Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 6, 1926, p. 6

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rim omrwtinw uhuip im un otii luan he day cheerily tt romrv to i t you ran to rocet it with a rmlt fnn task il brings will ibhtj n ami w vsuarr the hir au the joartacy long aril tihtir that roo really drrad onil fear vi br abortrr and much bpghter if yatj start the day with heir i if wakr to jrousr and grumble aod to wara ncol or frown cramnf bndsra ero you reach them i win moot sarhy let ou down be uh dooda all dark and doomy i aad tle aathwk sad and dniir j yajwih sec some jrleam of sunshine i if yon start the day ith rh i r other folks have jot their trouble crerjnme mud hat his share pvat be fretting over trnubli that tm nay pot hove to bear face the newborn day ith riu imm amect its task with hope not far jat wartinjr roun 1 thi corner if van start the day with ehe r ahc w i xevek befoih- n canada has fce optauit of parliami nt excited so aaai pretomary intend ind soceu i tui while th whips hm been ihuj abottmj feats and office space 11 new membtrs the public hu imvw wajttnr for opening liny janu ary 7th fm some impatience cngor to aer what the tost vote will bring forth the selection of a sptnker wih be the first work of the house ht thn u not expected to produce a drtanob a ron rodolphe lemieux a1 be d unanimous on fn 4sf hn exoedency wqi dilncr the aja from the throne and ir re c4t practice is followed parliament ml adjoern until mondav whon the j u a l aa the address mil heft in there have been occasions but not a neesjt jrara when the debute be gan tis casae day as the address but thai b anlikely in the present in taate this debate some om will jane probably mr metghcn nil aanendaaent cbaucngiw the authority f the gavcmment to continue in of fir ft is on this amendment that the cent of strength ts fxpeced if sttanei the debate on the address tarta on friday it is quite possible that the test wib come upon motion by a coaseftatire memrxr for ad cssbbosajnn of the house on the day f ifabt will be conservatives 116 i lib mi from which there must be sudeaneuon of one for speaker tatfce- 12 independent all labor 2 and one in benn bouraasa bet- hubert mcderment ma pa ur f boston presbyterian church itif iis north of hilton has acj ccated th ananafcoascaji to the prci- 1 tetow congregations of bowman i nbe aad newtoimde 111 v 1 sttivbemca per tin itimt slwrd pineapple per tin 2 jelly powder to prml n ipjues 2 or t i jelly powder 8 for 2 pag soap 1 bars for 1 carbolic soap lanje ize 4 tor 1 ontib aoftp sperial 7 for 2 bread h lit sutf or life thercloic it i itappctadt that it tjiould be pun tartad el maile nuil proj crli kaknl thn bread hint is mnrle iij tin- twkety is perfect broad nmde nf the bdrdotir ejwineil jusl npht tbartkfsly loraded mid bnu i i p try ours kmionefor mew ai vfalisenicn is wood for sale biriwod body auple 12 i ofl j r agfe canl fmscd tii u sl 00 pci pk jdqnt jdiwed la ti lre i una 3 ii sauth pbnoc mlr wmhrtli ny rhom udwood at 9 00 per wraaglc owd kood kouiki smptrimglimd j b iltnl pi 154 boa tw cenrcrumu thaclkmet lie mbcr liiin i am haeillc also pnirrii wood hi lenitih o ok95 00 kind rr vfla cwrry ibre rot i iy fcoa itwibw r 1 t but 7 rimfj bdbm m cw h stf r ra wuram bosiv pone i afplytoprf r hwi vefjj petcft inew for nslton ai a fmt offlc ualet coal btit d l w sctanlon xol ro all size f and steam coal rk j walhins hani swum pldoc 6sr bedpeihg sue reliable merchandise at welcome savings there is a wealthof pleasing and interesting things to reward the buyers these prices should bnng cash discount bonds given with every purchase of 25c or more an opportunity that should not be overlooked