Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1926, p. 2

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pack a uirtha mamaeeiiandlxathaarc now chanced for at tho foil owing raun uirtha 0c marriages 60c dcathh 60c memorial cards tiftc mc per lini extra for poetry tub okoudk rows tlntuti ji born i airdln ueorgetown on sunday may 80th 1926 to the wife of row land bruce laird n daughter shirley smithlnstewaritown on may jur 1926 to ur and mra l t smilh daughter ieoru marion died sialklkatlot 23 3rd lini etvquia ing on wednesday june ind annk rosa beloved wife or john stalker in her 7iit year funeral rviday al i m learn omit flowers obituary jajjkb hpnr rlid at tor an illnoas of two yearn duration jam4a henry raid passed away at ouelph hospital on ituoa day may u5tt in bis g7th year mr beid was tho third bqo of the late mr and mra root reid and vrtia bora on the 9th lino euquea idg thirty dido yours ago ho was united in mam ago to may e thompson daughter of the lato ti d hid mra thompson mr roid was a member of nerval prosby teriai church and for many years served as a member of tho bcbbioi and board of manafjors in poll tics he was a btauncb liberal h was a quiet kindly honest u duutnoua man and much esteem ed by all who know bim besides bis widow he leaves to moors hib loss one brother robert f reid of tho norval road tbe funeral took place on thars day afternoon last from his late residence and wat largely attend ed interment being made in greenwood cemetery georgetown tbe aervioe was conducted by bev mr modonaldmorval assist ed by bev jos reid toronto bev howard eaton dnionville rev v rattereon stayner tho fall bearers were frm cook arthur mcclnre samuel mcclnre james cleave ueorge gollop and john wigqins the floral tributes were numerous and beautifol and bespoke the ebteem and respect in which deceaned was held among those from a distance who attended tbe funeral were mr and mrs wm yonng lon don mr and mrs percv yonng london mr and mrs milton young brant ford misb yonng st mary q mr and mrsb- y eaton mr and mre u borden mrs bev jae bold mr and mrs kerr mr george momamara mr prod momamara miss marion momam sra mrs honstod miss bay cam bell mibb blandish toronto mr and mrs leslie enn mr and mrs kidd cookatown mrs beid and mjas annie beid guelpb mr and mrs ferguson unelph bev mr swan toronto stewarllown lo no ib held tiir iiumml church narado to anhurove united iciuircb on siindnv oiiunk mm iultlin itov mr culdvsull conduct ing tho soruco tlicro wan a largo turn out of broth rou from oiir own lodro and a good itnmv vmilorh from neighboring lodgoh tho parade was led by thoooorkotovvn fyfo and drum band imdor tin leadership of dalton mi nrtnoy tho officers and memoem of lo l no 08 tale huh opportnn it of tbnnkiug tbe office of tbe ted church at anlmrovt for ir hospitality on tins occamon and especially re caldnoll foi ins nptondid address on llio tunila i which make a character and maintain a character of a man an organisation he dealt strongly with tbo open doctuji o th association equajr everyone and special pmilcrcs to lone we sincerely hope that although mr caldwell is leaving thut community where ho is high ly esteemed and respected by all that ho may address uu again at some future time mibb buoy tennent baa return ed borne from uunlpb hospital uh improved in health goll halton uolf and count club ii hold their opening rinyyon thupufi jinn lid when tbo fed ng prugian will bo carried out ornmg president vh captain u nino ho leu draw to bo hindi at 10 o i loi k tdinrp artoi noou i wo ball mixed lour me i holm dtaw to he made al a en look 1 n trance tec men iilit imcdiatol lohowiog tbo mixed ho mo a driving competition ho held for liulitit and mer ii plajcr to drive three bulh it it expcclid that all trio mbere will be out and help make the dav tennis ii opening tournament of the gil will be held saturday juno 5th at 80 p m three court a are now in excellent condition for play all interested in tennis are cord tally invited address ud presenlauob glenwiuiams mr bain and family of bramp ton boont sunday in town tbe glen ball beam defeated norval by tbo score 10 7 on mon day mr btuart martin of toronto afent sunday with glen friends misaetbiemamaater of london pent sunday with her parents here tho cboir of tho united church met at tbe borne of mrs j m buck on thursday night may 27 th after tbo usual practise conducted by mr bar well tho rest of the time was spent in a social boar of games and music during tbo evoning the following address and presentation were made to mr dilly who recently resigned an cbnir leader dear mr dilly the mam ben of the choir have been waiting for an opportunity to express their regret that owing to a change in your work it has been necessary for you to give np your position as our dir ector and yet we rejoice at the success which is attending your efforts tn your profession under your leadership for the past four