the georgetown herald mtvicii vkut of iuimiuation 8or wdnidr evening maroh 28th 1928 160 par armani in advance 100 la uh rbe georgetown herald j as moore pkllkar sroevuutr h l vlily ttr aill owtt ti- fa goino kaflt jtll um rwniter in in- pnascbltor ivon s mail inm pausooilcr i luil tius pm twiii 8w p pasenger sunday 721 pm ooino wkhi mall paaseugor iosm pusseniiei iu hair ij2 paasenger s5 paasenger is v passenger sunday 1 am uoino nob mail o5am mall v- ooimo boom mail mail 7- caudlu nahmil tledrie lallwayf mlu hhiku u weaniodnd daily trad no 1 78sam 986 aro eapenotjrld daily wain no 8 719aro 4 967 um 01 167 am 8 167 pro 10 867 pm 12- 667 pm 14 787 pm 16 987 pm 18 1168 pm 6 1186am 7 18s pm 0 886 pm 11 688pm ib 786 pm 16 s86 pm 17 iaoaam no 1 and 2 trains will not sundays bfrectoky daub thohnoa arvuuw soa vllaur georgetown ontario lkv dal w on bldg mill st olaxxmoe hwiooihb hour 9 am to s pm omb wsdnesdsy and saturday fcvenliiaa dkkt paux myalaun and medical oltloer of health in esqucslng township 06v lloara 1 to end v le a as picimu offlel til rtflmm uals sum bout oppoa prsabyurtsn cburoh db o r w mu ihytcisil and surgeon uui slrem georgetown jbone galloue surgeon grace lloapitsl toronto ob o v wuuua1m physician and burgeon uadlcal ofncer of hoalth gtwrautown omoeiind roiudoncequeun hi 8oulh olbos houra910 am l3andtf8pm also by ap r a watsoii aevatesra owu hearaiv ta 5 iseest tkadwur aftmaam t l h1ath lo0s ooa oentle oboeln lane uloek one door aorl ef owelll carrlaa gsvstorv hour e a as to d so or uuabhoiith vetorlnsry surgeon us ualaxhorui ouaanon 110 dale ohhtopbaotio ma haalalaa aaiwaar oataaaauy aa blaatrultf lavr athjmiairr maw the mor ompulo aad upto smca curopraw y lo oolano msilmar lu oklraaiaaataa pilauoruuta uyiapaaauaa bfflca nail to onallla oaragj wodaaaday fc saturday 2lo 5 7 lo9pm otbar daya and uoura by appolnlmaat phooa i50 ileaidanc luu at tfutaa pbono jl j tuaaday aaa friday 2 lo 9 pm have vow eyes eianined kytrtwilkcrtojc vaaapua aiaamafram306up tha bait laaaaa and framaa auppllad cixan em up tula i tba time to clean dp your hlov accounta we are bpeoialiiu in collec tion let ua turn your iia1 dehts into hard uaali wo are doing thia for othrra why not for you kelly aiken paralataat oallaatan oeaacaaula oei oaalak aa laaaa j sanford stewarttown plqatbiog tinsmllhlnfl clhaulcs ukttlllly uvfll mr ii k m 6j at ructorv oiiliavvn taven lvtra chevrolet roadsterexpress akother outitandlng example of quality l at low coat the new chevrolet koadater exprein the imart delivery body it mounted on the bigger and better chevrolet chasila providing exceptional apeed and amooth- ness na well aa the proven chevrolet qualltlea of economy and endurance pourwheel brakea ore standard equipment aa are the oil pilter gaa strainer crankcate breather and the count- leas other quultycar feature of the bigger and better chevrolet tlill cleancut depend able roadster exprem speeda up dellverlea in a hundred lines of dullness cuts down overhead and maintenance costs and conhtitutes a truly valuable advertisement for its owncrti the price la amazingly low for job of audi obvious quality and completeness 650 at factory taxes extra including tha body as illustrated it may be purchased on tha liberal terms of the omac general motors own timepayment plan ask your chevrolet dealer about adapting it to your requirements ta 0m c gib4tm tfef era earn jttirttj pay nttnt paa afferat fa asatr eoavaaeot autf eaoaiea way of buying your chtvtolrt en tiau csitse ready voa prompt dkuvawy jn oneill son georgetown pboduct op crnbbat motobs op canada umttbd georgetown tea rooms hot dinner from is to 1 ml ci lunobea at any hour fowl dluuer tupadith 7uv afternoon teas a spaoialt umtumtt jeiuesi chkkea putry icecreul ua cta- ledtmery smi i tl tt ntiiiii giviq to luudliea niter tlteatn or skutini open rroh h am to ii pm piwae 15 m l neville ctmgtuwm forsters grocery um llluo utm portiu 2h peara per tin 17 prepared muslaril 14 dates 2 pkgii 2 1omento per tin 16 olivos liblijspdr battle ib outilo 8oap 8 for 26 p g soap fi fur 20 ialtuolu 8oap ii for 28 jlimmy uhly l fresli cuile uhj ian forsters otwrawtowa terms caah phone 99 tohelpyou income tax return tl aufit tbe income tax payers of this comma nlty in preparing their returns for the year 192 due on april joih next tie bank of montreal rui muni a new edition of its booklet on the canadian income tax act thia booklet contains the full text of the law ai it now appears in the revised statutei of canada 1027 all the changes to date are incorporated it alio gives clear interpretations and examples copies may be obtained without charge on application to our neareit branch bankof montreal established islt total assets ut excess of 48jooooooa j b wallace manager georgetown brancjii the big thrill gelling more eggs and more money than yon expeeled anconas i produce this thrill by laying large white egg all through the winter months when the market is at its best if yon are not ueqiiaiiuod with tlieoe awnlerful lajen we will be glad to give you inlormation or ime jou innpert them on our prvintfce mk jwr her n0w tor eulthlia eigs au laky tmtks also bled tolay boned rock egos and chicks c d cole