wvwljr tllk ikdltilktown iif a 1ettlr country qy faun the goodl laud 1 t wlm b cbrml iiih for 111 riaiiitu prepared a liomi- a ki 1oiiip for me if faithful to hi blened won a land whore i kiic ik unknown a land where liouiilt ne er llirown no kn h tn tin n no ijimii tomb no fierce leniililiont there nnwiil lllim hh1iij i i then fire tornai i l auto accident i insurance j nfl mimiltuii lllllt till cl ml lion elmer c tho i hompson lh ill u hi fnn er ikihi tin if tim il i iti iiphm alone can ilwi ii ni hiiiiii forever lii why iniiimui iilthe ills of life how triliuik are the wrong of how short the eonllirts and strife tuo things or time how little how vwn are all tbinfis hero be low riches or honor rark or fame soon we most lime them all nd go ab emptj iw lo earlli we came but raith behold bejoud the tomb a better louolr bright and fair thither 1 hope by grace to come for inj affections now arc there to movies by baileyfrstuartigarage ah notes and comments thk post office cod for parcel pout ban aou been io opera tion a year and it is interesting to note how staccessful a eqtore it has proved aifl how much it baa been appreciated by the beiness public tbe number of cod articles mailed has increased from 14000 in october 1982nfoe fiat month tho bjstem was in opersx hon to 45000 ast month the month that completed its lira y par the increase has been grad ual and shows that the service is becoming popular the total number for tbe twelve months io question l a approximately 850 000 jche god servion has proved to i be of particular advantage to firm who do not issue catalogues and whose prices are not known to the buyev and in cases where tbe buy er is not known to tbe dealer ii protects both the buyer and the seller eliminates the carrying of small charge accounts makes re i funds and adjuatmente nnneces saxy and speeds up the whole transaction bjlsols two amd ewi bktjfo io danklu st guelph tires and tubes now is your chance to buy k a 8 80x81 full ocrsiw cord tires 1s00 k 8 30x81 fabric tires 11050 k 8 tutestlaso and op autlm oututhi tkewhwservksuiri f sinclair fire insurance j w unbiy cotrtiwi agent for motoo of ibe rtroruje i cm- psmen wnlirtjr miuranc rcsvou protected cmete aai eatertalut cimkuk scavnoaoua comedian a imitator of many laudet te opca lo at ceptetigarcdenla for concerta rani parties and entertaitunenu of all klndi charges moderate call or nl ohahir scrytniftour geotgetowo hirhari iw call at fool jersey heifer hereford cow st- cteahlng credit auction sale -of- ctvttle horah piss and poultry the noderrngjhl baa received inatruclion i httrratbros id aeu by public auction at lot 16 con 6 al slew brit own station friday october 26th at 1 aateok tkaif ta faiuwla hodms brnwn mare 5 yr go sordeoa npi bay mare 4 yrm frot by ualemdainp bay waicon bone cati1k dui durham cc l at foci roan cow calf at foot holnleiri cow call al foot i brmdle cow rpnnger due aalet roiin ow due lime of male jenie kuuctnir welli jeraey cow doe tn feb bred 3 month durham cow bred 4 moot hi 2 hotilein cowa dm- m apnt 3 tfowein cowl due in january hotxtem hcifc due id april durham belter d e n march hotuein cow due i apnt pma tamworth aow s ptjfm j week yorkahireaow 15 pifi 2 weeaa oek ahtre sow due lime of aalet tantwonh bow due lime of alei tam worth doe m november berkahire ow dt decenibpf berkahw aow bred w herfcihire aow juat bred tamworth just bredi ii fal hoca otk 12 ork ahire cbunka is tamworthand berkahire 10 weekaj6 orkuhire hunk pure- bred berkahire hoc vovm cattlb dutbam steer 2 jrra ilolctem heifer 2 yrm i durfaxm betfer yra t 2 oorhain yearlmjt 2 holmem hri fera jrearlmr poll ano ateer yearhnk aoll artka sprwia calrea 2 holatem fawfera aprma rahea relateed anw bull i hereford baby beef above cattle are m exrfrilent ohape and al cow are tnilkmk well fowl- 2 reeae i tcfccvm a quantity of hardwood fool unwiha all will be md wilhoul reaerve tmtr fat howa baby beet veal carrea poullry wood and hm sis and under cah over that atnouw niomha credit on approved 0nt ooti per cent off for caah w a wnaooi clerk bk rittck 72 to sattsfacroiey y x repairs it is a sure sign that n man ib a stranor in the ooimmtiiilj if he is on acq nam led with the fact that nl this repair shop oartt are rejuvenated that cars are watibei nnd tiolished and rurod for in an up to date manner phdne7 w irweslev jkguelph st geqri5etqwn0nt e3aa druks cigar and con fectionery store dominion of canada victory loan bonds maturing it november 1923 the bank of montreal under authority of the minuter of rnmoc is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity without chuge at any of its branches in canada for the convenience of ovvyiers a the bonds the bank of montreal will accept the bonds at any cimc prior to november ucand will make payment in each esse on november 1st either by issuing- 6 cheque or by placing ihe amount to the owners credit in the books of thrf dank as the owner may desire i have decided to keep newspapers magazines and stationery you wont have to hurry and get your papers exact ly on time have all kinds of tobaccos cigars and cigarettes we have a no 1 chocolates from 39c up we serve light1unches saturdays on ly till 1 130 fruits in season h druks georgetown erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 special for saturday bound bteak sirloin steal pnrhnrrinnttp htenlt prime rib roasts thick rib roaatn thick shoulder roasts lean stewing beef plate boil brincnit boit shoulder roasts of pork loin roasts of pork lettr of pork streaky side pork pork sausage break fast