Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 24, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 1 toy mmh vlar of publication oeorgetown wedneaday evening march 24th 1926 1 fio per annum in adu the georgetown berald j m moore pbulltasr aad proprietor hulur ctullu weakly ne paper aauui cnr tle tab ointl f abt iiwcngi i possongci iwsenroi mail passenger mail paaacngur passenger sunda going wpht passenger mail i paaucngor mail passenger passenger passenger sunday going nohth mail mail mail mail ooino floctfl ar a m uuam 10 lharo 1 1 5tt m tl 4h i m g bll p m h2fl pm ill pro j 61 an 10 ho a m 812 pm 4bopra 608pm 70bpro 10 24 ara 8 00 am 4 55 pm 11 1c am 7b4 pm cui41ss nautil ekcuic hallways taronto saharau rallwav eastbodjd westbound daily ih train train no 2 8 04 a in no 1 7 21 am 4 1004 am 3- l 612 04 pm 8 2 04 pro 10 4 04 p m 12- 604pm 11 804pm 16 10 04 pm isis 01 am 11 21 am 7- 1 21 p m 9 8 21 pm 11 5 21pru 18 7 21 pm 15- 9 21 pm 17 121flani train not 1 ran 4 ran dally except sunday directory hilton wallbridge a dale btrrlitn solkltors ita toronto and 0iwwn odca kennedy block la rag daja la charge ol mm h o mxir barrister solicitor etc office mill st georgetown hours 9 an to s p in open welaetday and saturday eveni clabejtox a wioanii turrliu sol wstary fahuo hour 9am lo 5 p m open wednesday and saturday evening r mouaitoloa it dr t m marcbllui phyaislan and homjil medical omoar of health office bourn 1 to 4 and t to i p m pheneu offlos and beeldeooe main sin booth oppoalu pr pylertan church dr c r w roii physician and surgeon mill street georgelown plioi e 22 bx houaa surgeon grace hop tal dr c v williams rbytictsn sod surgeon office and residence queeii si reel soutb dr autheruurd eye bar nose and throat sptaalwt at georgetown each saturday hoara7pro till s p m- or by appoint meat glasses supplied r bl watsom d d m d s ooioa hewni 9 to o zoaat tkwit attaraaaaa f l hiath ldjl d d a dentist ofboe in lns bloek on door nortt ar onalira carrlaft luotoft hour a m to p m chiropractic ma medlatsw sarawt cmaoanthy r auaotetetty service last arrmijrr mow the most complete and uplo dali office chiropracticblly n onlino wbilbur tka ountratur palaaar graaaat u yre wraeftloo office next to o neiu i garage a ednesday saturday 2to 57 ta9pm other days anb noun by appoint men t phone 150w residence iso at ktiltaa phone 21 j tuesday and pnday2to9pni ha therein luaalro stand 1 anthracite scbanton coal in all size automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lamp for domestic ud threahmg parpoeea bmjthing and caonel coat in fact ioarry ereryhing to be found in any op todate goal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 12 j georgetown j 10day clock sale we are offering our en tire clock stock for thf next ten days and guaruti tee every clock yxxyiiitht care three things determine whether the price toupayforyour automobile ishigh or low- v k cheek value for value imteemaetetaecailidelltered price pay for freight en and aaadsag charm duvroleti low dillvrrtd price indudte theee du u i ao padding clwcfctljncinnanhiigcliargfi tna fci charge whan buying a chevrolet on am are the lowest in the worm and tkeaa mni- nnan chatgu include fcnnfi and fin end theft i to ba i vaaw at me lowest coat wacthar yon paw bwy y chevrolet on the gmac tone faynatat plan cas la ltttt tktm yea ieer a tmm tint yea aafary kay imf m cknrut timl s v king dealer georgetown iteasytopayforaclievrolet s i save money adottar saved is q dollar earned buy your hardware in our store and save money spring time is paint time and your home needs the best we specialize jp painters supplies martin senonr 100 pnxe paint enauneu varnishes oils lead turpentine eto we sell the laun- oaj buelurje xnenbatorstkolarjrs and weatinchonse eleetrio ranees and a full assortment of honseoleaniiig sup plies as we have one of hsltons largest hardware stores situated in milton we arq in a position to say we sell forutt graham clements phohe s georgetown lnmm bargains in town properties price f a nice 6room brick honae modem convemenoeb f asooo00 ternib easy e on the ooukirte of qeorgelowo a beautiful 7 room stone f honae nicely decorated electnc light and tarnace garage stable f ben house and apple soed 4 acres of spy orchard and small frtijt i this is a money maker tod ban paid from 700 to 1004t a jesr i prioe 5800 terms buj bee or call e a bbnham if ou witnt to bnj a nice home for little money nlso farms and e other properties t phone 164 oeoroetowh box 400 i t f f i minstrel concert knox presbyterian church georgetown on thurs epg march 25th which road hark the long r the ion i hark to th utcli b thin wi lift to u hack of the i that through jour i an 1 bacl or the i arc p batk to thi place whire tnf- ruturr if ou were there no j iucism n oh pilkntn of sorrow which roaii woul t you take then alter you il trtxlilen the olh r long traefcv suppose that agfn to the torki ytnt went baik after you found that its promiw wire hut a i elusion lhat lid to a come bring your friends and enjoy a good laugh for there will be a hot time when you hear dem bell go tmg-a-ltng- oling therell be a good ttme in the oldktrk thursday night adults 35c e4 admission children 5c reasonable 02iareea dr w barnard opt d r 0 optonehtl eyesight spedusi 0du ragletared optomstrlat by axaaslnatlon gradnata royal couage seiaaaa invalids eyes tested in their own homes lenses ground to suit your individual sight