield or honey has varied frpm ib pounds per colon in the least profitable a ury to 133 pounds per colony- in he west prod table apiary the average annus production for all ihe apiaries was 63 pounds per colony which is high enough to make a satislactory profit these figures indicate the importance of good manaaenxm hi- return of oaly is pounds haviug been due in landorut blatth the studebaker lightsix snyders cartage ashes removed 100 pertuu toad cinders hauled 100 par team load movinitb done with motor truck equipped with furniture racks and sort tires distant hauling done phone 171 youll find in the sxfobakcr light six an abundance of power smooth flowing respon sive and economical from a slow walking gait it will accelerate to a racing speed in the spacevof a few seconds and always with velvet like smoothness forjhe lightsix is practicalry free from vibration j exceptional economy is an j appealing feature of the light- six thiough 27 world wide- tests it set an average of 26 9 miles to the gallon of gasoline maintenance cost is also low conclusively proved fey stude- bakers limited volume of repair parts salesauhich in 1922 aver aged only 1 3 per car for all stude baker automobiles in operation the studebaker light six ip not an experiment in the hands of thousands of owners it has proved itsxemarkable power and complete dependability it will pay you to see the lightsix before you buyyour next car it v is a product that well uphold sudebakers71 yearold reputa tion for quality and value n snyder finshcimy snnct coal i best u l w acraalon coaj in all snei also smithing and steam coa isys jtuvjiubs morrml m ehoaa6at j n oneiil tsoiv georgetown xhis is a studebaker year the sales managers mid week chat hy long distance the enthusiasm gener- ated on saturduyt septus to die down around mid week sales malinger johnson knows his men he is their inspiration and they art nit for hkc chief the saturday morning a a 1 e s confeence n n real get toeetlier meet ing and when u chief speaks his oice is tiic force that makes them want lo do bettor he talks as one w io knows when their ci jiusiasm dies down around mid week johnson knows tho need fot i e njl uii three miuutl l it wiui each of the ho n tjie road v t ks w ondtlra perhaps he got tht idea from the church i nnd week meetings jjoug distance mikes it possible and sution to- station rates make it in expensive j h smith stewarttown exserl fence builder y7 not hae nn uptotmto wire frnor when joh ran exrhnm rail fonoe for minir yearw of expenenor onnblcr k give joti better vain- tlian othera prompt nervine and rirbt pnres gates oedar and iron poau al ways in stock when you want anything in the above line just rail j h smith phone 84 r 18 stewarttown nohw r rail at tee hydro orve sad faae the elect rac bgbt and water works tntta said k date ifutn n oo done the owper wn be liable for nympald tawv by oralcr hydro owmbtbkin and waurwuraa cocawmttea wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches jphoni 65 qeoeoetown for that bedroom of yours if efer there was a wall finish that just suited a bedroom it is melkrtone we cant exactly tell you why bat when you see its charming velvetyuke finish and the excep tionally pleasing array of colors it comes m youll know better than if we took all this page to teu you about it thafs why we are ta ea that yon drop into our store and see for yourself after which make np your mind wbatfs best for that bedroom ot yours l r h thompson co georgetown norval flour mills seeds seeds govern timoth and alfaire seed corn of alt varieties klaac oliole flour for bread jtatioxiau hour for paatry rran and shorts car of com just arrived oronnd feed of all kinds lipthest market nrtm for wheat and coarse crrno r jcafllpell ltd there n a nimrirml lie to ltu untl i of our liotiic wliii ii tbe heart rnnnot break thoiirh hit rhl les in 1 lie tlml innd wih ii it ii tl tl 1 inn itr hie jioli jit nil louu lik in ikii i tht it iuh i tin h i uiil hit fret in tn i iih1 hj t muvc itr u die enwnnl iiim ii