vu theoionpifciwil hliam kt tlll 111jh i 111 iia special prizes contitiiiail frum pagi 1 1 17 ib xlo 20 31 22 x23 34 m ii j 0 7 co i lutat 111 lit pull of clvir honey by clarkum rt haat dlnpluy itfciimmhl ftrtiit iiy 1- muglnuuhliii htftt cnllmiliotl of vnut4iblt ity itnlwit bimpvtn cnmpuiy tommo miivt cultt uuh hetttcallflrtloh of blumiw iiy mm m lvllit ill puir f iihmhi ililki iiy ii hiunllutn dot oollmtiou of iotuliuu iiy w a halley puiikaite nf sumu ktwwl ritt collciitinti of llnklnu iiy llurold c miclure tloun hy lufly ol ksqiifniug towntthlp eonulhtlnuf r 1 inytr cuv 1 vie i do teii tylwuit imimtti uhil turli veranda chair vulum ul hftt hoinemadi tuaf ol hiimui j du buna i turin by w ii itrowiu nnrval ten set of china plain vulumlat rlem a llx butiar liy las a mcinw a 00 by j m mow xbabtlmlf down hiiiih llimltl lyr xlurgent 12 dwflli frisli lien tiiu h lyr xbott and lumuxa 1 lb liuilir iliralil 1 1 00 r on l no s 50 no l no l so yr xlargeflt lialf down otiiumi llnrald it beat buslwd iookinu oiium cuhii 1 jr 1 10 1 60 4 00 v w v v wlesln your tires are fust as important as your engine care of your tires repays you just aa well aa care of your engine it meant thoutanda of extra mile hundreda of dollar saved in a few seaso and that is exactly the reason for dominion tire depots not just to repair your tires when trouble occurs but to inspect them regularly to remove every cause of trouble and to correct very injury at its beginning make a habit of calling at your nearest depot every week to have your tires cheeked you are never far auiay from a dominion tire depot t j speight georgetown bram ptusuatvma tiara hi aaa i st is mae i tlm ee qstfltf ritaca imms lsaaeam 4uftht m9l cttarttdatoefamm23 chrieteaso4laru 17- tasty bread vinegar 40 oaiassi wuea se l mima tea 69 35- h aawlliavm 3 wits 1 salt rueae-ana- 49e i peammto gas m to m h 10 timm srwi lifebuoy j ikfblmlme j soaph 6 hydrofleetric system orders taken for ranges and- appliances of all kinds office town hall h ere an dth ere io ljimbr eocn0nl report tam greatett volume of btutaeeai la al ben ttlnee the boom year of itls oo hundred mllhoe feet bf lumber lt barfntf cut in albert tat year btrt the bulk of the hnipfrlia oeme froe brltlab columbu ulka a rims r port froo telforarflle etauesi lb h the farmer ere well tlud with the allocation of eta- uqdk oa the twenty mile extetuioe to the lloadley aubdlvtetoo of the canadian pxrltlc itatlway a una number of aetuara are aolng into tbe territory which will be aerved by thla xteoeiow and the old timers in the tllatrtet are bow rlaahnir and breaking aa tnueb land aa pmlbj kyobel koto who rbreeita tolilo concern and who baa juat mhauded a bualneae ralaalah t canada htaietl- that b bad bought 8000kh biuhtla of wheat in can ada or ubout hajf of jutrtne total luinortutloiin he toifnlalued that japuu got iuor for its vie tha caiuullun ubtut coat jn tneir aaar- kat buce thv preaettt ttunrbaae ll mid too tbat jauaheae were eating more wlnmt foodi and adant lug ilvuibvuv lo the alroanar diet tht maritime provtncee in par tlculuj auil cunuda la leneral aveed utoiv couiiuwrclal advartulug waa llie oouilon yitureand by hon 3 b m uaxitr prime mlnlater of new uruudwltk wlijtt lutarvlewad on arrival oo board the ctttbreas of scotland after a montba vtatt 9 kuroue uhuah aettlare u the murium have been null aatu- fuctory aa regarda type and quality tin aald tud ha kopad that wa wlil be able to e4uw great waai mor apraad over parted of yuif part of a litfer ef fhgbt red mm which together with the vixen war captured in tba jlrcola die triot recently have been brought to ifooe jaw by mr w whlta who baa eatabllahad a- fu farw eaat of tjf city it la many yeara atewa red tau havt lived at large la tbalr natural atal in tba aeuihara part of tbli province what tfaeu war raptured mr whlta lutanda- lo atart ralalng patch fovea a croa between red and ailver or black fun a coaimvrclal enter prise woo growing in upitem fnnade la lncreoalng rapdly according uj w v tlioniton uiaiiuier