rssiisif the georgetown herald sixty fihht ykalt op 1 uhllca tio n georgetown wednesday evening july 14th 1926 1 bo per annum in advance 1200 to uh the georgetown herald m moobx riulrulpnfhiur afaaw caxadu whu nam fapr saaaalntlaa omrtl tkl ooinq bab passenger fmmd8vt passenger passenger hail pamaoger passenger sunday going wbbi mall pweeoger passenger mail pawenger passenger passenger sunday going mobth hail all ooiho booth 715 6l8am 10 18 a m 12 04 pm 8 48 pa 682pm 8 8b ptn 7 81 pm 7 80 am 918 m ft12 pm 4 60pm eoipm 7 08 pm 10 24 am 1116 7 84 pm cium hfllmml ekdrlc lallwajs tarn uunv kastboond wb8tb0und daily h daily tsajn train no2 7 ib am nol 7 86 am 4 867 m 8 be am o 1167 am 6 11 86 am m 8 1 67 ptn 7 1 83 p m 10 8 67 pm 8 8 85 pm 18- 667 pm 11 8 85 p at 14 7 67 pm 18 7 86 p m 16 9c7 pm 16 8 86 p m 1811 68 pm 11 1886 am train not 1 and 4 ma daily except sunday directory chilton wallsridtte a dais b o hipn barrister solicitor etc offica mill st georgetown hour 9 m loip o open weiaatday and saturday vaoiag bmtml i1wiw meteey pnhllo tolt x kabckixui nat wbou physician awl surgaoo mulsttat georgetown phone 22 ex hones sonraoa grace hospital tomato pm o v wiiiuaatt ptiyslclbn and ourgeoo orsce and rldenca queen street south attest ms otbce hoars 9tu am mood 68 run eft ere and throat spwialtot at gecttwn each saturday bwilpm tffl eptnee by appotat r k wat bp s mu s oflbe pmmi to ft law rtathl0 dds oenttst oatm la im bfcxst m door aorta arokanwcarraam nclm7 hoara ofiixetopitotio ftftiwft tsmke ldt axntmurr v ma tuakbetcoakplcteaod eptedi aac cmfo in ontario hi cfc yalassajbti ei uyn ojo seal to tineul garage aaadtatsatardj2io57to9p oumtjims and bpara by appoint meat fbtowimw refedeoce 160 at hlltoft pbooa 213 tuesday and prday3lo9pm ha riwalwm auagtraa standard anthracite scranton in all sixer automatically screened and coal rood 7 mi lotov for domatuo aad fbnahjng pupoaeb j saiitmaf mod oaael goal lnfmtloktj nerything to bo found ta lay up to dto omlaatwoolyord john mcdonald phonbl f caorgetown i browns bakery confectionery yon cu suli h iik sjum fullly milft maid bread al our store our ice cream sodas are cool and refreshing any flavor 1 0c sa turd a y cand tftrea t week end chocolates reg 40o 29e cbocoht- murshmollotr podge 25o saturdayice cream treat fresli pta ti ijundaewitl n hipped treara 25 o n h brown store 65w phones eleridenoe 66j royal city dairy ice cream full line fresh groceries fruit in season donl forget to try a loal ei guelph bakery bread forsters georgetown terms can spark control on studo- baher cars is automatic the automabccontrol never forgets to retard the spark fit is governed by engine speed that means plenty of pep for getaway and hiq climbing and added miles of perfect service from your motor dont forget to call at- l l youngs store for your tobaccos cigars cigarettes and candies keil ice cre see onr window tor saturday specials jwe sen strahtri litoj irmtl wetow lit sat- irtay ptrjm fucy smrm7ily bananaa and orancca alwaavin stoolt telephone 181 sell your cream at home j wkktwcfcllataalatihlletirrict wool wanted for cash opon ory dftjr aiao wedneaday and satarflay mghu georgetown creamery co msaxfc managar au twatt f pl ta a itatanfir m- fortabu pmiifanto uat von kmt ra mm anting bolt- canadas first highspeed europeantype light car tht dlatiiktlve body unw of the ntw onruod wwpprt nwifa uw maitost cnatomboflt anbnobiieraf amenea and oontfimnlml knrapa stand in front ol tola ear and you can bnacina yonraalf an um koaterards of franca it wittttatal 66 mflaa an boor in pnfaet comfort piekop fat 18 acondi from 6 to so miha an boor 3s mom on a lallon of bmum onr 1000 nvfka on a fallon of oq mcasnred testa ahow thiltb omrund whippet vttn ta 4rad hrak wlu atop in two car 1njth from a ap of s6 mltcn an hom- tbe ovtrumf whlppot ii 6 feat j lnehw hirt not at tall aa tb ateran awn yet ft prortnaa mora room and comfort than ymr oaar foond tn any aatawnobua of thu daai btfora j n oncfll son different 1hayonmm jorsoiatfy ni santhidef reapet for 16 different ibgrooaaue drninga w vreu u tedpen for kuteun rench and itslun drcawinga are m kcentcdpe book wnich we will tend you 2reb for the ankfaig and other beetpe which tt contiini are for new and attractiveways of preparing bleat and pish dishes pickles chowchow and catsups they are all worth knowing send your name and address and ws will mail you a copy frks colmankeen canada limited dept 153 1000 ambcrsl stnet moatroal w our hardware will tickle you it is good hardware yoncancwkbelkrwnlifldlertiiifft r4etu ibow yon some ol our new od store and ovenait would be a pleasure jta quotenyou a price bc4te you buy jushlniit till you get one of our lawn mowers they malice the cutting of your grass s pleasure in stead of a task the price is much lower than in previous years screen out the flies with our screendoors and windows doors complete 225 3 25 425 screen windows from 35c to 70a rope all sizes pulleys hay forks etc flit crenoid gresoleum cattle spray ysawi br fetter lartmrc frtees graham clements phone bs repentance