to save some real money you get your choice from our arge stock at bargain prices we are discontinuing several lines which will be sold at half price and less dont miss them we have not space to show but a few items but you get a discount on every line 1 economy in the big savings on good staples lute find- sti i nr 1 it unit leltps i nine 19c tflnmiutilet lw tliipt 27c hankit lolli i t id iiu wc a feoofl sdcotiun ot kond pnucnirf m oilen rink imius diiinlirnts punts nd iikks i ihm nt riiihiiiii pntts apron kinfchm mr ae 21c blnrtinkft rilutpfn n ro en ttt ii tni mil mi illniiit hpoina thp karnientb jmi would not uh jinie tlml hilt h ipuilitiph us we oitpi in children i vi nr could iip iioiikiii ill the little prit p wp ntk hfmil s wool inckpu homt boilfl nt 25c nnil up clul lrn h 2 picrp winler sintu it qitnllj rednpid n iiritts from ft 3 up hiiidiph all wool knit finish suiutt lerrinn enp ind mitllsroin s2 95 up clnldrui s piillneis 1 ipjb milti tniiismit low in puct today is opportunity day buy knillinknoln art kmlroidrrj silki hihi llireidi hiudhlinl snmllw hrrn comlih bnifllien mirrorr inlet sonpt hiii nil jour necdx in flmnll m tielpn and fm koodi iigh grade hosiery iuibljip ipiidit unnico bcttr nhrjurk ihnn our higli i lliroid tilk bilk nnil wool wool kood hiiiuipi foi u amen nuwwi id rnluo then i n iijp iiouipij in pur i mlunorc hiid liwle i ton bay these at bargaiu prices loiifipicious foi llieii jiiuntj ii lines mi thn t 1mpi m nil vi of nhntit liuiriiliip wlmti er your nppcis lion i onr d porlunitj timuftiiii klovpn huilldiclnofn imlnvi ir iiinn- womens and misses dresses sale starts at 10 am sat jan 9th be on hand early to secure your full share of the most de sirable bargains make saturday jan 9th a real day of joy to the family purse man oh man what an op portunity a little foresight will mip u lot nl moiipi iupps will speak for ihomselvph yon oan bu anj nrtiele or rsrinent from our nuick or good ijin1it rawi nnii imijs fiiniwhini i nl imrrria phpm men 8oi c per witr r pairs tor si 00 men n soi goo er piur s paira for 1 00 mons sweater coaiu rfft 225 for 91 89 bojb sweater coala res 1 25 for 98 mens coloiod striped hport pnlloierg reg 1 98 1 69 men b drers shirts refi 1 26 for 89 men s o recall r pants nork shirts mitts rnts un derwenr all go nt rnrknin prices a large collection of hand some china and glassware 15c 2395 ripst cnglish qualti cloier loaf cup and rniheio lilpiece boaliab dntnersets n 205ror furniture add to the comforts of your home von oan now do ao at m msuatlonl reduc tion in prioe oflnmlity forntture some pleooi only half price an opportunity you ihonld not nn- ralue mattresses a nod qusliij nil felt mattrt h s9 00nhie for 689 milal updtt nnd odlookinc i sip poul nr irtb tailoiel iww n our nfferuii of win footwear these are being priced at very attrac tive price redactions a tool seloilioii of wnrnoii k millou is ami sueiteri si i to l l nl p ip 2 49 to 2 9s mi rs pnllouii and coats 1 st to 2 2fi oir big savings on bedding comforters some at half price ipiii women s nml hildietis footwear down l piitp that iinn t lpfm tn liffrpl their nlu d mihe kon ivornei felt i up to 2 i0 iftlur frtr niiink ih 10 i rp 2gs fn frtn niinkilhrok h0h for bpii siirend rej fsoofnr 91 ii u j line uuhlokhiri sluelm 1 4 wlntp nheeliuu re uh j195 7 29 2 39 hr 69 49 sheets at reduced prices save pn pillow cottons i rep 71c pr fin pillow in- tow nli while liml un 20 for touitlt- white hncl rirk tot ornsli idniliint rtj 2 i fur crasli lout linw ri h fqr tihli ijinen ipt iliculfir fnij linenstntnh1edriimil tnbh kcai f- and it linsl 49c 23c 39c 19c 29c 69c drpn h kokj kcirner i pit slippers lo um for men stkfor is and