Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 9, 1927, p. 4

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pb tlik okottoktowh e3lcram nov udwr 1kb 07 everyday pamir y j bookjibolviw bold iimn a piv iim tom of poeu sinning down tint mitra within tlut twtatt of many u hoim their sluging thrilu tmd nhifrn hut not alone in iwrnltw in found kartha awettteat fount of not tr iu lilting emtahee iilkmiml along each t ominon wtt who uo love iwautj otr nuiy know the poets at wn mid joy nnd thrills whereer blrdu whig and mawer jjrou whether are woods und nit whereer am ouildlitiod m tin low wujw aud human love und hop mid fears the lyrio spirit tliroiitfli tliedi uo ringing down tin ytiir awl ho the lrufufhuiliu patient nuill hut vojow in hi rodttdwl 1iih buatfhe or poetry tltut ml aud thrill hfeit ounnon dii nuka vtmkn m4 tt slut t there boa lieeu oiimiderablu nifi 0uce in the press to tlu foul tbut ilou k h itonnett tbu new nnur- vative leader in ida rumarkuhle npeaoh of acceptance mod- a miralhr of scriptural rcflititta huw it a quotation from hu upeeoh whiuh in worth while re pea ting one night not long ago 1 had a theim i do not believe in druums beoauw tliey usually represent bad digestion but i thought tliat i won here its my dream that had been uallad upon to nay something to thin vote audienoe and i am going to na to you now what that something was for it became very real it wan the word of no human person it wax the words of the man af galilee whosoever of you wdl 1m hiflvrt hall be the servant of all i looked it up ogam the next day became it stayed with me wbofto- ver among you will be the friilifast hhall be the servant of nil men and women you have honored me beyoud iny deserts beyond an deserts 1 over might hare you have mode me for the moment the chiefost among you and pleaae god i aiio11 be the nor vant of alh mr bennett la not the tint cana dian leader who has turned to the scripture for illustrations bir wil fred laurier frequently made apt quotation from the bible to dnvo horn hla point on one occasion be atnt the member carrying for nop- iee of the holy writ when he dec- tibed the conservative nationalist parliamentary combination i a cave of adnllam but it waa the late d v mackenzie liberal leader in the interregnum between the death of bir wilfred lanrier and the appoint ment of the rt hon mackenzie king who drew matt copiously from the scriptures a sooteh presby terian of the old covenanting sohoo ha wu brought up on tlte bible and the shorter catechism he rarely mode a speech without a simile or metaphor drawn from the scriptures there is a lesson in this for all ore tors apart from the religiouu or etbieal aspect of the value of reading the bible the authorized king james translation of the bible is a well untu filed of the purest english many of the greatest stylists tn tiie language have bad aa their chief in aplratlon the bible the bible iu a great piece of literature and should be read for this reason the roseate glow lty t b amiwon htuce e cm urtr in many parts of ontario the norn borer did serious damage to the om urop every effort should 1 mode ro keep it away from here proven tioo u better than cure an authon ty on the subject advises every one no matter whether he or she m in the area under the com borer art or not to be sure to pull all garden oorn next spring as aoon an it iu dry and bum it at onoe and at the same time to pull and bum all weeds in the garden because tlte borers often are found in weeds in or along side the oorn though not in weeds elsewhere burning them will make sure work aa the borers wilt remain until neat june in the com nnj weeds just where they are now after burning the garden should be plowed or spaded this will destroy any borers that may have been left in little pieces of com and weeds which were overlooked in cleaning up kvcry oorn plot thus cleaned means just that many fewer horeu for next year there in no way by which the average person