the lads wt used to know oh what income of very lau pur v us ujwmi to know thb earn fire hrarta so blithe glad no matter whrrc i ku tlm mt ill tii ji 1 r a score al lent a aeon at least of berkshire lulu 1 know for hunrry eyes a goodly least i watched them an they grew prom little chap no ahy and small to lads of brawn and bone ami there wan not on of them ull 1 loved not u my own dlc not so dim my failing ey they he not looka of pal and not io deai my ears that sighs cannot be h ard agmin out what become of all the youth that made our village gayt ah fad and bitter la the truth those isds are gone for aye the war took many a one the war in foreign so 1 they lie sve laughing it it hard who afar not laughter in h a eye and aomc have turned them sailor- men and sail on distant ku but moat are gone beyond our ken and oft we pray for these ah what i become of oil the youth that mode our village glad in war alas there is no ruth and waiting hearts grow sad hawthorn may spill the r blooi about the cuckoo coll but ohl can it be ever spring without the lads we ubc i to know ernest h a horn university doctor j solute cure foond in poison vy being an american con tribntion to the world a flora it wmt not reported until long after this con tlnent had been discovered by colum bos or by the norsemen as seems likely enough it was captain john smith the englishman and hero of the adventure with pocahontas who made the first published note about it when he wrote the first not the polsonows ireed being shape but little different from our english yvle but being touched caua- eth reddness itchinge and lastly blyt- ters the which however after a while they paste awaye of themselves without further harme yet because for uw time they are somewhat pain fall and to aspect dangerous it nath gotten itselfe an 111 name although questionless of noe very ill nature prom the extreme mildness of his language if is to be inferred that captain smith merely heard about the poison iff or viewed ft from a dis tance had he made an actual con tact his observation would have been charged with more are we presume that for many generations before hi time the indians had been trying to find a cure for the stings and blisters of the weed w th what success we do not know medical science for three hundred years off and on has been turning to the problem but without much success ferric chloride it is announced on the authority of dr james b hcnsir of the unfver- sfty of chicago that a cure for poison has been discovered hitherto the it popular lotion with the victims baa been a solution of lead in alcohol but this was at best a palliative the absolute cure is a ave per cent sola tion of ferric chloride in a halfand half mixture of alcohol and water if the alcohol can be spared or gly cerine and water if the hands and face are bathed with this solution either before or immediately after one goes into a poison ivy neighborhood no ill results will follow toe ingred tents are cheap and easily obtained and with this knowledge available there should be no more suffering from ivy poisoning we do not know whether a recurring poisoning such at torments many people will yield the same treatment but we sh expect the relief to be the same telfair has been investigating poison ivy and other plants for some years and has now been able to isolate the soisonoos element and find an anil ote s august rod and gun useful information for sportsmen is contained in the august issue of rod and gun in the game laws corrected to date for he provinces of canada and newfoundland this canadian porting raagaiine in the current is sue contains a very- attractive line up of reading matter as well as in formation an interesting account of duck hooting on the st lawrence is told by wingate mchunter nova scotia is the scene of an article on hunting the mink from the well known pen of bonnycastle dale british colum bia is dealt with in t young tarlo larot breetes from the west on to represented in a canoe trip osh the tfmagami forest in the monthly outdoortalk de partment wolves is w c motleys nrtndpsl theme fishing notes and guns and ammunition contain a vat iety of accounts and information of interesto the angler and the gtm bed and gun is published monthly byw j taylor limited woodstock ontario accmseit not salckb the adjourned inquest on the body of luigi sertori aged 86 years of bespeler who was killed o nthe c p 8 track near guelph junction at 6 o clock on friday afternoon last shew that he had intended to take his own life but on the contrary he had told his friends the day before he was killed that he was greatly pleas ed to know be was ont of dent and able to save money the jury return ed a verdict of accidental death with no blame attached to any one des by flam a spectacular blase which drew huge crowds from the surrounding countrylsed near oakvqle on thurs day night when a him oh uw farm owned by sirjoseph fbvelle was completely destroyed the cause of the fire is unknown the alarm was putin to the oakville fire department atabont 11 pm and the brigade was on the spot in a short time the fire aowtver had gained headway rapidly sml all efforts to save the nror were fruitless the building v was filled at the time with farm ma chinery is valued at approximately 60l part of which yf covered by insurance the t twotml run