Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1924, p. 2

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iw h willsonsl town council tjndsrtauer and licensed mbalmo mill u mil curling club annual meeting 1 n irllnm- urattnll 1 r da air i jjj ll mar wgod 1 al lards s0 k and dunlin sov i nihil a lk hrn exlnf 11 lllis r el died in memoriam the vole in 1919 on mondhj 01 20tb 1919 on tario voted on four tjuchttonh re harding tbo ontario temjieruiviwimrfa ad but tbo main question wan no 1 arc you in favor of the re peal of the ontario tcnincnibcr act that is much the ha mo an the ijueution to be voted upon nuaiu ou tburadaj oct 8rdabout the years later people will be mtetvbbed to know bow the oto stood in hal ton at tbo last viito and therefore we bave taken tlic returni from our file of that date the figures given refer to question one us that was tbc real pivot uere arc the figurth by mitnici paii ties drj drj welmiijfirilvl- oaawllc 868 411 447 actod 562 255 dot georgetown god 24i 440 milton 77g sub c27 burlinkton 776 40 48e noluoo 1159 207 952 naanagaweya a 29 120 703 esquesiog latfl 848 si 63 trafalgar 1026 sgi 12g4 bradtuospitiil 44 83 89 iuivl lt intyro and inuitilern uf con in il nit prctieul mi jhiiunan water worka en mint i of toiouto wax iirchunt mid oiihuluil counol k waterworks ctimiikiniduioiih wen- road hum clink uoimlon a co audltorti torunto mid j a dim hoiihiok com in i union toronto moved by arnold socoujtd bj lltiniiglon tbftt chtrku houston a co bartered iircountiinu b nnnoinud auditors for tbe corp of georgetown for cur ul 1924 fertile sum of 2g pinch iiii hides oxpouhck the audit to consiht of all town accounta tlio exception of georgetown hydro electric books cauied moved by atiherjhurtjt beopnued by arnold that by law no 12a to regulate tbe licenemf of bawkort neddloru and petty eb a union wttb in the uctrnoralioo of georgetown bo now rend a aocond and third time nod inally passed and tliol the seal uf the corporation be at tached thereto carried moved by near seconded by milntvro that mr wilha chinumn of toionto b nppouiud watei wot tin engineer or tbe corporation of georgetown at a feu of 120 per year he to mute lit least torly inspection of tbo watei carried cd bj duncan seconded by bcrnngton tbat tbe clerk be n hfructed to have d o cam ere pro ii are a by law for the sale of debentures to the amount of 16 000 tba extra amount above th 60000 of debentures already sold for tbe new waterworks systei and tbat d 0 cameron bo i u true ted to bave tbe nece8nnry steps taken to hate said by h a i tinted carried 8628 2617 boog polling places tbe polling places in tov where tbe plebiscite vote will 1 taken are as follows no 1at tbo town ball no 2 at the greenhouses no 8at the public librarj high school board meeting of october 7tb pres ent messrs watson llutt wilson and matthew accounts passed hydro electric 1 80 m moyer co desks 185 00 a ross paid freight si jg georgetown lumber co 1806 00 the government grant was re ported as 1629 16 tbo secretary was instructed to advertise for a modern teacher to succeed miss k davidnon cd meeting october 20 a bers tl tare co for 1094 80 was paused applications tor tbe position uf moderns beach lr were read and tbat of miss katheen james of london was accepted at a salarj of 1700 miss james is a special 1st in modern languages and in art she will assume her dutiet on monday next a committee was appointed to consider tbe advisability of plnnni further insurance on tbe builflini and equipment mr s kirk reported tbat tb contract hod been let for remo ing of the spruces that line thi front of tbe school grounds anil also the apple trees in tbe ground tbe question of a fire e sea pi was discnssed annual iniuing uf georgetown cuiling club wax hi id club munis of iho an mi in thursday eviuing oc tobei lgtb for dmiuhhing bum nets uud eh 1 1 llrcrs for tin ionium jeir ti villus or iiihl wmtt r h mil plain for the coining season dm cussod ihe treasurer s report the tlub to be in a vnj health condition fur a new organ zation ollilerh forthe lornlrag siason of 1924 25 worn lei uid hh fl lows honorarj presidents major l grant wm mcknj prosldont col g o brown 1st vice pros hi mowhirter 2rid vice pros j b wallace secretary john d kelly treasurer- j l thompson anditors j b mackenzie w