slri si iters at n trcniendorii hi ikp lalups up lo m0 for etn n oifordi nnd mipper nl ild h hoots rei l hi for ildi rootli ret il 2 for i d h ronto 7 t 1 id fo mutin hnnti pure ml in tin n i ttork hunt- u to l nnd iipiii 89c 69c 198 iir tfdnction 69c 89c iiv ii lo m10ti tinlf a ond rnnp to uploet from sprinrs sot of diniifyrimirx 1 mm nnd a ihnirs 5 11 49 t inld h cliair re 1 is for 95c kitrhen chairs ror 115 for 9jc ninse roeberret 2 7j for 195 hild a itoetpr reg 1 it for 1 39 a inrce sliowing of eaa rooltors in unl maliogflnj nnd reed wttb hepl iiialit leather and lapxfltrj eovennrb also rlloier up f afaatav bolstered tn leathei and k i t i ii i taihutripfi up to s30or jvrvf kitchen kabinets one of thef greatest kitchen helps in use today 13 a good fcttchen cabinet notice to creditors lines of lirht miiimin 2 98 ftnhhi 1 knnlwenr nt 50 kitchen kabioeutor if 1ft kitchen kabloeijiiiir lft kitchen katnnets for bed couches ouch largo fuze 10 coucli inrjje fitye 321 drebient walnut finiah 1ftflo 3995 i05 8 95 1095 28 95 1769 24 95 notice redroom suites diniof room sintex lmnr room fmnitiira all go at a er laenjiee floor covering congolciim r irr ijinolenm riirb oilcloth rurr bruhbell and tapentry hnu tunnl eum and gonrolenm pier roods 40 fill t tillp oilrlolli 49c we are discontinuing to cany enamel ware aluminum ware brooms wash boards clothes lines and many other articles which will be offered at a big sacrifice wmdoi shades cur price rednctiona lap leu wall papers nl rood a splendid showing of beautiful rleli i ffeituc drapenek bring in your cash discount bonds we accept them the same as cash be on hand early saturday jan 9th jacksons georgetown ifa mllr of the m anthony of hlown in th cnunly in furrar d olio w licrcfiy kneii iiuiiikiih i ri of rhup 11 itso thi i c u wll town of y of hi clmm or i uirain i tin ihtnl uf utp miii wilhain antllopy ilikinniil who dm on or about thu loth dny uf january vjzh arc require 1 to stnit hy poll prepaid or ikiin r to the un krauncd ailrnini intra tor th trmt nnd gimrnnlq company limited toronto or lo tin undersigned 11 d moir itu solicitor on or bpori tin mt iluy of january 102i ihur chrirtiun ami surnnm and adilribp with full iiurtlculurs in writing of ihur 0 mw un i tiitcim nt of their mcounu mil tk nutun of the aexuntilh if unj htld by ihcni iulj 31st i lay of junuurj admimstrutor will procciwl to jistrih ate the nuseu of the said dirtakcd amont thi partiia lntitli having regard onlj to the claims of which it shall then havi notici the haul ailminihtrntor will nr liable for tmii luotv or any part thereof to any piruon or persons of whose tlaim iioucl a hull not halt en nciiicd by it or ita sanl solici t ut oil tmil of such distribution dated at georgclofcn tlte 23rd day of dccmibu- 192g till tkusts and guaran tlt company i imitr l mi jiay street rorouto ii g muh jlorgllow n and acton bohiitnr for th mini adinlnij iris also to hi noted thut thla no tici to crtilitors appliei only to those- dpblb aceumulaled prior to iht lgth lay of january lio un not to tht- dtbla of bntiiillmi antlionj lontrnit td miin thut iau s nil it bring you prosperity j misfortune no need to worry about financial misfortune ifyou have adequate insurance jee elmer c thompson ibsarance broker george10wn ontario n the supreme court of ontario n il mtter of emmel1ne an thony lunatic judicial notice to creditors pursuant to on oritur of this couit made in this mutter the c red i torn of the said tnynolitie anthony ore on or before the 21st day of january tec of tin said t nunc line anthony their christiun anil surnunics address es nnil description the full particu tarn of their dninia a statement of their uccounut and the