in village and townu can oooperate better fn ombating this pest even on farms the llttlo garden plots should by plowed and cleaned up in the manner indji ated above tax fwtmfft at the last seauioii of the ontario legislature an act watt pajwed uiuund iug the amusement tax at t tin was to oome into force on a date to be named by tin lumnnantoov eraor and this ban been done the date being novemlwr iki tiie pro visions of the new act take the tax uflau ticket of twtntj tivi uentit and under regarding eaeiupttoim for natrio- i tio oharitable roligioiih and cdu uatkmal eniertaiumunl no emir tainments are now exempt from tin amusement taxjior an an church m sooleuea orastnixatinith ou ex einpt frm oouecting the uiuusument tarn if an admission in charged or if after admission u charge m roanc or a fee collected unless prior to tlte holding of the entertainment u let ter baa been obtained from the ilc- partment granting exemption the regulationn make it oompul uory for the owner or if lloeuned the uoensee of the platx of amuite- ment to collect the amtihciqeut tax unless he is handed pn ir to thn entertainment the letter grunting exemption and should he foil to do ho he is liahlo to prosecution there for no exemptions will he grant i upon any grounds after an entertain ment has been held lni u i ii iiiimmu fritwn nil rtr truth w imld nfri un lit iivmhi tlouii dm uirt mi i lw milttl imivlm lit llli llit1l llllllll i hit imly tult h film 1 ii i- ttii hint l hottpr mtnhl n ir hi i iim lift iuxlmi u month litvtiitiiu nil uiilitin unlit in liml rt till dill iii lit illuf h llluuillllilllml dllf titivd immi ilmtilf hil ilinif tlllli fur hliii llrt iu tiflliliiu hi lite unrlil th ninth i ulih jim lilw iliylilsn hud lohl iiliu ll uur altuifutv ur tuni tut tt fiinclthl ou ure inirortuuult u hid tim ilnn in no nullvf or im uiu in niiimv you tn mtlvf itilcn k if jim itud u fnil no roluiiut m nitr limhhim or u liurii fotiiiillnu un nrphmi anluio but runliir npitilihl iu vnriliti nnil be niil tut ytiihfr urllably rinrt nu koiuvililtik iiuiiiilutory u in n traiiumtlliu ltuulufl slid uwr triiliiil ufiii ulsl in bl dslly ww iihi u llli hixtuslntemv sutl imuu im r hit imd uiqulrtml this inmi bis tnulf itilin lluriott lu i titutn far in ysers be bed t is ii iiw u htlluw wand iu ihv bund uf hint irti ld dlw pllasrlau wbn ik ltft rtilltfe lu iiad bn h at lit lilnu lil tinole in bis tltrtilv prop- iri inti rnib fur plant jfmn tied luuii in im utterly unnikilsl thit ito mfiii ttv in ii u of huusn kind nihi liml mi nigh dried up wliltlit lilm fihn hurton dlutrusted bis f1 nw mum nnd ssw hut good tn him id liml in s tumhure larulrated ibis lulu h mphrw v frih luinil osme io ardly at lift uluii iiir unele dm leavlnir blw h iifwnlh fntiuni lllu iirfmitt mlpmlm wseto visit ulss alui n on die rturn fraw his i rip lie found ntttonc other tamorbda mu miltlna tiu attention to the fact tlinf ltit purhiom ettoiifsv oo tb u nyn puiv bad bfl paid in full and unit tlicr w nme naprr to make nit tn t th till la h yaungtit uf iiir tiiriv wsyov airls x nrulcv r fine hghtm but only a rrlfli iiu im purmisd his way tb hint wdjni gclrlm- wands gmraiuw und ll i bail iho a plsawlnr tnr f 1axtrm uodal life they had luwini nmihrih whtn quite youbg mid www fathr dletl lavln tbsm ntorp plitmir honda tlte elder had iiiumi itp the diittts of a brhnol ttarh or rerolino hsd lwmw u utraog nipliir llc barvly mimiiwi when v imlm y lisd tail mm h- was glv int ninvli liwuon rin f r cattthlned ttirlrtln tmd rnnhled tlimu to pnjr iff thi tniiimttninre on the old hntu wnnlley fonld not hur ml mire thl ttlnilntttlon h hnd filmtyn liked and ntinrtetl ihpni nnd he until falntl n in malled tltnt when a young rasa nf rwt ntjiinp he tmd seriously thoiisht of keeping romps oy with cur- illtif iii- uncle hud however mp- irvkd that vain dream alde snyne ujjb rentwl on a henrh in he lovely gnftft from whtrh tlte tltice tmk iiu ttnme us wardlty en ti red si mm gate lie wit surprised in