a sowq or autumn 1 uwil in tit ml i i ill m1 will riihiii i 1 or 1 lint nil lint mhiiii i lirls and h and for fiuiidlj miio limki but now 1 wall on mltw ii m roa innhurm none 1 inn content with quiil ili no lonttr uiker for tin ituwii still forward let mc turn im unit what mutur if t cori wars and it mi etc lie slow i arc ihero not hliij hh tlio ntsrh aodcbiljrtn n hbmink ijinbrlo aofl kalliuit joulli hint ifitiiiha al i hintf of countlcftr iprniff to be of nlmwireju to full of hurventh i utmll neer m thank bod no life cia hold them ail tilhife in inndoeternitj just smiohr liey wrote up the bridegroom instead of the bride uores the way lutf wd ding notice would rend tho wed ding of stuart stcwurt only son of mr aod mrs sowerby stewart and nephew of the late senatoi bappmrtoo of arkansas to mibs ldmyntrude la jones also of this town watt ijolomoized at the metb odiat church nt6 30o clock wed nceday night the regular pastor ofbciatcd preceding the ceremony algernon start a cousin of the groom sang you re the kind of man tho qirla forfiel the groom wore a black swallow tail coat of conventional cut with satin lapels a white vest was cut verj low to display a plain stiff bosom shirt which was white with a dash of scotch the studa were of cut glasfl a silk tie also of white was tied in a neat bow a little to one aide or a wing collar the trousers of the same material as tho coat were distinguished by a vortical stripe of braid down each aide and a crease in front a3d in the back of each leg the bolt which was visible odly after a deep taking of breath was of black leather with a silver initial buckle patent shoes with black cloth tops and pearl buttons completed the very becoming costume he wore his hair parted in the middle drawn tightly back from the fore head and pomaded close to his scp the bride was dressed in tjjo conventional white von are oi lites ckcdnr burt watch sour next move the surest route from your present position to mjccksh is via a thorough training at guelph business college 1 special courses 2 complete equip moil t bui ftei eupcnrncrd iiwln dors 4 special ac lilies fur local nr gmdu students are now enrolling for january term register todaj by mail phone or oflice call phone 1106w guelph iusinks coluce ouatr bug owalpk illbottt prlkfatlaairnffidtr ladies and gentlemen skavfif iii lairtresslig parkrs hodri a old bund bidies work done by lucille r hakpex i ptinkiiui maroe waver o toraoto e r maoxoitghleh proprietor you dont need his telephone number for stationtostation calb j could- remember ha number i would make my call stationtostation and sate monej this auoscrtbst had the wrong idea he didn i need to know the numbtfttf the distant telephone all he needed to say fo the 1 ong distance operator vns i will speak to any one at then give her the name of the person who has the telephone and tho address too if be knew it perhaps this information m ill enable you to use the loticr stationtostation rate more frequently do you want a piano free send your reply today contest close can you solve this puiile second prize a beautiful phono graph that will play all records will be given absolutely free to the person submit ting the second best neatest most origi nal correct answer third prize 12500 purchasing voucher to be applied on any piano or player shown please note all answers to remain the property of the canadian selling agents additional purchasing vouchers worth 12500 will be awarded every answer will receive a reply canadian selling agents 409 barton street hamilton ont directions how to solve the puzzle all you have to do 1s fill ln thc four squares which nov have each four empty cells with the same four numbers in the same relative posi tions so that each full sized square becomes a magic square and adds up in all directions to 34 i6 5- 4 12 is 6 5 a 16 3 16 n i 9 4 5 8 r 4 3 3 j- 16 o i 9 s 8 9 8 r remember the prizes go to the best neatest most original correct answers do not wait contest absolutely closes on the date given write your name and address plainly to avoid errors contestants agree to abide by the decision of the judge from which there shall be no appeal your hom every borne sat the mercy of the kitchen range at least three times a day knowing the importance of good meals and the amount of work it fnlrt to prepare them day after day the knowing homemanager realizes the necess ity of theneht range when you compare a happy thought range with any other at any pnee yoa wio axxkratand why more than 800000 canadian women praise them three times a day ee cm uu week sold bt h thompson a co gaar oat 1 happy thought ikb5ar erwingoldhams meat market flour high patent i kings choice bud flonr national tor patry whole wheat stout fillxl ask your dealer apple barrels i or sale wheat wanted highest phloe paid bopping and oil rtluag wbbrowneco norval flour mills norval pbona sll mil munictiwl utra aim ii ja thm jaa of aai prvpmra job paopls for hnll itb uiaa tratalc 1b oohubarnli acklra tkat will ka of dlrat buabt to taaaa is wlaunr una of work tihajr aaj four conrsea of study sunorraphir hookkeepmr sccrelanul tiuthtrs trunink inilii lual instrucuun branpttn bnstiesshstttnte anderwin iilutkbrampton lint coali best d l fit w scran ton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam ci mrs j rnl 8ntion walkins phone g2r2 junt unilorhlnn d tin the slur i we tale our liiisindhr much to heart we are in earnest about being careful and speedy upon those cardinal prin ciples we build business getting in farm ice harvesting this good winter crop in he best way rlaccr depends an 1n onndlllaiw icehotuc mmj be cbraplj con lructj hurmtldle lb crop malatciuuim of farm tlork uorae icon it u now noo too noon to mako prapantlod for tho winter bnret of tho leo crop stimv uiy lie tor the orst ime planning to binteat aotno ice lb la wlnltr aud thty nlll ft all probability need to