Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 6, 1926, p. 4

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imp oruiioi tons rifinii j ii ah 6th 1121 h willson undartakor and licensed embalmor township election cleave heads ibe poll carioi and gawdv rui nexl births mnrnaccn nnd that lis arr n i charged tor at 11 e fqllo v n ruts births oc mnrnurch hk dint hi ooc mcmana cards 60c 10c ir lin extra for pot- try married phentiss glfmmnmm glendarwjn mnn ha on december 29th 192j ij it harston jane daughter f t mr and mrs ilinrv denl m louis prentiss of hall in re fonnerlj of gcork tou 0 in flallon chapter of ti ikiptl i lemons in i n tilted in the re dtttoh ofd mombcis cnrton with mr geo olearo mnn tbt we wnu as snrnl m it il ifllt norvil hornby sunvhillown dublin thompson s i 1 nth g nwijlams h is i us tui j9 urn i 2a js tw jt u 41 w diet tullochh gcorket n o ncsday decunl r sou 192 liur tullcch ag d t9 nrs 2 molilt h stfwart al milton on jim trd life liirab it m liurly bel ied daughter of robert old mnntad s 3 in memotiam r besseyln ever won and raioful memurj ofll f lieseywhul it n absent from hie bodj s ncc jin tl 1925 but very present st ii in rt to the one who la lifl lnh nd ii a wife to jw m 4fi wo wo obituary own mm ii a remittal in ontario for ntnel three tears dim ridei inbricd away sattmlaj nt ins dniikhtor a home 755 dundai street west lor onto the lalo mr rydei v as boin it berkshire england in itwo whilo odiv three earn old ho came to canada on a sailing vessel renmr idr eight week to mnko tin cross is nod as talon to ioton horo eiiteient nnt nod d aju p luosday evening lost dec 102t the genernl officer midinx mifi tun district ni i id or ocooral a u boll oho dso nud hi staff colo iou h r parsons of o lieut col ililclno and cnpt bn rd in rtjietted i to the llalton rifles tho armories georgetown there were 31 all ranks on parade ihogeuirnl expreaeed himself ne being itrj pleased with the waj training hod boon carried s itc ol the adverse circumstances lock of monej nnd propei dation lie was particular pleased the jnulit and standing of the n c o h and men whom he said were among tho beet he had in speoted during 1926 tho hohimont under the com mand of major ii m kennedy is making great progress toward a he lived tot twenty tag bis early daja omiocd as farmer he acted as bailiff of hal ton county for four jenrs sell ins bis farm at acton ho located on tho old racecourse farm near guelph and later tit fcrm thektt mr rjdor retired from active farm life about fifteen years age but was nn energetic ngnro in tho community life of lnn two years ago ill health overtook him and hi moved to be under tho euro of his daughter at whose home bo has lived till his death occurred on satqrdy ho if survived bj two daughters nd four sons tho iluldreaaro mrs thomas vilson guelph mrs john mccaeu toronto james a william a cbarlew and weslej g of toronto pltfk tlllo ii after a short illness mr peter tollocb pasjal nuayat his home in georgetolfl an wednesday lost dec 80th in his 70th jear de ceased was born ut fat margarets hope orknoj scotland and ennjo with bis wife lo canada in the fall of 1883 after residing in fergus twenty five tears be moved to hillsburg and tneho jears ago camo to ucorgoton where he has resided ever tjincc ho if eurviv ed by his widow and one daughter mrs e tt robinson of toronto mrs e r rojce another daught er dicdtbrec jears aroto toronto the late mr tolloch was a mem ber of lho prebhytorian church an honorable gentleman and n good citizen who will be misaod in tho community thefiuoral eer vice on saturday was eoudticted by rov kenneth mclean the pall bearers wore mr calder mr dsverbon mr raj cow lew mr robinson toronto mr dickie fergus and mr risbun orange villo hallon rifles royal arch mastu bstal ctrs tnim on fnenlu cnitiog detemher tilths the itojal arch mationh of leorgetottn and district held their annual mnnllation rmht e icel it nt con p john f marr ihiisled by kx compe h corke j t cimeron h g mlr and j r wallace with lx compa otton and findlay of goolpb performod the coreuon in a mont impressrve way the following is a iihi of he ofllcen for i02g comp b c arnold lx 1 amp j t cameron i i i- geo brown ii aorge m arnold s- t- w v grant e n k b- foulu trcahurcr umjor l grant d of c hey p majcs orgbnint w iog p s j kelly s s a kean j s t kenrne j it y wetnykt ktl a murrmy h a v v co