tliu i lie miij- retiring girl grown into n liil oting lsd and hoateo hho uneteil htm n one dhc hsd long buoun and welcomed and nomehow a umiliini enc of niivelly and rest tii opr uunlley as he ut down nnd lot n ntnitil eonrerutliku mhe told lirnr piw hsd arrongeil ltb her tnttrrliil alhter to take title to the pruu rt and wardley drew front his immkti the hinen be hml prnri at itu onlcennd plsred them ttn lite utile htiiml thst held s work banket tih re u only your name to in wert tn the dwd and remrd it nnd ynu nre tin mlmresa ef hie lotellmt iihie home in loxion he itpoke lcrlure i have itft my eyeglnamen at home i hne grown foollnh enuugli in depend on them in rending and writing there u a pair here said allre uruplub id ber hsvkst 1 fear they are itf little use however tltej are pink here they are flitter csrollne uorr llifhe for s time to ret her ee oikv in a while uhen i sir here dream- in n i put them on they make every thing e bean 1 1 fully rowe colored i fntiry i snt in aome earltanied fairy land thev do quite wall for they mag nify hfinien liat asld uaruler aa he nil ml in tb deed with hit fountain pen und looking up mil u utlll and ntuie tlml u hqddmi hpall aeented to lmif tnne over him th iniidli of rare heaufy waa irra dtniwl h tht gentle glow of the col ored slututm i hopi os wilt guide and direct im one in s while la a business way ehuened alice willi iileurure utuwered ward lev it left the place in a pleasing dream nlo taking the patr of pink gin much und whenever he fh de- prehetl htt them on untiling aa he thought of alice main un excuse be nmde to direct lirr im io the esre of her property then one day aa they ast together he minted hr by putting on the pink glamett h not ii rtnry to tell yoo he kittd dmp nienning in hla rapt gate ond he rtyltrd how his life had baen the hetirr for innklng at it in he brighter hih i thr end of the atory waa o und no ronfmiored glaassa ware neiensan t iphalw the lowly fltinh or impphifm that ram late th face of the brldt intendaat aluminum thm motbsrn matal ham usaa almoat with out number chlaf en be ing as m container for food tea th boat of all paestifaa all rad roao tew u now packed in aluminum and wo have eo much fehh in bath the too and th paek ag that your money will be refunded if you are not com pletely aatiafiad ht coal beat 0 l w scranton coal in all aitea alio smithing and slean coal mrs jtisudis v an arawbve retnvcatinetit for matufmg victory bond revenueproducing realestate is the soundest farm of investment queens park plaza canada fincit fcwwunrial hotel of refined elegance overlooking beautiful queena perk toronto ample aecurity la provided by thia ultramodern hiteldontial hotel rooetiiig urgent deraunda in thla rapidly developing loca tion for living accommodation bmrlneea ahopa officea and mataurant conatmction work la proceed ing with all apead completion of conatruction of the building la uaaurod by an indemnity bond bonding tlte oeneral contractors sabatantial revenue aaaur- ing payment of bond principal and interest and common shale dividends aire certain ttantala from leaaea ploaed on a large portion of the main floor bop and other bueineee pace to prominent aubatan- tial flrroa ahow materia in- over income eatltnatea yield with perpetual bitmeat in the ewiunhlp of the pre pertytfuughccnrivatc4lrighrjrnaybeictlredtruyhlgh a unit ntvettment ia the general mortgage gold bonda repayable may 2nd any year frotn 5 to 15 yean with aensi- corarnetl aharee vmi in liliniit hut tlewlrn ua t t car jt pmlieuun fgfde u p ramsaystewart co imtttmttti bstjur n ontario b khvttf eme aw wnthcwi fmnimi luumriutl taaajerjplw illtfah dawtlllallf qma ptit puls piawnijhnrilaaiiifrviiiaaiatf tnngafifth rsrw mil tnaiainii tliawm r4a toffoeee new fall millinery j np1 suuou fhooa 8sh43 call and inspect our display of the seasons newest millinery misses claridge herald block georgetown auaaababeaaaabbabbhaau what makes a town a prohperous rural population which