hi ltrm ak uf any hie hihil m i lr ik o tin enrtl anil they ii ans r wttlt rt i iik lltt iutij or in birth m ouitlr i oi llee llioiif rreel i d rove tliruokb the weau rn miiimtiuh iwewt orangf nn t yitunrmlj my ttomiui uotild w tnii h salo tlitt bore me awa willt t liom ward bound mill mj itiiiilrj i loi thee iuki it niiiit tbou iiuvm tin 1 ist hi rob of tny heart e us cold in mj kruvt mijrit lltott ield me that urii- j in thiui own d iisied tartb aatkvw eria sohl the contract tor lhe neu rooinrml srhnol at knn ban been kien to tbe dtirn hjohtruetion co at hamilton wlinse teodn for s0 000 was the lowest of a largo number receied work bid oinoieured and tbe trustees hope tbat tbe school will be read for occupation in tbe fall h gart lej or cormtown has ihe con tract fcr borink the well wl wort is iironrensin rnnidh and my anlie i of mj birth eigg get your bicycle repaired hj w frampton charles street apit bar oojc steel bard bterolea we also carry full line of ccm acceasones and dun lop tires and tubes browns garage ocneral batterys recharged and repaired general auto repairs alno service station for ford cars service phone 900 day or nmbt free air charlie brown son jp and ir j ou du not it is time you got a quaioted with our bread rj a loaf today and judge for jourself urtocoribs delivered mark clark bakery and gropcries phohr ass maris mattti te pauadto wlla year aalns aa straaf eaeagh ta strike sa assies free tress the- eagw sgat n the dark maple leaf matches o ite omftn lbtn ok 1 norman h speight piauaow and plstyer holla phoakkatrapiaa reeorda sad heedlea eleotrio waulaers avud cnesaears bleotrio xroais toatia stoves ete lac ifaolilxtea oil xeedleaeto savtisravenojt avaatajrrkbi nonnanhspdght rusxo ajto xleoxmiofetokk mtf econoniical dependable comfortable beautiful the m astevfom tooting model 2335 special the mclaughlin bmck master four touring is its own best advertisement every car sold means a new friend made its all round goodness commends it to everyone and its thorough dependability insures its staying sold with its owner a close inspection of its construction finish and equip ment and a comparison with other cars otits price will convince anyone of its unusual value but its value docs not end- here as it ts continually making new records in operation cost and low cost of repairs it ts a car that is alwnys ready to start and t keep gbmg it has proven its dependability under the hard est conditions in all parts of the world it has the beautiful graceful lines that grow on one and in com fort of riding and ease of operation it leaves nothing to jke desired as a ride in it will quickly prove standard equipment includes massive crown fenders drum type head and cowl lamps bumper combination tail and stop light scuff plates transmission lock etc bti thwr art is mclaughlin fioe modl to cao from mclaughlin buick u fisher king georgetown city dairy r e ice cream served at madges candy shop main street phone a 14 farm machinery case sise i897 case titactors- now v tractors farm macrhnpo plows buggies stoves pedln wire fencing circular haws the time to purchase your flourj i hanta wilkinson i steel roofing lighlninr rod p coclcstatttt farm machinery seooiadbjald broadcast hpedor international near ncu fertiliser drill international b h p r mpire una enrtne near new 2 1 2 b p fairbankn tnginc kood mimir prim rose cream beparaior 10 rood hnrsprt driverhand workers t e hewson phone lol r 33 norval durant sport touring the first tratnlonil nf mill inuliiles ener k1ii pctl from toronto were sbipied by tbe dnranl motor co f ronrlipir lensido i innt the equialenl of 27 lrntt 1 n ik of durant n star ears has aires been distributed b lh tot on hi durnnt o we would advioe jilacintnrxlcrs n ltiierics will be delayed t j speight agent georgetown acton and vicinity jmbuck butcher laraja kars a shale staxik ef tk- baat umrua ta frah aal 811 ft he a- 11a at uaa lowest possible prices fvl board lmiw no 1 3d got the best i

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