tub ol oniirtowv plate depicts discovery of indian sea passage system of marketing i thru million ruukh tin vimlll i cicuui uulll th llv lick pi pulutluu 1 of ontario fn lr3 reailkd i 260 mt mlkh fawn 1 57 hi othrr utlli so 67j allien and 1 734 734 lm ttml k4s 301 1 s99 4 601 111 fti ep amasniflcent stiver dish twenty lnchoniadiamctfr prisented iy king fcramanucl of portugal to the anions explorer vubcb da gamu in h30 in jqcocmtion of the lalur h discovery of the sea route to india was recently on ixhiuition in the windows of the downtown otticcs ol the canadian pacific railway on st james street thi dinh id now owned by reno duuuw graduate ol the uuiversuj of nuncy rnncc a reai dent of montreal the diali is circular with i ide border and n u biauuful specimen of thf most exuuifite ipuusse wurk of thmtlihfuted turoeall ihemtnilhs in the centre r admirably depicted in practically eery detail tho quaint old ship the san gabncl which gamaa flagiihtp on india i hi famous around the figure of the ship are striking impressions of wild beasts und flofcers on a raised border of silver around the vessel are two inscriptions barely visible to the eye the first rends emmanuel le grand to vokco de gums u99 the second inscription in marquis niia da da gama to m anne duportai commandant du cypie 1846 the second inscription was placed there when the relic was given to com mandant 0u portal for savins the life of the marquis a descendant of da vasca da gama was called to the portuguese court and given an ex pedition to discover a sea paaaaee to the indien he was given the follow ing instructions by his king go suuth as far an there is water and when you havi reached the edge of the world turn toward india which we know easts because we ha c made land journeys there on july s 1497 a hclmetod powerful figure itood on board a vessel waving adieu fo lisbon determination was de puted n the powerful jaw an iron ill waa ivident in thi steel grey eyes i very motion t very movement this mightyman made told of his high resolve to do is he had been com missioned by his king the san gabriel rounded the cap of good hope after da gama had qu filed a munity ot hla rebellious bailors arid reached the coast of malabar the southwest corner of india in may h98 on september 1 m99 tho vessel sailed proudly into lisbon to the accompaniment of loud shouts from the huge crowd assem bled to greet her and the heroic com mander it wai in that year that da gama was awarded the his tone silver dish by a grateful monarch as an ei presinon of esteem and regard from an admiring court and a thankful da gama made another voyag to india in 1502 planting portuguese colonies at mozambique and other places and returned in 1503 with a rich cargo for this work he was awarded a title and appointed ad miral of the portuguese navy some twentyone years later he made bis last voyage to india he fell ill on the way died in cochin in do- china and was burled on tho malabar oout where jie had cowed into submission a iulien crtw of mutineers twentyax years before but the gallant ad miral t inert da would not let ma body remain in foreign soil so it was brought back to portugal and burled in 1638 with all the honor and homage due a national hero it is interesting to note that a canadian pacific liner the empreas of scotland in at present sailing around india through the very waters which vasco da gama wai the first furopean i wllglsbslb8lbll eat livingstones quality bread the choicest pastry and fligh grade coniechonery is our speciality watch our windows for specialsit will pay yon d livingstone phone 55 georgetown dominion stores limited canadas largest retail grocers where oualitv counts quality connts wbta you cut buy it at a saving you are always sure of buying the best of quality groceries at the lowest possible price when you shop at your nearest dominion store valencia raisins io with tmk seeds rec lbelh ii with the seeds reg lbclb posts bran 2- 23c richmello cocoa m k a snlnjij wtatara rnaklit tuaran a splndm wtatara b naklit bara victory brand pickles sour mixed chow sweet mixed sour onions 40c 50c excellence m m dates 10 bats1de tell0w nf peaches 5 virginia square candy 151 a rich candy sllej with paats reg 83q it ubbys 2 sauerkraut 25c christies assorted sandwich oec biscuits lb dominion tit a q stores hix3 give dsl coc satisfaction at all times select 69 the hey toilet at lux10 wtoarrrowi cua thsts prtc joooi mayf1eld brand machinejqc for om watfti good strong bacon corn brooms 45c tito f tmayassr cai attention try hugheymcdonald for cnt and pine tobmoeoa all kindi of plpei and pipe impair a williams mgr mm st qeoro ind proiiml onsiimptfuii in addition to animals txpurled of thenu hie inapaeled packlnk plants ot tbi province bn dlid ma 444 cattle xaii calveu us 73g lambs and sheep and 19 s swine ttiv balance must haw been slaurhtired by the loo i butcher and by the produc