the georgetown herald hll iy sh i nlll yhmt ob pulujuarion oeopgetown wdnasd etemng august lth 1023 1 so per annum in advance 800 to u b tie ueorgelown herald j m muokl fklukrul proprietor ho h tilim wookly new ittclkvr aaolotl4ti u r t tie tools uil lnhotdkcr mull i uiaengpi i iiahener nuuday lolnil wkht 1 arittengcr mul ilutucuget pamteuger pauhptigtr iobm tiger v roasengor sunday lolnu moktn mall mail uoinu south mail mail i it x tll i 10 10 a in ii 10 mil a is vi hi 0 i in mjift j in 71 rl 7 c am iaihani 812 pm 4 fio i in 0 ob pjn 7 09 ii m h ac pui 10 08 bin 8 00 am 4gg p 11 88 am 7 47 p toroat eluwu daily timr table am p m p m uoiok east 810 88a 640 going went 866 8 10 7 89 sunday tike table qoing boat aun pan pun pm p m 10 81 18jm 8 46 6 10 9 17 un pm pm uoing went t 1040 c10 m directory l hilton wallawiimw a dale aarriatsn4a1wtot eta t onto and qsor oom kannady block la roy lku in chars of qtorn barrister solicitor etc ofhce mill si georgoown hour 9an to5 p 0 open wejocsdar and saturday even tig- db t ii xaxuouuw pfcyastlao nd wraovn umicai officar of homiut ottos iloura s to 4 and 7 lo p nm c r w ion physician and sorgcoa miustrt georgetown fboae 22 eihouh surgeon race homri tal dbov physician and surgeon oses and residence comer ol mam si souih and pacary r a watiox hvll ocdft 1 t kxeewt p l hkath lfxb dd p a m mklsbm ho joiumoirkacnrio ornoe ojoa xlur yloaaratat j n co ultattoa and spinal analysts froo onncs hours tuesdays thursday and saturdays t to sand 7 to 8 pjo pmoms oaca isoar and residence 232 eni fetch ueanaad anouoaear mr halton and j a t1lact gssrfc township of eaqocalnk clark 3rd diviaion court the loading fire and uxti coal wood on nana all the time best sottahtoh coal o ent on luuad john bauantine viswitastowif brubjtoa business testitate mt scmh ncn scm9i isaacpitinan shorthand toocfa typewriting botiness english office systems piuoc spelling bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship commercial law bapra cateolalion itadlvldaal saatraatta fal ten tf hasnt elutyr 1711 artantrhotofwiiettnt famous m el too or mrktlyairh irrade work a d tar proemtftr brtpo nudrot 10 am e inplnymeot nonhftettkr in ca a calstoewo irr w j auuata georgetown ckeamtrv cream wanted by the georgetown creamery p tt m 1m open uii- ui umliilinn f flinm rs on mnii iiicmuj ui 1 siumli miinik any person wanting ice roust pur chase tickets lor same at creamery georgetown creamery co m saze manager erwingoldhanis meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 watch our windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed fire tornado auto accident i 1 insurance f t elmer c thompson mrs b forster paana 31w eraaiakll9 farm machiaef y supa sellfilling fountain pen heavily goldplated nib the mechanism o this pen is equalled to thai of the most expensive levrr action pen in the wotld made in england price 50 cents caul and inspect a b w1llson durant sport touring jut a real good car we have a number of good used cat of various make at pricos and terroo to suit purchasers t j speight agent creorgretown afton ud vicinity wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 66 georgetown sg hydro electric system j electric appliances of all kinds the hydro lamp guaranteed per 1500 hours irons from 475 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hall i forslcr s cash and carry grocery i we carry a full line of fresh gro- cenes and provisions oranges bananas and other fruits in season headquarters for willards ice cream by dish or bulk a full line of swifts cured meats phone 20 case sue 1887 case tractors now the tuna to purchase your tractora farm machinery flary ohootk wilfcinean plows buggies stoves pedlar steel roofing lightning rods ire fencing eirrnur saws cookshntt farm ihaahinry socontliiauld broadoast seeder international near new fertiiker drill international 8 bpi empire gas engine near new 81 h p fairbanks engine good repair prim row rreamlaeparator 10 good horses drivers and workers the memory or romance thore was a time i wanuored o pi lifch wellbeauin path when iu heart beat hoftl at ik lour ii of ijove when ddj a were j eai h of lm pi nehhatilbo my poul eiitrmicd ilau roeed uimio tbe vihoh of life above when love wor felt and rtomamv flitted giu i j through oourtb of sunshine and the iiriih of bliss when youth was wrapped uthin the myhtertes of liovo and felt tbe soft encbanlmpnt ol a kiss when hearts beat strangely with love untold and faces wore pxprehaionh oid of care when roft eyes turned to mnoj iie ejpb af love- then rotuftnce wove her fancies in the air and ap they teem tliete nan