delays axe dangerous have youreyes examined af wilsons jewelry store main st oneill block georgetown tommj church keeps pegging away at hut campaign to have can adas railways revert to their prewar klicy of giving the public special res for sporting events fall fairs and on national holidays parliament hail scarcek convened before had again had his bill before commons and all sportsmen without exception will be behindjuta in efforts this session most of us remember the good old days when a lance section of the community would pack up its duds and reapom to the conductors all abroad il follow the home team to a nearby town or to spend a hot summer day the lake shore these excursions re uujcely patronised because th tup could be made at the moderate cost of single fare or fare-and-onc- third for the round trip it ts only necessary to hark back twelve years or mon to brum back memories of the weekend trips to the city or the humed trip to tlte parental home at easter thanksgiving or chratmai thcae trips too were popular be cause they could be accomplished at a modcrat cost mr church con tends that the old special rate which obtained prior to the war if restor ed ill tend to increase the earnings of the railways from this class traffic and most people will be dined to think he is right go to tommy erin browns bakery confectionery we have moved into our new store on main street opposite oneill s office in the old millar block arid we are id better shape to serve our customers we have added to our baking business an up to date ice cream parlor and light lunches we also handle betty browns candy deal here and you will sa ve money n h brown bakery 303w phonesconfeotionory 202 do you sell automobiles even when the sale seems lost long dis tance may save it u dontuutt snys llrnrv hord jc the telephone tlnit th road you first travclw with mighs and unrest though dreary and rough wan lracously blest with balm for each bruise ai charm for each ache oh pilgvinisf sorrow which roa i would you take special fares and trains essioaal growers naturally earned off the bulk of the awards though it was noticeable that here and there the name of a private owner appear ed those of r s uclaughfin of oshawa and lady eaton being the most conspicuous of the successful boncommercial exhibitors georgetown floral company had a splendid exhibit and were among the the the show was staged under th auspices of the provincial and to ronto horticultural societies florets club and the gardener growers association mr t j bingham north bay isietd with relatives and friends here last week mrs salmon and son tom raited mrs w j curry one day last week who is very ill in st john s hospital toronto mrs m thompson entertained a number of ladies to a social evening on thursday last an interesting fea ture was a contest in which mrs rev hall was the pnse winner all thoroughly enjoyed the evening mr h fiakaey recently nurcha cd the farm on which be has been living lot s town line bna from mr wm sinclair of georgetown the farm has been in possess the sinclair family for over 90 this being the first transfer the crown deed mr and mrs m e bacon and family have moved to hiusburg where mr bacon has purchased from hugh mclachlan his gtrst mill residence and took possession on monday mr golden burt recently purofed mr bacons farm on the 6th hoc enn and has poaaession advocate d follow hal ton spring asaixes will open on monday march 9 at the court house milton before his lordship chief justice meredith mr jackson agnew hilton who had been in poor health for some time and who was taken to the hamilton hospital for treatment of an inward trouble passed away the above institution last friday mr and mrs albert l patterson milton announce the engagement of their daughter edith livingstone to mr lawrence faweett sharpe son of mr and mrs samuel sharpe camp- bcllville the marriage to take place early in april in a hearing before judge elliott here on monday afternoon an appeal by louis braeci of oakrule against judgment of magistrate shields is dismissed and brace i committed to the county jail braeci was sen tenced to pay a fine of 600 and costs and one month in jau with an additional sot nfbnths in default of payment on a charge of selling iquor reformer ira d our groceries are fresh i and of the beat quality the prices are reaiofaable and we will deliver any phone ordert promptly diamond crjatnl salt 2 boxes castille soap imod aize 7 barn pjg boap 4 bant gold soup 4 barn pens tins matches 4 bones cbipso ft tor pearlme 8 fnr commenced work on the sopcr buqd ing recenui purchased by mr h w hinton hhe is transforming the hall upstairs into living ipartments jljwith modern conveniences j other improver s free press forsters georgetown acton n mcgregor of paisley visited his aunt mrs william taylor brock avenue on mondaj mr john leishman went to st useph a hospital cuclpo last week for treatment for varicose veins inrf mrv j c russell george town visited at the home of mr ar- mrs fred cooper queen street i miss thclma craig principal the hili school was taken the hope of recovering without operation mr emerson amkfson s little lad who was injured while playing chool b proving tht hot sun s rays have closed the for actons open rink people here long for a covered hope mich will materialise mr w r l blair contractor has on a clothesline tht spring flower show hi re last week t the king hdwanl lloul ilefi