Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 23, 1924, p. 2

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r h willson ttndartkor and umitmd embalmer st clmrgeto h i n l w kl card m i0r pc memorials dedicated held a f mtat ii i sauda nicitnii lil gvtr clmr li 11 he dedicating a iiienioiml window in hoor of hie 1uo min amj dade tbe wltldow wlmli is ospecmll trmtittfut rt ntil- i iikiin el fuu a linu- i ihl i in bom of the mr it i him mile fnowrot t in t villi lp clin bndw ni i fnmei mrvli ol n cut vkf i wloi in vi i i 1o in nti bate dix r mil i i- l ijuiuk oflfiinciu lt yvroiun uiihaij ol im cbmrh tbo- imv- hoirtlie following mnnjiroo a hunk olttniik fof feirtj tf- o m crt ice b emma beaumont as president ol women- umiiii- 1834 1024 tb riebup of nrapirn wif- present for the service of dull turn and special music was icni ed bj the choir auto lire as decoy using as a decoj nn unto lire which had been placed m the mid die of the higbna nl u londj spot about six miles south ol georgetown on sundat evening two bifibwajmon bold un uol s saolwd mr j miiih of milton when be alighted from his nine tune to pic up the tire mr mills n compaaied by a friend noticed ln tire hilled mi a few jardd d is tun from il and was id the act o stoopi og when he us strurk oe the bead wilb a blunt innriimen wielded bj a large man who bad been hiding behind a tree the latter as joined b n roufedernu wbo was about to jump into mills ear wben bo nolioed an approtu b iog anlamobilc- both tliuts there upon made for the bush the two men had oterlooked tle marhme following which con taioed uessra k g mcmillan and w carbcrr of toronto the bluing headlights or mcmilli car enabled llicm to witness the asanajt wbcd tbcj were some dm taace bcl and u race ti the reti coe of mills who wan knocked seftseles for a fen nun udbui grabbed the c mnk handle tail carberr tho tire pump and rare d the two hikhwaj men leaped over afppco headed for the woods the toronto inon trailed tbem aa far as the awnrap where they lost sight of tbtm id the betuminr to the machine mt band tirherrj assmtod idj mills and accompanied lum t hilton whore tbcj reported the boldop to the chief of police amress and presentatio a very pleanant evening if sprat at the home of mr and mi wm cooper of stroelsullo jolj 10th when the membon of shrtetaville lol hand preaenl ed hrand mrs david rogor with a purse and the following ad drest which was read by don bnue iho presentation be tag aimdebr ur frank campbell streets ille julj lotli 1924 dear ur and mrs webaod bojs of tho lol no 863 have gathered here to mghl on una bapp occnaion of namage to corifiratuute jou and wefcomo jxxir wifto4bih mcmit and also to show our appreciation of toor pood seme to our hand in thepat we are grateful for the interest you haraalnajr manifested in oi band and hoie jour good partni will be of rt in tol cooluiomr tbo faithful that jou have been leudttring we hope jou both maj be uparetl to enjoy a long and pleainnl life aa a slight token of our respect kad goodwill we ask yon to accent thu puree wo hoprf it may at sume time recall pleasant tnemor- raollhejttreetfvllte ijand ton baveoarheftt wishph tor a success ful fatareaod hope ovirj imppi neaa and prosperity ninj follow joo throngboot hte signed on behalf of the band town council r cuuni ll a hi ii t iu hpl li meuibem all pnient mil lf maior in the i him kllk ml keai adiliih il n fur jmilk for if room mlftti hdioul masonic picnic at blue springs f ik- llonl llotih h f oi llh hiulh of imn in nliurh ilerruiglnn hint in no in kiunt exi inpliun of 111 li ih 1 foi c read md mind lunr and hnulu pa iiki hint lhe p ill n r the ct lion t iitliirlied theiito chi llemogtoii aslienlmil i hat h l no tc uiidirur otihol id it i urn f hie tloalnik di in of tin llllxhhlum of t0ih11i1 