Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 15, 1923, p. 4

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thr orboktowrl hell at ii t l11i wwj sls- at or 1aa an t result of tlie if vol i roahiiib aoaident auhrontt on j 1 17 in whloh oiirdcm sk iiiik- f toi mito nhd 1 litif tixui of ivoit ikl 1w en billed while rhih tl tul 111 an uiiloniolnli th dominion hoard n luilvun ginimiioiiir iihh atkid tin llalton winti count il t h- it miii t lhi ruml i xi lil fi iii rhilwaj nt ii iti ill iimiid tin- imiml hit the uuriiok nt i tin lunliir acndenth nl ltns pi in nl h iuk- euunlo mid d uontr itlau tin illimi it i tim i tft 6ou1 uiiimi i hi tlah r eatmorehomerown we ibtporl too much foreign agnculttal products 1 tin suiulii- ii nd mondr oc bnliiidii ilitiiiiiuii i bt inl of upurlt win i t ni ludmi baseball mid footbnll uiulthek foot race and minimi ioit on 8uudaj many former acton bii and kirltt were noticed u the ehurchek a bi open nu xnur bewln the evening fiillowod y a concert or tuurtl mutit in the oilizenu band tbo il i- ttun at ibih ervir wasdotd to hie children slieltor nt milun tin great day or hkhuou mmdiu tommenced nt 9 o rlock itb old time rantliiinipiiin piinuli and closed with a ihiiikui tattoo b tbe combined bund of milton georgetown and acton at aooldut qlpk rm4 careou larson or wlkorton waa inatantly killed and four kirls injured when a motor car contain log aeven persons craabed into a telephone pole at a bend in tbe road at four corners on guelpb road between gaelpn aod erin shortly after 11 oclock on monday night aog 6tb larson who wa driving tbe car was crushed up against the pole which the auto mobile struck broadside on tbe party were returning from a dance at erin when the accident occur red tbe our girls were removed to the guelpb general hospital all were badly shaken and braised but their injuries are not believed to be serious two other men in the car vernon hewson of walk erton and walter baylejof chats worth escaped with bruises tbe girls admitted to the hospital were mine irene felker miss jeaonette felker and hiss margaret griffith qnelplt and a girlfrom hamilton whose name is not known year garden party will sot be complete without georgetown harry lauder all tbe latest in scotch sonrb now open for en gagements termb moderate applyto charlie scrj mgeonr box 187 georgetown niadlan iw 1 nral f lm mirtrd rrull etlerilii anil jralii llilr 4 nine hallnuilfil at rul ioh uoo ooo tin ma- lerj nl mlnmi no almli1 in sllf milk are lanailili turui ra khhiik i h ntuily ol tin import dburrn toi itr ll cul yjr ftiiillik ilurcli 31l la n k jih hi hiuuiink xl t t tl i 1 1 muoh nti pfl w li in iiruduclni art imiiorm i lr mi xiimpilun lliiuitu tjiii irulu for inmunct oi jiipl wt luiuurltij 15s 201 burrli ul hi 75 sis tlity uttmii all nl vudi h pllher rur u ban- lut marcli imrliib palatial canadian pacific liner to go on big cruise noticed change in wile in the publk eye by 0 t- bipurfd lln 3 343 rrlii tin iiiurrlei ul wabaxley harness shop w am a hdl hk i all kmess acenmrics stack tort traks ch kan save ctses ana lntsa hse flajs etc vym ire la aetfj al aajr la tkh vat live as a can tar arices are rlfkt aaa lac service b a lf watiailey dp to date habmess shop i street jemsetwn mt rap 6ci1j ppiicli- 4u3 31 miira 5c6 7is plum a tjuj l6 ami tibrrla ithj uo a lotl or 3 97 u3 iiiih tl 7bb j2 tor arlsu upphai jprl run prcia plunib nl run- uuu 4s2 h18 idf cannetl pearli jf ill mid jiuna and ldjporta rnilta ami fruit julcea belnk t6 2s6 ue ldfu an hem ot 3 72u 47b tor iiiita mucti of tola warn ot couib for sub tropical frulta bol sotui ot iiimm- niiclit lo subotl luted lu our financial and kuaiaiory adyanutt by lionie lrun products for iraymc we rnlklit eat more roast apples and few r oralken while dealing with mat i horticultural a bill for tl os for plaata ahruba trwa and oilkhi 1s mentioned mini- to vetttablea our total bill tr the rrtah article waa t3 676 070 ulch cabbake accounted tor tl87 6b8 odiodji tor 117 00 pota for sj7j and totnaloea ror 1966 941 a total r thea lour com uiooli grown articles at tl l77tq0 