phone 214 georgetown j miss simplicity electric washer 1 00 down and 600 per month buys thia washer and 4 premiums sffihfflshhk livingstones bread the peoples choice is now sold at 18c cash per large loaf have you tried our brown bread we have a big demand or it just now cattle cake met laas be- fret every lay d livingstone phonm ss guorgttown sell your cream at home j wkere vm caa fid ike highest grade and ine best price oaea every sjlarlay ntahl georgetown creamery co w m sea b manager j 1 gykanjfavainalwasfwsif am awaeariawajmet t j speight phone 279 georgetown put something besides air in your tires cjmmonsense wanta to be pumped into them too because theyre filled is no guarantee that tiresurefitfortherond they must be properly filled to the carrocl preisure for their size and load ofor that pressure is uncomfortable tintter it is expensive if you wont good mileage come in here once a week let our tire man test the pressure xtiuffo it not gutu it let him examine the casing for fllnts metal splinters and nail ends better ten minutes wait at the dominion tire depot than half an hours work on the roadside dominion tire depot j n oneill son tkt fair hill of ireland tl fihiiulil oiitmite luv uimlnw wiudu unheeded lihm for im ijing here and ilivuiiuuu or u laud 1 lined to know mie pleauullt hilh of ireland lujpitru with uuty light their alopntt ough nion nie groeu lie fore my uintful een umiiglit im far 1 atu from ireland- the luiiu gray leagues of aeu go itmuhing put a wear way la tuoen my boine and me hut the mid waves wake to laughter ih they danre across the inuiu ami singing go they loro her so vmt her oomii again aud wluil allliough her liilu mnj tieein to dtratigera hleolc and harej theyll mill tko hilla uf hoioe co nie the pleasant tulja aiul fair ami though lies eooets he rough and awido her waters ilarken oor tliejro atill to me the irhih kea tlieyto atill the irish shore so tonight outside my wimlow the vvitidn unlweded blow pur im lying here and dreaming of u land i used to know ireland the land of heativ dejun the land of liearta delkght t her hilla rite round liar watera souud cilia through my sleep to night norah m hollanil rtue aasritjiurv indigent rales to be increased maialdpiamw mittf rl lla 175 eath lay uaier new ad tho ontario ioveraments warn lug of las fall that municipalities sooner or later would have to shoul der a greater share of hmuit hi re- spomlhllity for the keep of iiuliuunt pallenuin hospitals and eharitalile institutions has taken concrete form under terms of legislation whieb hon lincoln goldie provincial sec retary brought down to the house last night the maniaipailtiea rate of payment will after april 1 be in creased from 160 to 9176 per day the government however is auto saddling itself with extra eost its present per tlimn grant of 60 cents uill be iuorensed to go ceuts ou thu understanding iu not only the ease of the puhhe hospitals but homes for incurables aa well that tlm total amount of such grant is to be liased upon tlie number of daya actual treatment and stay of each patient admitted to or being within stush bos pital during the fiiteal ear next pre eeding the year for which such aid is gtcn stow up u cmstifj a reduction in the number of auto mobile accidents at railway erosaings should result from tlie announce- luent of the deputy minister or mauds of this provime that sigusl are able to give considering our means will ho placed three hundred feetl strength and cireumstaneea filling all from every railway rronsitig uotify- deficiencies with cordial good will of ing autotats that speed must lie re- 1 which tlie grace will reach deeper it 1 1 well to roahie in nil tlie ap paintiueuts of life that there are ul- wai a some firings that must lie tele out mid trying to uhoouo wisely we ahniilil arrange our plans of life ac cordingly for while time endues us with power it alsoimplies restric lion ilie question in eoustaiitly luliuiltted to us tn or that not tills und that while many thingi mifsi bo retain ed for meeting and greeting and eh- joj ing ihteriourne with one auothei nothing nan take the place of the con versation of living laen and women tlie muting of thought with thought or muni with iniud is essential totk lull and healthful development of ever individual heart and mind and tuul in this age we are hurried aiul driven itistruathat the struggle for exiilniioe is an allabsorbing prob lem it is quits as tnw that exltt- unce grows to be a mote and more couprehoniiive term so many things are vomlng to be considered essential thai are in reality quite separate from the real needs and the neeess- ties of simple living elaborateness in dress in house decoration and ap polutmenta an usurping a place that should be devoted to other and better things all those who can afford to indulge in expensive home furnishings may surely do so but those who cannot afford it should be content to have homos which are true and simple in their furnishings simplicity is not in tlie least akin to mat nan and one can make the home tasteful without any elaborateness or decoration tlie decline of hospitality is large ly due to tbe inbreaaed demand sup posed demand for outlay