Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1928, p. 4

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pae a the georgetown herald wcdneaday october 3 1st 1928 in auntie delicacy in everything japanese ap- paem atee in the captivating flavour of fief incont- aratila fjratcrop tea only flrstrcrop leave are ueed in thl new japan green tea salada ollaxllttttx sell your cream at home where yea cm crt ibc esl grade and the best price 4pm every sjihty waal georgetown creamery co manager aatmttatvaemalitlcaum awtf avrmtor cll atfcv greatest popularity contest the public has judged motorcar values it has staged the greatest of popularity contests never has chevrolet enjoyed such wholehearted public acceptance never before has any lowpriced car offered such a striking combination of great beauty thrilling performance and amazing economy to sit behind the wheel is sheer delight come in and see the worlds most popu lar car experience for yourself the wonder of its performance learn for yourself why it is the greatest success of the year c l0 own iffen lamttal my tvysif j iv oneill son paone 14 georgetown chevrolet boouct op obnbbal uotobs op canada liuit6d flrlllllmiwkmmt riavinl in the band id llko to be n tad nln ul for year or no and litk there in vuloc which x kit m linu o i nigh ond briull tear drop as i uiink of days of yore atld trl their golden moment as i never did before when hint of yontllful ulemurw come in drive away nil care i laullmra fancy im a lad ba in the old town tlwre and murchliul wily down the strtet in retiinttnlals brand as iiroud as any brigadier aplaylnir in the band they were the gladded momenta which fates hove given me the lime we organlaed the band i think seventythree and with mir spirits light and gay tonil lioms oil new and bright wwutorled in to drocllce in uie old drill ulied every mom and night of roiinui ihe ieoile grumbled for we blew luuli nlghi and day and my joy it readied its aenllh when the rinit lime we could nuy ive lieard tlie famous bourn and ma loomed and elassle men nut their itiusl dui not ur mo a ihe tunes whlrli uiey played then i con in uie old rvofessor standing tliere to give the beat see the boys there sitting round him ilaylno on their hortw so sweet i can lieor tlie cornet leading and uie eflot bassos tone hear uie alios and the tenon and the mellow valve trombone i ran liear uie snaredrum tanning and uie bassdrums muffled roll and uie old ume inspiration lakes possession of my soul when thebusy west it called me wlui iu artificial allow i fell that i was honored and longed of course to go then uu paulng pleasures in uie village room and plain now it serves to make life brighter juit to think of them again i would like to be a boy again and go hack there and atay luu to have the things around the name ai when i came away brush up your dusty uniform to make memorial atabnuuikcraiellarkleaad scald crtiile ttotk abacmcr petlf aii markers speeltd attention given to cemetery work aituuo and anourate vurkiimnshii guaranue 1 wm c allan monnment works brampton igx mm pkaaa 3ism queen st haslasm fkaa 584 i j on home corervucrion cenralnliig valuable euffestkoeaa bom fj l with oyproc borfjoardand lasulea write for it cuuda oymuu and au1a1tds uuro for sale by georgetown lumber co ltd j b mckensle georgetown ont georgetown ont halton w a deanery the hallon w a deanery meeting woa held at palermo on tueedoy of lot week tlie oommunlon sendee with which the convention opened woa held at bl judes church and uvere was u good attendance arch deacon bcovlll of ouelph being the ureacher at liao the ladlea went to b town hall wliem uie deanery meeting u lield in uie auditor urn ur llauier uie diocesan president was in uie chair after opening uie meeting and reading of uu minute ulsa dynes of burllnglon was re-elec- ut deanery becrelary for 1jmm the roll was called and answered by a good mnresetttallon of most branches and porta ww followed by a j aa to the best way to make the dean ery meeting more useful tlie meet ing adjourned for lunch al a pm mrs liilher again in u chair u meetuig in which uie clergy joined was wsumed urs luier gave siort mport of uie dominion board meeting held in edmonton also mrs ucneliley diocesan treasurer ulna moody dorcaa secretary and mm newson of burlington olrls secre- luy although all of uio ladles re- uortod uie dominion meeung each address was on different lines giving those present a very good idea of uie meetlnlsrheld and the jnomiou scope of uie work of 11 wa arch deacon seovjil followed with an i ad dress on the anglican national com- mission mrs tebba of burlliigton conducted tho hair hour with uie lit erature commliuw for mission study and for literature scretarlea mrs j o waller of mid- japah who u home on furlough jve a short sketch of her part of the mla- ilonfuild mrs wafier la a very ileaslng speaker and in a manner all a showing grand dint playing in the band and wlui my dinted old brass horn be with id like to be away back there spirits just aa light as when we gauiered on the green to play on saturday night again to make my instrument up and swell its notes so loud and se uie smiling face of my old sweetheart in uw crowd i wonder if theyre playing yet with sweet oldtime refrain and if theyd let me play with them should i go back again to be a boy just for a night dressed up in clouting grand with comet bright and aplrlu light playing in the village band thoa wilson final c report following is uie final crop report for 1m issued by the bank of mont real under date of october 25th 1038 genera threshing has been practically com pleuxl under ideal conditions and grain deliveries ore unusually heavy while uie more authoritative sllm- ates all place uie wheat yield at al over fim0mo0o it is now apparent that frost in uie latter part of august and early september did more damage than was at first feared and grades are disappearing as a result