of canned eetables we imported ts26 110 worth of saums catsups ud pkkles b1sc0 out lofkl out lay for veetablas and tuble pro ducts reached tbe considerable sum of nearly 6000000 we have a great dairying country in canada yei we purchased abroad durlna the year ii g4421s worth of milk and its products this included tl 349 819 tor 3 76767s lbs ot but ter tt7 022 for la61 lbs ot cheese 46 387 for condensed milk 92 710 for casein and even f28 274 tor sweet tails and cream our hut ter importations were supplemented by 1 1g6 440 lbs ot imported olo- m arc trine 1 our foreign grain bill amounted o 11 275 682 though this included 7 695 280 tor feed corn and 2 020 696 for rice ot which 18000 000 ibi came from china milled poducta cost us 685 896 and pre pared foods and bakery products an other t500 000- our total imports under tbe head agricultural and vegetable pro- cucts mainly food came to the ratlier startling total of 108701 762 we could hardly be expected however to produce our own tea coffee and apices though we might considerably reduce our sugar bill which now amount to approximately 40 000 000 a year by growing more beets we also imported t20 s5 298 worth of alcoholic beverages which ns we all know are mostly derived from the products ot the farm it iii be however that some of our t sported groins and frulta retarned in this highly manufactured form it v colouette dpt agkultural lconomlca oufiph ibterattoiial deering mi mecormk fabm opkbattnq equipment harvesting machines tractor hay and corn machines engines tiling implements cream separators seeding machines vthreabers feedgnnaerb binder twine chatham wagons litter carriera bngglee h barnes norman h speight phooographs qeclric washers electric clesoers samaan norman hspdgtl cvbxo a1td xxaotsuo robe take notice people who have nheeung raft- em and good frames fast going to rot for want of protection with galvanised corrugated sheets at- pre war pnoei or lean oonstdennj the improvement or sundries for this line no use to eell aud buy tbe other place is worse take sux k and taw a alk with gilbert rtti olair iwtr4 rr no 1 george town tee truss uaros arage allanfff ralaniced tanks ltgb ening protectioio snyders cartage moving done pianos moved or any work possible to be done with teams or truck we guarantee satis faction on all all work done by us n snyder svrcoe that i berrioe nilca t a tlie sihter of vltmsen since aulmal life must depend ion plant lit for its support we uai urat larn how nitrogen gets urn the air into the plant every farm hoy haa seen the grain turn yellow at times in the very early sprlnc anil etipeclally that which waa growing in the dad furrows of the oelda this occur largely because there isu l enough nitrogen in tbe igul form or the plants to get at hia itm of lilt ear as a single element exlsilui aloue neither anl uiuls nor th t fun plants can use nitrogfn and yt hie sir is the source of thf entire mippl for all ufa if mun bbrtculi even the turui rs of that time knew enough to gruw legumea bven tbougli all of this was known it was not until 1887 that the reason for it was discovered then it was that he roots of legumes were discovered to contain countless numbers of min ute arms of life now known as bac teria later it waa learned that these jule workers had a great deal to do with keeping the soil in ot condition tor hie jruwing ut crop for they in their magic way of living are cap able of taking the nitrogen out ot the air that is in the soil and making it become a part of the soil com pounds in this way have the cheapest means of keeping up the nitrogen mrpply of tbe soil hoard dairy ni aiv no almhol in tillage milk satlihfctory evidence has been ad duced to show that by in- feeding ot corn silage alcohol la transferred the milk while ii la true that all age dors have traces ot alcohol in tt yet ii ia altogether probable that the al eonol as well as the acids or allege are com pi et el burned up the cow and never passes even in minute traces into the milk the poultry house should be built as low as possible without danger ot tee atieifdants bumping