of the western brrmcli of tbe canudla cooperciu o wool o row era libi tail ip to june 3mh he pointed ut foir nrloqil of wool hnd laft kegluu or wtatou ontario for grading ty govern iupnt author hti aa compared with tint for ibg attillar buir year of 1bs7 this reara altlpntdu reprttient 108001 b from 30u flobi in tbo provla- eea the mymlr nuinbfr 11 holrta terror lo titer itoynl ordar of tera an onmlmlon wiihin the tamnliu temple fllirlnt or buffalo who unllm on irldny tbt tblr- teenth of july with ttttrtwan mem bar lu ibelr iny frim montreal for llrtrriool jhe cocipty tnaata on the thrifutu of finch month at 313 in the aficmooii- and la divided into courti of 13 mem ben each the parly of jr t era antled on tbf crjrk nitw on nn dlnn pacific llntr iiiiclr of nedforj tn a group fibrloura vlalilhg ilia old world nothing tmusual about this of course oh haus jaebl whan did yea eeaw t tntst bona bad reesfolaad ehaary vales of as eld fruad aver the uupbooa bat jack rai sbaaldas tram us hasm eae kttadred milaa away be bad glwi lout dbttabev the distant tsls- phane nonber ajid aha had nfflnj bin at eoea while he bald the line nothing extraordinary about this qelck lena du- tsnee saivue u am prartl- eaily ualvsrsal in most eases ewinartlon is made wsoj aw resiata at tkt tbpaaae glvlas the distant tatebbans nasdier apaads up the aar- vlee ws shall fudly loak up far yea the distant anav bars yen frequently eall aaavalltas auaim standard anthracrre scranton coal in allsiaes antomatlnally soreanad and coal wood fjomp for and threshing purposes bmithlna and oannal coal in fast foarry ararythlng to be found la any optodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald pflonbll georgetown thiree attractive features the annual ridlnii snd eamplas xpadltlon of tha trail rldara ef tha canadian roebwa has many attrartlva foaturm hut at tha toto el the lut ware undoubtedly the threa eharmlnc maluana photorraumd above who took part in a2k0 mll ride joining up with tha main group that vullad tha labs of tha hantinc oladrra they are kitty lllakay batty mecuhouih and batty wall all o phlladalphls write fervrce aafc send for hand- aorae free book walla that rsflrrt ooorj judgment ltgiveavoluabla information on oyproc and inte rior decoration oagacyaiaai ual aaaaamieawa fi fail caaaaaij with tlreprooi for sal by dltboarcl georgetown lumber co ltd j b mckenile georgetown ont georgetown ont redrose is good teii the orange pekoe at a little extra cost is extra good in titan bright aluminum mmmmi2mmm watch livingstones bakery for specials on saturday otdeia taken for lemon cream cuslaid banana and butterscotch pies livingstones quality bread 9c d livingstone phanmss georgetown he tjth ere tun tht irovlncliit inviiinm nf ktvn hriilu haii tirriiicril tn have llr hoy htotilh iinilttrlkr thn rn- fnrrnflitk of iwki urrr nf liiml in th iuur lllier iirrti dhtlty county j xluillar irohraiiiirti witu rttrrlrxl mil on a smullfr mnf in lh wb- vcrlv illhtrlrt i hi ii fit rmuity i a at ynur thi virion ting flub nf th pad- fir roout hoa at impih found hi nlflie in thf wrlimiier nf ocoiiomls uhefulimnh judging hy a ntw in- diixlry gelling imder way in van- rotifer flog futh oil l ihe haat of a prrnuruilou for klng away liiohftullns lil unit f1l and olbar itt- nrt perih ulilrli mulist nun and bfitnl ulllte mivfnil lurrela a day of ilng flub oil u re iwltn ilxod in tin- uuinufijritim nf ih mrtpuntmnn a pacific cam i mnrlncr wlioite tumifl in well known throughout the mil miry haa etitiminffil hla titan- tlnri- to retire frniii bctlve aervlce captain jama i troup volcrun of br ycurej of ronlliitiduh fnrvlre on iirlflr roiialul wtrh n yeiim of which be apeut in llrlllth colum 5u linn rkllikiitlhlifil hla pohlllon of inunngrr ofhih urliuh colutd bla mil 1 1 iilramahlp mrviro of the canadian pacific kulway ilia pliiie haa bon ink an hy cantata c i mprothuob formerly aittifant manager 4 flolf in the heart of the canadian roc idea becoming ao popular thai a mliiljfura coume baa been opened at