the flifurea do not riiibulnntlata the impression that tha cine time main outlet tor our life atock tha local butcher la a preienl j a j minor asncy howcvtr tho large packing houses are maklni in ipada into his bmlneei and be is gradually deersasini in numbers un ill unl the mors gfflclent will eilit ircrcrenca for qtuiiltj it the- qusjltr ot our live stock la maintained and improved it has treat possibilities of sxpanslon willi hrowinj population there kill he an increasing demand toi meat und meat products with the british tmbiro lifted the export outlet will continue k roster proportions thsn forrnerl and rellete tho congcutloii on our markets of the surplus with tbet possibilities confronting us it dercn illatps the bulldlnff up of a suitable marketing system that will function blclcntly and economically etn cleat functlodlnt means that the preference for quality of consilmers if meat products are correctly re flected baak to the producer in the form of enhanced prices for thst quality for which the oousu trior pays his highest price and correspandltily lower prices for those inferior pro ducts which consumers only buy t reduced prices this demands a ten tral meeting place a market where lolume of product conyenlent faclll ilea skill in ending and sorting experience in buy inn and selling uniformity and honesty in business practlco can all be economically ana era bled thus the establish me ot of our atock ysrds where the lire utock is assembled and an organ tied company accepts on arrival of stock hill responsibility until such times as relieved of this obligation b the owner and supplies the necessary physical facilities where tin vendors bring their live stock and buyers congregate packers to buy animals to slaughter and process to dll the demands made upon them for dressed meats and its products a growing number of farmers buying stock r cattle to put on their pastures or feedim to turn their grain and rough feed into meat drotem and owners ho assemble the live atock at rouu try points and deliver it at the ecu iral markets commission n en who uro expert salesmen and make re lurns to the coinlcnoe speculators always ready to gamble and tak- a chance offlclals looking nfter the public interest represented by the live stock branch markets drench health of animals branch of the federal oovernment and the hu orer million a year the greater pari of ontario live stock marketed through public mar kcts goes to the union itock tarda at kironto in 1914 there patted through these yards st6 73s cattle 98 006 calves 493 683 hogs 1bg 41s sheep and 1 46s horses which repre sents a large portion of tho ontario live stock marketed through regular channels the union stock yards of toronto situated at the northwest part of ihe city was opened tor business in 1803 due to the establishment of abat totrs adjacent to the property and to ever- in creasing use made of stock yards by shippers it has had a steady and fairly rapid growth at present the jards cover some thirty acres or which about two thirds la roofed there are sixteen alleys for cattle with a thousand pens 100 equipped for feeding and watering having a capacity of 9 000 head a separate house for sheep snd calveu with s capacity of 6 000 head and a hag building of 7600 head capacity com plete the accommodation for live slock there u a railroad aiding on either aide with 0 unloading chutes and a number of scales placed at con venlent points about the yards at exchange building bouses the slock yards ofbcs of the varioua commit ton drms banks and oovemmbt officials ops rating on the yards al leys are allotted to the various com mission firms in proportion to their volume of business the tendency in toronto as in most canadian markets la develop ing into a one day market monday being the prominent market day whether thla is a benefit to the in dustry is open to question si it means carrying a staff for the rest of the week capable of handling efficiently the maximum day s re ceipts which undoubtedly is an add ed expense if this business ware spread more evenly over the week it might mean economy in tho handl ing of the market two factors have contributed largely to the large hon day market the small abattoir and packing plants buy their supplies and kill early in the week leaving their staffs free tor their heavy meat distribution business at the end of the week agalt there are aorae ad vantages in moving stock over rail ways on sunday specially u rough the freight terminals where ihe greatest deujn nturall occur a leltcti lcpl ol kro no rimes o lolle gueloh at the annual session of the on tano grand divuion of the sons of temperance s d jorvis of palermo division was reelected grand wor thy patriarch the epidemic of chicken pox which has been evident at bronte for some time docs not show much mpi of abating several new cases hsve been reported during the week snd when the