till fh ullktflwn uk the quittlk y in h e light i kllllw nr dmudwt uiij so ilon l im it il r h l us 1 1 lisik mr chin up ii nt hunt il h fn to i llt k n nni die ithh iialuhna but to iiijil j t l llumhuul ot hlullt why that tlie bout game ot them all and though joii romo out or em 1 gruelling bout all broken anil beaten nd ri sirred juab have nue more tr it s dead easy to die us keeping on limng tlml s hnrd d a nlvea d the death occurred at f itiolnli suddenl inst wednehdn nikloot d a niveu cm engineei 0 ls and prominent guclph rem dent for 11 yrs mr niet visited aclon tuesday and relutn ed apparently in the beiit ot health but expired ubortlj after resulting bid home when you want any counter check booka let na have jour order at tbe herald uqloe quality and service guaranteed and if you do not it ib time you got acquainted with our bread try a loaf today and judge tor yourself gkocebies delivered mark clark bakery and groceries wabatley harness shop we arty imukh tamesi aecanrics amck im hoe aafscfcsa are la acei i aw la tablae fire as a can tarirke are rift aal uk tervtttbal w a bailey optodite harnebs sbop baa steel sise gettingi bipjif weeds results of ctiitperat vc bxpfri- raenls on ontario harm over eighty kinom hsre vvperl men ted use ror perennial s u thistle and twitch kradlcatltm l uladdcr t aniilti and ouwuell in 1111 expinments wire with the otjct of gelbrh data from which dcqnltt alntvilivuia mlkiu be made regarding llie btai met hud t of conlrulilnt the various bd i ol 11ih province inuhl cm irtli i over elstily farnirrt currl il u successful experiment on farms under tnslructlous iil tbe director at tlie o a c uinln the weeds experimented aim perennial sow lltlatle tullcl hi bladder campion or cuw bvil wn mustard ox eye daisy hfld weed wild oiu and nearly every instance in llriii 1 the bald experimented wltf and d mouatrated to their own aatlntil llm eoecuveneu of thl metlioil lrl 1 aa a reault of the data ball r 0 from theae experiment it l no p it alblo to recommend with cooudtnc dednlte mathoda for the eradication auch weeda peremaw sow tlilml- twitch qra bladder cauipluii ami wild muatard the hapo method for the control of psrinnlal sow tbtotto and twitch cultivate the field until about the middle of june running oer it fre quently with a cultivator ao aa to ktwu the lopa down and thua weaken the roota a cultivator with broad muta ahould be uaed which will cut off the sow thlatia or twitch oraw helow the aurface the ground and not break up the rooutocka too much about the middle ot june apply manure at the rate ot about iwunty tons per acre twelve food loada cultivate the manure in thoroughly and with a double mould board plough iluchtly ridge up the land making the rldgea about twen- tyalx inchea apart on the rldgea sow pasture rape dwarf saaex var iety at the rate of about one and a half pounds per acre it la import ant tliat the right amount of rape be aowo for u too little u aown the stand will not be thick enough to smother the weeda and if on the other hand loo much la aown the rape plants will be too crowded and now rrow vlgoroualy enough to keep ahead of the twitch graaa or aow tlili he sow the rape whan th land la sudiciently molat to secure quick germination of the seed if the rapr la slow in starting the twitch graaa or sow thistle may get a hold in the rows and thua necessitate hand cui uvauoa cultivate the rape every week or ten daya until ltbccuplea all the ground and makes further cultl vation impossible if whan the rape is cut or pastured any of the weeda remain the field ahould be ridged up last thins in the tall and put in with another hoed crop the following year this baa not been found ne cessary when a good aland ot rape has been secured kradlcuori of bladder ca or uow bell badly infested fielda should be ploughed deeply in the tall and then cultivated and croaaculuvated with a broadabared cultivator in order to break up and weaken the unaer- round roolstocka in the spring this cultivation ahould be repeated frequently enouah to prevent the plant making any growth above ground until it la time to put la a aofcd erop which must be kept thor- jughly clean in order to aba effective a well cared for corn crop planted in hills so that it can be cultivated both waya has been found to give excellent results special attention oilbi be given to hoeing out any bladder campion plants which may appear in the corn crop and which are not destroyed by cultivation one fall uud one springs thorough cui tivation followed by a well cared for boed crop haa