by theamnamr lfntrt who- was at hoot when the nmm on the main highway about twennfleasast of the tjowvaad ft run by the picnicstdvviclies sandwiches without mustard are insipid open them and spread keen muard on the filling and what difference mtm mustard is always vsvswvhft9 jtrt heat when freshly mixed with cold water it costs studebakor 600000 a year ta coin pletcly machine all its crank shafts this is a practica usually followed only by tho very highest priced cars it explains why studebaker cars always run smoothly without vibration j n oneill son georgetown studebak e r ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station nrnowopeirforbtisinearand airit- classma chaitlc mil give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford accessories always on band h a coxe main st north formerly brawnvcaraga ervviiugoldhams meat marke prime steer beef milk fatted veal v choice spring lamb and pork aihneats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 til it oil the white little stolen church at windermere t th ckink a tha sumu1ii ctsm ne can tell at a glance that the vs little church at lake winder mere british colombia jtas had post and proud of it too nestled among great pintclad ranges mountains on the shore of a sliver lake it is proud ot its beautiful site but prouder still of toe way in which it cams to be called the stolen church how it earned uua very unique name la recalled tna recent number of the mentor fay mary graham bonner it a a strange story of simple devout people who so loved their church that they stole it and carried it away for over a hundred miles when the canadian pacific rail way moved its divisional point- from donald to golden the inhabitants ol donald packed up and moved too borne of them went to golden but a few followed the former construc tion engineer of donald up the col mnbta river to a place he hi slated wait heaven it via pretty near it anyway this cake windermere with its ahlmmerlnt waters reilecunk the m mounts ins hare they settled and built their dwellings but in spite ot the great beauty of then- new home they could not bo com pletely happy they missed thelr lltue church on the wtndy hill back at donald plans had been made for the construction of a new wor shipping place at windermere out they knew that no other church could nil tho place of the old one so dear t them now sleeping- and forsaken ht tho deserted vufage donald up spoke the engineer the leader jhe little colony he knew what syccald do they would steal 1l move ii away at night nobody wanted tho little church out them the people of golden did not love 11 as they tared it bo the church was stolen shingled bound up and carried away one night toignjden by tram thence on the river boat to windermere time they bad returned for them the people of golden had wind of the af felr and they were nowhere to be the bishop at new westminster too learned of the theft of the don aid church and was moved to right ecus indignation he wrote a letter windermere commanding the communicants to return the church dcsutfer the consequence of the episcopal wrath but at wmdermsre they were far too busy every one of them and too happy to pay much attention to his grace s admonition windennere has grown nloce the canadian pacific hallway ran a line through from golden and built a bungalow camp nearby and the- automoblllsts pass by in their thou sands from banff and spokane nnd the communion roll of this prbnltl a little church has swelled consider ably it has a steeple now and a bell too but until this day it still lifebuoy tenuis and a complete line now in stock for men wpmen and children d brill co georgetown sfl summer minery n 0 w is the time to purchase a summer hat at greatly reduced prices from 150 up j misses claridge herald block upstairs stofiydf missing heir ijktkk hhint add i 1 ljm ol i claimed bsulea kverj tear m li in mysterious disappearance more lublldtt h anted an an aslng amount of money if added u the list of unclaimed atct everj year through mysterious ills sppraru ea ays an old country pup r ivraona anlsh as con plel 1 as if thc had it pped over the rdt it be world and funds o wl t the are then or become later entitled remain dormant for decades and in thr and may be recovered b tl one ic i 0111 ihey be on i misapplied b ran call trustees or couiplutely or- gollen to facilitate ids dlstrlbullou ul such funds it is orteo necessary to apply to the court tor leate to pre sume the death of a certain person usuull thin in granted even id citaea whera he e ideoce is slight a au nho had a reversionary interest in ci 000 disappeared leaving no dell nlle tract- beyond his overcoat wl let w s rutmkquenlly found on the hiiih railings of clifton suspension bridgi n r years afterwards the death 1 uie man waa presumed as occur in u thfc- date of his disappearance in similar circumstances the death of a baronets son was presumed of i4cu years after he bad vanished ht left loudon by the irish mall for kingstown and nothing more seen or heard of blm nest morning his bag and umbrulla as wcli as s book belonging to blm were found on a steamer but his ticket wat never given up another man disappeared in am tra la and subsequently his t wives one of whom he had mai rlcd in australia aid the other 1 new zealand went to england and tlalmed his estate neither