nurse visited the school last week no lens than eleven children were sent home tired of trying to make both ends meet on his pastors salary of 130 a week the rev alexander wiiil pastor of the wesley evmjrdical church of lynn mass disappeared from his home rocentl leaving his wife and 12 yearold son his only explanation was a note saying i am going to canada to work in the mines where 1 can get sufficient wages so i wont have to beg for a living fire insurance j w kennedy ctwgetm ag ml lor borneo the ilrfwgrii rom la wvj in- are you protected hot bed sash at a very low price read this open offer the momuil jou we this i i ml hi milium unsli if nu krin c press nnd miihii mnsliiuti i u nil mi will realm it i llid bfht pnubililp lii tor the mom fust jnit 2 anil oiu nnnif in an cmelnui iiml trnul to uh 1lie niitltnnpaiiteil ftnii iitnilficd v ill llh mclll u j oil iii ujhi if it llopmq l hlllt whtt 111 iml wo vol i ft urn the umiilj to jou nm j on kiei lhi hauii f hii mil boilcri nie lipntitik dltin otlici ihejii mhuii kifonlioiihc matennu nh aill uh lomolelo krocitinusch auiuntt uur ciiiduhio hhui nf thf in itt hiu itssful llon umi kmknuh in iho oaiinlrv stmlforlhi nn dilirnof one llnnd ijiindlmnk lord urnhamiimited bsuuasra of oroaaaobu nd havawn r bouera hud offlo aad faotary it 0usrlae oat harbor ooaasalaalaa building toraata oat l4tajoley streal montreal quafcao soy beans in ontario a renewal of your subscription will be appreciated telephone rates at this exchange the following table shows the pnncipal rates now in effect for this exchange and the new rates for which we are asking the appioval of the boaid of railway commissioners business service individual line 2ipart residence service individual lint 2party 2 75 22t 205 186 a for wall telsphoaea it will be aeon thai in order lo bring locnl telephone rates into imr with our proposed now schedule no change is necessary in the charges for residence sen ice the tendency in ihtib o encourage the develop ment of residence seruoe merchauts and business men while asked lo paj a somewhat higher rate for business ulephonewill benefit in the enlargement of the scope and alue of their scr ice by the development of residence telephones wo believj our patrons wdl agree that to maintain and extend a fcer vice vitafto the welfare of the communit far outweighs in import ance the moderate increases a relatively small number of our citizens hiii be asked to pav s j totten the bell telephone company of canada ismsm tw4 patronize dealers who advertise w help on the business ol those who show themselves eager to have your custom who invite it and prize it enough to ask for it you can place confidence in the dealer who is not afraid to tell you of his ser vice goods and values reward with your favor those who solicit your business by their weekly message in thr advertising columns shop where you are invited lo shop bin huv dimonnlratml that mde aoy bean hajr has a ftd luu thai is slightly leas than haifa in iuksodh of probable rri4t shortage thi soy bean can be ac etcii rrcncy hay crop lo advents go than any ulhur plant uaid for ihe purpose dalrl tattlv ahieu und beef cattle tlo well on thi bay rating it up ckan with the exception ot i lit ciutrao parts ot i ho titulk boy bean rueal as a stock food has a valui roniparabju to llnaccd meal oi cotton need meal it is fully as rich id dircstlble crude protein a llnattd meal and tven higher in this property thun cotton a ted meat for ilnlrj cutts boi bean meal can bt ubid lnuthd of elthtr llnbeed or cot ton seed nuals where the concen trule is not required in excess of two pouuila per iluy iioy bean in ml uiako a tqqd pro- lelu rich addition in fattening beef cdttli and ahcep hatlnt for thin pur pose a value eoual to unseed meal soy biau meal can bu used in grow ink ouug pigs but it should not bn fid til iixcess if ted in conjunction with tankage or skim milk to pigs that have free arcpss to a mineral mill ii re it gives best results soft pork may result frpm exwnalti soy bean ftedlnt loy bean inyal should ik fleshly round old meal be comes rancid due to the high oil content it in good practice to mil other grains with the boy beans at rtlniu of grinding dry btareh brains like rorn oits or barle will itnck farming de eionomlcal feed i imp in ihe lake ree of hay allage th on lurk bier rtfl tt bring you prosperity o ov y misfohtune no need to worry about financial misfortune if you have adequate insurance see elmer c thompson insurance broker geokgeiown 0ntaki0 ike i oil rein aid ing in the grindli ing qualities or the mi if soy bean oil cake about 100 pounds of ill ina be pressed out of a ton of soj beanx the haid dry cake that la kfl after pressing is ground up imuni a pro duct known ss soj bean oil meal or oil cake as a feed tor dslrj cotn this mill product hai n aluc equal to the bent grades of linseed meal an a feed for swine aoj hean men