fo imr row im in n sji of de iiii1iiiv t inn not itiiidnm li ri touuil liltmh for ui pin il 1xm1ii i lie sillll llllllt i uk dr lit in ili ivmiiynf lh mud di nl in ds tie nn rendu mmlid an liiiiijtu und liinilli piuttil and hat li seal of the corporation bo 11 iclit mlionld lurried norn- ij mi that wnuer k- iii if iimdid i in oin c lux paid i vis he hftuiib lllid an all da willi tli clerk and accordidjr t e hiinid h is bot idlitlrd to pay i iniomt tax carried mi liitj re arnold that thm council trant j5imk to tbo llifli board for the king up of a iciki room in rase of ex tiuiatoh icteding c0w the yues turn ts to he robjlnntted to tho coiinul for furtlier decision tina penditnre to be mot by the n of dohentorer carried cbunci major i udntjn md coiinlillortt all prea nt engineer smith of oakvillo wan iretent re teddctm for cuelpli 6t uhert tenders were considered from s bonliuld at 20 10 cr cubic jd id a both at lh7cper cubic nd tondnis were opened for the painting of thn town hall tend rocived from ieorge ford at 290 dean uarloj at 2c0 und wm jtlum at 179 col brown consulted council re ivoilmgof war memorial tho reception committee rn war memorial was appointedeon itldg of tbo mayor boeve j a willoiifvliby major mint jos looro and l u klerk lovitalion comnuttop was up pointed ohkisling of m l near man and other memboih o tho council member of unit omniiltce cliaiiman of itieotsand walkii mm i nntr lifted to ik up rrosxing mtb grael lerk iih inttiurted to notify rant contiacting co to fill up cracks in juolpb and alain hi pnemeuth it was moved by geo ijerring ton and seconded by w ashen imrpt that the tender or alox iteith for building of abutment in luelpli st bridge at 18 70 per ubic jard f concrete in nlitcc and auyeienmtion la be done in eluded m tins bid be accepted and ibat ho be r quired to sign a bond for 400 and to sign an agreement ah drawn by engineer smith of oakville carried io ed by a duncan hecondtd by d mclntjro that he tender or win main for pmnl mg of town halt aimnnrlng to tend r tt coats of nhito lead and oil bo accepted contract to bo com pleted before august 1th 1924 carried 1 by w u long and m l near that b 0 arnold bo empoweied to have placed j1c i00 luiurunre on building and plant ot llenrj corko co to iiott townr moitgage tins jn hiirnme to bo divided among reg ular insurance agents of the town if pobsible carried council then adjourned july 22nd special meeting was held couiml chamber at 8 p m major itcec and councillors all present the mmutes of previous meeting were und and confirmed ashenhurht- uernngton that llnftollouing ncrounlu be piibhpj jl4m glenwilliams urrand mrs walter flood and misc flood of woodstock mot ored to jlcnwillmms and are awn din two wee li with mr and jaa bll jr 1v prrarher at st a i ban s cnurrh on sundaj at s p m will betbeber iotdon ilern of bnh- incloa lojpe and mik gutlinen aslertirone of tonnto bpent sunday at the home or mr t he kmctr t0t arnold aihiliitinn bh0 pniato bill suh 1048 00- long near that groiiplnwn civic holidnj be held on mnndnj august 4 th 1924 carnt d duncan- arnold that the ten dor of the municipal bankers cor pomtion lid for 10000 ot deben lurca nl ej to run 10 jcaii ftl 100 18 ptub accrued interest be uecepud and that the clerk bo in xtructed to notifj tbem to tbtis el feet and have the debentures fornrn i nn ted asgoon as pohsible cir ued tbo clnrkjcas instructed to have nechhnry posters printed re garding civic bohday mot- ffljslimaln were received from iiwn jjr bb school 715hto and pub mrbpft scbool 12000 the conneil were unable to have tho governor general lord bjng unveil t be memorial but art trying to secure lciotgovci cockidiutt for tbo occasion delipitc date ban rt l tfco council then adjourneti chnrdifllews oeorcctown chautauqua atari tnfsdaj 5 big da