years we be i live that in no sunuiar period of this chunhs his tory baa such success been reackbdand maintained as far u the organization concerned your cheerful disposition your smiling countenance your christian character and your spirit of optimism have v for you the respect and esteem of all in spite of the fact that we were often unfaithful in our duty by irregular at tendance at practise and services you earned us along and made ua an or ganization whose work we believe eos been appreciated by the congrega taon and has permitted us to uao our talent tn thia comer of the master s vineyard we rejoice also that yoii are to continue with usas a private to the ranksknd we hope that circum stances will permit you to do so for i long time to come as a remembrance from the choir and a slight token of our esteem we ak you to accept this ring together with the flowers for mrs dilly signed by the choir delightful refreshments were served and the evening waa brought toaoloaeby tbe singing of auld lang syne juno ctb georgetown vs arthurs kick off at 3 p m tho team will be picked from tho fol lowing mccbnp smith dew burst lamb henderson herbert lipkine scrjrageour thompson a mcintosh hughes j mcintosh and murphy first sod timed 01 hulei memorial limehouse anniversary services will be held in limeboube united chorcb on bdnday june 18th morniug and evening bev l porno of hamilton will be at both services on tbe following monday evening a big entertainment and tea meet ing will be beid watch for post ashgrove abbgrove up 4 d f w o held a very successful meeting at the home ef mr and mrs ward bud dell therewaa a good attendance of members also new members were received after several items of business wens dealt with mr howell gave an interesting speech dn agrioultare tbe misses bud dell served a delioioua luncheon after which all departed to meet cext time at mra black a norval mr b h hill tho corteona and obliging teller in tbe bank of nova sootift here for tbe past 2i years la leaving town on tuesday night a number of bis fnends met at bis boarding house and pre seated bim with a set of military braabet- bpeeobes and cards fol lowed after which loe cream and cake were served mr t h douglas has passed hia fifth year exams in medicine at tordtato tjntversit mr w j magnire manager of tbe canada lafe investment dept at saskatoon accompanied by mrs magoire are spending a few weeks bolidaye with their uncle dr web bter their boo mr clarence e magmre bar just graduated in mediolus from toronto university abont joly8th he leaves for the bockfeller hospital at pekio china being the onlj appointee of the bockfeller institute from can ada by boeat lajvr the acton boy scoots trek to bockwood was marred by a shoot ing accident leonard watson eon of alfred wataon of acton took u riflle wlth hn f be the boys were having bomefun tbe xiflo went nff nneipectedly tbe bullet struck aubrey jarvts another bcput and went through bis ripht log between the knee and the thigh as a result of tbe ao cident tbe police will horeafter confiscate all guns carried by boja k kk at bnrllnctaa the ku ktux rlao burned larger fiery cross erected near tbe athletic grounds at burlington last saturday night this is tho first time that the eek has in vaded halton county the k k k planned to bold a big parade through the pnooipal streets of burlington earlier m the evening bnt it did not take place to the great disappointment of several thousand people who lined both sides of main slr6et for several hours violoru tin throngs of victoria people who attended tbe first showing of the pnnoe of wales tour of africa and south america acclaimed tbe pclure as one of the moat not able ever shown on tbo screen the film is a scenic clasaio tbrougb which moves as the leading char acter tho magnetic personality of the british heir apparent tetnm with life ahdfljjreat with comedy and tragedy one njay laugh at the queer antics of afrio an chiefs garbed in queer uniforms and tccl tbe pathos of fallen groat ness as tho prince stands at tbe grave of napoleon ho makes the picture human 0d one occasion when he is watching a dance by black mrla he cannot restrain him self and does an imitation ot his own which wihb a laugh from tho audience it was apparently tbe greatest fun tbe pnooeoor had and at tbe same time the picture compares in thrills and inoidents with any spectacle over staged plaaam oaaoart ij bud thojaand concert aoheduled to tke ujm the park immediately after the cborch bemces on sun day evening was held in the arena on aoooddt of the ram a large andience assembled and were de lighted by the numbsrs rendered by the band and assisting artists mr h b minims who ably filled the position as chairman spoke or tbo support the hand required to carry on and ued the citizens to do their utmost id supporting socb a worthy causa the selections by tbe band were well rendered and showed to a marked degree tbe high standard