pm4 m t i i 1 tiir okowiictown bknxui tuw aiwi ittmh ajpona 4f word m wptuler m ith loadwl hfcep on tlw auueterator ami wvll try to ptt niiroati lwforn the train nomea tbey ay tliotto tlitiign cant hm tlbly explodrt no matter iow muuh you throw them u round i dms till ropu will hold iuj wuight lltth go out iwjoml tliu lift line the trattld cmph tuiiit htop mt wlwt u funny iioiuw that huuuo whluli ona or tlipm it iltp lliirtl hill anyway that hhhirtuiltft mum haw one oat ill light ft ugnin whats wrong wilh jmi ou cant twtlia wwnnrj uulimiyoii twin out it flinnlla hkn gnn lint i gurtm iih all right tantl iw a nmii h 1 took aoiiu mnhuiuo in llio dnrk and i iiiunt liavo yot huhl ol tin wrong hind im udi ufroiil- to walk on the track lots clwng plaint and ill uad dls prise wfim 81 w too 100 following ant tlw priju wlniurn in halton county wot v contest kh9a8 midilla school 1 ti lawrflncii milton 2 prank cook acton lower school 1 kkruark guthri ac ton form iv publia suliaul 1 cumnco brown ridfe omagh 2 00 2 alielflurainflrs no 15nnlaon 150 form iii public ikbno 1 may urttn aoton 2 elsie anderson aoton fosters lower school 1 barbara guthrie aoton 2 pearl harvey milton form iv publii sihoot 1 audrey jleutio ho 4 trafalgar 2 howard bwitzer acton form iii public school 1 tony luvulk aoton 2 harvey howard anton service 4 the heoeal amdrflm ico 100 100 2 00 200 iso 1ih stab kla 1u there are those who aaj tliat ad ver tiling doesnt paj heren definite proof to the coiitrarj an oklahoma girl advertited for a hus band and landed one in a abort time the ad cost 3 and the wedding coat 0 a total of 0 the has bond lived leas than a jear and left her a life insurance policy for 811i 000 and jet there are twine people bitting around who say it does not pay to advertise what la toor tuutfylnf ftar tltt bridj yam than a cup or two 6f had rom taa7 mlllletu el canadians nra- tt it to any other bacauaa of finar flavor ramarkabla atranath and dtutlau pur ity put up in aluminum tha only material which com plataly protaota good taa during the pant few yearn there was ilimoovtred u boatlet fever uiiti toxin wliloh givtw tlw name hsus fuitlory wtmlu in the treatment of wuirlet ivver an have iteeu uhiuwi in the ttfutmeiit of diphtheria with dlphtitttrlu antitoxin kuarlet fevei id lautuhi h a er tain ilitu nw genu whleh given on u twtiwii or toviri it is thhi toxin wimuii in hoinn au kill utid whlidi in all awn doen moruw iww duinugt tothe varioim orguiih of the lwwly ihewnrlet fever antitoxin oun terantu th4 toxin given early and in miftlutilit quantity it not only rtirttii but prevents the damage whiiili inny be no herioun tiiihw who are renponfiible fur the enre of efuldnii flhould apprei iuu iluit the lire nf the hold when at tin i twl by nit knisi um depeiul upod prompt treatment ctruiltily in two dineakea ri arlet lever and diph therm every bmirn deliii end uwrh the lire or the fluid in cumdu there were myj death from tatirlet lever durliig 1020 thih an nf inn nan life in of on rue wmitiirt ii lulditiou there w a mui h larger uumlier whd rtoered home of whom are mote or lena pe iwiuentl daniagnl scarlet fever antitoxin like diph theria untitoxin mould be made freely and readily available through out canada for the having and eon uerving of human life questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical an- kountion 1h4 college street tor onto will lie auewered by letter question a as to diagnoain and treat ment will not le answered ha ii a n n iiw ii te r ioa- tv frw hrv m hf i w iw nfi tuef are vp amiii ui thirty thfawj lajtule f 0mlaa bay ifiou love the out of doors enjo the thrill of the rod the roeky pine studded ittlandtt or georgian ka will fullil jour deepest deiirea for tlie perfect holiday the iuland dotted ruinmering ploeo m one of tlie flneut fishing grouudu in canada here blank booa great righting iiiahklimtige and lake trout are read to teat tlie wits and skill or auy eager hahermaii tlie inland and their connecting tjioimelfi are veritable paradiae to the camper canoeint and angletf yet it ia oni five hours by train from toronto cottages boading houses and hotels are now open illustrated literature and com plute information as to individual resort including rates aud steamer service will he gladly given to you by an canadian national railway agent 2t who wouldnt be a recluse no rent or taxea or insurance to pay no aalcamnu to bother you no