tiik miiiiror ill km i ivmain orn war books by the foremost authors of the day jua oliver garwood bottk tirklittn hofcah ruaaaft ednr bis burro nh willlu mulm4 iuim a btrattaapart ar z b o r j 0m j ptr b k n sahat 1 esaanaa ethal k i d a ibrtont podl ktumi for t jukn b h b dirt hmrry hal chmru k caaf laid lhu1 lata ddi1u wimu aldaa 8 f 1 1 a r euaidr h ptrttr d j matthe w drugs and stationers r- local news items writ it l2li carnival 22nd hockey in a to b pucihv night mbaerip town and township conneiln meet on monday special pure bulk lard 20 ih ntprwin and goldham n it lourt id georgetown was ad jooraed from today to next tnei day jao i2th town council metstmn on monday at 11 am the old conn ctj irih meet at 10 so hockoyviltonjoniore will play tbeir 6rat schedule game here on friday pight with georgetown a quantity of household fur mture will be sold at th anthony sale main st north on saturday john cook of form ii of the high school obtained an average of co t at the autumn eauiinn tlod dr w barnard optometrist la now permanently located at hindoos jewelrj store jeorge town the ft ret meeting of bsquesmg township council for 1920 will be held on monday neit jan 11th at ham back s meat market has been completely remodelled painted etc and is quite inviting to the many customers of this old arm the georgetown and enqueu ing hnmane society will meet in the connoil chamber georgetown ou wednesday evening jan 18th at 8pm all members please be present the annual meeting of eh queaing agricultural sooietj will be held in the council chamber georgetown on wednosdny jan nary 20th at 8 p m even mem ber should be present for the nest thiity days i can give you a real bargain in madeto measure suite for the fluent im ported bine and grey serges see stockford georgo bt we will also make and trim your own cloth er pros and dean your suit on short notice phone 184 georgetown tt jackson a have now ia stock an advance shipment of new spring styles id men s footwear tan and black boots and oxfords these are high grade made by an old es tablished orm who manufacture only high grade good year welts as wo make no reserfo ion buy these at bargain prices at our bale saturday jan 9th looking after maalaetad aalnutu qaite a number of caeca of ue klett have been laporled to the humane society and mcrtigitfd probably tho worst enso cfttno up before iho police ilnkiitinto in ae ion inst week when n farmer li mg in that vicinitj wus fined and costs or 30 day after boior found guilty of nofilert and ill treatment of a number of his live stock other warning have been given and prosecution will follow id several instances if conditions are not improved anotkar saooaasfnl ball the annual ball and supper of the georgetown fire brigade was held m the town hall last thura day and was attended bj the larg est gathering of young people in the history of the brigade over 450 being present campbell a orchestra supplied excellent music while robt mccartney performed the duties of floor manager to the satisfaction of all the excellent menu which was served in the dining ball during the evening was provided by d livingstone baker and confectioner georgetown butkhtn wednesda jan 6th learn ing to love corned drama star ring constance tatmago chapter 10 the last of the great circus mystery comedy too much mother in law friday jon 8 lightin from tbo stafio pla of the same name starring madge bellamy etbel clayton and a org cast comedj handsome cab man fox news saturday jao 9th the reckless age star ring reginald deans camedj sit tight coming the keep or of bees l fiene stratum porter oh arch kaopaalag limeuouse cnitcd church trill hold re opening sort ices on sunday jan 10th when ret dr dickie of georgetown wilt preach at 11 a ro and rev b caldwell at 7 30 p m there will be special music at both services on tuesday evening jan 12that8 o clock rev dr dickie will give his splendid lecture on the passion play of obor ammergau illustrated by beautiful colored views ibere will also be selections by george town united church male quar telle and refreshments will be ser ved at the olose of tbo entertain roent admission 25 children in church news ifcv united chubch caldwells- subject for preparations are now nnder way for a grand fancy dress carnival to be held in georgetown arena on friday evening jao 22nd get your costumes ready and watch for further particulars if you wish anew hat now is the time to buy one felt and velvot hats from 1 so to 96 00 also satin bats and metallic hats at tow prices misses clandge herald block upstairs oalatrmta 80 blrtua mr robert f leslie or norval was the recipient of many hearty congratulations on saturday last j 2nd when he celebrated h floth birthday mr leslie is hale and heart