of efficiency this organization bos attained a barwoll cboir leader of the doited church sang a tenor solo and mrs black and mibb jean adams aang n deet which were well worthy of the applause they received miss erma buck ablj filled the duties of accompanist it is sincerely hoped this is not tbe last nf these popular concerts and that we will again have tbe op portunity of bearing tbe hand in football bowling in mens jitney bowling tour nament will bo bold oo tbo greens on tuesday evening june utb play to start at 7 80 sharp it is hoped that members will arranpe to be out on time an impressive ceremony took place in victoua pork milton sat urday afternoon when the first aod waa turned on tbe site of the live- thousand dollar monument to be ereoted to the memory of mil ton and district soldiers who fel in the grear war mayor irving of milton delivered tbe opening address after which dr rk an derson m p milton who turned the first bod delivered a patriotic addrebs in which ho referred to tbe soldiers who gave their lives for their country rev canon naftel of milton offered player sheriff webster asked for and was given the first sod as a souvenir he took tbo sod home where it will be placed m hie lawrxand honored by him report lor hay childrens aid society of peel and halton applications for cbi dren children brought to the shelter not wards children involved during tbe month complaints received investigations made mileage approximately i mail received mail sent out office interviews court attendance wards heard from wards placed wards returned to tbe shelter wards visited parents prosecuted released from supervision legal adoption warnings given children in tho milton shelter would you liko to have a sice boy 9 yeare of age for tho sohool holidays or longer w h stewart milton ont abpredaum wo wish to thank all friends and acquaintances for their kindly tercet and ex press ions of sympathy shown because of the serious 10 jury to onr daughter mrs j h stephens of toronto in tbe motor boa accident lost week we are glad tv be able to ro port favorable progress in mrs stephen scnndition mr and mra i w kennedy for the home and the j bri home furnishings ol merit at exceptional bargains bullets china cabinets chitlioners dressers bedroom suites at ball price bed mattreib and spring i15d5 1 bed mattre and spring hi 95 bed mattrei and spring 13150 beed ohairp at half price a number ol good rugs clearing at abont bali price special values in draperies- jacksons georgetown ismffimmmmmmmmib new adverlisemenis a special dan huttonville park f june 4 m6 d e mo nsxration mil 1 iionto h rofcshk miluiiuk i v ill dt munmihtt tlui butterfly dance mil oil hill roy in nr cahii with ordlr prize dance a pni will tic givtii tin be i ii i i mi in lhu hiiiti illj adaripic orchestra toronto th floor i good tha bond an good urs uo dancing every triday night your wife is a good example rrom the time the strawberries tome in nght through lb summer she will buy fruit and vegetables when they are cheapest she will put tbtin n tho aliolf for next winter be as forehaiided as jour wife buy qu ilitj oal now n hen it is at its lowest pnto amrna v euti tf actioi i nt xt inur j b mackenzie bargains in town properties a nice groom brick house modern conveniences price tadoood terras easy 6 room frame house electric lights water n largo lot and bank stable on john 9t price 130000 6 room frame house on the 9th line m qlenwilln electric lights new garage good lot price 130000 see or cavil e a benham if you want to buy a cioo home for little money also farms and other properties phone 164 georgetown box 400 for rent and for stale furnished 8 roomed frame house two lor slrftn posse mon isl june for rent or for sale 7 roomed bn it hou on queen sir for sale 8 roomed cement block hoi it d vlded concre all n iplendid condition very large lot plllcesand terms on application j a aberdeen raal eatat brttkar cft yaara uptrludi flme 81 georgetown stockreducing sale i 44 w h blaokstock of nelson towdbhip bad bis leg severely crushed when oiling a gas tract or which he was operating 10 the field the machine moved back ward pinning him under one of tbe w hoe i a the c r futui card of thank i hereby desire toeipresa my sincere thank to f rjends and neighbora for the many kindneaaea and sympathy exuad ed to me during my recent sad bereave ment by the death of my beloved hu- bandmri james h raid coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown grain seed for sale choice seed oala o ac and renpic early wld- choice seed karley lu cerne red clover aluke timothy beat qua tic government standard alex l rtblr q r i r la on account of the backward season we are clearing out the following lines at greatly reduced prices men i tan oxfords focxljnar well reg up to 6 00 1 il men s tan oxfords oolvfar wnlt new spnngstotk ape nl iw hen s tan and black boots wide loe re g up i 00 t i men s he iv v ork booli tan