ciirilo mountain hungatow camp in vermllllon paai on the banff windermere highway thla new eourae improbably tbf blghe amallert and moat affectively alt- uatod of any golf link in tbe brit- tb empire tbe ingenloui lay out of the eourae 1a the handiwork of htanlay thotnpaon inlbrnatlonally known golf architect who alio de- algneil the recently enlarged llnka at ilantf anotlier recruit haa joined- tha rank of ihe famoim contented cowa at iiip carnation milk farms at senttte waahlngton the canadian pacific nallway aupply farm u strutlimora taylug it old one of tbetr prlie helfera to the co motion milk company the unlmal bred at tha c p h farm the first houtcin fomale from tho prairie provlncaa to be accorded the grand ebam- plonihlp at the a circuit ahnwa fn the wait an honor which had previously been won hy cattle either from ontario or from the pacific eoat bd nototioue a reputation baa tha fthberman won for blmielf aa g prevaricator that ha muat needa enter hla lab in mmatltlont with a duly algnad and wmneneu affi davit the lateat reoord catch to ba reported to tbe general tourtit department or the canadian paci fic railway la a all and a quarter pound a peck led trout hooked at pine portage near niplgon river pungalow camp it la the largest as far to be entered for the local fublng trophy although many lino flib have rewarded anglora in fbo gelgbbourfaood thla aummer tha japaneie coronation cere- tnonlei in november will probabry feiult is a demand for more motor cara from thla continent aald j a ltngley canadian trade commle- aloner in toklo who vailed recent ly from vancouver aboard tha canadian pacific ahlp empreaa of eula tha forthcoming eoronatlob nroceulon in which ox teami and other pietureeque meana or loeo- motion have participated tn tha pait will probably ha largely nso- tjariftad em ukla oooatlon h aal4 it clhelron that is made for comfort the hotpolnt blaclrle iron haa been daalcn- ad for comfort and eon- vanlesee the bahuuad walfbt of the iron the patented hael best the thumb bast tba famsua hot point tbe hinted plug all ol these f stores ef tba hotpolnt iron are for tba narpoae of maklna irenlnf an eaay and plau- snt tssb insist an s tannine llmr paint electric iron no other iron baa all these bsodem f ssturee 17 and f6m the iron canadian corral electric a h darkng georgetown i mackevs bread fresh every day delivered to your door try our homemade baking lih iuu idiyer tliilci fault mfiroiifili hi- ii- ilu i tf iltl i ill mark clark phone 220w college view garage gel your repairs done at s air coal come lets give you ajprice on your nejtl job mapalrw laall hakm af cava oea ouaavaaftmicia haula m4 3a sktttarlaa slaaiiaraad a brunton view phone 338 callege view phone 338 fearfttewa rjbrollc house roofelasuiajjnexpflblw phjst0nonr c imalatvlasoa choicest flour uwtm and all kinds of feed al reasonable prices try us with your next order georgetown ftour feed mills wcbessey georgetown 3dcimiia f0rs1ws gro full line ol fresh groceries al ways in slock bananas and oranges al ihe rlgbl prices icecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters toraiat oaab osorsjatown phona 19 51liiiitili15i5hi hi lljafsi see thetfeuj utility truck abodystylefor every business need come in ano see ihe new chevrolet utility truck i it has everything you arantr un usual pullinr power remarlubl amuing handllnr ease an economy of ownership and operation performance ease and outstanding the leading body builders working iq cchopera tion with chevrolet havf produced tor the chevrolet chsssia a very wide range of body types to meet the individual needs of every bust peas farmers grocers bakers builders con tractors druggists cleaners laundries depart rnent stores florists hardware merchants all will find bodies designed especially to meet their particular needs come in todsy for a trial iosd demonstration chassis oni v al wittanlsa gsesft jaw waauu r ertg wawrtam voua sufaaao avanamhaton povb whkkt amajcn j n oneill son tboouct op gbnbbal hotobs op canada uutib