been found to deatroy practically all the bladder campion la a held except in exceptionally wet hkraalioaa beering anj mccinnick fabh opbrathto equipment harvmtiog machines tractors hay and corq machines engines tillage implements cream separators seeding machines mr anraajera plongha nooer threahera peed rii bittdet twine chatham wagon h ltttftr camera buret i h barnes s tosavemorfey is to grow to save money is to pgrow to add happiness and com fort to your life in the bank of montreal there is a savings department where interest is paid regularly on all deposits and where your account is welcome no matter how small it may be if a personal rtsit vtnconvemao you can open an account by mail t urrtiwn brunch ii k mimm manager bankof montreal established over loo years i s court on a famous canadian ship able photograph ol the ceremonies that took place when the canadian pacific steamer empress crossed the line on her recent roundtheworld tour neptune accompanied fay his royal barber ua came aboard in the early morning and duly initiated those who were crossing the one for the ftrat time hia maleatya stay on board waa abort bqt the same cannot be said of the little god cupid he came an board early and stayed until the end of the trip as may be gathered from the fact that out of a total of sm asaengera on that famous 30000 mile cruise no itaa than forty carae to the end of the trip aa engaged couple tfcla floe photograph of neptunes court waa made by miss margaret aluler ol waterbury conn who waa an of the ships passengers preventing mustard cereal crops iron aulphate or copperas can be successfully used to destroy muatard- in nan dins grain without injury to the crop a 20 per cent solution hould be applied this caabe pre pared by dissolving so pound of irou sulphate in forty gallona of water iron sulphate la dissolved quite read lly in cold water the solution abould be strained through a cheese doth aa it la put into the apray pump pjaios ptomtgraaks electric wasfcers heebie cleaners saahataasaia norman bspciflhl atttato ajtd aajawfstlobtostjb take notice peoplewho have efaeeting raft era and good frames fast going to roi for want of protection with galvanised corrugated aheata at prewar prices or less oonaidering tbe improvemebt ofanninea for tbrs rise no ose to sell aaad boy tbe other place in worse take stock and lave lk with gilbert sin clair josrs rr no 1 george- iown 9tea truss barns oarages allkirth galvamaed uuika lugbt- ar4ngprotfotjoo snyders cartage imovlns done pianos aneved or any work poaalble to be done witn tronii or truck we guarantee aatts faction on all eol work dngteby na n snyder berrice that a serrioe small partlelea that are apt to clog the uoaalea apply on a calm clear day just as the brat few plants la the telda show aowera il is very important to apray early if the plants are left too long tbe treatment la not nearly so effec tive if a heavy rain cornea within twentyfour hours after the solution is appued 11 will be necessary to spray again alow to apply tbe solu an ordinary hand pump barral prayer such aa la employed to apray fruit trees may be used or a potato prayer can be rigged up to do thla work slaaj ot the uptodate apray era have a special broadcast attach meat for spraying weeds theae art excellent tor large areas aa they cover a wide atrip at each round cars must be taken to see that qyerj mustard plant la covered with tbe solution in the form of a one apray j k uowltt o ac ouelpb the sluggard will not plough by reason of the cold therefore shall he beg in harvest aad have nothing prov s4 farming la a business agriculture la a actenee tbe tiller of the soil who blends theae two la tbe maa to whom the fetare efl cqal best d l w s- coalan all sixes also smithing and steam coal mrs jtwalkins morral station phono atrt c ftfn uri bkrtaiaeii ciiaaua sravmoimi cotdtjdiam a loaiudor nf harry laodtt it open to i parties and eoterlatnatnla of alldtinda chargta awderaie call or ininc harlte fire insurance j a verrtst steiadeaa 4re you protected t canadian national exhibition toronto aug 25th sept 8th the show window of nations r 1 attawdanca 1923 45th omaacutive year 1500000 preimrnnae without prece4cnt m rta variety and extent scores of raow features and all ol the old that hav re tained public favor ge0rge0us cleopatra spectacle o swa triumph in the production of apw- isoo prformers m john o ajot maa roautt millot f ectabtljshgd lb7a3 the bank of hamilton has alwaysfelt the importance of devoting funds to the de- velopraent of the essential tn- feteats