m b a q s ft the people tf georgetown sand otcinttu we extend our oett wishes for fl tapptj ana ii x rosperous jew jear d j wla tthew drlnihlsrallonlitt ii local news hems iretnan a bull unp now year srhools reopen jan 4 tl the iron home baturdai good hkating nt the arena now next monda ih election day in thi townsmf firemen a ball tomorrow night now years to don t mii it season ticketu for the arena may be purchased- from the man ager the managomont of the arena hope to have tbo band present on new years night halton chapter omeei a for the ensuing year wore installed last evening a full report will he giv en in our next laeue 8t georges church sunday school entertainment was hold lost evening there wus a larrf attendance and n splendd pro gram an the oiyil war united tho north and south lincoln joined the east and west with the iran a oontinedta railroad see the iron horse thanks tho memberh of the women a institute hereby convey lbeir amcerp thanks to all who so kindly oasis ted jd providing christ maa bupphes for tbe needy in town good will to all men this christmas and i thank mj manj friends for their pntronage this last year when my business has doubled nothing like honest sqne dealing and i am satisfied wo never will have opposition in georgetown in low prices for new v boots and repairing i do sincere ni ly wish every man woman and tjjjld n georgetown a merry dyriatmoh and a happy nets year j roncy 2tp lockara to rai there are a limited nun her a lockers at the arena which may bo rented by patrons for storing skates aboob ate tbo price is 1 00 for the season applj to m r chaa watson manager towauklp board mootlat the postponed meeting of the halton trustee and ratepayers association will bo hold tbe jirst wednesday in january to further dibcdbb tbe township board and elect officers for tbe year 1920 tbe meeting will be held in tbo oourt house milton at i 80 p ho dya arotm auowod it is announced that there be no da 8 of grace allowed to auto owners m tbo matter of the new lloensen for 1920 in other years it was customary to allow drivers till about the first of march to procure tbe markers but there will be no such provision this year tbe now numbers are now on sale and oan be purchased anj da aiuloasoott the home of mrs ernest jl scott esqoeslog was tbe scene of a happy event on wednesday deo 23rd when tbeir oungest dangb tor annie 1 became tbe bride of john gould gillies oldest son of tho lato neil and mrs gillies tho ceremony was performed b ret w 8 rose of brooohin ont mr and mrs gillies will reside n pern dale farm hequesing rxthi women inititnt the regular monthly meeting of ujclioorroldwn women b institute will bo hili at tho home of mh vutson man st north on we ncsdii j inunr bill ft 2 pit aliiiri would emcli n ember plcnse bring needle iin i thiinb are welcome wnlkar irfdj ina1llatio the insinuation of the officers of walker jjodgo a f a a m ac ton took place on monday evening mony wan performed bj rw bro d i barracloujli d dom assisted by r w bro j b wallace and w bros s kirk u dickie and a norrmgtoo other members of credit lodge present were brob long johns ton scrymgeour kean and gillies sluaatinln onajpi tbo eu klu i klao was an ex tremelj busy organisation around guelpb on christmas eve no lesb than three dery crosses being burned in the city thursday night flaming cross was seen on re form a to ry heights on tbe out skirts of the city another near bt joseph s hospital while a third on the hill facing tho business section plain mow of thousands of christmas shoppers in ono case i responsible or tho burn i ing emblem wore seen at vork fir at mitroraek on saturday night last mr w rouey b bouse and contents at ilveroroek on the highway tvero complotelj destroyed by fire it cold night and mr roney had loft a lire on in tbe stoo while came to creorgetown to meet bis wife who was returning on tho 8pm tram wbilo in town he received word tbnt his homo wan fire mi roney is a heavy los- by tbe lire and ho has tho sym pathy of many friends in his loss wo understand be intends erect ing a new building on tho property connlj tows fiaunoaw b a hemstreet treasurer for the town of milton has prepared bia annual statement for 1025 tho statement contains numerous items of considerable interest to ratepayers some of wbiob are as follows assets in excess of lis bihties s6b240 82 1825 taxes col lected 80 820 80 