Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 9, 1927, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixty second vkalt ok publication 3orartown wedneadmjr livenasasr november bih 1927 i jo par annum in advance 100 to dr thegeorgetown herald j m ssoosut ruuw uj rmimu mvr culu wailr umu fl viable uoino bab passenger 7 passenger 8ttni passenger 10lbatn mail lz u prny puener 4mpra hail- 882 pm passenger sab pm pumiltr bundsy vs1 pm 0oin0 wkbl hall 74 ani passenger 8b8 in paaoeugcr 10u8 aiu paeseugor 1u pm hall 4s0pm passenger 808 pm 1uudu 708 pm passenger bundav 1024 aw ooino mobtu uall 866 am mall p ooino bodvh hill 112l au uall 71 pm ctmtmm ntttmil ekdrk attwayi iwiu hwnu atalhwae sastbounl wbbtbound dally dally veals tvmla no 8 719 am nol 784 am 4 967 am 011117 sun 8 167 pm 10 867 pm ib 667 pm 14 767 pm w- 0j17nm 18 11 jib pm no 1 and sundays 8 9bj am 6 1186 am 7 lhjpm 9 88fipm 11 ssojjn 18 78 pm it 98b pm 17 1408 am traiiih will not run coach lines limited wsubaesal eveeyasy x910 am 240 pm u40 pm avaswday 35 am- 235 pm x35 pm afuturdays suiidaya and publiu holidays only jto terminal 4 wellington watt mron 8tnlt directory dais a tbosnvtosf luiunul s3ueuere georgetown ontario ldui sate jean a tttnui om king bldg mm st a o meia barrlsun- ttolkiux etc uvm mlust 0mtiuni hour 9am le 5 p m itsse welneedey and s evenin aitayssmrini nmnoiif sfaaasy ssalls fktfriij www omumhtb hours 9 am 10 5 pm oaaa wedamiiay and saturday evaalngs da a 1 paul myeulaamd ta msdlralomesrof health in esqusslng townuup oasse tf 1 u e aae t is p ss- auk owee 1reabmrlan caareh bb c t w womb pnyaldaa and surgeon iiu1 street georg elewn pbone 22 eshoae bargee grace hoapilal tarsal da o v wuiialu hiysuumsjsj burgeon imkal ooeer of health oeartetown otsvie and reldeboaquen 8c sooth office hours0ioam lsendflbpm alao by appointment da irtttsxbuuaystb bye ear noee and throat 8pdallst at ge wednesday saturday if ours 7pm till 9 pm or by appoint- meatoliim supplied oflee at mile katuws mala st home phone wr6 a a watsobt du a mda ob heuat te bull taa at r l hiath ldj ooa osses la lane bleek eae deer aerta t yxuhe oarrlaae raeurr oeare a am ta n vb be a uaahohth veterinary stirereea l mala at- aertfe omsopbaono ha m buseer oaueaatay w auauultr scauruejj ihiuvsll muwmlmmfr m dale mew the etoai coasplete and unm omce cairopractically in ontario biiaw tke ohlmpeaeur ralauaoeaaaau uynpraatlee ottca nest to onelue garage wadnaaday a saturday 2lo 57 lo 9 pm olnar daya and boure by eppolnlnens phone isow realdance lev at numaaphon 2is tueaday and friday 2 lo 9 p hare ywr eyes eunuied by lr t wajher itac vkaaaaaavl bnaatu aiuaae from 6906 up tho uet lanat and tramee euppllod w h wuuon uaatertakar amd uwwil eaabalmar auueuaue or lloraedrawalleane lnne aighl or day 54w or sl clarks bakery and grocer best quality bread and pastry the choices groceries you will find our price the loweet when you conaider the quality of good we provide for our cualomera let ua hatvo your next ocdot rumtiit mark clark si vanssaiamsrssimsassibaisississii the cosy home quebec is king of them au it brinhtfina your home and lightens your work it doea five things well it hataeooka baltes auppuea hot water andturna any kind of fuel a heater of the fineat type and a highly efficient range combined it- tbata exactly whnt the coay home quebec is t r h thompson co haiw thought issaflereaagg wards garage georgetown phone 220 u wkere ymfel prtsafl service twi hnltltu wart all kinds of aulo repairing done promptly by firstclass mechanics we guarantee aatisfaction to all customers and our prices are moderate gas oils etc chas ward all si atfhile sauiers hetmrial cetffetwi invest jjj your surplus funds and proceeds from bonds maturing november hi in good safe securities tvapaone or write for particular hr mimms government municipal rt- orto mortgage bona jj phone 114 georgetown hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds a aaaw office town hall mmw your attic into a comtortarile dn radio room play room or extra tleeping quarter fa ing ceiling and partitions of room or extra bleeping quarter by erect ing ceiling and partitions of gypror gyproc will nuke your attic fins retuuni warm in winter and cool in summer wrlwyrbonilt mirllnwr jiwhifll mm how cviamc unctkuj gttmtm irmiuilai ejeetublntfajtt ituukswlll irduc your fuel i trow 3d to the owtaiuo cvmum co uuitto pajus canada sppirepiorwnfcjrjj for sale by j b mckanale caorgetown ont w f mills garage willatrd plato battertas lor ford chevrolet star ovarium eto at 1200 fully guaranuied cat ami ttut latteries npilniui rtdatti kkpalim o all xiakkh ok caiih pboba 9sow utmlpb bt oaorcatowt