liamancis a uoiiimmnty intre where waj be established business etlucatioua reliffious und entertainmeut foollities here these flourish aud are active it is safe to surmise that the people of that tjettion realize and appreciate tiie value to tbetu of suah a centre what maintains ii tiie towns are larfiel maintained b the surrounding districts itut the or sanitation tiie direction and to a great measure the up- keep of the institution iu bmh townn are in the hands or the buainess interests together with those directly or indireutl connected therewith without the active business and profeasioual men to supervise and govern tliewe publn institutions and uudei tit un gh no town i ould thrive who is mainly affected etery eitucen either in or alwnit town nliould be concerned iu eing to it that they do their part in a frying on any good cause which may be promoted either by financial or active support only in tlu way will un town prosper and deelop oh it nhouil publicity required in promotion work your iwal paper taken the leading part it is ever tht champion of wortlo cause and philanthropn and patriotic undertaking uut to function proteriy and fully carry out its natural prerogatives it must iu turn have the financial support of tlte c in urn unity it tierveii when ueediug lulvertiriiug or priiiltml matter alwayn first think ot the georgetown herald regfanentel piping awards announced i laltot waav r jf w uhy rjjhl of lbajitallalh tmssm jli ilhvrtfliwiui wtw p rahnjluilawuhl ah a ejumuea el ulutary sulua was ittvelved la tb retirmtital ban- ipe eompetltlon hw at the bantf hlghlaod gsthwrlu in eupumw the flu si dadalon aa taha houeri or the trophue waa referred by mutual coaseat to the ulnutar of natl oh si defence under whose authority the competition waa hld the derision has just beea given by major- qeiwal tkaeker chlsf of general huff to the affart that the trophy tiveabylfr e w bestty cltajmian and pnahuat of the canadlaa fadfle hailway iw edglnahy eirared to ptpera frdm hlfehmttd turglmsnts he awarded to lieutenant cbarlm dun bar dolf aivyu and sutherland hlghuid sji caaada hamilton usuhe thla being aeeombaaud by a ease prime el 1100 00 under thla ruling ripemalor mephetson of lie toronto w ottuh reg- ment ranke for ascoivd prise of 960 00 and plno- ssfart lluvh mcllith or tin calvary high under for third prlxe ofloo impsr nell sutherland of the twelfth signal battalion cunu- dlart corps of signallers itrrlna is awarded the first plsre in the com petition for a trophy of equivalent value as champion pine plsyer canadian mil it la the trophy to be held by the contestant who wins it in two auctssalve competitions and the trophy rsmalnlng the property of the- unit to which the winner belongs kelt sutherland reralves 1 100 00 cash aa winner second in this competition is pipamalor jamas hamilton of the cansdlsn fusiliers london ontario who rartlvm a substantia cash prise sell your cream at home mficrc vm cm cd the highest grade and the best price syca bwrjr sjmriay wgu georgetown creamery co m sam mauutgatr ttsssrs wwwwv wwwawaafaaf ayalfwwwwwaveaf bxaaaawlra exlkejiwaexim mm tmtt jewellry gifts are gifts that last how many of the aide you have given during ihe paal few yeaia are stiut btctna admired and cher- iihet today trunk of the pleaaure in giving aomething that retaina ita worth ita beauty and eharme lor a lifetime we have many lovely creationa in nnga broochee and walchea to ahow you you take no riak in buying here every article guaranteed aa rep- reaented a b willson shrttostitilttctum cctrfctowa college view garage get your repaira done at a fair coat come leta give you a price on your next job abaalrataauafaluaafcu ov oluotuw cm kaajaaaft cay aaxmarua a brunton csfcvlew phone 330 ccwgcmin your felefthonc patrol a personal service v f vry v- i v w rv ui ilrpendi on mora i ii ju th uuy juui own in i ntunf mil lint ur- winking vti mauifiit vott rmi mil foi i jim it mini ullli a tttt pliunu 0 i litli i h4 