red memories f like wheeln of love tbej roll book o er the years bringing in the past with happi nes in spirit flinging gladness laughter and well begotten tears and thus we find as daye roll slow ly by that life is just tt momorj where in to live days we would give years to bring again had we the power to take and give newspaper men tourmariliracs continued from last week saokville the flret of the towns in new brunswick we visited on completion of the toor of nova scotia is in many respects dis unotive in anticipation of its future reqnirements in respect to manufacturing indnstnes and in creased population the town coy a large area already it is an important mdnatnal centre tbe principal prodaot of its factories being btoves ranges furoaoee boots and shoe a harness paper boxes concrete blocks and build ing stone the annual value of the factory product ia over l 000- 000 the town ib pleasantly sit uated and being the junction point where the brooch line to prince hdward island diverges ib a strategical railway point the anrroanding distnot is noted for its fertile farm lands ab an education centre sack jville ranks high it being tbe seat f the mount allison educational stitntions methodist with some seven hundred students in attendance xhe population the townib about 4 000 uonpton was reached about six oclock on batordaj morning and after breakfast we were taken in oars oat to point dn gbene on cuiriberlad strait over twenty miles awaj after a drive around moncton a live and handsome city where are located the offices of the intercolonial railway by which route we travelled to que bee with its population of 18 0011 and withit soburbs near 25 0uo monrton is tbe second argent city in new brunswick and is steadily growing in importance one of its outstanding features ia ite iro portanoe aa a railway centre it being the converging point for several lines it also contains the workshops and offices ol the can adian national rail way e some 8000 persons being eoiulped in these two branches of the service with a monthly payroll of about 3400000 dw a r centre- t e hewsqn phone 10lr33 norval liwincbtoimb ilimtuty spread trj our brown whole wheat and milk bread special lor saturday oooseberrj red current lemon and berr pica also fruit cake and nut loaf come to livingstones for loar choice pastry a uvingstone pboircis georgetown flour feed mills the best brands of flour chopped peed and poultry food of all kind developing mash foryoung chicles peed this to your pullets ana have them laying early bran short and salt w c bessey phone 195 georgetown try a small ad in the herald it is naturally an important man ofactunng and commercial centre an well one of the oity a particular at tractions to tbe tourist ib the famoob bore or tidal wave that twice a day oomes tumbling op the petitoodiao river this ia one of nature e phenomena the like of which is not to be seen else where at times this bore fa a solid rapidly moving wall of water four to five feet high and on such occasions is a wonderfully inter eating sight ita cause ia the in niabiog tide from tbe bay of fundf wkcb jprcinjr itself through petitoodiao where rising to a height of over thirty feet it creates by ita pressure the bore there are many pleasant walks and drives in and around monoton with drives of a more extended character to such points as shed lao and hopewell cape and bocks westmorland of which mono ton is the commercial centre is one of the wealthiest agricultural counties in eastern canada while immediately adjacent are tbe ter tile oonnties of kings albert and kent prince edward inland id only about four hours journcj distant the site of what m tbe mont loo of to day was first nettle 1 in 1 68 and among ita first inbabitaits were nine german families fiom pennsylvania near phiudelj bio who had originally come from germany in 174fl being located pn a bend in tbe petitcodtac river it was for many year known as tbe bend a cognomen which ob tamed until 18ss when it waein corpora tedunder its present naine- in honor of lord moockton a former lieu tenant governor of nova scotia wbo bad hern ires ent at tbe capture of both louis burg and quebec evan before jj settlement in 1708 the french bod habitations tn tbe vicinity s of moncton ilit dty of to day has many b iiilifnl romdonreti the mag on t of winch urt surrounded by well kt 1 1 lawnu and beautiful trees wlult it lion uttrai tive suburbs with whirli it is connected by hlnot art- monruy ih still in tbe krowiiik htsge ih ovidenced by the fiu t that laal year more than two ii indred new dwelling wore erect fd withmlth boundaries