groensward the following morobers worn elected to act asn execubive com mittee in conjunction with tb ulllors or tbe club n turk k wemysi dr t n marellus w v grant j mcdermid membership fee waa set at 10 for the jear payablo to tbe treas urer on or beforo december int 1924 glenwilliams tt forget the orang lo on friday night october 24 i wm allen has returned a visit with bar son in ijon- we are pleased to see m reid out around again aftei recent illness while alighting from a en monday mgbt miss marion lfor- grave bad tbe misfortune to fall and badly bruiso her arm and bide last thursday evening basement of tbc church the glen methodist organized bible clabses of tbe sunday school sat down to richly laden banquetting tables at tbe bead of tbe table was tbe pastor rev w u douglad on bis right the rev mr caldwell the school tcactiere and the young ladies bible class whilst on the left was bev mr boles of milton mrs douglas and the young men s bible class tbe visiting clergy gate most inspiring and helpful messages on joung peojileb work while mrs douglas added a little variety by way of elocution tbe joung people h a unanimous vote decided to organize and on monday of this week did so the following officers were elected pres george taylor 1st vice pres albort north 2nd vice bessie porgraves brd vice cecil bartb 4 th viok marian porgraves sec re tary james hepburn cor sec m wheeler treaa mrs cook organ ist babe mullm all other mem bers were attached to one or offacr of the committees there wero twenty in attendance and it decided to celebrate halloween i next monday evening i tho young people a league will hold halloween social in tbe basement of the methodist cborch on monday evening next october 27th at b oclock all young peo ple arc cordially invited to spend tbe evening with tho leagnt ev erybody come and bave a good time card of thanks j ijmpathy extended card of thanks pndi and neighbor for ihrir n d many kmdnees exl ended john b rogers producing co presents m all aboard auspices of oddfellows band town hall georgetown october 28th and 30th j admission 75 cts t a mirlhquake oi laughter conversion or payment of victory bonds maturing 1 st nov 1 924 arranged reinvesting of the funds in bonds promptly attended to bonds in denominations of 100 500 and 1000 bearing interest at rates of 4 12 to 6 per cent may be obtained h r mimms lnvealmcnlb georgetown insula auctionsale -0f- farm sttck and implements the undersigned has teen instructed by duncan mctavish sell by public auction at lot 32 cor esquesing on friday october 24th at one oclock the following an heavy horses mare and gelding us supposed to be in calf 5 head fat cattle 2 yrs 3 yearling heifers 3 spring calves 6 fat hogs implemcnum h binder 6 ft cut m h mower steel roller disc harrow nearly new seed drill 11 hoe pemn nding plough fleury ploug i iron har row lumber wagon democrat long sleigh sugar kettle logging chain 12 ft hay fork hay rope 1e0 ft sei team bar- ness set plough harness 2 sets whiffle- trces neck yoke shovels forks r bar crosscut saw and 22 ft laddet a quantity of hay terms fat cattle hogs grain and all sums of 10 and under casfi over that amount 11 months credit on approv ed joint notes 6 per cent per annum off for cash all must be sold as the farm is sold ben petch auctioneer w a wilson clerk joni obituary mhh john hah ding one of esqucstngs most icapec ted residents in tbe person of bai ah jane price beloved wife of jobi w harding passed away at he home lot 26 gtb hoe on tnesdat october 1 4th deceaht d was daughter of the late mr and mr jubn price aud was born on lb price iiomeetcad 7lh line dhvtai iuio about 48 jears ago she wn married to mr llaidinjr who win n famjly of tlnw hons and on daiikhut remain to mourn tl death of a devotod wife and niolhr tbe family arc fred hmjuesin mrs bert mcdowell aclnn icui aud wilfred inqnesmi drcr ihi was mi mbt r of the lrbtonn church and iln funeral on fnda which was lnriil attended wi condncwd b il v n mckay georgetown and sti mill of acton interment timk pbid ut green 1 wood ceineun oretown there were manj btiiulifiit floral 1u church news knox church anniversary services will be held id knox presbyterian church georgetown on sunday october 20th rev j a cranston m a ken beach toronto will cooduct ices at 11 am and 7 pm