grown in the best gardens in the orient blended by men trained in the world greatest tea m redr0se j packed in the best packet yet found for tea aluminum we save you money on hardware solid copper boilers 298 349 floor wax per lb tin 39- dcw paint per quart 85 stove pipes per length 20 stove pipe elbows 35 cold blast lanterns 1 25 lantern globes 3 for 25 barn shovels long handle 60 i ply roofing per square 175 polishing mops each 40 stable brooms best quality 75 flashlight nickle case large 8iz complete 1 00 see our stock of quebec cookstoves healers and furnacettes the silent toatt tliiy ntmul with reverent faoea and their merriment give oer am tluv drink flip tnaftt t the uneran hunt w io liitvit fought and gone itefore it n only u paaaing moment in the miilat of the fout and aong llui it gripe the breath lift the wind of death in u vihion awntpnaloug no more they nee the banquet anil the brilliant llghte around hut they ithurge again ou the hldeoue ilnin- i when tlie uliellbumta rip tlia gmuuii or tliey ereeptblght like pautbere through the wiute or no manti laiml tlxiir liearta afire vith a wild deiif and death od every lutnd and out of the roar and tumult or the mack night loud with rain home lore tomee book on tlie hery trunk and lobkn in their eye again anil tlie love that is paaaing woman a and tlie bonda that are forged by death now grip tlie aoul with a atrange tontrol and speak what no mail uith the vision diaa off iu the etlllneu onoe more the table ehine hut the eyes of all in the banquet hall are lit with a light divine archdeacon p i soott kills wou wiftbarehaods rrn utereefmm y has mfm ia mhwrtnmeimiuetttitai wirlhskeelmeiaj wark r h thompson co geogetown ontavrio o1egoarjo4cjojoas fa the halton plowmens association lield their annual meet at merry urook farm dundai highway on wednesday oct 26th tlie day was ideal and a large crowd turned out to watoh the si uontestaute wieitle with the heavy cloy considering the condition of ths nod the plowmen did excellent work tho awards were oa follows class 1 championship high out in sod 1st eddie timbers milliken 2nd w h vaiuiokle rr loalna- ville 3rd fred garbutt rr 1 molton 4th harry wuir r r 3 milton beat crown timbers beat finiah timbers cbus 2 1st joe wilmot milton lnd ed modougall hornby bast cniwu willmot but plnuh- mo dougall class i cliampionslup jointer in soil 0 entries 1st n g moleod rr 7 ualt 3nd wo anderson hmntlord rrd lome wedrlck rr 1 maple 4th e enulle oac uuelph best crown mnleod item finish moleod chun 4 jointer sod open to junior farmers 1st clare wilson milton beat crown wilson best finish wilson class b boys class in sod under 20 years- 6 entriea 1st alex black r r 2 gnelph 2nd win harrison r k 7 gait itrd emrst timbers mllllken 4th wilbert mo- curdy homhy best crownblack bast finish lllook class c tractor class open 1st elgin bmith malum 2nd gor don weldriok maple beat crown bmith beet finish weldriok class 7 tractor class county onl atabble 1st k mcmurray oakville 2nd wm broker oakville beat crown broker beat finish momurray hpeclali plowmans a cup for best plowed land in last five lasses n g moleod gait geo hillmer oup for beat land in amateur tractor olasa done with foruaon tractor r mcmurray beat team anil equipment fred garbutt milton mr j f little who attended the big convention in winnipeg and afterwards visited his brother george in alberta returned home on tuea day the annual meeting of the halton children aid society will be held at the gordon home of thursday nov 10th at h pm mr j r elliot who recently told his farm adjoining the town has moved into the residence on thomas street formerly owned and occupied by the late mrs wm sews a commemorative service will take place at the boldlers monument victoria park from 1030 am to 1103 am ou friday kov 11th u which all citizens are invited mr j t hannant or wain a hannant has purchased the hue wm m uumane interest in the bu inesa formerly carried on by ford ft uurnan the new firm to be kaown as ford ft hannant reformer lltlunalti mr and mrs a kentner have re turned home after spending a few mouths with friends iu the west miss maud young of toronto is spendiug a few days with her mother and sisters here mr archie iteid eigtb line hoe re- tured home after spending about fourjwithln the meaning of tlie law months with friends in the west and a tnp to the coast the regular monthly meeting of thewhor the dulled church bauinafad was held on wednesday october 26th splendid reports were given by mrs dandier mile a snort- ill mrs robl mcenery and mia b vannatter who were delegates to the guelph preabyterial missionary so ciety conference