wc cannot call t back jrain that leaped from u and lived anil ihtmo uh atill it comes to hi it ml 1 night dt ii a 1th joneill georgetown studebaker hin i the hill we cannot call t back look the gleam of anger the unkindly for life has graved its image book and mem ry turns the page and finda it there we cannot call it bock again deed repented ere a ummera sun had aet it will not die and human hearts still bleed because of actions we would fain forget we cannot call them back the wast ed days the words the looks the deeds we can but spread new deeds of kindness and new words of praise that giese may live when all our faults are dead newspapermen men see de velopment in old quebec briskt pwtara for irfdsutnal eatar- prfaoa dm 1b junattaitad water powar as most of our readers are already aware the herald was represented at the recent convention or the cana dlan newspapers held in the historic st lawrence and up the saguenay provided an opportunity for our per sonal investigation into the tremen do us developments which havo been and are about to be made in the chi coutiml district 227 miles north of old quebec while it is onr foten tkm to publish short articles baaed on ie various places visited and the dis- imioation of information secured on a multitude of subjects this week we shall deal with the industrial develop ment of the chicoutimi district which at the present time leads all canada of the industrial future of the province of quebec much has been said in recent years so much indeed that one could hardly comprehend the posalbilitiea said to exist without a more or leas intimate knowledge of conditions which obtain there it was with this idea in mind that the pub lishers of the weekly newspapers of canada arranged to make the trip up the saguenay to inform themselves on the situation and by a persona visit to understand more dearly the reasons for the growing interest in quebec as an industrial province for many yearr quebec has been largely disregarded as being of hn nortance in agriculture or industry largs sections ef the province con canadian inhabitants but the more or less antiquated methods of fann ing in use have led the world at huge to give little thought to quebec aa a province of any great agricultural utility nevertheless on a railway trip from montreal to quebec one p through miles upon miles of productive fields well watered well kept dotted with clean white houses and bams with here and there cluster of houses grouped in to a vfl lage the whole giving the impression of peace security industry foraam and water powar quebec however does not consist entirely of tillable land her vast forests cover an area of approximate ly iso million acres these forests indeed have often been said to con stittrte one of the richest forest re serve in the world this reputation they owe not only to the variety of trees which they contain and to the abundance of softwoods suitable for and lumber but also to the fact and that many of these rivers supply all th energy necessary for sawing lumber and for converting wood into general statement of this idnd ore easily understood if definite instances are cited therefore it may be of interest to recount the axper- promotion examinations jilthenms party on uwirjrjp of investigation and let the facta eak for themselves the party left quebec oh friday june 18th at one o clock on the canadian steamship lines vessel diamond proceeding down lawrence river to the sague nay a stop of four hours was made at hurray bay wheh was reached at 7 ptn where the party had dinner at the palatial manor richelieu hotel murray bay is a resort cbieffly favor- ad by wealthy americans who uk seclusion and good fishing among those who spend their summer months here is ex president taft the river trip was continued at 1 1 o clock at night and chicoutimi one hundred and twenty five miles up the savue was reached at 11 am on sat nay w nrday chicoutimi an indian name mean ing end of be deep water u a town of twelve thousand people aft bated at the head of the navigable part of the saguenay river here as elsewhere along the river the land great hills the the town itself m over several high elevations j that is why one saw few email motor cars nearly all of the hundreds we saw that day being high- dwered machines that could climb lib with ease a great palp mill the town itself is almost entirely composed of french canadians the chief industry which furnishes em ploynent to eight hundred men is the chicoourofpulpand paper coi pany of which an inspection w marie by the newspaper men this plant produces only palp which shipped by its own vessels this mil u opirauil ijy a water power wh ch di vi lops 26 000 ho ret power a constant flow of water is assured by a dam fifteen miles up the chicoutimi river constructed by the domin on government which later n the day wo were privileged to visit tt to halp industry through the kindness of tht c i tens of xhicout mi motor cars wirv provided to convey tht entire party 10 the large dam mentioned muovl this dam serves the