construct s sort ot bulldltik or bin in h lo atom tt those who bv recularlr atored ic may bavu to sk bo mo alterations or repair lo b old ice storage in buy cue it good pulley to make la neawb- aary preparation early and bo have irytnlnr in readlnaa ben uie m cuoiea to cm and more uie crnp liudoea uependa upon ten condition tb style or ice atoragl reall does it jlounl provided the rollowlnit cundltlonu are tuldlled 1 that the ice be cut train a body of clean water and be tr from weuda and ecdhucnt 1 the calces nliould be cut regit larly and all or a uut tht los should btjil least 12 inches thick j thu lee shuuld be stored od a cold dry day tho cakes should be packed tuguihir aa cloacl as poaalblo ltb out any sawdvut or other material btlmcen tlieui any hpacea between iul cakes way be ailed ttb onely brok ice or snow 6 plvoti u dr bawduat at leant is iucba should be packed brm hi tin mass ol ice aod the walla orltre uclosure and ettr ttir dipth btlon aod above tho let 6 the top or the ice storage shuuld be provided with good clrcu lutlun lor air in order to prevent accumulation of warm stagnant air oir the ice tbu point cannot be emphasised too strongly 7 the ground below the ice pit should be well dralnid in order to readily earn off the aste from the ice s the wall around the bottom should be airtight 9 the let- should be kept well covered with dry sawdust all sum mer after each time let is removed 10 aa far as possible the ice storage should be out or the direct rays of the sun but yet lo a ptacu where there is rood circulation of air locuouaea m uc cbeaply lim it i to n i of cheap and simple construction and therefore the storage of ice need not rlve oie much concern the better style of icehouae is usually constructed of a wall consisting ot one layer of boards on each nidi o in gu4a tl e space between belu mi empty i- ice can be kipt micceulully in various sorts of storages a larir oln made of single boards nailed on ordinary studding or cedar pouts and located inside some other bulldior as a shed or barn or outside as a simple lean to on the shady side of a larne bulldlnfi part of a haj mow an old silo or a more costly and attractive burldlnj usually called the icehousu or cold storase building most of tho ice stored on farma is tiied for cool i nk milk and cream and kcepliik it suei for short per iods whtn both milk and cream are cooled it is necessary lo store 1 h tons pi r jniw kipt this amount ctiverlqk a nasonabk waste by melt ate in the storage if ajrefrlgbratqr is used in the houso or adjoining the storage where foods for the table are kept 2 or 3 tons extra should be jlarvestlnk the crop this crop la not tho pleasures one the farnur has to handk aa it is usually pretty cold and wet work lou or good company while workint at the job is treat help and there fore cooptratlte trorl should be carried out in this line of work the job can be duue more emclenltr qulcklj mun rconomlcally and uu- der more uleasaut conditions than by the si ngle- handed method the job la worth while and if gone about in a sensible manner is not too ob jectionable certalnl not nearly so bad as standlnc at the tailend at a threshing machine the ixpaitcent ot physics oac guelph will gladly suppl bulletin and blueprints describing ice houses small cold storages and refrigerators and describing in detail how the harvesting la done write us early r h graham o a college guelph phonew f oeoftgetown t nsnyder 1 caktmeahd mstmke hauling- j special prices fob saturday round steak souta 17c lb sirloin hoasts 17c lb porter home rojuta 20c point roosts 16c lb briacnit boil 7c lb choice shoulder roasts 12c lb rump roasts 14c lb get your poultry here quick delivery main street georgetown guaranteed phoije no 1 jellj iwilerk i for i orient 1 on ttigliri hwikfiiil tin uh p 1 1 vtt i tm cotiknif rits ilriil niilh mmietiipit somtiif nj tbn na i u i i finpl soiit cliipw iht lb 1 istili sonlror ilnntol iiilniolic orro urn in infinth dolimtit son t foi j bread and baked goods ibo riklit foriniiln tui niiikiiij good lllllai mod hnr kooit htikitr mi jnnhl mc ill imrc milk ftnil in w hi r i n n cnrrl talrr itcnlt lond mr nd our hrpftd is nijit bccniihi ll ts mndr- of hip npbi milermls nml in the rirl t h it ii tbi best in mil llinl en lw bnked trj olll hrsjll blsrmts mark clark bakery and groceries phonr i fire insurance j w kennedy teoigtlown reyou protected i phone 26 ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage clearing tire sale to heir our s k a s 3d remain i nfi stock of fabric tirf t rrontljtrpdufpd 1j rugged tread ruarwnlrpd 5000 milei 800 aco tread too- f sinclair tire repair shop georgetown coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal v largt sized pea coal delivered to anypart of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown maintenance or ha work hone considerable work was don dur ing the winter of 1913 by the de partment ot animal husbandry ontario agricultural collet to as cartaln the cost of uialqluitucp ot tho farm ho rata j or heavy horses at teaming work uccisasry srouod th farm such as drawing mauura etc it coat from 31 to 3c s cents per horse per day for ftd slabllng and car the coal ot reed was 54 par cent or the total coat or mala unance and the tout ot star was 13 per ont or the total coit horss labor during ibc winter cost lit cauls per hour oood for the soil not only does tarm manure supply plant food but the vegelabls or or- ganlc matter 11 contains also hlpi to increase the productivity ot toe soil as this tegeuble matter tradually breaks jiwn thi acid products form ed help dissolve and make available to plants some of the otherwise lnaol able plant rood in the soil mirths- tore the- humus helps retain mois ten ami improves tbe soil tntur ashes caritbeinsuied trotrctjoropopal now while it has a definite value lmiutm with elmer c thompson laonact service cetrfclm 4