Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1924, p. 2

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w h willsonj undertaker and idoenaoa erabalmor j mala st omrplw i examination results georgetown hem0rial will be ljivtllrf by sir arlbnr cnrrle oi saturday at 11 am lry l k com hint lat duunlua i lieui in tin i liulllh mi mauler lll cotuji hit co mi fr idutr keoin tun ihtilh pahhim1 of hc r i cameron laut weducklaj immmkc towoohtft ritiipfi whose iwpntj years id tho conmiiiml had not only endeared hinixlo die ineroberi of biaikre rong re nation lint won him tlio respect and esteem of nil who lnew turn lh- life while here was a noble pxamuie of a rent man and iiih uinn auotalh from pulpit and platform oil bo half of christianity will romain an beacon ligbta to on who folow bim on that long long trail an honor able god baring man has been called to bis reward and the ton n and com inn uif is tbe better for bia hating lued bis life among in jjlojd thompson liter nln mom inn chciu lat nutli 1 coiiin fr uutbs fr cuiti clarouro linn j intortn lust tat niuhu bit 104 1 hi mitbi fr ratlin win juhtycrom nhjk iuiiih fr cpmn harold campbell d dun cook fr cqnii uladja llnuna jjit tie trig hem iv i omp inn mnileunc li keom trik lt fr nutlih fy romn annlilx i mcfmingbl o unveiling of georkotown 4lendld wai memorial will lain place on saturday august otli at 11 am sir arthur curric who ft commander 10 chiof of lbe can a diau army in frame will unaeil the memorial lnvitationti bava beeu hon i out by tbe town council to nil noil of km of tlio fallen boroen whoae nam on appear iion tlio monument to prominonl mllitar men and olheru tbroigtiout the country and it m rx par tod unit man from oulof tonn wilt be prutieuti at the iinwohnk the 1 11 an of honor and velar ana will curort air arthur coma from tlio public ijibrnrj to the memorial following k m11 for sale one of leortiqlohub iiiiibt alliik in i lioiut ridikiil rit limlitrooim d hrt l ijoohi willi rim i good double lot and burn mielt hiluiiti il on liihli ueautiful building lut ml cliurku s trust do ing til in line lot if j oil nr i oiihidernift building u future choice 100 ncrc farm ctimeni nt to omi road lino bawjinf tit barn good ntuliliiik iriuin in furnace incclj dciuniud n iuiiik lite b bevurnl oliou e lift acic farnih at teij n km i ho llgbt i lllblc iiikh big fire at acton beahnare cos plu duu- afrfibeeiteitlj7s fire gutted a portion of tbe ftoh leather department of tbe beard more tanning companys plant in acton on saturday night and it i estimated that tbe total ions mil eiceed 76000 and may be close to 100000 tbe super structure of the department covering a largi area was destroyed jfhe nail was received by tin acton fire department at 12 jm oclock on bunday morning and was ruog in by george cardona nightwatch man of the acton tan niog company another of lb beard more interests lie noticed the ore as it was licking at tbe roof of tbe store- ho use from the id bide and immediately sent word of it to the fire department la a very short time the local brigade was on the scene and did sterling work in beeping tbe blaze from spreading fortunately there waa little breeze and i bo danger o the blaze spreading to the other sections of tbe town waa negtigjblc in aboot half an hour the bngad from georgetown and milton won on band each with 1000 feet of boao and thoj assisted material i in confining the lire to tbe gin portion of the extonano plant the beard more compan em ploy in tbe neighborhood of 200 men working full time and all of theae employees were act to work monday morning cleaning up tli debris in preparation for re built ing the reflection of the blaze wn visible fur many mileai hundreds from the surraundiog countrj villages motored to tbe scene glenwitliams mr and mrs j u mecormiebf and miss m campbell of toronto are visiting at lbs borne oi mr- hartshorn mr t j hill ban improved hi hotel by tbe addition of a baj jcdow in tbe front erin and ferndale dances an- welt patromeod bj our oum people