1924 arrears taxes collected 6 280 10 1921 arrears taxes collected 80 10 poll taxes 1025 276 dog taxes 210 paid to milton high school 18 700 public school 8 867 24 the town s total payments for the present year to december lgtb amounted to 72 844 01 with payment of grants and other mon leg due tho town the now council will be able to start business in 192c wilh aclean sheet rtpnud to full houa the pageant the way of lifo which was repeated by tho mem ber of tbe united church sunday school under the direction of mr n r mimma on monday evening in response to numerous reqnosts was greeted by a fall honse tbe members of tbe caste performed their parts admirably and all pre sent were delighted with the beau tiful pageant the boys from tbe armenian farm were guests of the evening and they together with the staff were treated by tho lad les of the oharrb to a banquet in tbo sunday schbol room before the program tho armenian boys mng a couple of chrietmas chorus ob during tho evonng wbuh were enjoyed and appreciated oommultf ohrlatsuu trso there was a large gathering of children at tbe community chnat mas tree corner of main and mill btrootson thursday evening last mil iting toronto of carl j le bask m town l personals l0nb lolitlni isitr wero tho follow nt u m wuluinld wind mi ucorfio adams detroit mr and mrs r w king tor onto mr and mis i dwaid bowman hi thy m w4 mihlrtil winlleld torouto mr and mrs furlong toroi to mi wmnir fretin detroit mr harold bell hid inn i mini- ferol freure toronto mr ilarry novum toronto mr eu mayes walkerton mi alfnd ole torooto mt mcol toronto till- i i oih1i hs ii ml vi ii 11 1 r mi mil mi ii liuku v n il m mil mr- i in hi illmhmll u 1 1 1 m 1 imci re imd iinik or i on uud m uuuhluim of 1 i in lo mnnl i iitn i nl mi i fllr h wt iradio h ere ana the re mrs ken of toronto hltlllg mr p m 1 ibbei of toronto mr mil mis w r watson were at woland for christinas minn alice creolman of npw orb is usiting at hor home here mr and mrs w buck apt nil christinas ith friends in toronto mihh annie mcdihbon of new ork spent obnnlums n her home ire mr blauley codfrcy of dotioit spendingnow yearbathis home here mr j a oung of chicago ipent t hristniae with the misses young r ftnd mrs p colbert of il i ley held que ire visiting friend in town i r and mrs j l thompson spent the week end with friends i n paris timber r portrj from britinh co lu bi during thr nine months end ing september jo 1925 3gc63 000 feet comjiorcd with hq 500 0ou feet for 1924 40 043 000 feel in 1j23 and 49 820 000 fret in 1922 a project is under way at toronto for the construe on ef the largest hotel ln canada which also means the largest hotel in the brituh em pire it is understood that the new structure will be even larger than the roosevelt in new york the apple crop in the okanagan valley british columbia this year la estimated at 2 300 000 boxes at a fair tatimut of a dollar and a half a box the return to growers in this district will be approximately four million dollars dog margaret matthews is th dr and mrs marlow lenourd brown j re visiting friends i wednesday doc 80th tho manioare girl starring bebo dan iels- chapter 9 of the great cir ens mystery comedy edona ting bunter new years day mntioee at h p m the signal tower melodrama starring vir gmra valli and wallace berry comedy every man for him self with our gang kraxy rat cartooo fox njiws saturday jan 2nd matinee at 8 p in tho iron horse one of tbo big pic lures that playe i 62 weeks oo broadway n y starring george o bnen and ma lgc bellamy a drama of the wel ling of a nation comedy air tight- felix car toon pnoob matinee lgo and 26c night 25c and b5c il hu balasc it is expected that the county of peel will end the year with a credit halanoo of 0 677 a against a debit balance of 12 47 in 1924 tbe total receipts for j tbe year so far have been 146 06182 and the present balance on band is 69 988 79 up to date tbe expenditures on good roads have been 209 848 82 tbe re oeipts included county rates woahd roads taxes 54 40800 debentures provincial highway 70 per cent 24054 0o sfaoolscostn4l4 97 and mothers allowance 8 882 60 tioneond the armenian boys who were also present sang choruses while santa claus whose duties were ably performed bv mr harold hamilton distributed goo bags of candies and oranges it was a glorious time for the kiddies while many grown ups looked on and en