gram extra npei ml 1 f men hcavj work booth bla k and t in i xtn special 2 it men s i usluou hoic boot special t v hois school bouts extn special j ilojs double soli suction sole running slitx reg 82 0 1 1t i 4 lulies taiivais pomps clearing at sni uil lariie4 blonde kid pomps sp ml ijkiics hrown black ind grev swede n g w 01 for oxfords nil kirjpi ijuiiei blark kid pomps medium hit sjmshi ladios brogue calf nfonls spot uil litliph kid oxford nclt- sueiial udtem spoil oxford- wells speci il 1adien work boots sjwcnl mi was pa lint and tin pomps spent mjsw mdihildnn running shoes specul ladies hosierj all shitles pw lal watch our windows bartletfs shoe stores georgetown and brampton m8w6meoe6afiee88aijse6e a real investment i 8 acresgeorgetown6800 iituju uli to st uu ii iiukts this irn w i sil mil i tutors site would mifct i fun sul i- 1 1 hum 1r iiin n ii i- ill i lul imjldmg smil tutl gi wl tnivil i ill ol vvlili 1 in gtx u limiiiil fttnt ihmii making 1 p is mg hi k 1 1 m i ii il i m tk 1 i imlv lit mill ul ss 11 ruiiu d ii 1111 ii in ill mviu 1 i lul 11 btrtel to u milil iutkl loilnit in si u m ike us 11 dtn wjevanssgo ssurangf 6rka1 statt tont 10 iui t a i lock j pri 11 i i i v mlirl 1 h r ifortu illy 1 ii jk u nr or joupli 11 h fop sl tiy i 1 c i i 1 k w22 jil ml 1 v all 1 soou lei 4 tola si dr 1 imtctl foic 10 m- hon w l e fllon 111 foraala wut 1 ind 1 gl 1 omk 1 dcl aj kc mccp mr u a r hr k k no ccork io phot e 1 31 itp for sala ilru switk labinei grmodlion a a 1 rtc q cwc lilalai kino waa hone mrs r lfl q and m nnbli sn lip toraat mr i r te n o cl urili slreut po ju e uu apply lu le h dal tar sal tnd a iijii hod tculii new plaltorm and rack ncwlv tainted paired th s irulk ims oluei rear lid the laliarm bcl id hie cab ih x 10 ft i ii wliili muen it ibe vaattuss to rvat iwo hundred neat good oaslure land well watered lol ix on 6 hueb llaie per head on appl cation 10 w t lvait gcocgctown phone46m if ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford accessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage jmeconttmicaltnmsportatian quality biggest factor fine quality built into an automobile makes it run well wear well look well for a long time it keeps satisfaction high and operating costs low when you canget fine quality at a low purchase price you have gained the highest degree of economy u the purchase of an automobile because chevrolet represents the highest type of quality car at low cost it has been the choice of over two million people visit our showroom and see for yourself how truly chevrolet combines quality with low cost t arnoli for bent k ho se on church st pan st apply 10 mra ii w tf to rant laiso on murdock street valer m dc newly r e posses a on apply it wood tor sal avc secured a large quantity of dry heech hid mple delivered anywhere m wn or glenn ii am al 4 00 per load out cord ol 12 nih wood also cut al 3 00 per loud and mixed wood at 350 per load alao enrols parsnips and ela j brand lord box 490 george n phone us t 4 ior sala out barley buckwheat v a led w r browne co nor warning take notice that all taxes owing to the corporation of georgetown must be paid by june 15th or they will be placed in tbe hands of the division t clerk or tbe bailiff for collection e mcoannah collector auction sale -of- houiehold effects tie eslalt ofthe inlej a brown ii be sold al ll e stan stawarttown tuesday june 8 nl 7 o clock sharp cons sling of the following sol d oak i mnj room s do 3 piece 5 de board large squire extension table 6 real leather bottom chart all in good order hound oak exlennon tabic near ly new oak hall rack urge mirror and brome hooks seal on the bottom solid walnul hall ruck a beautiful piece of an lique furniture bedroom suite oak drea- er and stand iron bedstead white enamel rxcellrnt aprmgt il ghlly used mahogany parlor suite ictlee comforlablo rocking iha r and arm chair w th green plush trinrnmgs n goo toitd t onj two good parlor libit in oak fin sli iwo rocking ih oak finish nearly new davenport fumed oak covenng in blown leather several pictures and other small articles mclolte cream separator in good shape termscaih free delivery lo georgetown glen w 11 ami and norval r tuoiirsoh bfn petch cleik and oneer wa dm it at ytaaaar to wait npod tkoaa wko app racist osr avarvulng aapplf of par eholo muu tnlkphonh your oiilerr- wo anrlrtiiip to oblige unwever there s a dinoer in 6i iration in a visit to our shop qiao to seo ou jblick7 wmarket thfi home of quality meats phone i8w georgetowtst s v king dealer collections we handle collections only b years experience speaks for itaclf assuring efficiency and re- liabi it kelly aiken collectors orsingatlua mad oma sonad ref standard bank of canada announcement bbbblbj bohai tlaasdlalig u eltdrk wlrtai estimates cheerfully given on all i classes ot woil george r mnekarl phone h19 for quklc serrice emert st georgetown

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