special music by tbe choir baitibt there will be no service in be baptist church s nod ay morning octrsclb the tonrreration will join with the presbyterian friends in their anniversary rev j w edwards will occup tbe pulpit in tbe bnptibt chiitch sunday even- crbdit auction sale -of- horses cows pigs fowl etc the undersigned liu received i ml rue tionn from w h pl att lo sell by public auction at lol 4 con 8 lquring a hornby on monday october 2 7th at one o clock tbe lo lowing iiorsks bay diare god driver good oad borae cattlb holrtem cow calf at foot je- ley cow innngiog jeneycow due in roan cow due in jan ay ahire cow due in jan pur ham cow freab durham cow bred in july jeriey cow bred in july hola em cow bred orl h brindle heifer pics jeraey sow wilb i tterof 10 pig j s weeks old york tow wllh titter of 10 piira 6 wecka old yorl aow wnh idler of tl2weekiold4 young piga chunk j york brood aowa fowl 25 barred rock hena is while leghorn 50 apnnkchrckcui 5 ducka 1 drake muacovy 4 durka and i drake rouen 2 gecie 1 gander 10 young geete mislri1akeous buckeye incututi new 110 eggi ford lourmg car icuflle ford half ion i ruck hghl ooehorae wagon buggfi lo ouggy- critter cream aeparali ind dairy auppliea mg harneai box itove coal teali quebec healer and oven quantity lehold unulure vacum clea tcul aaw 1 ion block and lat quantity of 8 in plank wagon ax lei baga polalcea forka ahovcla and nur mil other articles termi rtluffli ofttsand nnder caalr over thai amount 10 moiuhn credi approved joint tfoten 6 per cm i pei nun off for caah potatoes and foi i d sai tfcr auctioneer john nickell jnnn k niikrll j lei bert cook wm olt tjcorc mm andvvtn luuic ywi wffl wmthis amaw trmit afcark hhartwh twswmlt mm h m dam btekr ob it com ear mm kmunhou vtaauos of tm ugk raht7 yet muumi at aamta mtiem beeoue rtlw tmmtriletu quatltha mu cbooe coouni- and wujuj aiaulla that corrr tola tnde aaork catoj 8mp enaammwanw1tkhatw heat tmatcr cbaaa taaur bav bctt brown od sljl home mode candies at 1 veiion f j tbe cht up l hoe ftorc in ontario 4 nr itatbi r laces 5c bring tii jour ripairingprndget h doneright and save 20choc on tho dollar tine boots from j8 to 4 60 men s plow boots sb tp 3 t c can beat toronto pricw two wen nivias on the job nod no- wftilingboncj s marnst oeorge- mwn kltt smpware three finiahes pearl warm two coau of ptsrlygrcyeturielindeandout diawowd wam three coata lighc muc and white out side white lining crystal ware three coats pure white londe and outj with royal bbmcdfiag shcct metal produ i sco urr nlmo j watch oub windows i isavemoneyi on your shoe bills by buying at foxs j the largest assortment in town at rock bottom priees we invi your inspection j new rubbers just received i be sure and get our prices we do shoe repairing j h j fox georgetowns leading shoe house main street georgetown gjs a splendid showing ol new fall suitings and overcoatings al the mens store d new advertisements cash with order cain waim 11 mrcii wr 21 tl vaoauhu ud fnit we cany a hoicc nlotk of lirh your ned u ihev liei it man hmnil hrmkr hiikk main si r f wood for sala il r him und lrovvn m hint mini- it silotl ishtiig ileinitinent t we in iml n miiklt pav iii t department vc an ibow mnti rimtiiiiih mill suits ml uilcntion lo this depirliti j fill millar fc co flu hlcb cina tall orl dc had ms a rurnuhlns anuu tar stockwall randanon it to toman draluv and dry ciaul peorgetown phone 126 for s souvenir iaruir ck mo oval khim- mrd a ctm 2ip if toryat 7 room iflucul block bouse i car h vhiwl j16 per month appkj es roberl vun ruvfcelix if uoaoy for baja cun r lc per lb amber 1 2 wr per lb in ton iwinty jhirty and m ty piund iuh al a r v t urorkc lounoruuke vannatert hi hi nafad li i xpenenird farm hand mai early empluymmi and pemonal hon preletred houae on the fartr ply to r l mic getr wood for salo woihi liody maple 2 in s4 ord floll raih 12 in jj per mri rdmhi mill m 1 s3 w ord delivered toany purem lo mil plinne 4 r 1 1 iieorn wi apploa tor sala rn nk kim talman- sweet snow id olllhmo lwr bt it spirs at 00 quall it hand pi ikedand deli ihem- eori e herrn w ll -4- m i are yon costemplalfng baying a hone in georgetown or wools yon like lo purchase a beaaufnl lot and build lor yourself t if you are we would like the pleasure of showing you somet tha wnn merl youxputeand