nitely established toronto as one of the great rosegrowing centres of the world in the notour wealth of cojor shown the roses centred in the crj stal ballroom were outstanding fpa lure all shown were the product of ie rasp bouics of the well known imipbrrial grower and th compel i arr for iirst place wa such as to ive the judges a difficult task ihutcnantqvenior ctckshutl ill is opening remarks rif erred to th great sucects lhat has attended rom development in ontario though the centre sections of t i room m which cut blooms and tjuite a number of the rare ooci were a feast to the eyes the display of potted specimen plants drew the greatest at tenoon huge groupings of prunu las sehuauiuius lilacs hydrangea wisterias eynerartas axaelias rho dodendrons and other were range around the wabs and in color ami wealth of flower were a revelation a new white carnation was pre sented to mr coduhutt who wai aiked to name it she gave the flow er the name of locarno il was a development made bj s kirk of georgetown from the red variety known as jkeacon there about 60 cusses in the show notes and comments about thrhr q artrlts of the townships of ontario ha com pi lei i with the highwajh 1 iu ami i i ment act 1024 and ir rcuvic grantu accordingly hon donc s henry stated in the house it nh to a question two hundn i i i seventy ffvo townships have iompl i lis r i ai nihipf have abolished statute to bor but hae not yet passed the n nian hv laws to emtbw them to i tain th to per cent payable b th eov rninont aske 1 if it wi re tin h of the lepartment to have ail tnlips participate in this assist nnn th mimtrr n plied in the iif 1tv i lopl 1 p rliapa renli i how nan of thi dluigrceubli things iff life ib aincb anl untatiom might h aoilei simply b being n noted if m wtn lo itop to chae every cur that barks at us as we gu on our way e would often a h at ed up and baitt our temper ruff kit to no purpose and in many casta no doubt we would make ourselves n dtculous the hogs we chast woul i eoon become our enemies and raulti ply their annoying attacks so then- are petty annoyances in life that art not worth minding to stop to no bee them belittles us somcont nakes a disparaging remark about us ind our pride is hurt our first im iulse may be to say something sharp ly wa of retaliation to punish our detractor or we watch for an oppor tunity to pay him back in kind tlils cherishing of kd injured feeling causes the wound to fester and to give us needless pain bettaa- nevtr notice bo trifling a matter if the criticism made upon us is not true srobably far worse might be truth ultysaid about us but in an case the sooner a disagreeable inci dent is allowed to pass out of our mind the better for our peace an i general news of uk the dis tuoneen o chinguacousy who farmed tnet all his life passed away quiet and unexpectedly from heart failure i wntnosday mr andmrs frank ford trafal gar were preseotcd with two hand some wicker chairs and a fernery fay their friends at the celebration of their 36th wedding anniversary quite recently mr campbell streo of enn hap pened with a painful accident one day recently while drawing sawdusl in some manner the sleigh upset in the maap mr steen sustained a badly sprained lew and as a result is confined to his home it has been proved that the total bird population on a green area can be raised far above the normal by putting up birdhouses birds feed upon practically all insect pests and bra up to us to increase their num bers baikt and put up birdhouses due to an alarming outbreak of measles in canniftoa and corbyvitte villages dr ward thurtow town- mheal officer of health has the temporary dosing of the united church at cannifton and the public school attended by pupils from oouitfflagea w j aterritt has disposed or his 100 acre farm on lot 15 first line west toronto boirnshtp to robert woodib or brampton for 12000 whoe w d bowk clerk of ching uacousy has sold 100 acres with and bam lot 28 fifth concta- west qungaacottsy to john rain for 116 00o splendid reports of the success of the introduction of pheasants into hattoa county were made at an en thusiastic meeting of the hnlton game protective association at milton on day about 40 applications received for pheasant egg set tings for the coming season evi dence was green that the pheasants from hut year had wintered weu an amendment to the manitoba law empts all amateur sports from the useaent tax ontario might weo follow the example and include all entertainments given by amateur tal eat while descending the stairs in his me in trafalgar township last thursday night a lamp while lit fell from j w browns bands and ex ploded covering the floor with oil which ignited and set fire to the house by hard work the flames were extinguished before much dam age was done but mr brown wa badly burned about the hands feel and lower part of his body at the concluding session of th grand orange chapter of ontario west in london lastnreek guclph was tboo for t one or the strange things about this mortal life is the nonconcern we draw towards death did you ever stop to think that six feet under the around there are rows and rows of dead woo he unmindful of the tu mutt that is raging above them to ec men piling up dollars and plan img leases that are to run for i years you would think the expected to stay on top of the earth for som considerable time yet deep down in their hearts they must know that joon