from moncton to 81 john the line ot the canadian national railways runs through one of the moat fertile and cultivated sec tiona ot tbe province of new brunhwiok although i is not un til nearing the valley of the ken nobexasih tbat the beat of the country is to be seen from the car window the railway also passes through several interesting tonna and villages suaaex for instance whence the line follows the ken mebeoasis valley is n feted for the medicinal properties of its sulphur springe aa well aa foa its import ance aa a bus in ess centre uamp ton another town is much favor ed aa a summer resort jt ib also of some importance industrially having saw milu and woodwork ing plants a peculiarity about many of tbe towns through which tbe tourist posses on this route is the indian names they bear take peuobequis tor instance its name is made up ot penobsq atope and aipa a brook in dicating that it ia in the viciniiy of a stony brook still another instance is plumweseep the in djao translation of salmon river leaving moncton we had a two hours run to newcastle here we had a beautiful drive to chat ham five or six miles away and then on to oampbelltown these towns are on the broad minmicbi river and are chiefly devoted to lumbering at newcastle is one of the largest wlreleaa stations in the world we woke up next morning at levis opposite quebec here we were greeted by our new presi dent mr fortin after breaafaat we were taken for a sail on the river up to ac great railway bridge over theub lawrence and which we passed over when leav ing the oity in the evening sun day was spent in the historic eity of quebec where the cprea ter tamed at luncheon at their famous chateau hrantenac at every atop the addresses of v el come were replied to hy members of the press party and it particularly gratifying feature to realize tbat the cwn a bad many speakers wbo did credit to the provinces and the towns they represented tbe whole trip was wonderful educational feature knowledge was obtained of east ern canada wbidh oould not be obtained in any other way there was one very happy feat ure ot the trip which especially appealed to tbe manager and to mrs eaylea at batharst n b a stop which waa not on the bohedule was made and on behalf of the bpecial train party they were presented with a beautiful silver pitcher and candelabra the gifts were most heartily ap preciated the whole trip waa made in the moat beautiful neatber there was no accidedt to any member of the party and no illnebs the carry ing of the apecial train party for 1000 miles on trains boats and motor cans without accident was a tribute to the railways and tbeir officers and to the careful of the eitiseos at all the points visited the splendid servion and oourt- esy of officials add employees both the c pb and cjnb were much appreciated hy the members of the association and their wives everything poesiur was done lor tbe pleasure and comfort or all during the entire tour ot the man time provinces and the party at a whole are truly grateful to the railway officials and alt concerned tor the most enjoyable tour in the history of the association j m m notes wd comments pou r mawtratr jolts of hamilton takes sensible ground when be holds that there ia no need to disfigure the landscape with huge unsightly aigaboards when ontario haw a press that ia both efficient and influential the newspapers of ontario can do al tbe advertising needed and are in a position to do it more cheaply and more effectual than any other medium tbe day when people stand gaping span mouthed at ten by twelve signboards has sane never to return we are ving in an auto travelling age when locomotion is too swift tofms permit of leisurely inspection of si go boards or other objects that happen to line the highways when the citiaen of today wants post himself on the markets and com modi ties that he wishes to buy or sell he aits down at home and peruses the columns of favorite newspaper news paper advertising was never arf effective as it ia right nbw heldsia at txaatavilu juattaa after tiding on a train from toronto to streetavilte a man drew a revolver early friday morn ing and requested that tbe brake man hand over bis money with out hesitation the brakeman hand ed over 80 cents which happened to be all that he bod in hib ios session and the bandit got aafrly away doata aaaleaatal invebtikating the death of john kostoff killed by cpr train while at work on tbe track at streetavilte junction on tuesday last week tbe coroner a jury found tl at death had been afcci dental and attached 06 blame to anyone it was stated at