nature of tho accunties if any held by them or default thereof the said commit will proceed to deal with the es c of the said km me line anthony having regard only to audi daima of which it mai then ham notice dattd at oeorgetown this 2zml day of december 1i25 h g jihr bohciloi for the trunk and guarantee company limited committee of oie tutote of the wnd rmmclme start monday jan 4 at guelph business college stenography and book keeping will capitalise your brain and your ability make them pay yon dividends a l muck prladpal aad pnaridtr j sanford general tinsmilbing and plumbing now la the time to halve your furnace overhauled and put in good tafe working order anthony in the surrogate court of the county of halton the tt of william an thony dtcumd and i the supreme court of ontario i th mttr of emmeline an thony lunatic judicial sale of real estate pursuant to an order of this court made in tins matter the 21th day of november 10j5 and confirmed the 22nd day of december 1126 there will be offered tor sale by pubhi auction at oic mc gibbon hotel n the town of georgetown nl two clock in the afternoon on satur day tho 9th day of january 192b all and slnuulalt that certain parcel or tract of land and premise situate lying anil being tn the tow of georgetown in the county of ha ton anil being more particularly di sen bed as follows part of lot number 19 in th ninth concession of the township of lsqucaing now in the town of georgetown and known as lot number 76 according to a plan of part of the said town of georgetown made by james war rcn pis for thomas wrilaic and doted the 8th day of may ad 1877 on the mini lands are soul to be erected an eight room frame house and n frame barn on stone found a tion the properly w ill be offered for sale subject to s reserved bid tho purchaser shall pay ton per cent tils purchase money nt the lime of sale to the said committee or its licitor and the balance in cash closing ten days will be allowed the purchaser to intcstigatp the title at his own expense the endor will only be rcanired to produce such deeds or evidenced of title as arc in its possession in all other respecta the tenjw and conditions of sale wdl be the stand ins conditions of this court arrangement can be made for the purchaser to obtain a loan on this property of 2000 00 with interest at seven per cent further particulars may be had from thf trusts and guaran tee company limited of to ronto or the undersigned ben petch auctioneer h g meir solicitor for the trurts and company limited 802 bay street toronto administrator w will of the estate of wd liom anthony and commit lee of the istntc of fmi line anthony oon school i ts a story of saccesa 1 he recordu made bj emihulh argument n to he prartici hihtj of our ii isiiip- start here begin now brimplon boslicssldsltlale brmnpla gartowh workmanship guaranteed prices kitbt furnace tees and taper pipes made to order ooods deuvekex stewarttown phone 81 r 12 collections we handle cuedlm my no suellie nolliitiu too old suinll inrffi or hard for 114 tn taeme 34 roam tn ubb odla 0 coi fffl los no charqf kelly aiken collectors orn are tills n own saaa4 brownsgarage norval general anlo service r m alt makes of eara w reckon crane at your aerncedftj or nirht winter torajra free oa all ear laft for rapalr jaba 10 per eent off for overhaul jobs flat rate batteries recharted aa4 scrti cars aad batteries called for chas brown bdlmr3 pkaam ckla3slr3s coal anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown ladies shampooing marcetuns and cwuk fr1zzm6 add sintqnc try as our prices are reasonable mrmrs jhlilhco tspolitaats pstie j78w 1 j

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