at pergoa on tuea day october 2sth what to do when one alone in a canoe in the middle of a lake catch es a wolf with his bare hands la sure to bring on a lot of heavy and deep thinking especially if one is holding on with two hands at the throat of the denireii of the forest who was frothing at the mouth in anticipation otu nice meal not ao bad is the answer that is exactly what happened to hoaf barber eon or mr and mrs frank j barber of bay attest tar pon springs florida and formerly of georgetown roaf has a good many frlemla in tarpon springs for he spent two years here before going hack to canada hint march then be went west up into the gold district north west of winnipeg known aa the north lake niinlng district where some of the beat paying ore in the world la now being taken from the ground quoting from a letter received from roaf written on 8epteber24 we will try and tell bow to oateh a wolt with bare hands but will add that he will never try it again i was downto the lake fishing yesterday and as i was rounding an island 1 saw what i took to he a lynx on another laland about a quar ter of a mile off i knew that he was just going in to the water to swim to the mainland so i kept quiet until he was well on his way when he was a oouple of hundred yards out i started after him wondering what i would do with him when ifsnght up with him as i only had the paddle i got between him and land ex pecting him to change his course but he kept straight on for the canoe and i then saw that it wan a big wolt 1 didnt have time to more out of bis way ao let drive at his bead with the paddle and luckily laid bun ont the first crook and pull ed him into the canoe i placed him between my feet and started for home but hadnt gone a hundred yards before i saw the blam ed thing more and i only had time to grab him with both hands around the neck from the rear before be started railing the devil i didnt know what on earth i waa going to do with the thing as be was fairly frothing at the mouth and snarling his head oht and i didnt dare let go with one hand to get my knife without getting chewed up i was beginning to feel rather nervous as i apparently couldnt ohoke the animal and he was kick lng up so moeb that the oanoe nearly tipped a oouple of times however after holding him for five minutes i got mad and after a oouple of trials i threw him over board without getting a scratch immediately cracked him over the head again and then held htm under the water for at least five minutes just to make sure that he was dead before hauling him in again if yon want some ral excitement just try that stunt in a fourteen foot canoe i had more excitement in that fifteen or twenty minutes than i ever had before and i most have been bora lucky or i would have been bitten up u man has any busineei trying to be friends with a timber wolf in any oanoe as they just wont play and when oornered they are surely mean i have his pelt tacked up on the cabin soring and i feel fine about it for besides having some fun i made fifteen dollars for bounty on a wolf now oan you beat that one tarpon springs leader notes and comments wom hm uhj mom tuid mora own ing to thsiir own in pabllt affair tbt ooveniinent ilom now 1miii to tubmlt to lbi huprotju ccmrt tl qtumtlon whetlumr woiiwn aw wlgibte to ttlt in th isiuttd kor sonw tlw paut women orjpmiwttfoni have uhii urgiuk that any iiecesary letfiilatiou fhouht be ptumd to enable wouumi to jit in tha swnuu thii uub uu they oan now nit in the houw of commoni general news owen sounds tourist uamp at harrison park was risited by 2300 tourists the past season the num ber has doubled each year since iu inception the arthur high school board has engaged rosa a lyon ba of kit- ehenar aaprinoipal to succeed o m msskiuop ba who resigned to ac cept the position of pnblio school in spector at fort frances he will re ceive a salary of 2800 per annrm and will take over hit new duties ou december 1st halton oounty has no open season for pheasants because of the compara tive scarcity of these birds every year however sees quite an increase in the number as the farmers have raised flocks for several yean and the birds seem to take loudly to the woods and banks of the oreelw for their inter quarters an italian iu veapra township as fined for brewing beer without s permit his excuse was that ha had married a widow and as her former husband had a permit be thought himself entitled to continue oprra- tioua tne provincial polios raided the royal inn harrison securing pos session of several alleged gambling machines which have been operated in connection with this hotel the management claim