ustrul purpose of controlling the how of water down the chicoutimi river so that tinuous flow it assured the year round rather than as was the caae under natural conditions a heavy how of water in the summer and a much smaller flow- during the autumn ami winter the ptjlp mill at chicou timi is thawore able to operate the year round by the erection of this dau tht level ol the lake at the hind of the chlcouttm river was raised id feet men are stat oned at this dam to regulate the flow of the water accord ing to the level of the lake at the present time with the lake full fol lowing the spring rains a flow of 2 000 gallons a second is allowed later on perhaps a little leas will be allowed but the mdf at chicou timi fifteen miles down the river is always assured that there will be enough water corning down to give it sufficient power the dominion government spent 7 goo 000 to erect this dam the chicoutimi pulp and paper co pays the government interest on the money an annual payment for sinking fund and a sum for maintenance this same plan has been followed in several other eases in the province the govern ment providing the money to con struct the power development and the companies benefited paying the inter est making a small annual payment ancient capital quebec following on principal and cost of operation which a tweflff boat trip down the thw industry is being enabled to df o o when otkerwibe xht hmvy jni 11 expense might be proh bltive a camp dinner novel and most attractive feature bf the trip followed the inspection of this power development thf citiceiu of cnicoutimi headed by the mayor were hosts at dinner to the press party in the building where the pulp company s lumbermen are fed daily a long frame building it appeared to be a typical lumberman s dining room and the press party filled it to capacity the chef and his assistants served up a well cooked meal of beans pork pickles ham bread cheese cake and pie with steaming tea for lumid refreshment with ale or soft drinks added for good meas ure it is safe to say that few of the party had ever eaten a meal un der just such conditions and circum stances but it was unanimously de clared- to be most delicious and en joyable and the mayor and citizens of chicoutimi were warmly thanked for their display of true frenchcan adlan hospitality the district surrounding this scene of power development is in the near future to be the location of one of the greatest industries in the dominion and we learned many in teresting things about the industrial future of this region a judgment in a court action at owen sound last saturday is of in tereat to every urban municipality in ontario as it affects their liability from contaminated water miss susie mcqueen sued the city the public utility commission and the board of health for damages aria ng out of an attack of typhoid because of a con w water supply furnished the of that city in his finding logie rebuked all these bod for not supplying the city with pure water he stressed the fact that despite repeated warnings chlorine tion of the city s water supply had been discontinued and allowed to run until the community was caught in an epidemic of typhoid miss mc queen was awarded damages to the extent of 2 000 fifteen days was granted the defendants in which to enter an appeal which will likely be done since the case u regarded in owen sound as a- test one in case tht supreme court upholds the judg ment there will m ail probability be a big bill of damages for the city to face all other municipalities will have to exercise greater care containing berries or currants packed in canada for sale must contain when level full as nearly as practicable ss 6 or 67 2 cubic inches which to the uivalent ill quart the first charge for violation of this taw was laid before magistrate shields at oakvilte on june 23rd the defendant was weeused of offering american strawberries for sale in the 46 quart- berry boxes formerly used he was found guilty and a tn nimura fine of ten dollars was im posed the dominion fruit commissioner expresses the hope that this convic tion will serve as a warning to other dealers in berries jftrjpghout the dis trict he also nrmprafast consumers should aiways inatbnttho foileked boxes of either onepint or one iquart rhen purchasing berries ottawa i dept of agriculture st iv to sr iv honoia-ar- thur haxerwood pass elisabeth bonathan lena harris mary jenkin n sr ii to sr th tonori bobbie harris pass gerald graham sr u to jr iii honors eddio lcnan passedward hlcken bes- m sonethurst jr il to sr ii honors mary stendish fast sam tennant nor- xas smith margaret hodge r sr i jr il pass walter griokls jenkinson lillian sas sr pr to jr i dorothy wilson david hodge harold lunan jr pr to sr pr jack jenkinson jr pr jackmaclean missed eiswibatioris elile mac- lean rirothymrl esn charlie mac- lean helen masean mvm- peden teacher report of s no is etquauu the following is the report for the sr iv frank dick jr iv norman sinclair gordon mcwayne george stringer donald sinclair absent jr m