tbe crops in this vicinitj are re ported to be very good mid week service in the methc dial church on thursdaj oveuinj 7 46 to 8 30 eierjbady m cordi ally inited jjoine and enjoj tin singing busraent is impromng in om mills a number of nur jonns jiooplc spent an eojojnblo liuie on fnda evening at tbe borne o mr ami mrs j prexjudod mrs joseph allen is isiting nt flrsialfioijnjttocheatcr mrs0 ctflaivin and mrn louth are msiling at mr john mr h rmimtribib loolmig at ter tbe busincbs end or uo glen woollen mills during mr barm rlonghs absence in england miss f bolfield of ibdgewa is visiting at the home or mr and mrs in nd ley beaumont wt evans 6 go 3h new adverlisemenls a splendid showing ol new fall suitings and overcoatings al the mens store 1st lilt i r iiillihfr roi dorotb mnrccll mnrgnrcl ton alice n moore omp ailccn hume liter trig fr aulbt fr camp mina saxc liter comp autbt fr coinp maude mcdonald liter fr antbs fr romp dorothy frampton lit comp fr authors mludli- st 1km11 bumlcj itnrtb alg keom fr nuths fr comp clarence benbam br hist fr comp fred uoaling- liter comp alg pbys cbcm anc hist llr hist bert l ndrtay liter comp alg gooni lihj a chcii anc hist br tiist john lindsay liter comp br bitt lat aulhb fr uutlis fr norn ogton comp alg phys chem anc ulst br hist lat anth lat comp donald russell comp alg chem br hist lat auths lat comp fr com ik campbell sinclair omp r auths fr comp arthur tjndall camp hist br hist cecil barth ueom margaret skelton liter comp br hist dorothy framptan ci com anc hist cbem ailecn uintc- cbcm lat auths lat comp lillian kennedy liter comp alg anc lust br hist lat auths lat romp fr autlm fr comp ada lane liter camp alg br hist lat auths fr auths fr comp isobcl mi dormid liter comp alg br hist fr aulh fr comp ma mcdonald li lor comp fr auths fr couip maude mcdonald 1hyi cbcm br uisl marion nfckay liter comp anc hist br hist fr aulbs fr comp mabel miller liter comp atg geom chem br hist ailecn moore latin authi fr romit mina saie phjb chem br st latin authors rowfna slull liter comp fr itbk fr com ft marg tewnnend oram chem l auths fr auths fr camp hazel wobb liter comp alg geom phjfl cbcm anc hist br hist winfieldcomp br hist georgetown flour feed mills choicest brands ol pastry flour sail 8k per 100 lbs all klaas of feed i9 w c bessey georgetown all adoru marg wallace liter coi hist a hirschounn to the ladies of georgetown and vicinity please lake notice of ihe opening of our new store we have a nice variety of ladies suits coats dresses and skirts and also made to measure i insure you hat you will save yourself expense lo toronto by buying from me we also can ar range to send you anything in that line by mail our store is on 1261 bloor st weal near lans- downe ave thanking you for past favors the exclusive ladies wear and tailoring a hirschorn prop good- 8nt to yon oi approval phone kenwood 9756 jean mackenzie pbs chem gladys h anna lat autbalat comp dorothy marcellus phjaics harold campbell- algebra george green ancient history ed mcmaster chemistry russ carton liter comp anc hist br hist fr authors wiilard smith alg phys hist latin authors upholstering and repairing wril bt in georkt ml lines ohmrl ilka and mohair ranged bitmalr obituary mlls catuhrinr rakl mrs catherine pari pasred away ver suddenly last fndnj morning at bparrnw lake hcic she bad been on a visit with her daughter id law mrs philip karl bhebad retired in her usual bcaltb tbe provous night and her em come peacefully in her sloop mra early who was miss cather ine menzies premout to ber mar rlage waa born near nonal 7 yeaib ago and had alvas been i resident nf cbinguacouhy town ship she had retuded in bramp ton tinea 1001 and for the last 11 years bad lived with her won fred early elizabeth street her hup band predeceased her in 1909 she was an adherent of the bap list church four sons fred james and philip of bmrnptw and thomas nsrial surie rim two elbtcru 31 ra k brown and mrs a toole toronto- the tim eral took placa nn moodaj after tjoon to nora1 cemetery