Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 28, 1926, p. 4

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tlik imlllllr cl hhimll i 6hould alj trior torunto or crotabc soup t for 21 strawberries per can sfii cfaerrich per can 25c fmeet nliced pmctipiilp hr pure raspbcrr iil straw birrj jam large jar t5t pure orange tnarmnlmlo g2e green peaa 10 likln 2 for cippa plant food 120 ubs 5c quck shine fitoe polish 15r quick shine pipe vtimhh j 2gc royal blond tilk tea to introduce 1 water glass free per lb 75c servus corn flakes the rod and white package 1 for 2k sphoneforit yes ton cn start on igonday and have no forced breaks in your course session the entire tear at the guelph business college individual instrnotion is given the business worldf is calling for more guelph business college graduates there is a position for you get the training american foulbrood tm iii 1 a l muck prlidmluirnprleur wall papers our 1926 samples to hand we offer a splendid choice of interior decorations if you ale going to re- j decorate any of yourt rooms do it now this is going to be a busy sea son act now and save disappointment ask to set my samples es timates given unil l and ohol e bludd paperhanglng outride and inside painting natural wood finishing phone 5vs whds at f3ult axe you ready ftr such an emergency complete mtuluodlk intorancc safruards jrowr drivrfii insure not elmer c thompson unrursrtict se0mei0wn ontario milti were plucitl on these 1 luinljh and results noted jp rlmrnl will bi conducted in isrc rciiultb nf the aplarr niperl thus tar show that then is ni rloua danger when thu bco- 1 haven infectrd brood romoa ealtnenl with miner alcohol tonnallu or formahn water solutions id rome canes american toulbrood has reanpinrid in some of thi- colu- lt a having treated cutntn datrtr all infected ohiiim the imparl in en i iihe wmt to the conclusion ilia i il will pa hi li keepers to d atroj nil ij nod ctjtiiua nfected with auerlcan culbrood for these reaboui 1 it llir bnekei per ippn infected combe for later trial nrni his own and all health colo nies in a radium or tin or ihrefl jillti are id danger of btcouliik in fected 1 tho coat ot thi equipment tid solution is prohibitive iiulea a houiand or more combs arv to bp r bated 3 wv ar not tbi natlnhed hat we can in at infected brood combs with 100 per cent effective ness id view ot these facia the de partment at present is utging bee keepers to dmlruj b burning all a tec ted brood combs the treatment ot super combs usod over an infected colouj in jo me what diffcrfdi in n c il i thare are no scales o american tuul jrood pieeoot and our expiruuenta show inst those combs caj be oui-c- ively treated with a 10 per cent ormalin water treatment eradicate not control with the pojuie knowledge that beekeepers can effee r treat alt super combs which hare ixeu used over infeeted colonics the depart ofint la chancing its method of apiary dbpeclloli wor mid last ear an el tort was made to eradicate not ooa- rol american toulbrood in the counties at hastings peterbomuak northumberland and prince edward the result chow that e 001 colonies were examined tlt vera found in fected with american toulbrood and the content of thos infected colo- loa were destroyrd by burnlni thla burn lug or over g6 coloalw in uiesa counties mljht npppar to be a arloua losa bu it must 1m remembered that lony witb american roulbiood ceanes to produce a surplus ot honev and whilo it r iiiaiun it is a to all qtv nesl h colonies in the ticlnlt once american toul brood la eletjrd ou thfi ihe bee keeper can ro ah tid aad tpp hcea more profllnlili ad inr economlo- ally the dopartmnt hopes to bring other countlet in ui clean up ram palrb in 191s aid siduair idcn the cam pc ik n untt vtiole pro vince it included to uukn tbe work effect i vb a3 pc i uio fcul- brood act ha a qua 311 ine measure which will prohlbi a m kinper dio laj anj but comhless lees or inapeel- d health j colonics lit thoie coun ties where a clean up or american foulbrood ha tnken plae aplcul- deparlmeiit 1 a otleke for some one and valuable prizes f0r49 others i0ac no 144 oat prize 100 in gold 3rd prize vu 5udj cttth ttp flukua sptfa h and 46 prizes of 200 each can you find the 8 points of excellence in the fischman inner spring mattress guaranteed five years here is an opportunity to win 100 00 in gold or one of the other 49 prizes this is how to do it excellence are in the fischman