joyed the scene the thanks of i 1 1 tens is due mr john mill er for the tree to mr j b mao keuric for c itting aame and bring ing it to town to tho town coun cil for a donation which assuted the oddfellows and rebekahs in ptmiriing the christmas bogs nnd making the occasion such a grand success 1925 christmas seals lh muakok and toro ud th ob band ome different daaltm put u packet of 10 it 10 and i boapllala in muskok ertrr dollar titmj i tt rood mad to erv a creater end for 1 look fgr th doublebarred rod crai on terr bckl none ottisri par br school cblldran ud bank er direct from xma baal d krtmael oac laatllat torosta l tkrta bessey misa besbcy hu i mr jaok barber spent lliricttuiuh toronto dr and mrs fred dollop of ac ton spent chnstmab with dr and i rs uollop mr and mis john kennedy a j cloveland visited the misses ken nedy lost week mr and mrs john p reid and daughter spent christmas witb friends in gait r and mrs f boulter of niag falls visited at dr heath s during tho week mr and mrs a n cole and son douglas spent christmas with friends in ouelph wardon and miss 1 worden of acton vieitod at mr 8 worden b last week and mrs riddel i and child ron of toronto visited at mrs f a harley s last week mrs j b mimms of perth ont is visiting at tbe home of her son mr u r mimmn mr and mrs j m moore and miss ailcen moore spent sunday with relatives at kitchener mr and mrs horace groom and soob of aurora spent christmas with mr and mrs fred laws mr edward j scott of qamil ton spent christmas with bis par ontamr and mrs james scott mrs f a harley left on toes day for montreal and will spend new year s nt her homo there mr and mrs george wrigglen worth spent christmas with mem bora of their family in toronto mr and mrs hairy goldhnm add children spent christinas wilb mr gold ham s parents at acton mrs a devereaux and mr nor man devoreaux spent christmas at the home of mrs hi scot t toronto mr robt momastor anddaught er dorothy of toronto were at mrs r momastor b gtenwilhams on monday miss jennie gordon prince ed ward island is spending tbe christmas holidays with hor friend miss ireno sincair mr and mrs j a gome of toronto and mr and mrs j a gome j r of hamilton spent christ mas at h r mirams sgt alphonse benbam who bob spent the past six years with tbe american army at paoama is vn iting at tbo home of bis father mi e a benham mr and mra james mcmabon i and daughter audrey mr and rsjamescolmanand son ernest spentchristmaa with mr and mrs edwin colman cot and mrs ballantine of ham i ilton n y spent christmas with mr and mra john ballantine sr and will visit friends in montreal before returning home i mr and mrs h c rous iw children of hamilton mr dave price itneor and miss irene price of toronto were christmas visitors at mr john prices mr and mrs leonard brown mrs h hillock mrs wm mc cartncy and mr and mrs robt bucbaonan spent christmas day with mr and mrs h stapleton mr and mrs wc dickie of de troit spent christmas with rev dr and mrs dickie miss d ck le returned with them on sunday and will spend a few days in de troit mr and mrs j l leslie charles st had a family re union on christ mas day and six grand children were present with their parents mies l b thornton of toronto was also present mr and mrs william arnold and mi lang an acton mr and mrs fn galloway and daughter mary elisabeth hamilton and miss elisabeth longan toronto spent christmas at mr john lan gan i the lusiirn intematiom derby will be run at quebec i ruary 18 19 and 20 the course provides for a distance of 46 miles a day for three days irrespective of rain snow or itorm the winner wilt receive f 1 000 and a gold cup other competitors will be awarded prixes nggregstimj 2200 im munition to canada for the ix months from april 1 to septem bcr 30 1026 totalled 67 036 of this number 25 0i2 were from grfeat britain nd lrfland 11 199 from the united statu and 20816 from other countries in the same period 18 82 cn nnd inn re turn rd from the un teil states 111 a nudum ensign flying and all her tain bunting aloft the ca nndian pacific liner empress of scotland left the harbor of new york iharp at noon on december 3 on the fint part of her jour my i the courat of which she will completely circumnavigate the globe covering approximately 30 000 mllea visiting nineteen different countries and making twenty four port of call canadian i acific railway gro earnings for