bncan la piece 20 per lb 2cc 5c 12c 10ft 20c 26o 2gr quick delivery guaranteed hirsefeorns ladies wear tailoring specialjprices qn fall winter soils coals dresses our customers will find a choice selection in the above lines call and see vhat we have to offer a hirschorn main street georgetown ttm olduiim atabwaachaa uwd for yw ow th hkbakcatft tfaww fca mb cafc georgetown flour feed mill notice 1 having jeasedstewarltown elevator 1 am now prepj to buy all lands otraln at besth market pnees any yon have giair to rjehvei call me atfthone 195 f w c bessey phone 195 georgetwjvn order boolts far present model ford clesed cars 111 ctese lioiveinber 1st aitnty turmtt tt t wiac aakua oonbltl7 aiiaom of t it1 r la aay atartala ar4ra fiw 4aalara aa ar ilttr s tka rlaht ta gfisfel the information in this letter should be known to every prospective ford buyer it opens up an opportunity for the family without a closed car to get one at prices which will probably not be as low again this is an opportunity for the man with a large car to relieve the larger car and decrease its depreciation especially during the co winter months h a coxe acton ford motor company of can ad limited ford x qntai noticed change in wife wm ta iwallr i hutllrh haw ppoducl kay mr johnimin u i thsrn la nothlnj i mixerr surhblln cuk wllti johnmn of 13 mllh av nif utoo on l until bhu hmrtl rco and dacidru to try ith i wife suffer d m imuih uii liior troiitli- thiiikb hi il out ajrei- ulth her ami would ir id her stomarli causttik timti dli trss after mrala in lifltl t j uuatint lu fmt hlie liurdl i i mhat it wu to ttut a oud j without mufferlu aftcrnardb slie wan blllauh spou flaauul itelorp her rrei and at time she uud tnrrhrtif dizay npllb apiclltrwl i inx oor she alwayi lid taking aomelhlnr fur hir b lrvr tried alrnoat evarythli k result until wo heard of hri j an tnken only two b tilf flk much better i cm i t n ill haw inner llsr bnwlaare nltu r uud i vlilk iklily uirulnti llreiu li sympt mi from which mn u niiffered jrt ominoii l 11 i voujilti of all a l ttiey tin i 1 oil i mil k turo off until ill lir ijht anion by lrr u rful lijllti bulldei lark and lave sciential fkutu in tire public eye y 0 t h1uu most era troubl la ula dlravi raault of r naarlaot twiin brat alaaa af itrald appaar ooniult our wn optmatrlat hm wlu uwrouvblr ajnlow tout ara and praaorlba ik laaam uial will da vow casuart dorsu know if jour obi ida cvaa ar rlatbti find out a our mhlrl obnras ta nrulaitwl b tna aibouut of work on your liaiaa uia taluo of tha frann ran odoub ioaaa arouoa on tn pnaum sal- lafaotlon tfuaranlawl o t walker r o realatarad optamauiat t onucuut lbou hm up main bt ft coal best d l fie w scun coal ijnall sizet also smithing and steam coal mrs ovalkins norvnl station phona 8arii4 irkli i liulill fun divni is heim t id mttxwi l in gmirrcton n b w k wiitwon and i miltl b n too 1 clnikmht wabailey harness maker k wuter wlu smi kc wtrt are y rtaiy tor ii we kik a fun use el hsrse sukfls ssrdigles mills 4 kves also trssks bsfs sstl casts ric la fad every lalag u u pihaje laraess sana all repairs ton ret what yon send for and note our price to introduce pan a orankc poltoaj tea regular hsc tor 75c other teas 05r to h5 hone s ib 75c dates lbs 25c corn flakes 2 nkgti 20e corn starch 2 nkgs 25r lamindry starch 2 nkg 25c pearhne 3 kga 26c ammonia 8 pkfib infants delight h tor 25c plaotol soap 8 for 26c cream olive soap s for 25o batter color large 80o toilet paper 4 tor 25r tiny tola talc 2 for 25c have ou tried our health bin caits and 0ark h brciid the flu est prod need mark clark bakery and groceries fnonp 229 stoves the quebec heater and cook stove combined is th beat on the market see them cream separators harness horse blankets agncc m vain plows s b groat georgetown of wuaj jt tomf a k4xvz sh c buuer phone 242 georgetown for ibe children place your order m early foi the 0ljder wholbarrown 4 sirpr wagon r kidil cans oto can also bo had thp ijllm in the latest thing in ifikl for children call at richardsons n su first bouae nortb of ban- church front entrance or write p o box 65 w a bailey i rodato haftnbss shop mali street seometown take notice people who have sheeting raft- era and good frames fast going to rot for want of protection with galvanized corrugated sheets at pre war prices or less considering the improvement or sundries- far this line no use to sell and buy th other place is worse take stock and bave a alk with gilbert sin ctay 108r4 rr no 1 george town stee trass barns garage all kira galvanized tanks light emng protection a norman h speight pianos phonmraphs ekdric washers electric cleaners scm m null bhlkr aajaxab normaah speight mitbio amd axsotrio stork snyders caiiage after travelling all summer h we have never had better ser vice than you have given ua were the parting words of the chautauqua crew this sum mer they were satisfied arid we are sure you will be too if you refer your teaaming or trucking wants to us we do anything possible to do with teams or trucks and will ba pleased to giv you estimates on any work of this kind n snyder pho lllw m uvnllla lustrw standard anthracite scranton coal in all size automatically screened knd loaded coal wood select lramp for domsatu and threshing purposes smithing and cannel 0oa in fact i carry everything to be found m any ap to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald if phone 12 p georsetovvn junk wanted i am payirithe blgheii cash price for ah kndof janl also llids afid pooltit uoaamtte j omrgsw m free postoffice box 470