their heads agalntt the celling a lew bouse is more easily warmed than a high one coa1- best d l fit w s coal l sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walmns nerval station phone osrsl ciwau ni uerlabier chaslik icatvam tarn a corned initial or of harry landet i open tn riftl cngjreenlb for codtertaajirden panieaaod eoterjunn of abutmda charge moderate call or anl charlie sftytngtour- geotkjemiwil fire hsbwwwce re youtroteowd 1 he ramaue crtdse ot the cana dian phaftc smwwr aknpreas of caomdapoaiel or toucefai ing winter is attracting much atten tion not only in canada but in th united state and mexico the big si 500 tan ubes is especially adapted to world cruising and having won the speed record of the pacific tbe com pany has eboeen this boat tn be the flagship of cruisers tor the winter ta rdievbaaavlgaton on the km pieke of canada will return laden with tie rich experience and mental lieaiiiiea gathered from vbilsja of alibis an different countries sad con tact with tbe coatumu crafts and civilisations ot fifty different race it will be a tour to potts of a thou sand romances unfolding the page ant or tbe world from the cultured west to the barbaric splendor of tbe east shrines mosques temples cathedrals palaces and the sacred treasures or th tabled orient will be revealed to tbe gate of these tortus ate voyageurs leaving new york at a time when the inclement weathar drives those who can afford to escape to mere equable ethnts the express ot can- ads is due ut reach nine days later tbe belrt i es of vsdelri an r mountains thrown up as i aa six thousand tet above the by volcanic action from the still unfalhomed ocean bed i mi vurr wbht gibraltar reached on the morning of the twelfth day out stands on guard like a rock mounted policeman on an ocean trail this famous tort- rets of the british empire was ort- giaallj named after a moorish in radar of the eighth osaturr whose castle still remains sxanwn to uo atrcfente aa one oube potars of her- antes it was formerly considered as tbe- western extremity of tbe world already from tbe btraka of gib raltar the ragged purple and green and orange and bine of tbe atlas mounts inn has cast tbe spell ot africa upon tbe voyager and now at early morning of the fourteenth day tbe slip casts anchor in the harbor ot algiers facing the ivory terraces and minarets of a still half arabian city across tbe mediterranean tbe now turns to monaco tbe hlgh-fltep- plng principality on the southeastern i coast of frmne at which all tbe puritan world shakes its finger wtthm its tiny area more fortunes have been lost and won tban lives nave ben squandered on tbe batls- flelds of europe tbe tables at the i monte carlo casino are forbidden to i the twenty thousand local inhabitants bo however have the sonttolation of elng exempt from uxt naples la the next port ot call tbe largest busiest and most populous port in italy here opportunity is given to see the chief points or inter est in the city und to vlnit hoi ii poll port said and then alro andhile the boat proceed to sue the paisen- gers will be given four days in tbe land of the pbaruohs arnhu otitoht- prom there tbe vlnit ora move on i down the red sea pnst aden another i british outpoit and on arross the indian ocean to one of the kreatestl porta in the world bombay a stay ot a week nas hem allowed ror tils port snd man trios inland have i been arranged after leavlni bombay tbe nasaen- igers will knqw her they are going las several bund ml miles ont from the shores of ceylon the heavily scented and spicy breies indicate the longitude and latitude of the bfg liner three daye bit booked for i this port tbe trip to raneni the greatest rice port in tbe orlit ind also one ft t t lumlwr districts or the south of asia is also one of interest singapore tbe busy capital ot tb malay states is tbe next port of call and britishers on tbe trip will tn shown tbe foundation of tbe new aval base which i to be built tber soon urn aqtiaroa crossing the equator the mprt f canada will then go to batavia the capital or the dutch east indies with her nose