the grave will open for them life is not measured by money and will not buy health then why sacri fice your friends peace of mind and health in the mad rush to get ahead of someone else d envy the man or great wealth perhaps hi would give thousands of dollars for your digestion remember death takes all ranks and lays the shep herd a crook beside the sceptre real success in life comes from health happiness and enough money to put ter canada s export trade shows markable buoyancy the figures for the twelve months last reported show an increase of 216000000 preceding twelve months a deputation of upwards of 200 midland and penetang business waited on premier ferguson in ronto requesting a provincial high- wa from bame to the georgian bay while favorably impressed the premier made no promises harry h coffey former manager f the imperial bank of canada at schomberg was on saturday sen tenced to seven years in kingsloi penitentiary after pleading guitu to a series of charges arising out of theft of securities and moneys o the bank amounting to about j 100 000 restitution had been msdr l the amount of 48000 two girts were talking over the telrphone wire both were discussing what they should wear at the party in the midst of this important con versation a masculine voice inter- rupted asking humbly for a number one of the girls became indignant and scornfully asked what line do you think you are on anyhow well said the man i am not but judging from what i have i heard i clothesline rs tcm an ottawa despatch ays t in the regulations in reganl income tax provide for the mine of returns with the inspectors of taxa tmn for the dtttnet in nhirh thi tax payer resides last year returns were made to the nearest collector of customs and exruc but this prac tice u now discontinued the change constitutes a return to the practice which prevailed prior to 195 hut sen inspector hdl of the amusement tax department has announced that in future all churches thattnten 1 bolting an entertainment must make an application to the depart men toronto ten days prior to the da the intended entertainment he given mi the reason that many churches have beta evading thelaw by paying artists and other talent who have on the program thn ofthek helped coatravt the fear of death is not great as the fear of punishment that wol cause physical pain amongst lawbreakers and criminals this hax been apparent for a long time and the wonder of it is that as a preven tatrre for crime the lash is not re sorted to more freely recently a man in toronto charged with as saulting his wife was sentenced to six months in jail with ten lashes to be administered at the end of the first month the jail sentence had no effect on the roan but when thi lashes were mentioned he cringed aid nearly collapsed the same thing oc curred in walkerton last week at the court when rupfcrschraidt was sen tenced to four years and twentj lashes the fear of being hurt gnp pod him and his cowardice came to the fore criminals sentenced to be lashed have been known to grovel on their knees and pray for mere if the lash has such an effect why not it more why is it not used in every case on a criminal found guil ty should the penalty of being lash ed hang over the heads of law break era then would be less crime in the countn to be hurt physically is what the criminal fears then hurt those physically who through crime injure and hurt others there i altogether too much maudlin senti ment for the criminal and kw break er and this is onef the oatntanding contributing factors to the prevalence this is thr tiui- of the yeiir when winter looking much bedrag gled and statu ml sneaks quietly off the stage of tune to make room for another and more welcome season the signs are not wanting that tell us spng hab cub the winter- supply of coal is almost used up red flannel underwear has become hot and uncomfortable and that awful nightmare of upheaval and turmoil the spring housecleaning is ulrcailj s reading its baneful influence o r s tranquil life of the gentle house holder printers in common wih those other magnates of commerce who throughout the wint r month have been puuing in long hours ill their buitncvs now talk a strange languagi of ntckl ck and mashic of stance and stymie and recently 1 overhear- n coupli of them planning to soon leave their offices in the af teraoon to make up a foursome 1 1 think lhats what the called it the days are lengthening out and t getting darned hard lo keen ohc i mind on work b pome subtle and mysterious alrhcmy mother nature noculates man of ui at this time of thi vear with a i ttk more than lln- nrilinarj juantit of restletin t or to nsr a mon fashionable et prenston wanderlust bu call t wan leriust the lun of the gypsy trail spring fevir or whaleir 1st- you like it n much like mi asle ncariv all of us catch it some time or other fvcrj season has its own particular tnaut anl charm and is own devotees but spring lo me an how with its days of bright sun hme and warm rains with its bud ding trees and flowers that promiv- a greater beauty to come with ts winds blowing clean and fresh as i newly laundered nhirt is the glon of the vear right wor bro rn l u ijmrrenee o sault ste mane for merly of toronto was reelected as grand master of ontario west at london last week he will atten 1 the meeting of the imperial grand orange council of the worw in lon

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