and his many friends hopo to have him with them for s long time yet odaftjlowa atteatlaa on monday evening next the members or golden star lodge 1 0 o f brampton will visit onon lodge and exemplify the first degree refreshmenta will be ser ved at toe close of the lodge it is hoped every member will make a special effort to be present waif skat aa st lia while out bunting with a nam ber of others from georgetown ou new years day earl thirston hot a large brush wolf on the farm of alex mckay lot 28 9th line tbv anoual weighed between 10 and 40 lbs and was on exhibition at book a batcher shop last satin da j spaclal optical mar high grade gold filled spectacles and eye glasses with best sat spherical tenses for only 4 00 alt other styles of frames and lens at lowest prices eyes ei aminod by onr well known special i9l mr hagbson with 25 years experience ton are assured of lira best optical work to be ob tained- and at moderate price one day only thursday janu hndoeaaea and sympathy extended to early d j matthew druggist the utt peter tulloch wif and georgetown it daaffatr the chicago sunday tribune of december 20th contains a largo group picture of the family of tho late laurance and hannah rose formerly of georgetown and the following paragraph these roses have bloomtd for 000 y cam count ing the aggregate age or the ten brothers and sisters m this remark oblo family the are the child ran of laurance and hanuab rose tbey are all mamod except one sister and there hna not been a death in the family for more than forty five years this group pic tnro was taken donna a reunion at the homo of dr john rose of 8165 west madison street chicago dr john is standing at tho left tho other brothers are james of bronte ont dr fred of cooper stown n d dr frank and dr charles both of spokane wash and william of ayr n d the sisters are mrs laura stephen huntington quebec mrs sarah harold pullman wash miss annie- rose huntington quebec and mrs polly mcbean regiuo sask canada the oldest of the brood is james who is 76 sunday morning will be ja christ i an s value to society rev dr dickies subject on sun day evening will be prosperity in the church card of thanks we berebj wnvey to friends and neighbors our very sincere thanks for their many kindnesses and ayrapathy extended to us in our sad bereavement by the loss of oar dearly beloved little daughter hr and mm j rawford glrnwflliam card of thanks i hereby convey to friend and neigh bora my very sincere thanks for the many ktodnesaea extended to ran during my recent ulneas alaoonbebalf of mrs davis myself and family for kindnesses dannftoor stay in quarantine a which were much appreciated ami ly geom w davis personals vitamins a new name mclawxh of ion niiid i lidlimid dun i he inn n fxii inh masi i kb stoi k i itoiii mis mt m- w hrjdou hponl ntwilt l import mtafn klriueiita of il will aitct ihnelnpmrnt ot mr mr- w t apeul ntiw ilmm j ton di j r v brooke of toronto was i a town on tueedny viiiting hib rather j mr nnl mi i ivnhlono k and mr albert livingstone hmhl c nun yihiha mr clnruon jojie h i d mntirtowooil mr and mf o mcniml of toronto are vhitinfi with george town ftiends mim frma bell of toronto h the holiilavb with hor hro arl nt- o till ik aiilmaln rear il in natum tion tli mother was free to and pick up ihi tood plsnts r inxlln t u id lor to did not from ili nuirlllonul dtnrano n lo youiiff unlivn rear d tin iuienttcatin all men tv irntil tlit tilnipl nsnn from utbt i ihobt ii line to ob- unroalralned youne unlmsl kreen pli liorillnk aiilniuts ntnd poullr together in dsrk yards and alutilea and the tedd thut do ml rind with deorgi wnfnoods misft bell of owen sound unit ed with dr and misi mccoll dor ing the week mr t bl tli of toronto int the week oud at the hoim nf mm slciglitholme i mrs h m wnl herald of wind sor visited uith mra welliornld during tho wiel mr raj conies of toionlo wa a weekend visitor at mr qcorgei wriggles vvditb mr iieitb barber and mm knt b leen burke of toronto were visit ora in town over the week end mr ohfford croelman spent new years with his wife and family who nre visiting at topeka kan raj graham a maoj friends are pleased to see bim able to b around again after his verj boterc illness miss edna biscottandmr jos ipb hiboott of toronto spent new years with their aunt mrs a devereaux i mr and mrs 0 barnard miss nelson nod mr henderson of guelph spent netv vear i with mrs bleightholme mrs w a bailey who under went an operation at weltesly bos pital torontoion ruesdnj ih pro greasing favorablj mr elmer thompson was at oakvilleon monday attending the funeral of bis uncle the late mr a p langtr f morton and mrs w r watson were at wolland jeetorday attend ing the funeral of mrs watson s bister who died