the machines ure mout people aw honest and in tend to pay their hills but inatteu tlon and delay iu settling obligations often work a hardship for the merch ant und the commercial world a certain buaiuess itfan said that itre- quired three days time for bis book keeper to make out uu bllls several days to present thetiiioliiscuutomeht and then only about 0 per cent paid and the end or the month wound up with a large number if thein often representing all the profit to be ear ried over all this adds to the rust of doiug business and consequently is passed an to what tlie customer pays ror what he buys while there are always periods or brisk and slack business there never would be an real liard tlmea if all confined then- purchases to what the ore able to pa for and then pay it e announcement is made from london england that the empire marketing board will give a special reception and dinner to the party of canadian farmers which is to go over seas during the coming winter in the marketing tour organuted by tlie canadian national railways word to this effect was conveyed in a cable gram received by dr w j blaol director of agriculture for the cans dlan national railways in which it was stated that the dinner to the canadian farmers would be made the occasion for officials of the big war- keting organisation to explain the work of the board in encouraging in terempire marketing and seieutlflu investigation tin farmers part will sail from halifax january otb to spend a month or more in great bri tain and denmark for a study of mar keting and agriculture they will spend severs days iu london towards the end of january and again in february on their return from don- mark the party will include repre sentatives of agricultural organiza tions deparptmenta of agrtoulture and individual farmers from all parts of the dpminiou norval the following is the report of nor val public school for october the names ore arranged in order of class standing senior room 8r iv stuart maodonald bud johnson jack ronkine jr iv alice gray marie smellie roy coupland hardy baruhill her faert koahier horace bignell willie roahier mildred caseley harlem laird don murray br ill craig h iteid lloyd hustler ted louth herbert bignell jay laird w t craig reid violet law jr ill wilrred grimbaldeatoii t l mcmeekin laura konkino dick graham anil jack caseley equal margaret e townsend principal junior room jr ii jiramie brown weir reid marie laird lenny bignell lanee king evelyn graham mar- jane hunter douglas raukine wil lie caves lee wauon jr i franklin clsatee kruue reid john hunter primer betty brown margaret hewaon margaret mckinney jock graham grace mclaughlin phylis rankine winnie bignell wallace miuigan doris caves k j mocolmon teacher swsk hew varlettet f rraat bramptons building permits issued for the past two weeks bring the years permits up to 111602 thecaledon mountain trout club property is being wired and the caledoo eleotrio co have a contract to provide the required eleotrio en ergy and have commenced the exten sion of their line from the first line caledoo west to the club property and it will only be a short time until the current will be turned on the division or horticulture of the dominion experimental farms bmnoh has for many years beeu carrying ou breeding work with dif ferent kinds of fruit and each season sees some new varieties of special promise produced among the new varieties of apples that have bevu bred during reoent years and have been planted in uommeroia orchards us soon as stock was available are the melbs jow lobo and lswfnm tint mollis is un early apple ot duchess season and mointoahquauty well coloured and attractive lobo is fully equal to malntoah in appear ance but is not of quite as good qual ity it is earlier than mcintosh and ia reooninisnded for eastern ontario and quebec havers additional varieties ot hardy pears fruited in 1020 they are crosses between kusaian peam and some of the better oommeniia varieues grown in canada and some of them show great promise nf hardy poani of fairly good quality they arcmore renisuint to blight thau many other vanties and may be grown in i older districts fivu new varieties or everbearing strawber ries are exceptionally promising unit are expected when thoroughly tasted to prove auperior to exisulig aoru sjatlai ftsassrl miss myrtle hare ltcm con tralto miss edna mcpurlane llc m violinist ernest a warren tenor will give a concert in the bap tist church on tuesday evenuig not lftth this will undoubted be one oi the lieat concerts ever given in ueorgetowo admiaaiim duo and 25c 2t

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