in helping to bet the- pace limehonse ah iualify yuu it i j that jhu may lor f ii the ohn r the passion plaj at ober am mergau which is tho subject of rev dr diekio b lecture at tho united church limehaj tuesday january 12th at is tho greatest religious drama in btence it ib acted id folfilment a solemn vow made by the peop le of that alpine village id 1688 that if almighty god would re move a pestilence raging amoog thero they v odd perform the pas sion tragedy in tbankgivmg everj tenth year dr dickie visi trd the seene of tbia celebrated lay conversed with some of the principal actors and secured many good pictures of the famous pro duclinn ho will illustrate bis lecture bj a very flno set of beau tifully coloured magic lantern icws and a male quartet from tie united church georgetown will gne appropriate sacred select ions a meeting to form a young peoples guild will bo bold in the preset tenaa church this evening re john newton has returned home after spending soveral weeks with relatives in toronto quite a number of radios have been installed m the village and surrounding country intel j j ttnunders m i v s tt wordcn st it i ueo pobson u w mllllere t l ueslie stowrj suhseuently a large number of royal arcli muoouh wrv present at ro eeelknt hancuiet followed by a high clans entertain in en t of aongfi several of tho aiirionl topi cat nntum which in a feature of h niton chapter leadings and nl dresses to the great gratification of all present the following is summao of the program toast the king and the roj al craft proposed by fi comp b g arnold response musical houoiirs god save the king k sodg holy moses by t x comp u g meir remarks by e comp b t arnold song chapter song omu w b dilly reading selection from drum mood by comp holgate toast grand chapter pro posed by lx comp j t cameron musical honours the maple leaf sodg solomon levi bj fx comp h g meir recitation the school board by comp walter g reave song john peel comp v b dill response to grand chapter by rt ei comp john f marr quartette noroory byrnes co rape meir kenned grant and wemj bb- toast visitors proposed bj b corke musical honours respond comps findlaj old field j mcdonald and cotton villi mny th jwioii work curnel on succ jifullj i you h haltoi thut r th t i02 al tbe armories ihe fni low ng lilnentage of tlte on mondftj ewi m of possible itc martin cum inn- robt dessej duk toistoi bert mcmenemv n cumromgs h mcclnre tbe snen bent jan 4th were in i n tuck m cummins f spires f jeokmson bfli t momeneni k weston f honre loprefionts ttie card of thanks to the electors of eaqucsing ladies and gentlemen 1 apprec ate the honor you have conferred on me by re electing me by acclamation to the off co of reeve of esqucaing i shall endeavor at all times to perform tli duties of office n the beat hterests i all concerned may prosperity andhai siness bo yours n llir sincerelj v applcbe almninom tops patented real home- made candy special winter prices i peanut brittle per ii koko roik pci ib ooconnut crisp per ib peanut bar per lb mapti wamut fudge perlh peani t ci intoi per ib 1ennnt buttei rolls per ib cocoanut caramels per lb dipt mallow per lb ilia creams per lb maple creams por ib moliifthoh chips per lb mil tarn ranis per lb jhugamd putnith lb iliiiiibugs ei ib bit rseriti h drops per ll 60e 51 lc give ufl a call olympla hookey tube 9500 we alio stock automobile skntes from 90c to 7 00 ballaird alnmintun rookor hookey tube 600 alamo aluminum rocker hookey tubes 6 00 r h thompson co pecketts new advertisements lmt cm geo gnononjn 11 rod ck horse blanket f nder plranc x john campbell kth i nc phone glenwilliaras mr j qopburo and miss thorn bury of hamilton spent tho week end with mr hepburn s parent mr james benson who under went an operation recently is im proving nicely mrs w gill who underwent a serious operation in the guelph hospital is expected to retni ber homo sbortlj mr and mrs john crawford have tho sympathy of their man friends in their sad bereavement in tbo loss of their daughter mr albert north has returned home from montreal whore be was training as a missionary and will continue his course in tor onto anniversary services will be bold id the united chorch on sunday jan lotb dr dickie will take the service at 11 am aad mi zimmerman at 7 p m there will bo a prayer meeting held in the united chorch every tuesday evening at 7 30 p m are