quite tfnddcnl on sunday inst mr george davis man friends in town are pleased to set him again filling his nld position at the c n electric rj power bouso after his recent severe illness the many friends of mies annie thompson will be pleased to learn that she 11 improving after hor very severe illness and is able to ait up for a short time each dnj slits eva sinclair of geo me ton n las irene sinclair of toronto and miss jennie cordon of prince ed ward is spent the holidays with sirs wm mckaj and famil and mrs j a mocluro and mr harold moolure were at bramp ton attending a family reunion at the home of mr and mrs d l moclure on now years dn twen ty were present allan mccullough of ta wnsbinglon who wu taken sononsl ill at tbo homo of bis hro dr mccullough chataworth some time ago has quite recovered and is nnvv visiting with mr and mrs w a wilson mr and mrs perc dillon and children claude and shirley spenf new yoar s at st catharines with their grandmother mra john mc kay who ia in her 8th year and not in the best of health mrs mckay wished to be remembered to her old friends m georgetown there was a happv family re union at mr jab board s stew art town on now year s when the following members of the familj were present mr fred board toronto mcs wm wallace east selkirk man mr eli board georgetown mrs c j smith salem and mrs robt r hrwin georgetown mr and mrs lome lrwin and children toronto mrs wm wal lace selkirk man mr and mrs c j smith salem mr ijnrne smith kitchener mies dnqcan salem mr and mrs fred board toronto mr and mrs haberdoen kitchener and miss mabel erwin of toronto spent new year a with mr and mrs robt erwin rtbwt wry lo-gfopfi- trltlon havo too often risului1 ills natriuxl for lh young solinul sun uhluo hupdiiis mimolhlnk dry feeds rwquentl full tasuppl the ncees naf something required for proper development mint pirh and lum 1 1 that are lorn nppiuiiiuy string fall to d- itl0 properly uhilhh 11 ey k i in lirlr jhiij fled tin nivltrlo ib fo d len i nli that w tipeak of us ilia idioh dlhfam b dut to improper iid iuk have been rccognlied for msiiy wars but qxuct knowledke of the lurking elements huv- tu knoirn trtit u nl ort time vllmiln a in nliibla lu fut and la called fat fiuluhlc a it la present in brrattnt amount in bultir yulk of kb ereen leaves yellovi torn cneu alfnlfn und cod liver nit loung animals given let da thsl are ibsoliitely lacking in vitamin a de velop a sor eye condition called 7eropthalmla chickens lose weight fe comb becomes rale tho feathera ruffled and show progressive muncu lar weakness a white exudate col lecls lo he eye on post mortem birds that hnve developed this niitrl tlonnl disease show smnl white or vellowlsh raised nodutei n the tissue about the site of a millet need and irregulni in oulllne these km nn rfnex of the esopl n nddllln dnlei in ih oenophlglb blrdi ferlnj from vila m in a dellciencv nini how uarnolerfiflir chimpni- in ihe kldn vb rhu are enlnripd pile in color and hlrnkcd lih id ii orl of white lines occasional tli re k a general rtlbtplbull n nf unios throughout iho hod and the s irtnee of the intestinal orjans appear as if sprinkled with flour tl me of rreen feids i ellow corn or eod hier oil preventn the conrtllf n vitamin b also kn nn aa viur holuhle d tbh vitamin im present in green lenves frutt iggn iea1 tnd ihf rlni or mobl rjlns lln presenee n the feed preent iel neitrtllt in poultry and oerlbeil in man in birds the disease in lnr arterlicd by nervousness and in ibll ity to co ordinate muscular move ments pnralatn of the leg freauent and somctimen psralysln of tin mus elen of the neck the internal organ appear shrunkon and dirker in color han normal the muscle tlsmie h aleo darker in rolor than normal the free use or foods such its milk fruit tubem green plants wan srirt jcrn ii il pnvnls hie anllneiirltlr vital in the lack of thin ma mln in 11 food leads to lie dmene known as icurvy it in uminlh allid the antl corhutlr vitamin tin n aln sourr ot vitamin c sre fr sh grn n veihilfl cltriix frulln uml lo a hiulled xtenl in frtah ml tubers 1 fr bii milk in poulirj th de vcli knm in i tho fmlhers vitamin d the presenc of milf vitamin in the food prevents the c n dltlon known an rickets or leg weak ness in young chicks children ai young plgaj tli in vitamin is premnl in green leaves milk nn 1 rod ihi oil one per cent of cod llvi r oil added to tho chick a ralloi will pr vent leg weakness ulckets mn also bo prevented by exposing lh younf to bright sunshiu ihe ultm violet mav he obsorbed hv thi sklr it- metaboll a mixed dlei for man ci nlnliilng in addition to cc enln und green vegetables also some u ilk ana rrah meat is tha but sat ti ard utulnht the possibility of a v itai iln n 1 irr and furthermore iimurei