satislyj i your individual tastes we have brick stone frame and f j stucco homes in every section of the town some with t double lots others with stable or garage 4 wxlvans6go j georhsbpflont f for solo new lonu rau walter moore phon to fuuit iw fiouic eleitnc lihli apply r l migilv radiodeforest crosley deforest the father of radio anil croslej tho inikest iiiiiniifiu turc radio sets id the woi id here are some iricct deforest crosloy one tube net reception up to 1100 nnlct on head pbonob 12300 two tube amplifier for loud speaker operation on tbeabove 2700 the crosley tnrden furnisbinff results usually obtainol with jive tube aets in solid mahogany case j100 00 eight to bo super hetrodyno reoention on loud spenknr h0ik n 121000 prices do not include tobes batterys head phones or aerial kodel radiophoneb prices within the teach of all one tube set 14 00 two tube sot 27 00 throe tube aot 4200 four tube sot 48 7g tubes phones batteries and aerial extra a a b batteries phone tubes and in fact everything id radio in stock come nod hear sell 1 operation speights radio and supply ottxxph street also agent for durant and star cars boys boots 195 to 265 we have purchased from the manufac turer in all sizes 11 to 5j- 120 pairs au leather onsale friday and saturday flemings shoe store special prices s gold seal congoleum artrugs and bylheyard in etfeet during title writing contest oct 20 to nov 1 only goldseal congoleum art rugs o a i goldseal con 7 qc 7xo teet regularly priced 9 00 v 97 1 goldseal congoleum c q qc xt ree regularly priced 11 25 ij 9x7 ieet regulaprlced lj9 9x 1 oj fe6t re 575 51395 9x12 feet ipnacffieiou 1595 9x1 3t reet re 1795 9x 1 5 feet ruykeo 1995 45c other sizes at attractive reductions ranging down to the ix36mch rugs at goldseal congoleum by the yard the simc durable flatljink material in roll form fur use nvcr the entire floor wnlcrproof sanitarv need no 1u mn ht satiufnetion guaranteed b the olri sent tunjurdo widp i vc per mi d rcmilarlj priced wx jacksons georgetown quality value service 52 w per barr banket w a forfllr llrecdiiijj cockercth s c whilr nd barred plymouth rok -i- j urd kalttiatc childreni wck and morkina mrs bailey blewartlown phone wutad aretaker or ijr bapliit church apply in wnlni mtjpg salary required lo a mccumber gxelovn iinnnum in d bone applt at herald oltce for sale fribrlea fowl for sala a number of ilymoutb rock pullet n inn irani foruile al reasonable price j 11 hoar phoierlr4 ge k no 1 chellnlnm 2p work wu ai ark ot kind apply al herald l holp wum girl or woman lor every apply mn c creelman gror aflcinoon uelph si it for salo a quanlily ol nuiii olds- potaioca apply john coinn geontlown i phone mb 11 for salo good young work horae a i no 12 vouiir pk 2 t 2 monlhi old j a gitten phone 9b r 1 georgetown 2l for salo al a bargain brd spring and wool mat tress nearly new f w broorte town notice any peraon having nnotinlv anunl riaher a inig are reiiieled lo render umc on or before oil jlil lmlifr king georkotown 2l trucking e are prepared lo do all kmdi ol imtking including lakmg live slock lo and from city also potatoes apples and anything you desire to move all orders left at rordgaajtc mam st georgetown will receive prompt attention phone 200 guy diynd robert slirr u grain wanted highest paces paid for all kinds ot grain at george own elevitor a i hoble to farmers twmipa ud vocotakua fr sal i have a urge quantity ol good swede turnips for sale at very reasonable prices also winter cabbage carmla parsnips lelery and potatoes trices on applies i tojkjibtlilhuilnlijnu 49aigeaatctam or phone ww 2t notice of registration ol bylaw nolide nherebj given that a by law a paaed by the council of georgetown ontbe 19lhday of dec 1921 providing lo i he issue of debeiilures to the amount ol tight thousand dollars lor the purpose heroes of georgetowi nhn made the preme wnfi 1h 1j1b ad r law dull remered r arol town of milton in ihc lu ny ol ii on the 10th day otsep 1124 am mo hide he lade wuhn tl months afier the first al ben hererwller dated ihs 81 da o tx brr 1j24 j r l h clerk used cars for sale at bargain priees i orrrlsifd7s tnurnj i ovrruidoo koad1e i 0erlsid hjh iuwwk 1 dodgr 1 mimig 1 ord roadster 1 til ton tnii k tlalton garage 8 v king prop tl

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