cordially invited stewarllown on tl e ck lxt hoped she w ii ruby tennant nt present but it soon bo aronnd tho w a will meet at mrs alf thompson a orrthursdaj mrs baity ed percy and nor man spent the holidaj with rela tivea at nelson school opened on mondaj with a good atten the tnree truatcca were rolun ed to office at the school meeting tost week 3anlaclaus visited the children at the school on tho last day and distributed candies and present off a very pretty christmas tree the faondaj school christmas tree was held in the ball tries night tbe children binging carols dr kyle showed series o christ ma j pictures santa ctani camo and distributed gtftt norval 29th december 1925 as from the steeple sounds o er all tho town the mystic high xii hour to ma sana known from labor to refreshment summon tag all companions of the chapter hy its call to meet in harmony with mirth pnd song to pau the time with speeches short or long to toast our guest to welcome one yoa con save some real mone by going to jackson s sale on sat orfay now that tbe bolidaj s an 1 elect ions are over we settle down to thu old routine with many resolutions for tho now year our school has reopened with miss mai and miss malcolm in charge teachers of the toronto public school staff who spent tbe holi days at tboir home and have re- turned to tbo city are misses rand m russell miss sarah early miss r r mnpberson and miss bessie laird ra walter patterson or stay spent a few days at inver holme calling on a number of the old friends here and in georgetown tbo rev r borland of toronto preached an able now year ser mon in tho jrcabj to nan chorch sundaj lost mr george got lop of windsor who wan spending tho holidays with bis parents sang a suitable solo tho first meeting of the new year of the norval young peoples society took tbo form of an old timcnigbt and social evening after the opening exercises the nodiodce which filled tbe school room of the cburoh wern treated to the best programme of the son old time songs and costumes dating back a century recitations by mr l greenwood uid ji harold mcclure were uiueh ap preciated at the close of the pro gramme a social hour was emoy ed by all miss robna leslie will have cbargo of the meeting next monday evening wh ch will bo night with the poets wo extend congratulations to our representative nt council george cleaves tho norval united church yonog peoples society held their regular meeting monday evening jan 4th at 8 p m the subject does the condition of the body affect character wai ably taken by mrs guy wilson scriptural readings by miss mae mcclqre and devotional eietciws bj rev mr douglas piano solo hj miss jean nixon recitation bj miss florence mc laughlin readings by mr willard laidlaw solo by mrs lornecleave violin solo by mrs clifford canto ion accompanied by mrs frank hustler at the piano meeting was closed wih hyton 88 what a friend ve tune in jesna nest monday night jan 11th is missionary btgbt the topic will be the united church in central india this aubjact will be taken by miss florence mai eolni ftrerybody wlco for thus a ib our constitution calls that at a stated tunc in ovefy year a brother of experience be installed to preside o er our- convocations here their suffrage beatty thus has fallen on you i assume the sceptre of the princely duur most excellent companion and a bro ther true well skilled in art of compasses and square 1 oil i our annual card of thanks to the electors of esquosing ladies and gentlemen willjou kind ly accept my very sincere ijianks for the honor you have conferred hy dec ting me by acclamation to the offlee of de puty reeve for the year 1926 1 wish one and all a happy and prosperous new year and assure you 1 shall work in the bebt interests of the ratepayers of the township sineerelv i exli card of thanks to the electors of esquesing to the ladies and gentlemen of ea quesink whp honored me with their votes in the municipal election on mon day last 1 convey my sincere thanks i shall endeavor to prove worthy of the confidence placed in me and wish all prosperity in 192g s ncerelj ce rge f rlonve card of thanks to the electors of esqucsing i hereby sincerely thank lho ladies and gentlemen of eaquesbg for elect ing me as councillor for the year 1926 i ahall endeavor to merit the trust you have placed in mo and wish all a year of happinessand prospentj sincerely m j