turned north the liner will steam for manila the capl tal ot the pblllpptnd islands and on of tbe greatest educational centres in tbe world money bylaws tor schools are always passed in his insular set prem manila the travel i rs will be taken to hong koni 1 anion macao and thtn to shani i and special arrangements have eeu made to see chins as china la the next port or call will be in japan where all the leinllnj- ports will be visited mid tht lniiinse government li inulcln pr him luna to demonstrate to the visitors that japan is a mendly little nttlnn rrom japan the liner will ko to honolulu and on may 4 v ml ter minate her cruise at v tin ni tbe passengers gntn overlun 1 frmi her to their vartuus destination the super sidesman in one afternoon we sold 760000 worth of bonds by long distance telephone says a banker the telephone has made success democratic it is the creative force that enables business to rise superior to clrctfni- stanom and compe by creating opporttnu- feariess methods of at- tacking the problem of sales are bringing pri- portionate results in other businesses at minimum costs we will gladly compile a report on how the telephone is being suc cessfully used in your business t o increase sales announcing prices on the new 1924 mclaughlin buigk master fours 2435 special tonring 135500 243s cdupe 197500 2434 special roadster 132500 2437 sedan 208500 master sixes 2441 doable service sedan 229500 2444 special roadster 181500 2445 special touring 184500 2447 sedan 289500 2448 coop 27750ft 8449 special touring 215500 2450 sedan 319500 2431 brougham sedan 314500 2334 speu r 22 2455 special 237500 rfrfa osaawa grimmtmt tmmn kwtrm fisher king georaetma take no that i am row prtpared t reck all hiab of hvratork tri aaaifcetj in toinulo kmirirh at 4 able prcn feocman hcgref 1t1- c s nattoaal rallwaea borbood of tbtr effj are oil and sas ftelda to some ef jwhlch exeeedlnsly productive welu are in opersuen at monceaa use famous tidal bore fa eean at ttasbest tbe tsteetnlnit wall r belnt fear snd free feet 1 lot tbe tide tnvw wbewa a dltf ef thirty feet between extreme i end extreme lew the pmocrepb elves a renerml view of tbe cky bowtajt the canadian national hafl- ways tracks elevate aereassw et ui roo ii illr tuenury noiuli ur dreoa w beink mirii4i introjuoed lnueorkctownbj w it watson anil is sold b a kooj tlrufikixl torjwbbr- we sell real tire value w e consdentioaaly believe we can offer you more mileage for every dollar you spend here for tires we carry a complete line of firestone tires and tubes they are made in the moat modern tire plant in ca by special mino- facturing methods they cost no more but the extra miles they give will be a pleasant surprise to yon brows garage ttretofie j h smith stewarttown expert fence builder why not have an up to date wire retire wuen you can exchange jour rail fenno for same years of experience enables tno othem prompt service and right prices gates oednr and iron posts al waj h in ntook when you want an thing in tho above line just call j h smith phone 84 r 13 stevyarttown me bbevollaaj r4kqatnd z standard anthracite scrantqn coal in all sizes automatical screened and boatlid coal wood belect lump for domestic and thrfalimi puriowb smithinx and connel coal in fiwt ilinj inlhitik to le round in an- up to date coal and wuod ymd john mcdonald phonb 18 georgetown wood ror a axe dood tirr rnimit wood col into atnv lentlhant ih i4 i s- i pr lout phone 1 r 4j brandt rd boa 40 georretown r k puoantjo rmi act kso llinl all rhlilurs or il lrwruiilc halley til tlie twenty aixtta ar l oiir lord mm and twenty three miti irnvii nl t anirifmowii are re ihi ur before iha twotlv ntnlb day innbrr to send by poal prepaid or lu llw iinderi ipird aolaitor bere- kdwird mrlaiinah the exeoutix il the said charlotte haile wd thr lh i latum namaa and aurnantca addresses and dracriptuws the full ptirtkuun in writing- of their iuiiri a m airmen of ihcir accumnlsand tb nature 1 tho uwurity if anhw of and take notice that after aucn last oktilhmicd date lb- ald exreutor will pro sed to distribute theasacta