ann expen diture in oldeu daya people were honestly and heartily bolpltable be cause it was not neoeeeary to make such ohanges from the ordinary rou tine of the house then a housewife bearing of the coming of guests waa not disfioucortad at the news an ad ditional dish or two would be all she would need add to the fresh table linen to be in readiness for tbe guests whose coming she did not dread be cause she knew they came not to oriticire but to enjoy themselves it the same feeling on tha part of hosts and guests could now be so general how much greater pleasure freedom and benodt would be found in the in terchange of hospitality if wo could be willing to entertain our friends with whatever means and appliances u e have on hand we could greet our guests with cordiality in stead of the frequent all too evident anxiety it is not from having every outward want supplied that one de rives the greatest enjoyment bather it is from being made sensible that ones presence is dear and desired we should be blind to tbe gleam of silver or gold of those more wealthy than ourselves when we are regulat ing our own household appointments if we nuke more display than we can afford we are unjust anil untrue to ourselves we can offer what we notes and comments if a motorist wants to kmm ulmt pedestrians think of linn let him leave his iar at home anil go out for a walk on tlie highways with slush anil water on iho pavements motor ills have u great upportmiilj in splash and bedraggle pedestnana if those pdetriani luipben to ik- mo torislsout for a health walk the have a good idea of what the u alknin public thinks of the gas ipevd hounds motoring is a test ot tlm amenities and coorteales if tlioij i a cad or a snoh in a ihnn it bruin it out if there is a good heart within it shows in the motorists ai fions on tbe road for he 19 a gentleman in a ear us well as when 011 font keallj tlu motor ear is n ruagnif itig gluse in whiuh a juan fliutpoints anil his weak ones nre magnified leak servk d ike caa4ua meaval auaddlm mil asvi vowssmlssu duted to eight milea an hour steps nra to be taken to nee that this new rule is enforced experience has proven that tlie strictest regula tions must be drafted in order to protect jo riders and take a ehanoe tliatiffeursagatustthcmselves some ioiii epttou of the great danger of suoh crossings is realised from the fact that one motorist out of every nine thousand regitered in tho united state lost his life at these plat ye m a siugle year it is little wonder with such staggering figures available that tho problem of better proteution of thsne plalcs mid tbe call to drivers to exercise greater care should be causing legislatures and other bodies to euact sterner safety measures yet whan all done und said it is the human element that must be depended upon if there is to be any improvement in tlie roll of fatalities at crossings the spoctacles of automobiles racing with railway locomotives along ex tended stretches of even country roads attempting to reach crossings ahead of ths onrushing train is far too common the madness of suoh a thing is almost incomprehensible it ii hard to grasp tlie mentality of a driver who with preolous llvos in bis charge would take such appal ling risks ckiaari urtaei ftertylery mount pleaant norval and terra cotta oharges figured prominently in the discussion at a meeting or the guelph uuited church prelhytery in tnnty cbunih guelph no tuesday it was rooommetided that mount pleasant and norval lie transferred to peel and uuffenn presbytery if plans for the division of tliat district are carried nut the orton cinmit will in thin case beumio part of this pres- hjtery the committee appointed to deal with the supplying of the terra cottu charge reported that they had not as yet hucieedcd in securing a minister for the pastorate but they had received an olfer from a superan nuated minuter who will asaumo the post until the next meeting of the conference when the matter will lie lully discussed jaillti centuries may pass but humanity remains very much tbe same the llible tells us that lots wife looked luick and turned into a pillar of salt tlie other day our credit managers wife while driving aloug a country road looked back and turned into a telephone pole and tlie oharm will bless more fully and wisely than any mere collection of rare furnishings 01 elaborate decor ations eon da a plain unpretentious meal at which the souls of the guests have been lightened the hearts wormed and the minds quickened by genial and earnest intercourse is within the reach of nearly all all true hearted intercourse ii elevating there is nothing which can give to tlie youth so liberal an education than mingle and listen to those who are cultivated who are full of noble alms those who are simple earnest and sincere dis ciples of truth and love it is that which we have that we are to give in this world we are not to strive to appear other than we are not to strive to make an elabor ate display if we have good feel ing we can give that if we have good will and charity we can give them if we have education and refinement we con give of those and with our stock ever on hand we can always be