a don t unit ilodern shoe repair macbinerj now goine ol rt flemings ifi d sbw slote 1 beah seeotirsirciaaluein child a reos senuurr fo iwcar a 1 00 tb benl value miowti li j fax cbaulflnrjua helps jou- st george s sorvices rrbit sunday will be matins at 11 oclock and evening as pm preacher thn rev oor n rector of burlington sundaj school at 9 45 oobetown can help chautauqua h iiuil luelpli i udnk uotitu thteo and foui ed of tin members of cbapur utoiia prwipt uultoii chapu r and tin i and familioh hold a uioiitu at blue aprmt 1 daj jul i the affair was planned puimuly us an outing eniti tally for the women and ihtlduo kvery duld on tlicginiitidh whrthnr they won l a pnrc a liootl dnnkm s lllld uth all sit mid drmk upd ii mo lblee wrie ie ui n and the wn- in the ladies softball game the nielpll indies deftatid the jeorg town liidio by a scorn ui ii 10 f i tii tuiif war between oenrge limn ami lixjph was won by luelpli two out or throe pulls tbo mi n k so ft halt game was a hard fought and well played event the it orgetown men appeared the bettor tiaiu at the first of the game but in tho later stagos weak ened at the end of the lioventh uininlsil was a tio of 11 all lwo more extia innings lesiilted in n win for guclph with a score of lfi it the following is tbo lint of prim winners in the various events boys 6 and under m keid k nornngtun a randall giils 5 and under m finlaj mcnaughton uuason boys 7 and under a finnie m drone r mckeozie nrls 7 and under t ilowden g eagleton p moore boys u and under u liowdon li how den j moore iirfs 9 and under- a eagleton j uusson m boutiher boys 12 and under w wilkin son g cooper h iiowdon girls 12 and under i finnie d dorland h montgomery boys 10 and under tt howden w wilkinson g cooper gnls 16 and under m ilowden 0 cotton z rao married ladies mrs liall mra pitcher mrs eagleton single ladies g cotton a wilson m wallace paper cutting a wilson a nnrrington w stephen sou bgg and spoon mrs ritchie o coopr mrs finlay button ou clothmrs finlaj rs cngloton miss wallace whoelbunowmrs hall miss wilson 0 cooper ni tied mon w lode g arnold single men i ooper c kolso pole race ballon precoptory id guelph ixcellent prils were gien to ich of tho winners of these events it was certainly a real pionio and at the dose wben the kiddies all the ice cream and good things thej could bold inside bags or popcorn suckers and all soru f treats were distributed for them to take home fjavcjou bought your cbau taiiqua tukets yet bettor do so all the latest tp felt bats ar riving dailj misses clarndge kindly let us baio jour shoe repairing as early as possible fie til i rigs shoe store clerks notice f firs posllnfl ol voters list voum llit lbsa mabllpalltr eqnwlbb gout r of haftsn notifc is hereby given ihjt 1 have con plied wilhncuion 10 of thi voler lis act ind thai t ltve puxlnl un al my rice ml slcwamiown on i hi- 2 1 at dmy july 1924 the lil of all pttton cnllled i vole in hie mid municipality fd mem be of the leguulivc aiscinlily pnw ai llial mih hit irniam there for inspeiti i and 1 herrby mil upon all volrcn i tottrntsoe eal june peas tip top tomatoes pork and brans fionoh mustird ir 2 for vanilla and lemon extracts 8oe jugs gold medal tea wjih lino cup and eaucor anchor tea with flint glass tumbler ground rico 2 for birds blanc mange custard reg 2bc 8 for ktpper knacks s for sardines 2 for 25 am celery salt k spanish paprika spanish pimientoi salad dreirting poultry tonie reg 26 2 for tmj tots talcum 2 far give bur bread a trial it is alwajs fresh sweet pal at nbioand appetising ovrn policy alwaj ban been to give our customers the bst loaf possible and handled in the best waj our largo number of regular customers and our rapidly increaa ing business is proof that out bread ib good mark clark bakery and groceries phone fise 