carton notice georgetowns oldest insurance agency changes hands mr wt evans and mr h r minims beg to announce that they have purchased the roe insurance agency together with the goodwill thereof by consent of the companies interested it is the intention of the gentlemen above mentioned to divide between them the agencies of the insurance co ti panics represented in the roe office and to continue the agencies through their own respective offices the division will he duly announced to the roe agency policyholders the change in representation will noi in auj rnij affect the ilidih of pol eoi ita 10 through the roe agenoy h simply means that ihe interests of the policyholder will t future be cared for by oithor mr evans or mr mimm and policyholders will rereite tl name efllciont anh courteous treatment as is aoarded toother clients of these reapeetn offices for satla or to rant rianhdl h dson tannery bu id ng iui e for 1 ghl man factunng in george n apply lo f l heath town cletl to rat j b toonicil ho ree on murdock street 1 eleclr c 1 ghl atcr a de nch reoova j led ramtd ale possni oo apply 10 it t arn i to rut tnolouies one on george st ami on guelph si all convenience apply lo win bsrclm chairman ol 1 ropcrly comm llee georgetown it inviting a conltntinnce of your patronage card of thanks to the electors of esquesing ladies and gentlemen will you kind ly accept my ainrere thanks for your veryablcbupportin electing me again lo the office of couna lora for the year 1926 i ahall endeavor in the future as in the past to work in thr best interests of the rate pa ere of the township a happy and prosperous new year to all is my sincere wish wm gowdy w t evans h r afimms frame housi on john si near guelph ii co venences half cr- of land or lore t requ red pply 11 c dayfool if pel 2b for sftlo tord lour ng car n good lond lion or sale or will cxrhange for any it nd of farm itoc d jolmalon phone 149w georgetonn if far sals square p ano n good cond lion an ex celleni pra 1 c p ano will besald cheap lor ant apply a i herald office 2lp loat o e ea eve n georgetown a mc ol pearl bca i tinder pleine mc m hi- nil off r and necurc rr wood inrbaja gren i ard waod maple s4 00 per s nplc rord alio dry wood at s3 75 per a njile c d irl ered any place n town term cl a ctcdl john ford phon- 110 mp i card of thanks to the electors of esquesing ladies and gentlemen 1 hereby con vey to you my sincere th arks for the slendid vote you gave me in the town ip municipal elections on monday last and especially in ward three may you all have a happy and prosper ous new year thomas bird forsters cash and carry store a full linl op choice fresh groceries provisions etc fruit in season ial chj la cram ui neusoas cbwolate pro matcitte tot by aoiifcikivc tried lucid jhrifls ctikel bo card heals at right prices forsters coraar jokm md vlotoru gmrntown glllslg i attention t try hugheymcdonald for cut and pins tobaooos all klndl of pipei and pipe repairs a williams mgr st georgetown lllait3m house for sale lo roomed frame house with ail conveniences good stable and hen house on premises situated on the west side of charles st georgetown apply on the premises to w wv roe or a mrs a r roe g a naaflfi ladies coats -at- half price tretpat k cneratlj on lout 27 and 28 ct n ouay and 25 76 and 17 9th 1 ne and lot 26 10th i ic eaq e ntf wiu be prnwkuled alt dora found wandering on ume lot ii be shot s giicd ii logan up fire insurance j t kennedy stwfdawa agni for tooieol the trongcit com ruca wr lluf niurance are you protected i he balance of our stock of ladies winter coats is now offered for quick clearance at sacrifice prices jviadalvk tyour satisfaction v is part of jmjftofk many ladies have already taken advantage of our special dress pur chase which enabled us to sell 1500 dresses at 795 we have still a number of these high quality new winter dresses to offer at this low price while they last j do you ever think what a task it must be for me to please everybody with flour it is a different matter everyone is pleased with punty flour alwaya uniform in quality this flour makes dclkloui pies cakes and bread i oan handle any brand of flour on the market i choose punty for you be cause it never disappoints your satisfaction is part of my profit p brill co main and mill sts purixy flour torattyourbakinfc

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