the in piertl tbat kostoff had failed to get out of the way in time in spite of the fact that the whistle had been blown by tbe engineer oloadharst la caladaa there woe a cloudburst south of orangeville thursday evening of last week of such proportions that tbe watr entirely washed out the road bed on the canadian pacific railway between mono road and caledon the north bound train waa held op at bolton for three hours while a gang of railway men filled in the road bed and made it fairly safe for tbe train to pass the repaired road was crossed very slowly and it waa not until about lls0 o clock tbat the train arrived in she bo roe there was very heavy rain in tbe district south of orangeville as can be gathered from the fact that tbe force of tbe runoag water was bofncieot to warti out the railway road bed am inthluobnt and cultivated woman was heard recently to ex press the opidioavthat the present generation will see tbe last of the good old fashioned family life which has kept the nation pure and worthy of die high destiny set for it many people see many changes in domestic life and it is a common error to believe that the things tbat need to be were better than tbe things that are the old games by the fireside the comfortable sitting room in the borne of childhood even the chores tbat seemed so hard than are fondly looked bank upon in middle lite through a mellowing veil of yean and there is a regretful realisation that life has not much seat now aa it bad then the days of boyhood and girlhood when there was keen delight in merely living have gone but tbe boys ant girls of to day jtre having them just as bounteously as their fathers and mothers did even thoogb the surroundings are different there never was a gen eration that did not think tbe one succeeding it waa going to the dogs the surest cure for tbie mild pessimism ib to go back to the old home after years of ab senoe the boose that in memory was a spaoions abode full of de hghtful nooks and corners turns out to be a cramped cottage de void of plumbing the street in front which had seemed a wide and noble thoroughfare is found to be narrow tbe world ia mov ing forward and tbe bomea with it the common comfortsuof thi laborer today were bought as lux unes by the rich not so many yean ago home has always been the same to those in tt and it al wayh will be whether a hut in tbe wilderness or a mansion on a boulevard it is the abode of hapj piness it it really is a home work will boon begin on tbe im provements to tbe oakville harbor quantity of material arrived there last friday and it is expect ed operations will begin this week the dominion government is undertaking tbe proiect for years tbe baibor baa been neglected and has fallen into a state of dis repair xlabmrawaiu on thursday aurugt 8 1983 at a pretty home ceremony ruby pearl daughter of mr and mra d a hewgill or streetsville be came the bride of dr albert m nielsen of georgetown son of mr and mrs c h ntelson of ludiog ton michigan the oerempi which was conducted by petch of streetaville methodist church took place beneath an arch of evergreens phlox and gypsopbila in the preaenoe of im mediate friends and relatives the bride who wan given in mar rtage by lief fatber looked charm tog in a pretty gown of peaoh georgette crepe over white silk itb orange blossoms in her hair she wore tbe groom a gift a string pearls and earned a shower bouquet of roses and sweet peas the bndal mosio was tendered by mias shirley corson of ouelph aaag lov coronation and i love you truly she played tbe mendelssohn march after a dainty luncheon dr and mrs nielsen left amid showers of confetti and best wish es tor their banpioesn and success for a honeymoon in the united states the bride travelling in a suit of navy blue poiret twill with grey hat and shoes and gloves to match streetsville review a quiet wedding woe solemnised in college street baptist oburoh when ethel lillian daughter of mrs frank longfield oahawa be came the bride of james alexan darcurne of georgetown rev j l barton of oahawa performed the ceremony the bride entered the church on tbe arm of her brother in law mr r n davie she was becomingly attired m a travelling suit of brawn broad cloth with pand canton crepe jaquette and hat to match she wore a corsage boquet of sweet heart rosea and lily of tbe valley relatives of the bride and groom were present tram hawahamil ton georgetov n and toronto immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for an ox tended honeymoon at buffalo niagara fall hamilton and georgetown alter september 16 they will reside in tjarth bay