inner spring mattress we want ideas to be used in our adver tising and we are willing to pay for them the eight points of excellence are out standing and with a little help from your dealer should be easily discovered fish chip cafe lake trout and special fresh fish will be coming in shortly good meal for 25 cents f h hewitt pfctie 259 cetrgetowi collections we liatdte cmccoms oaly nothing too old am all large or hard for us to larvle m rear in offle 10 collection o cqabflp kelly aiken c0u1ctms orusvrula am4 own sud grain seed for sale choice seed oats o a c and ren me early elda choice seed harlej lu ccnic red clover ah ke timothy be quatiitra government sundard alex i noble crgtion hevmr jmo- forsfth lurlcr ttuchwheal whei u a browne l co nornl s the fischman inner spring mat tress at your oa dealers name below and ask him to tell you why the fischman is superior to all other mat tresses theitwnte and tell us in as few word3 as possible what the eight points of send in your answer today this contest positively clones may 13th at midnight prizes are to be awarded for the statements which are considered by the judges to be the best for advertising purposes write on one side of the paper only all answers to this contest become the property of the fischman spring company limited and the decision of the judges is final do not send any money just a short concise statement of what you consider to be the eight points of excellence in the fischman inner spring mattress fischman spring co limited kitchener 0nt ot nil ihl ml ti hbrids ot uath hruw mental plots ii is bio 14 4 khvi he li thin from amonkhl rial tcldthliy did t unlnrlfi agrliilltm a t o m i which posriasi h i tpreudlng head ai a ioiik 1ikiii1 urunnlsh uhllc krn pructlrall fro filim ami and til product h j huiv 1 id ot boll ma intl unite of k quality ti rlpt niiig crop hat a bi iiitllul appro nie ultli r old ii iiiim- ihpi omr notes pmi t ovirllli the churn butler ot hood qnalll can he dudi b s jarniliik irtali he at ho cheese fartor and rlmmlnc i in rhe en am with or whlmul tipi ntni iho cream skim milk potviler mind m ihe ato ot onu pound n powder to nine founds or pun iater makes a kood irheri it in consldi red mhlnablt- to tlpin ereurn tor churnlnn overloaded churns caua a hei ions or tat in thi biiturmllk chu ihould not tin dllid uvij- one hair t it cream tho add alcohol lent tor skim milk tnd buttermilk ahows that the losses t fat in daln products li much rroater than 1h commonl kiipponed- ibout doubll tint n unary bibcock malbod skim milk and bulteriillk nond on bed or powdered ind used for teedlnc piits ind i ultry with satbitaclory r suit t ad vantage or tilts plan is ihm it r iuc- thi bulk and puti h in cu tloi wheie it will koep 10 tnriip luur cream ma be neuirilned with bicarbonate of soda and l uaed for ice enam matiufaclui provera or rlpenera ah adding tb creah- x hu u lenseultif the i mt deteriorating the qunlit or ce cream rnadi by thel- department o a cr j sanforderwingoldhams stewarttown eshnules cbwrfohj clveo ftnc 84 r 11 cnrfttowi fire insurance j h knneby gmriebm ajnt for uime of the iltopkci com piun wmm insurance are you protected meat market homekjhed lamb veal beef and pork dressed chickens wanted quick delivery main street georgetown guaranteed phone nol q141jty d prith tho price dlsrrence li the sdniulu for improvement tho market demandti quillt een article of rami produce nteds be lik every other article ot the sami pndi or class bujert demand thin and if they do not let it they go u unltorralty ot rade and quallt ntandarda are inninulncd on fui win re the production is mixed i ib mustard and oats chlckenn or colors and sbapea or plrfl of lous descrlptlohs etc quality i ducta are noi in evidence so first move toward qualllj products is olthar a rpeclatlied or diversified type ot farming where the elemenls of production are at least t taeniae uniform and capable of produr quality et started hjht this aprlnx the beat grades of the beat rarle for seeding eggs from the urst h for hatching and live stock ot a type that la likely to produce market top pers high quality goods are alwayi in demand at fair oricch uept of 5tcsu outside paint lowe brothers high standard lead and oil paint will not only protect beautif j and increase the value of jour home hut wilt save ou money high standard is the most economical paint figuring b the job coat that vou can buy bj reason of the excellence