after a abort service at the home ot ber rw mr pred early brampton birds roofs voodouiparoidt paroad roofing has earned ita envublo re potatiod duribjr a quarter century of use became 1 it pays hig dividend in wear and aatiafaction for years and years 1 2 it is di at inetive cornea in three colors slate red slate green and bnfht ray 3 it extra heavy and pliable will not crack in cold weather 4 it waterproof and aparkproof u pea complete protection panld iwna u fcr brd s utod el itftsj braa art crafl rou bwfiafl nrpouat blach buiubg pir ud coauabon wall board than a brd r vwr aort of uwuidq ajf i r h thompson co georgetown auto movies vi bailey n garage if youo learn t itake free advice oi sonny youwouufcfcbj not have to learnj such expensive a wessons the best way to avoid troublesome experiences ib to allow us to look after your car if wq in spect it occasionally you may be sure that it will run true to form and it wont be apt to leave you out on the road to despair ess a wuud tmpl ell m nibbsi piione 71 up for bala choap lrrd whitp u hm a good it 1 kr ol ilule rot il omey rcoil m lip long distance hauling and trucking 3ton track ltoa truck fnrnilore moving a specially tail and country drivln dona spaolal price for wash end trip toronto hamilton and the tall with apuiir gar satisfaction and service guaranteed snyders cartage phone 171 w georgetown weekend candy specials 1oirfl crencont assorted chocolated regular i0i ib foi 4 our own week kud ciioco1hur rcitiir 10c and sor- fui 32 o frcab maple peanut reg 4k for 29 o cocoanut marshmallows 25o bananas uraucn ice cream bricks aoo bulb 60o quart abe pint wo delner kosy korner kandy kitchen f j jqeverson rroirirtdk phone 214 mam street 5hsiiejiiliii ae wright butcher main st georgetown na shop 196 uoottjjsj buy the best livingstones quality i bread rallanad hy ear7bodjr choice pastr of every kind rati h our window for specials d livingstone buy k s tires equal to an id qtiaht ami lxlur than most our prices low est in town call and tec uh before bujinn your used tires and tubes repaired everything guaranteed to rmeiertice f sinclair phole 26 georgetown for sale mm ublr- rd apply mrs fira wuud jacksons ajaaa we furnish the home complete housefurnishing specials idrlfiipsr at prices that will save you money dining room furniture at very attractive prices extension tables fume finish round 4 ft cxleridi to 6 ft pedestal leg regular 42 00 or2000 buffet oak fume finish large mirror large roomy compart ments cutlery drawers linen drawer regular 6900 for 4890 chairs sets of 6 1 arm 5 chairs oak fume finih leather slip neat 3900 bedroom furniture in a good choice of designs walnut finish large dresser mirror chiffonrer bed diid stand 4 pieres regular 146 00 for 11100 simmons steel bed walnut finish felt mattress c regular 39 00 for 2650 couches spanish leather a splendid value 1550 rugs union good qualify 9x9 regular 20 011 for 1595 9x9 regular 24 40 lor 1725 9x10 12 rep 21 25 for 1689 jap rugs 9x9 regular 95 for 749 9x12 regular i32j for 995 a good showing of serviceable dr at exceptional good values how about your rool asbestocote goes over the old roof and stops all leaks give it a trial always in stock a lull line ol harness etc deering and moqormiok machinery and repairs for same oils and oroaaea 2 second hand engines h barnes mill street flour kings choice bread flo br national for palrr whole wheat stone uulad apple barrels wheafwanted wbbrowneco norval elour mills norval clerks notice o first 7tvolers voters list 1924 munici pality of eaqneaiiik county of hal ton i h i 1 1m wl p rt riumnoith islhjay r atifcul wlm ullpersoisrmllrdlovlt jiid municipal i mmltol llcl m pi i clerks notioe or first posting of voters list pieces for voters ust 1924 honidpality ol georgetown corjily ballon mirtr 1 hrrth pra thai i hug lll lll wlnw a mr bf the 1 i 114 it rllirni lr i a j t muiucp quality value service jacksons georgetown i lh h i ol a q i- urvth llwk o georgetown

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