however was successful the death of the man was subsequently presumed and bis estate was divided between his two sisters but many applications to presume death are refused as too previous madame tl liens the famous singer and tragic actress left her large for tune to a relative peter tletjen who had disappeared three years previous ly he bad then left cardiff where be had lived for some lime with the expressed intention of going to south america but whether he did so could not on established periodically the next relatives with a view to obtaining the actress wealth applied for leave to presume tletjen s death not till nearly twen ty years later howevejvwas it direct ed that it after proper advertising the missing man or his heirs failed to appear it should be assumed that he was dead a case of a similar kind is still pending twenty four years ago a gentleman who went to london on businres vanished and a month af terwards an announcement of his doath on aoertsln ladys yacht which was mentioned by name ap peared in several newspapers on the face of things this waa conclusive but no yacht of the name given was registered two years subsequent to the dis appearance moreover the lady who waa to have married the gentleman recelvad by registered post an enve lope addressed in a strange hand containing 600 in notes with a visiting card bearing the words in her nance s handwriting waa true to you several applications nave been made to presume the death of the vanished gentleman unsuccessful l the court apparently holding the view that he is sull in the land of the living some judges are averse from pre suming death too easily beesnae they have had experience ot the dangers of this one used to tell a strange story as s warning to younger mem hers of the bench in connection with a sum of money in court an application waa made to him to presume tho death ot a man who had gone abroad some twenty or thirty years previously and had com plot sly vanished not being quite satisfied with the evidence the judge ordered the case to stand over stat ing that it anything could be produc ed to corroborate the strong pre sumption that already existed he would attend to it additional affi davits were accordingly hied and ultimately the death ot the missing man was presumed and his lordship made an order for the division of the this order was taken to the proper office to be entered and the clerk to whom it was handed was the very person whose death had been pre sumed before it was made in his early days being in some difficulty he had fled the country then after effacing himself for some years he had returned under ah assumed name a singular feature of this incident was that he had no previous knowl edge of the money being in cour and that if the order bad been given to another clerk instead of to him he would have been deprived of his right to tt in another ease which occurred only a few months ago a man who was legally presumed to be dead an bounced from south carolina that he was very much alive the publicity given to the application bad brought him to life again sometimes however there is no haste in presuming death perhaps the most belated of all aneh applies ttoas waa one made in 10 in regard to a chancery fund of 700 which was awaiting distribution among those entitled to it the person whose death was then presumed had been born in 1tss still any uncertainty- with regard to the fate of missing people where money is concerned is very unsatis factory so it is desirable as lord merrtvale said recently that greater publicity should be given to inquiries for persons wanted to hear of some thing to their advantage myopia extensive tests are slated to bavt roved that short sight or mropls ii either caused nor increased b read lag or any other form of near work jhsmith stewaiitown wire fencing of all kinds fancy and plain gates and porta of all kind ice ice we have a large quart tity of ice atoted for cus tomers and will deliver daily rwkjrw tifttmi ar rufje for sw vke pv w wood of all kinds delivered in town kindling a special ty prices nghi j h smith phooe 84rl3 susy sm watch our wmdowfor week end candy apetalt and do not forget to get yonr share out baking la still adling well and remember that it is all the real t4ome made kind give us a tnal pecketts um matt cwfr mt taktxj mkj pitch peal atanwuuanat post onto sat ooaduotaa satisfactorily and at resv sooahu rates orders left at th georgetown herald offloa will rsserw ladies sbahrsmin saiceumc ancnuns nmns monetae xry as oar prices i reasonable mrmrgjjllilueo mmlitaats rswc s78w 1 ml autag tke healta of a eeaasssnal ty u a aurkstasaa a mwivuaa whose folks who know tint the best 13 the cheapest they who realize- that qahity meats mea economical dinners make oura a pleasant profitable wmarketi the hone 0fqumjty mcats ehonei8w i igeorgetowir coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stout coal small e coal large sixtd pta coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown fish crip cafe all kinds of fresh fish phone orders delivered good meal for 25 cents t bbcwitl collections we handle collections only 36 wars itself ast kelly aiken cm1cctms ovaaajawtue as oma sssshi ref standard bank ot tnajji coal best d l w scmntoa coal in all soest also smithing and steam coal mrs j walubs noryaj 8tttoa pboot 814