an ude quale supply of inorgaol salth mil protejn of proper motoric koi mil mala green feeds in ten son well hit led leeumo hay and roots or hi rest iqf the year and sunshine all the time for poultry green feds milk yellow corn and su outline all ihe time will keep nutritional din asea away l stevenson d pi of fi tension o a col lore guelph ideal apple tree the ideal apple treo in one that baa bean so pruned from iln begin ulac that its main llmbu arc well placed and form strong crotches that will carry the tree to maturity with out breakages or injury ai d enable the tree to bear annual crops of sit utactory proportions tod qualll at low contend without the necenalt for the use of props tlalng on loads for tlalng on loads rope cannot be beaten any person who has had uperlence tn drawing baled hay over rough roads knows how difficult it is lo keep the top la place a rope about fifty feet long drawn tight around the top course ot bales will hold them lo one solid cluster esrh bate then helps to bold the other card of thanks rill it bring yov prosperity j misfortune no need to worry about financial mbftrtune if you have adequate insurance lee elmer c thompson uiiruce trtker weokeiown wtabw self cinder for piss do not overlojv he advahlagea of the self feeder rn caring lor the pigs by getting their feed from a feeder te eat more thereby making larg r gains and come to marketable ilw at an earlier date leaa feed is required to make gain and much tabor ii eliminated dr w barnard opt d r 0 optometrist eyesight spedallsl optidan eyea tebtcd by modern methods and glasses fitted wbtti need ed at reasonable prices permantly located at hintons jewelry store main st georgetown i browns garage norval general aulo serviee on all makes ol earn wrecking crane at vour service irj or night wliur tora free on all laft for repair job 10 per cent off f for overhaul jobs flat rate i batteries reduufted tad store can ana bahoies called for flour that will make ii like llim imiht be kooi oii made specially for und fhat our hour is just what pastry son wont it muea well nscb ib w d browne co 0i tended nnil bakes hnefjoffj norval ont wuits or neb pie cmbt choi brad flour ball oort ra k paatry buad phones mnototpal 31 r 3 eat livingstones quality bread the choicest pastry -and- high grade confectionery is onr speciality watch our windows lor specialsit will f pay you d livingstone phone 55 georgetown 150000 deer park manor limited 7 pet cent first mottgagel 5 year bonds dated 1st december 1925 maturing 1st dec 1940 coupon bonds denominations ol 1000 500 100 with privilege of registration as to principal first mortgage 150000 only s8 12 per cent of expert valuation of property underwriters stewart scully co ltd toronto particulars gladly furnished on request phone 114 h r mimms p o boj 572 georgetown willsons jewellery store special sale cbas brown or3 pkop ckiaa- 321 r wood for sale hsrilflrood hod maplr 12 in m co p ungle oril in xctt- rs i vjn r mnge cord del verrd lo any fifce town j t stnilh phon 84 i ng i oeorgtromu -of- kitchen and mantel clocks and small fancy clocks j s for the next two weeks prices greatly reduced a b wlllson jeweller mcbean co m great stocktaking satday jan 9 ah dry goods boots and shoes at greatly reduced prices starting on come and get some of our great bargains n mcbean co georgetown rennies grocery laundry soaps 16 bars or palm tree toilet soap 12 for qillex 2 pkts for rolled oats 6 lbs for salada tea per lb icing sugar 2 i be for white beans 8 lbs for matches per pkt a 2 lbs for d r renmii cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery party so ira oirooaptlon naadu onr oaadf bo axoapuob pvont forget the candy when you are planning the party order the candy before you send out ihe invitations- our candies are the life of every party they aro invited to dont t forget that saturday treat butterscotch taffy just like mother oiaken nothing hot tho bast materials used and il in made in gcnrifttinn saturday treat 25c ib weekend chocolates whan you bu tho bo cbooo latea jon am buying the beat ittluo procurable and at a ery low price sard and soft enntrea weekeid speda 32c we have oystera in jar at 600 per jar leave your orders for cream pnffa for jiltiiii irtoifffitiinirtxiif lyrtiirtijdijt sgrandysl the pure food store b groceries 1 t to hotel mcqibbon gfohbbtow star ammonia a pkge lui s pkgfi sosp cfaips 2 lbs chipso largo pockngn fleio per package pdarline t pign corn 8 tare j 2 pkfis silvor jiobb stnrch 2 pkk lnundr starch h lb- nu jell 8 pkg wattatafts pure stiawbcrrj jam 16 or bottle maple sirup 2 o bottle maple rrtip h oz jar maple flutter hlios iijnn allej corn h m grandy i phone 75 stuslkdm surtiletj rrtafl defiven ikhbsbbssaibaratsshbsiaessjk