of the mate rials used and the care exercised in ils manu facture high standard cmem half as much more surface than a socalled cheap paint high standard is verveas to apph it is ground so fine that it works easilv under the brush flowingput evenh and leaving no brush marks it cover perfectly and pro duces a beautiful high gloss that endures for ears it fades slowh leaving the surface m ex cellent condition for re painting high standard is a high grade lead and oil paint made m thirty handsome shades and m all sizes rh thompson co phone 46 georgetown we offer to our customers at all times strictl quality products at reasonable prices in first as well as last cost the are the most economical and the most satisfactory this is particularly true of paint products which vary exceedingly in qualitv and service we stand behind lowe brother high standard paints and varnishes as the best and most economical paints sold in canada neptnnite varnishes are carefully prepared to with stand the element and severe ex porarc they are light in color work eajily flow freely and dry with a rich k the will not turn white under the hot iron test and afp unaffected bi hot or cold they pn e a remarkable beautiful elastic finish that will uind all lind of hard near with out era king or chipping neptonite colts no more than most kood varnmhes ya the last longer than moil and prvient an extremely attractive nnd durable lurface made in all sues and for various pur mellotone flat paint beautiful economical sanitary mellotone is all these mellotone possess attdte toft delicate beauty of water paint combined with the durable elements of a lead and oil paint it i specially made for interior decoration anyone can apply it according to directions it lee no brush mark or avadappwgs mellotone pre en la that perfect flat surface that u ao dfeirmble mellotone may be washed with vp and water at often as neressao without in jury to it finish 3bu- interior floor paint scrubbing n a thine of the pott when you use lowe brothers flard drjing floor paint the finish priducerb the floor enamel it so smooth and uniform that iou ran easily keep our floors clean by mopping armsh paint th with a high gli it is so easy to apply and so dor able that its econ out i assured it covers perfectly and wears off tomes in s va- nei of pleasing shades and in con enlcnt sues in kvery way better econo the mclaughlin buick operating costs are very low this car is thrifty both in pur chase price and ownership the mclaughlin buick desipn protects all operat ing parts from dust and wearyb irncades them with iron or steel housing in the mclaughlin buifck sealed chassis and triple sealed engraft the famous mclaughlin buick valve inhead engine develops more power from a given quantity of gasoline than other types of engines and now the mclaughlin buick oil filter makes it necessary to change crankcase oil only at rare intervals even smaller less powerful cars do not match the better mclaughlin buick in low cost of operation and maintenance you add to your power to economize when you buy a betttr mclaughhn- buick the new low gmac financing rates are available to purchasers ol afclaugbin buici on time s v king dealer mlaughlinbuick used cars f 1922 dodge touring 1920 dodge touring 1 92 1 chevrolet touring j n oneill son main si georgetown ford garage in georgetown sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford accessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly brownsgarttga speights garage and battery service guelph st on the highway georgetown lot batterj experts care foi jour linuon tliroiirh the win tcr months we call for and deliver balleries free havinr installed ooo of the 1 itphl typp of cilinder rnnder we are now in a position to do rit grinding work got our ijl pricea on bavins votir motor 10 rrounil nnd lltted with new 2 pistons and nnrb this winter onr low prices will mirpnae i you wo also handle all kinds ot clccti ical ork including onorator starter hftri tot oxj a col lone woldinu and gonernl machine work phone 280 day or night arthur r speight proprietor buy k s tires we carry a complete lino of high prentmre and balloon r 8 tires nnd tubes tbe well known tiro of supreme quality our prrcea are exceptionally luw a see us before buj io expert repairing all repair bnaranteert to give service f sinclair phone ee tha tlra rtnalr shop georgetown

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