the month of ortobcr were 19 669 1s8 3 an increase of 216 sj j1 oi er the sum for the corresponding period of 1924 net prof iti win iu 02 08 or an in crease of 4l 8tt 85 oer 7022 177 21 for orl ber 1124 net pro fits for thi ten months ending oc toter 1 wrr s2j 0 9 mj 01 an in craf f irilhb9 62 over the sum of 27 4rh05lj9 for ihe ame pe accor iing to u6 ces fron a re liable nource conditions in the west have shown consistent improvement this year the crop hns been gath ered threshing si finished and the grain has been stored in elevators with the astoundingly rapid de ipntch of wheat money is steadily coming in to farmers giving them an opportunity to clear off debts and leaving them enough to extend their purchases the f rst christmas holiday spec tat over the canadian pacific rail way bearing three hundred happy vt earners bound for the old coun try arrived at st john n b in time to comucl with the canadian pacific liner mon troit h cl will land them in great brilo n time for the christmas holidays the apecial travelling as the second section of the imperial limited was composed of eight sleepers one from hdmon ton calgary moose jaw kerrobort sask shaunavon sunk and two from winnipeg exceeding anything before shown in the dominion of canada and in the world figures of marketing of all grains and of car loadings in the month of november furnish a dou ble record for canadian pacific rail way western line for canada and for the world marketing of all grains totalled 89310 780 bushel and car loadings were 39622 cars for f buret even distantly approach ing the above the statistic an must go back to november 1923 when e 608 000 bushel of all grains were n rkitcd and 368 s car war 1 aded what m ght have rudtd n a very serious train wreck is avo led in the nick of time on the anrdian pacific railway parry bound sub division by section foreman con eanl who while patroll ng the track near brignall recently discovered two urge iron nuts on top of the rails securely fastened ith bay wire the foreman had just tints to unfasten the wire and remove the nuta to clear thr track for a n waa due in five minutes two boy the vicinity admitted after question- that they wired tbo rruts to the they were len tenccd to the lo better foi one month and their fai were re quired to give bond ana til lo the authorities for ivo vrars fvidcnce showed that under american rail i way rates a bushel of wheat could be hauled only 3 miles for one i cent while nnder canadian rates the same an ounl fif money uould move the same amount of grain g6 miles american farmers claim that this is a saving ih favor of the canadian producer nf h per centj or about 8 cents a bushel the rea son givenjor the difference is ihnt in the un ted states grain rates are based on cost of moving i today white in canada they are 1 ae 1 it 1897 costs when thp cron estl pats agreement win made helwren the govommrnland the lanad an taeifit philadelphia girls under sixteen years of ago arc said to be marrjing to escape school and perhaps some ing to the divorce court n mcape from matrimony canadian dealers in wesmogboase and king ratua sets we gnaraalee satisfaction ask us lr a stratttm j n oneill ckson georgetown ont 4 browns bakery the home of milk bread we extend to one and all a happy new year n h brown georgetown willsons jewellery store we wish everybody a happy and prosperous new year a b wlllson jeweller mcbeanco wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous new year mcbeanco georgetown rennies grocery a happy new year to au d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery new years specials we will have our special homo made mixture for tho now year a treat modo up of fudgo lhocolntok satins jellies etc new year special 25c lb 2 lbs 45c a tine msortmont nf choco latoa some hard so mo soft bnt all are high ftrade and are worth soo per lb new years spedal 32c lb get your oranses sand nuts for the holi day here we stave the best yr ill vtiimm igrandysi next u liolel mcqibbon tlboruetown vvsjvnvii sssjl msem wg9 the pure food store not because it is an honored custom but because of the sincerity of our ap preciation we take this opportunity to thank you tor the part you have played in out business prosperity during the past twelve months and we wish you a happy new year a m grandy 0 phone 75 s rrtaitt deuvar- jjkhtrgbavt iriaaiirttrimfiffrihtiiihrgni umw