15 and 8 vou have been waiting for cheap cement place your orders with ua for cement we are of ering you the same uniform high quality you jiavc had from u in post at very low price we liave a fiesli stock on hand and can make immediate delivery ol any quantity wealsoliave good stock building malenala auch as shingles la1h hardwall flash r hydra i cd lime plaster paris rough and dressed lumber of all knda georgetown lumber co ltd while rose gasoline a quality product at a quality garage notajusr as good gasoline but the best ai halton garage fisher king qborgetown buy the best livingstones quality bread rallabail by everybody choice pastry of oiery kind watch oui window ipcciuls d livingstone phone 56 c h autauqua next week buy season tickets and save money 13 splendid programs 13 5 big days 5 starttiig tuesday july 2tft season tickem250 children half price admits vou lo 675 of enterliaamenls jar economical hvntportatfan quality car you can afford to own you can afford a chevrolet because of its low purchase price and its amaz ingly low upkeep costs chevrolet is continually making new high records for gasoline and oil mileage chevrolet is a complete car there are no extras to buy chevrolet offers you everything that you couldpossibly want in a quality automobile see chevrolet first art i 3dur the gmac deterred payment plan fisher king georgetown new spring goods at the mens store 01 sptlllg stiuk of iii glidi vh lush tw and mixliimu lino sliprs mo and stupid just in hand biolil oilt 1 minings consisting ol edi it tin litest olmiungs hecks mm serge in plain h special values given in these suitings iu we do tin lurgut tuiib in mm unhird clothing in this rri section of the counlij wc do our own tsiloi m and 11m ifl initio sljle 111 and wotlfiiiunsliip a we kmdh rupiiht you to plnco- jour spnng oulereiulj uw hefoie tlio iiihter rusli 1 the newest things in mens furnishings prai in ally all our new untuu for men nic now in stock and neer base 111 seen 11 letter holectinn of snuirt diensy uiinti fit inen shuts 111 all tjio new htiiieefri cits check designs iinibnii zeplijrs ovfoids etc a hoi invent of afl tho ncwent ideas 10 ties u icint will ci it inilj hi tnloicsled ready-to- wear clothing a line miki nin nf men h and youth s crntliltig well tail nied up tddale m you will hud out iilorlmn in tlir dipiulmeiti ihiijn hiltoi mid 1111110 up to date than cuir and pllcph iiuil ill ichtll in willi aitj utj xiluih co mo id it will bo a plonurr to talk thlnr iwf r your spring patflt millar 00 georgetown phone 126 good coal makes warm friends as we have tomove some egg coal to al low us to complete the building ourshedb we are offering egg size anthracite coal of first quality at spec- price of 1350 per ton terms cash j b macke ml 2lutomovie y bailey fara garage v- hf youd learn to stake free advice sonny y wouidis nothavetolearnj i such expensive 4 uessons rfgj the best way to avoid troublesome experipnceb is to allow us to look after your car if we in- apect it occasionally you may be sure that it will run true to form and it wont be apt to leave you out onthe joadjto despair phone 7 w jagksons m summer comforts rccd lumiture lor sun room or verandah finish in green slm 00 or 849 rocker 550 for 4 19 chair 4 w for 389 reed furniture for living or other rooms finish in brown up holstered in rood quality tapestry chairs or rocfc 95 for 1 s9s table 1295 lor 1095 chairs or rockers 2500 for 1 99s chairs or rockers 28 50 or 1 995 table 25 00 for 19 oo kitchen kabmcts nickelaid top cabinet 1895 for 1595 sanitary kitchen tables white enamel porcelain top 14 95 for 1249 bedroom dressers 2295 for 1 795 bedroom dressers walnut finish 24 90 for 1 895 quality value service jacksons georgetown twty ai3dvs oioi

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