ready to greet a friend the fear and dread of adverse oritioism in addition to the increas ing tendency to ceremonious display threaten the foundations of all real social intercourse and theinlerhange of true and beautiful hospitality la there not some way ot arresting thia tendency orangeville banner the value of milk is not limited to the first year of life aa the child grows he needs to enlarge his diet but milk continues to be the roost important article in this diet during the years of growth every child should have one pint of milk a day to provide tbe neeessarv growing substances for the body young children have very little resistance to tuasronlosli in their earliest yeara they are rasily over come by thia disease there are two types of the tuberculosis germ two members of the same family as it were which cause tuberculosis in children the human arid tbe hovfue type the bovine type is responsible for about 36 per cent- of all tuber culosis occurring amongst children in children tuberculosis often attacks the bones and joints and so ii re sponsible for much crippling the bovine type of the tuber culosis germ comes from oows suffer ing from tuberculosis and reaches the child through milk- as a urge percentage of nillob cows have tuber oulosls it follows that a large per centage of milk is infected with tbe bovine type of tuberculosis germs prom this it is evident that unless the necessary precautions am taken milk is a real factor in the spread of tnberculosis to young children it is part of any campaign against tuberculosis oaktowards tlie improve ment of child flealth to see that the milk supply is safe and free a safe pore milk supply free from all dan ger of carrying tuberculosis or any other disease to human beings par ticularly children comes from healthy cows is produced and shipped in a cleanly way is pasteurised to mi any disesee germs is kept cold and covered until used la thia the kind of milk you and your children use 1 questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as soeiation 184 college street toronto will lie answered by letter quoa tiona aa to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered few varan mat mkera mak the aroericau bankers maganne in emploing no uncertain terms out lines the duties of the business men of every town to its oewipspei it says no business man in any town should allow a newpaper published in his town to go without his name and business being mentioned some where in ita columns thu applies to all kinds of business and profes sional men this does not mean you should have a whole half or even quarter page ad in each issue of the paper but your name and business should be mentioned if you do not use more than a twoline space a stranger picking up a newspaper should be able to tell what business is represented in a town try looking at a paper this is tbe best possible advertiser the man who does not advertise his business does an injus tice to himself and the town the man who inslita on sharing the bust neaa which comes to town but refuses to advertise his own is not a valuable addition to his town the life of a town is dependent upon the live wideawake and liberal advertising business man kafaar ike weil farmers in the state of new york are to be provided with an creep tlonal opportunity this spring of viewing the canadian west at a merely nominal eost according to c ii 8 8mlth canadian govern ment agent at synttuse s y present plans indicate that a party of about 200 agriculturists will leave tbe state 00 may 12 for edmonton and calgary alberta high price of land and heav taxation conditions almost inevitable in congested territories mr smith asaeita have rendered the lot of many farmers in the east an unbappj one these burdens are especiall felt because many of those on the land originally came from districts where populitioo was more sparse and snob detriments to agricultuial development therefore not so evi dent the trip under contemplation is purely one of inspection the low price of land tbe light taxation the favorable freight rates existing in tbe thinly settled prairies or western canada have drawn farmers from all over the world the oost of tbe tour is single faro from any point in new york state to the alberta cities this low coat of the journey it is said will place it within reach of many otherwise prmluded arrangements have been made to carry at the same rate the families ol any who desire to ssut in canada providing that thej ve with the rest of the party ov 10 canadian national railways provision has been made for e at inter mediate stations en ro as well as for an extension of t tour from calgary and kdmoni in into thu peace river country cesiajsm caalt al lrau at tbe request of inspector 1 m denies the undersecretary of state of canada is sending lo the principal of each public school in tlie halluii and wentwerth inspectorate sets of pistes of tbe arms of the dominion and of each ot the province both rural and urbau schools will receive these it is expected that tlie boards ol trustees will see to it that suitable frames are provided and that these beautiful designs arc- displayed promlneutly on the walls of tbe scboolt