of the country agri culture is- canadas greatest industty and t is our con- slant aim to give the need of farmer first consideration seea the new fisher king georgetown bank of hamilton j l thompson manager for urrirolof itate action in com borer no single farmer can expect to keep his corn cropfree of the european com borer ttnless all his neighbours are also fighting tile pest for this reason some sort of co operation is essential you can organize your whole neighborhood by arranging a mutual plan of campaign whereby each fanner undertakes to account for the corn borers on his own farm this plan will assist in- bringing the corn borer under control but without such cooperation satisfactory results will not be obtained a very important point cut corn crop lowland as soon as it is ready burn all corn stalks garden sweet corn should all be pulled early and burnt- plough down all corn stubble very carefully seed to winter wheat where possible write for pamphlet post freec dominion department of agriculture artlatt gibson dominion entomologist write tor pmd laboratory pamphlet best i ever found says thomas keurter 1 ppt kxprrrtav o ha mllton man wlih dreco lb r llml 1 ilullil r r uuwl rrr- tul 1 frt in t iun thnit hiirla of cj 1 rwl llaiillkii 111 pu 1 n a ikhly ninth iluif ii until h ill ivrrel r 1 1 1 turn iut he alth 1 illdir wont ki lr r ot of his lib my caataaa fraalcaac at owabe tahkh tte ca weakly h aai tsachad while at iroiitilri ltli aiiuiiiil tpldlty p it him on li fi x liialltiy man lel r llrultr i uu ii fi muiiintii uid m raufd i hisk by roiiktlpjltum a i laaya had troiiui i i kifplng my bowels la shape i had ood appe tllr but was afraid 10 t anything bh the dlblrtbm ahprwards m tur rlule as oil id torm caualnt me i bluet- and uelfh and raialag nutir bllter taste in mouth 1 had puliin around my heart at tluirs tuy julnta pained and cracked when i walked had dlaay pella ami spots floated brfore my eyea cauned from my liter which waa xluicgiah and many a night i could tiut slep but would roll a night i hsve oaly u-w-two- bpt tlrs or dreco but it baa maoaa big change in e i can eat tuoal any thing now without being troubled flerurda have ho more dlsxy hurlls and i sleep line and the fheui matlsm in my joints is gone dreob will always get a good word from lilt and i have reeouimenba it to seteral nt my frieuda its tlaabssl i ever round dreco acts quickly and naturally on the organs or dtgesuon nurgaa ii em of acldand gassea sad susn- uutea them into normal fuocuoa- iuk ttfla la the necrel of the woa- dertul benefit all sufferers receive from dreco for moat everyday ail ments anaje traced to a rundown digestive system draco la a spies did regulator and blond atuitler the ideal spring tonic lat it harp you as it baa helped ikoiaaaads of dreco rontalns no mercury no- drerd ih being spocialy introduced georgetown by w r wataon and is sold by a good druggist eo where in the pumie eye o t walker r o mealatered oihoaaetrtot a fhod see tor eaaetat noucetocreailors ulthk matxam atols eta bautoawm notkk is krb section 16 of the tnttlee act r 1914 chapter 121 ibal all creditors or otbrni having claim or demanda against ihe eaiale of the mod walter lawson who died on or about the sialeentb day ot july a d 1921 sst 10 send by pout prepaid or deliver lo the undersigned soli nlor herein fur vvaller lawson and uriliani p lawaoa iw aiiimnistraiotk l ihc ntialt- of lite seat waller uw mllrr tteceaaed ihlff airi ami deacnptiona tbe lull par culara in writing of ibetr claians a taletnent f their accounts and i bo na tuns of the wcunty if any held by tboca ano take vutici hat after such hast mentioned dale l be aaid ndmnustraloca kill proceed tc duuribute the assets of aatd defeased antoog the parlies entitled ihcreto having regard onlv to ibe cfautna ol which they shall then hajre notice and iha in ma aam wtt not h i jbki lor i lie aaid auets or any part iherof many parson or persoaii of who chums notice ahall not bave been received by ihcm al the lime of such distribution la roy daub solicitor for the said administralora dated al onirgctown ihia eighth day n auguat ad 19u rx4 standard anthracite scranton coa in all aulomatioally screened and loaded coal wood beleot irarnp for de and threshing pnrajxwa smithing and gaxtnel coal in tact i carry evertbing to be tound in any uptodate goal and wood tacd john mcdonald phonk 19 geojr junk wanted 1 am paying the highest cash prire for all kinds of junk aiho hides and beolbry ee ojspsatto alule a vletee- ovmrttowrab pat m freeman post office box 470