1 rj til ii ii nu i v nuiii ilt nny follow 1 e i1 tiie i it it i i tunn h yi my di u iii it lllfm i nil v ii iii loll 1 i in t ii ui1l hit u lurk v it urn ih vuur i vic fon i uitl a i ii i n liu i 1 1 1 tn mil n uut i loni i i m hum iiiiu uf n ui or i f iiiul juiu i it ih it in in nil al t v n i uit fluoj in i it ii unoi i ii i to m tlmr tl tuk f quuhy ell ii tkl j 01 i i mil when thp t lijiicnt vt tin upit t li mil t i i men ii v itrvtnir you pe oifiil uitli tin in it not junt days- uorlc but n jot in v lie iuttrvit notice to creditors la tfc matur af tae tau tjtmm h jaeluaa lata r ta tewa f oeevaetewa la the cetuttyaf hal- th mvliajat paeaaaaal sftrtim is hereby rweti that ail sons having any chdms or aawnands sffsjnjt the late james h jwfceon whe died on or about the seventh day of september 1927 at the town of georgetown in the county of halted and province of ontario are required to aind by poat arepald or to deliver to the underslfned aolleltors for rabseea a buck the executrix of the last will and teataraent of james ii jackson menhant deceased their names ann addreeaes sad full partleulara ia wrltla of their churns and statements of their aeeountit and the tiatura of the seurk ties if any held by them am4 tea vet i that aftm tha see- ond day of december 1927 the aaiev rebecca a buck will newi to diw- buts the assets of the said deeaased among the jhsnoas antitlsd thersto havlna rotfsrd only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said rebeeea a buck wuf not ho liable for the asld assets or aay nait thereof to any person of waoae claim she aha not then have received notice datvd at genrffetown ontejaot this second day of november aju 1b47 dale a thoupqon sollcuan for the said it kebeecaa buck nollee to creditors la tka buta f jaaja muua atat b b b b canadma largeat retail oooera operatlna over b llowt o prunes special values dried fmlta 2ss5sl flg z ib w pat 2iy make sur of having good butter a aaaa mm 3 meimfst iitter 43 lh aim martial auaaa 4 lb mat our 9m ta ba ia buttir to hriiu tsauts eauhup c oraua monnduk isc curavlimuallaam stliullc bmins comad bmi 2ic aylmrrbatf boatb 31c otrleuefe lavmrita oulihoum ouvm nisaast se i- w3 avu rlet z5c thank yout w ams ta aattm i all aw atrm tmfumt r u9 ti im laa 4mj mi sim caukimiajai sal imi nt a ovf eaiiawtta aatlag ia ilu itavae f oauiw aau qaaaei i imam m tu mwi waa la m1 aaiuai l ihe uu b4 almlaaj lh walk dfxlac aat wli ovsb itajm tb at pit him tmkm a imm 1mm aaaa fa m 11cm im iumu4i s hirlim sunt twhitt loaw uam iir ia a4 mm j mkii aaarthaluiu umv mammbakl m uaailalta tlwaa ttev cmm flmlr ah kf mtt 4 2 35c ia4ja aa dalabulk tea s9 daauaahraa tasty aaead tha hmaat tkal 9 loaf unuaht or surprlaa imp cuaat ivory mp a i a hatlaaubivoatliat all ptash hav ing claim qatat in auta of jaha 1 mtilor hutladf lata ef to toan uf georgetown tnuiaoouaty of halton ueured farmer deeeaaad ko fhd oa the twentybrat day of october 127 aro required to aend full parrtmlara thereof to graham graham bawyar darriaten c brampton oat sld- ton forth eraeutorlonorbeforath pint day of daeambar 19x1 after which aafil laal mentioned data tb eald executora will dutrlbuta the aaeata of the eald tat aeeordlna to law audi will not bo liable lor any dalinaof credl tore or other not raealvad by eaidj oxecutora alaald time of dlatrtbatkae dated at brampton thla tveaty fourth day of october 1927 graham graham a bowyar brampton oatarlo solldtora for ta lau exacuton collections we handle collections only t 35 years eaparlanea speaks tor j itself assuruv ebleuney and at- e liability kelly aiken cmiecims 1 1 t taaf ref iuandard bank of canada a i ft he baeelllaa ataraad standard anthracite scranton coal in all siatva antomatloally borwmad and coal wood balaot lamp for oamaatls j and tbreahlnu porpoaaa bmithin and carnal coal x in tuti loarry ovorythln to ba onnd in any uptodata goal and wood yard z john mcdonald f pbonb 1 georgetown

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