long aer inous to listen to no board of hex lth to ua what you shall eat or dnnk no aales or income to account for no workmen h compensation inapeo lorn and no human paraaite of an kind to prey upon jou who wouldnt be a recluae far from the maddening rowd field day gardenpam under ihe auspices of ihe georgetown alhlelie club in ihe r park georgetown monday july the beautiful green lake 1 nrli adventurfft who first vhlted jaiper nutlanal park canada brat hatiinil ilay rrouiul in llir lieart of tin- uncky llouiitalnn uerc coi rtrncd ku with u- marvrtkius bcrnli beaut of tlm rirlnn than miry were with findlifu a uthway tltrouuh he ntountbln kanurs uldch sctmed to- bar their further progrrm however thow who followed in tlirir fobttpa realbtnl the bcjuli of tin ttrrltory now included in the sjou square miles of jasper votlonal park ant in naming ihr librs rlveni and peaks of thli area tiuil name uhlch were espremlvr tit their thnrnrteruliti tlius in the rate of the like on the hore at which a later lorilrtl j inner park t lodge thr nianifntne lou cabin bilnuatow hotel ctf thi ton a dlan national rallua tin name jc hejuvttt iliauliful flrtiu lauv was applied that no more rilling name rautil itave ben choun for this ikuuiiiui bod of uater u evident to even iilr to japcr clear reri water nfuttinu flic jlury of the iiir riiiimlinu lurke arectb the toiirii when he fctrijlli from liu tabln at uiptr park i ixlut to the thon of hit tike and k fret of vegetable malttr it this irv cold water that ho ran easily read a taper ukirk hai been welultlej and unk under several feet uf ualer anoeti and boat are available far thuftt hiio mould uddh or row over lie kiav mirfaie and a tuimmlnq tank willi huttd water liunlteeiiionururted on tin hhurt of tfa lake jainer park imlue will be vlitted tlilt enr b memlrri of the canatln uiekl euapaier atutciation nl the roncluilon of their annual onntlon at ihe mactlonald hotel jmuntoa alta how to turn at vntbrsections j fkiraleftturn get to middle ol street give signal with hand at centra ol intersection turn as sharply as possible highway safety n is i for a i get turnc aspm right turn get next to curb and corner as sharply pnslhle fl k clip this simple dia gram these direc tions may save you an accident some time ii committee q cooka friend ilsita white satin i4lkaa m hakltlg me pucry powderwtr flott aac gmsffised dominion stortb better values fob baking week where the alhlelie events will lake place on july 2nd i a full list of athletic events will appear next week watch for it hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and- appliances of all kinds office town hall itraakde ar 19c baking necessities coeoanut irura sm 10a hrwmadailbl dmiaum lalklsaltllilkbw6e ftf5 1ailr molauu tucickanlh svtua raisins 2tw 27e vajvaata cm a ggw ail eagu brand 235cj 8s12x2 cooking fige ae lttx sara dial blawiltt ssi 32 vysm tiih ctk8c ouve 17e jialusua rumtlaowclm prunes 3iw2sc butter brand aftc mayfialdbraadssea vlbocllm paachaa 23u tsot tp s c stlt 4o1im ratomaptha maatwicch vuona uilucbttf honey 73c corned1iaar 2fc hf 27 i naw garden party at night for which the following talent has been secured jessie cameron macgregor solo pianist and saxophonist bert petch elocutionist and entertainer i maud buschlen miss whitney violinist clog dancer eddie jackson singer of popular songs 3 always a good supply on hand sinser sewing machine needles raymond sew ing machine needles singer sewing machine oil singer sewing machine leather bells bead cord for restringing pearl beads watermans fountain pen ink ideal silver cream eversharp leads xk willson next i melucumwa iaaa caaaaflatim kfflhktf watch livinjjstones baeery tor specials on saturday orders taken for lemon cream cuslaid banana and butterscotch pies uvtogslones qoalliy bread 9e d livingstone phtnm ss gaorgttown ffi georgetown band in attendance afternoon and evening admission llternoon children iicikiisni night adubsse fmilllluvh chudren locineiudcdinjjin children 15c f a a i a aa aa y y- -yir- if njui ajii i mhcepfcmelg letummphmezm ticket agency canadian national railway ocean steamships caaar aacktr baaahlfm while star battle jukrieaa cauoaa padtte walter t evans ouiee miu street cearfetetra d m i halton garage i e aajjgjfl prompt service and firstclass workmanship on all make of cars batteries recharged gas oil etc oiilri butor for usl battery j m doyle prop him 7 tuna 1r1