of i he aatd dvcaaaed among- tfta parties tmtllled i beret o haviaa rrgard oolr to ibe clam of wrmcb tber shall ihtm have nottce end thai tbe aatd executor will not bailable for ibe said asset or an- part ibereof to mar persoa or perstum of wbese claima notice aball not bale been received by ibma al ibe line of auch dianbauoo larov daul soucitor for tbe said executor dated at gcotfetown ihia brat dar of auaruat a d 1923 v notice to creditors of use betas of walter laws aaa lata or aba tvewro- saln nf rsiinaslin in tk oenast of bajtoa hmar iaoasad notick is hbjtkbr oivsm pursuant to section 56 of ibe trustees act r s o 1914 chapter 121 thai all creditors or otbfpra havnik claims or demands against ibe estate of tbe said uaber lawsoa rbo died on or about ibe sixieentli day of july a d 1923 at tbe eaut townsh p of eaquesinir are required on or before lbs eighth day of september to send tiy post prepaid or deliver to the undenugieti solicitor beranfor walter lawson and williaoi p lawson ibe ad mm mt raters of the cm ale of tbe maid walter lawson miller deceased their christian names mid sumaiaas addresses and descriptions ibe filll par- t culars in writing of their claieba a statement of i bear accounts and ibe na lure of the security itany held by them and tjti noncs that after such but mentioned dale the said administrators will proceed tc dislnbulc tbe assets nf said deceased a-hong- tbe parties entitled i hereto having ckard onlf to ibe claims of which they shall then have ootlcev end thai the said adminutralor will not be ii ble lor tlie saud assets or any part tberof lo any person or persnan u wboae clahns not ten shall not have been received tjr them al ibe lime of such distribution lkroi oalk soli r it or for the mui adminialieorei dated at eorktown ihis oifflaa day of aujust ad 9l notice to creditors n the matlt- k of the estate of okir id fraaer lute of the loam of geoc- town in the county of halloa black sinitli deccued not1cf is hereby given mrauant lo evtion 5b if ibe trustees act kso 1911 chapter 121 that all creditora or others havinic claims or demands against the estate of i be said dd praser wbo died on or about the iwentyeurth daj of june ad 1923 at the said town of tteorgctown io tbe county of hall on are niunrd on nr imifore lha pinu-d-i- nf by pom prepaid or ngned solicit or bera itabeth fraser the aav mm in rain i of the eatate and eflcctaot the hhhi david traser blacktunitsv de ceased their christian names ana aur- namea addreases and deacnptadoa i ha full particuura in writing of uaejr claim a statement of their accomla and the tilure of llc aecunly if any held by and take not ce that after auch last mentioned date the said executors enu ptoceed lo distribute the asset a of tbe said deceased among the patties entitled thereto having regard only lo tbe claims of which they shall then have notice and hat tho said administratrix will not be latile for the said asset a or any part hereof lo any person or persona of wboaa launa notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distnbmion lkrov dai mlmior for ibe said administratrix i talrd at georgetown tins first day ol lu si a d 1923 local improvement 1 akk notlis 1 that the council of tbe ilie town of georgeti struct aa a local improecnae a ooa- irelt pavement twenty feet wide on i durham and mah ciurlph street between streets and intends lo spi part ol ibe cost upon tbe irecltaoo the work 2 the estimated- raa of iwixat ut si 75000 ol wtwch si09h1o0 is m be ail by the wporat ion tbe eetimaledi pi al rale t foot frontage i l av he upccisl ksaeshmcnt is to be paul it uiiiii annual inmalmenla i ixlitinn against the work will mot ijil t rmetil its const met loo ditd julv 25th 1923 r i iikatii clerk junk wanted 1 am paj t the uigbeet cah price for all kinds or junk also bjilea and pohltry reetdasee qbaatte rasui sj ckiorsratown omt m freeman polt office box j70 lose 187 cewjatar okeek beeks when joo want an counter check books lei db have your order at tbe uersjd offloe qaalttr and seraoe goaranteed

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