john dick jr il noreen mckechn e flor- ice sindaliruth ashley marjon ashley william davidson jr i henry elwood billy dick sr pr norma mckeehnle ralph presswood frank miaavnak jr pr dorothy elwood jennie miaxwiak and manram sinclair and france for conversion into pa equal ir great piles ef pulp wood were proi be seen constantly mine added i mar joi nuul bv the supply driven down the chi een mckechnie florence ntlni s5 15 m c laidlaw teacher nenay this mm produces 600 tonal of puredaily the process by which o the pulp logs are taken into the mil i pjound into fine particulef by huge chanfe ia election law machines then passed through vsr- some important changes were made mns pr and solutions an test- in the election law by the legislature meats until finally they emerge as this session the ingth of time a per- aheeu ef dry pliable material re- son has to be domiciled in a constitu aemming yedow ssbestae 1 most ency ta reduced from three to two interesting and tapressed itself upon months polling booths will be kept as as typical of many quebec com- open 1 11 7 o dock instead of 6 if a nmlariea for quebec according to candidate decides to retire after the statistic ranges as the biggest pro- ballots are printed the clerk of the daear of pulp and paper fn canada peace is to ne notified and a notice oat ef iis waffla hrtae llessfaioa 49 mast- be posted up in the poqins are aatsnhakurl ta qaebac aeotba earnest expectations roman h 17 21 reliav ng souls are lo ginx with rapture to betiol i thtir absent loved ones throng ng the ktreotb of shining kol i thfcy passed bcyon i tmi portals into the realms- of i ghi where all the fair immortals in grand punli ta jm tc by uforde which he hat spoken who rules the worlds on high for circles which are j broken a brighter day drdwfc nigh the absent ones are dwelling aroun i the saviours throne in song all so rigs excelling ihey make his pra bes known those who receive salvation through h m who once was tain share n the expectation that they shall meet again on earth n while he makes them the objects of his love and then in triumph tali t a them to dwelhvijii h m above this earnest ikpectat on at length fulfilled shall be and saints of every nat on their risen lord shall see through him the v ctory winning they in his joy shall share what here hod its begum ng will be completed there r dgetown ont 1926 t watson municipality responsible court at acton a gang of seven boys were found guilty of robbing stores the magistrate said that he did not wish to take extreme measures in the mat ter of punishment such as fine or costs which the parents would neces sarily have to pay but he did intend however to inflict punishment which they would remember each lad was required to make restitution for the amount he had stoleb or destroyed and this amount their respective par ents were directed to see they earned i j wm during the school the boys were also sen tencea to from four to eight lashes according to age and amount of pil foring to be inflicted by his parents in the presence and nr t dirar tion of chief of police mmpherson the magistrate further required a pledge from each lad and his parents that he would attend sunday school regularly for a year norval public school senior room entrance candidates alphabetically arranged caseley add is coupland warwick hunter mary hunter clarence murray martha hurray jack mcmeekin phyjist ncron jean wateod dorothy watson mac jr iv to sr iv names in order of ment stuart mcdpiudd mary coupland ret due to illness sr iu to jr iv george bignell igie varey bud johnson jack ran kine pat harvey anth junmie eyjarith itt to sr hi marie smelile willie roshier horace bignell isa bel wardlaw don murray tspblllng hsrien laird hardy bsrnhdl her bert roshier roy coupland miureek caseley lloyd hustler on trials- ted south beatrice maxwell prio dyer jesse wardlaw dick c herbert bignell craig refd first book to second t l me meelrin fumy harvey laura ran kine freddie saunders jack ward law george saunders evelyn gim un primer to pint book lenny big nell marie laird weir reld jimmy brown lorale wardlaw douglaa dankine mariorie hunter lance king teacher florence malcolm kiho4 erta following it the report for 8 8 d 4 names in order ot merit 8r i mar reid frank reid arnold mcenorj to ir iv grenfell wnght honj tosr illflorence stoen don old mcdonald kenneth kirfcwood chester swindle hurst giant millar to jr illgrant wnght hon r b kirkwood dorothy gold thorpe lack bteen reginald gold thorpe to ir iialhertft beswick ret allan hon allan mclean ken neth gold thorpe helen stoen recorrt mended to jr i dolene mcfnerv victor swindlehurat ruth long tree t olvn hntdiqg hon olive binnie voms millar pr alma vrrnerj i toyd a c w ill anuon teacher watch for posters and full par ticulars of the firemen s big garden party to be held n the park on july 16th a small child n blue sweater left in the park after the garden party willlse returned to the owner home killed spring lamb choice pickled pork fresh lake trout at t w smith s butcher anon v n v v k k j