i fur ntnhes one or the beit protein rich csricpntratcs available one hundred pounds of soy bean oil meal rc lnred 83 pounds of tankage and 22 pounds of corn in reeding experiments from this its high value na 0 pig feed can be appreciated soy bean for silage soy beann lu combination nltli corn in the proportion of om ion to three tonn of green corn niuhis an excelhnt sllagi fnnlltd atom the noi bean does not make a erj palat nble sltagt nnd nliould thentorc al wub be mixed with corn or othtr stnrchj plant a sorghum nunflowtr llartmtlnic ho ilraim th soy bean is u ciu eomparn tlnl ne to ontario it hna us peculiarlilir und ik not the fastest crop to ruie an ha ijiti si eded and lali rlpinln it in iiadt to liar ent am august 10th on wi nther conditions in late august and sep lember are not bh a ruk fuvorable to good tia making the nights are cooler days shorter mid molstun more abundant than in jiih whin the clovers nr hanerted for hay good hay eurfni weather in ihe first requisite ot rood soy bean hay the pndb should be partlatl filled and the lebvea tight to make the bent colored nutritious and paint able hay a hat that in greert in color and has a sweet unci pleasant aroma and is tre from mould can only be made during faiornlile wen ther the culling should he done not later lhan aiicunt 15th regard lens of the ntac of plant develop ment fvery ilm bfid ngnst 15th leads the hnjninkr nearer to the production ot mould nnd undi sir able ha the k6 liwn crop foi hu should bi handled in surh a na nn to save all he leaf pomlbt and blip a bright green hm the bent inn chine fnr thin work is the bwiep rake reaper it hatinc the ndtnntitge or delivering the bean stnlks into nmatl plies which will cure without turlher laboi the nrdlnan mow r may be used for cutting ihi crop nnd tho nldedelltery rake lo roll ihe hean btatks into wlndroan uliert ihei enn curs after being put up into lry small coeka all hand lint while cur ing must he done while th lnaien are still green or d imp the grnln hinder has been used to harvest the crop for hay with eood mittens win u tht weather win favorable in 1 imp weather the bnndlen will mould if not opened and the centres exposed lo the air and nun o beans wtl shed considerable rain if put up in cocktwhlle bill a little green tin ing in the iwath and the use of hi hay tedder is not to be recommende because of the great losn of lea en and poor color produced after mak ing it is bent before drawing in to barn or stack to turn the cockn i and expose lo the sun for a tliiwahbiit hoy beana the beat machine for ihieshln the ragular pea ami hean thre the ordinary train thresher cm uasd successfully providing cylinder speed la red n cod to in boo revolutions per minute and concaves and some of the cyiti teeth remoied if the beans art and brittle a corn shredder been used for bean threnblng ceasfully after ihreshlng ihe should bn stored it shalloa bins shovelled oer frequent ij until surplus ruointure has heen reinn care in the demand is greater than the supply hinco jnnunry 4bb e have bail o iahr1111- lielii wo uorf nuablo supply all bratluftteaare located talk to ibe man or woman od ibe streel in yonr iowa who knows abont our work then act studeals nay slarl any day at guelph business college theres a good poiitiou for yon gel ihe training come along on monday uld r- kill i ii i el oh browns garage norval geoeral aulo serviee on nil tnakph nl oni rorkm crane at your beriro day or nirht wttar itsraca free on all left fbr repair jobs 10 per cent off for overhaul jobs fiat rate balterle recharged and stored cars and batteries called lor a l b0uck principal lad proprietor wood for sale hardwood body map la if in st 00 nrr ingle rord mixed ra i 3 00 per ngle cord del vcred lo any place in an- ii j it smilli plnn m ring i 1 wood for sale gfeen tiatd wind maple 4 00 i ingle cord also dry wood at 3 75 per ingle lord delivered any place in toun termscash n rcdli john ford pi on- 310 lip wood for sale of knidlin murray h coal beat d l w scranton coal in alt sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walking noraj 8ation phone 09r24 j sanford stewarttovn plnmbing tinsmilhing estimates aeerlnlly given paoie 84 r 12 geargeuwa kr he 1 chas brown bu m r 3 paaan ckui 327 r 3t collections we handle collections only no sideline nolliidg too old email larfie or hnrd for hb to tackle mtyoara in aama ooloa t0 tollkmo no lliartor kelly aiken collettors oraagsvllle and owen sonnd coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove codl small egg coat large sized pea cool delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown ben j petch licensed aucttonaar for rlallnr paal a leu will lams poal otdca eon ducted satisfactorily and at onabla mtan ordsra laft al a promvl attantlj ladies sbamp001iw nascei1inc andfjcurulk frizzint and sin6ew6 try as oar prices are reasonable mr mrs jb ullico hlllbenls plmiie 78w 1 1