in que bec farmers generally have had to contend with adverse weather condl ttoiu throughout uie year and on uie whole crops are somewhst below av erage in ontario a satisfactory crop lias been harvested although not equal to that of 1017 during uie harvest season the ralnfal was excessive es pecially in the northern and eastern sections of the provlnoe and as a oocv sequence a portion of the crop was ktorrd in poor condition in the mari time provinces crops on uie whole have been excellent strawberrlea alone having been a partial failure in bri tish columbia favourable weather pre vailed uiroughout uie growing season and croiis generally have been satis factory details fallow froviaee of oetarta prom a backward start hay made rood growth during the last two weeks of june and developed into an average crop according to government fig urea compiled on august 20th the as tlmatcd yield of fall and spring wheat oats barley rye and peas tor the year is 141174708 bushels la com pared with mtjmj07 bushels the fin al estimate for 1037 vi wheat ahowa a decrease or lot spring wheat 8 oate 4 ryo 13 and oats 8 barley is the only crop to ahow an improve ment being 13 better than uie pre vious year turnips and mangels are yielding well potatoes while a heavy crop are showing rot owing lo ex cessive moisture the fruit crop haa been below uie average yield over a period of years tills includes apples which however in some sections have been well up to recent seasons tobac co with an acreage sllghuy below 1037 is in quality entirely satisfactory the estimated yield being j7oooom pounds which is a decrease of 8ju0am pounds from last years figures pasturage has been good uiroughout the season and plenty of roughage la available for winter reeding a obeat taubuts if you are ever so fortunate as to visit the- united states capitol at washington you will find many things there to- thrill you but none perhaps as stirring as one picture that hanga as a permanent gift to the american people and a hit ting tribute to one of the moat glor ious deeds in all our natlona proud history this wonderful picture bean the sunnle utle we and as lu name suggests depicts the gallant flight of colonel charles a llnbergh from new york to paris- the flight that thrilled the world and gave it probably its most loved hero of all ume and uie best part of all this is you con have a handsome oopy of we printed in twelve colors and measur ing eljihteen by twentylour inches to liang in your own home 4 you cannot buy the picture at any price it may be had only through the youths companion as ita tree girt to you with a years subscription to the magaslne in ita new form as a monthly mag aslne the companion itaeir has more to offer uian ever before full book- length novel complete in each issue serials and short stories feature artic les editorials oonteste pussies poems recommendations of books and motion pictures and special departments for both boys and girls covering their own favorite activities in order uiat every american home may enjoy uie inspiration of the fam ous picture we we make uie follow ing liberal offer i the youths com panion 13 big monthly numbers and j two extra numbera to new sub- urlbrrs ordering within 30 days and 3 a copy or we in 13 colors fram ing alio 18x34 inches all for only tuo tlie youths companion 8n dept boston mass subscriptions received ot this office provision for be r announcement that oldage pensions would be placed on uie statutes at the next session of uie ontario legislature was made by pre mier o howard ferguson in the course of an address at a meeting of ward i oonservauve association illeaslna speaaer ana ui mwi w own took her audience through many ot the dlfflcullles or the miss tonary work but she did not forget uie many little encouragements any one having once heard mrs waller speak will lit need to be told of the pleasur she gave her hearers an unexpected part of the meeung was a presenta tion of a life membership of the wo mans auxiliary to mrs atkins of pal- ermo given by the sunday school and young people of the parish beforeadjournlng the w a in con tinuing uie discussion started in uie rooming session of a deanery pledge and in consideration ot the great need stressed by mra waller of a sanitar ium for consumpuve patients in mid jspan where consumpuve patients ure treated more like lepers than any- thing decided that members of hel ton w a be asked to bring or send to the deanery meeting one jar of fruit and 10c per member the fruit to go to the indian schools and uie 10c to tlie sanltorlum deanery chapter gave uie wa the collection from the morning service 813 m was voted to the boot and shoe fund 18 for dean ery expenses and 818 to uie sanltor lum mmldjapan mr tebbs con- ducted uie closing prayers and pro nounced uie benediction the lftjt deanery meeting win be held in nor- val genebal business condition as reported by the ca bank of commerce in their report this week comparauvely favorable business conditions prevail in most sectlorukof uie country and the present outlook for fall and winter trade is even more promising than 11 was a year ago the agricultural season has generally been successful as far u production la concerned and from every point of view mixed farming is in a sounder position than- at this time last year as regards uie western graingrowing provinces uie number or orders for agricultural implements cancelled at this period usually indi cates inversely uie purchasing power of the farmers if this had been ser iously affected by uie lower level of grain- prices there would have been an almost general refusal sy uie tanners to take delivery of equipment ordered on uie condition that their circum stances would warrant acceptance it is significant however that the can cellations so far are not dispropor tionate to uie total orders taken dur ing uie season a rational policy continues in uie lumber indusbry for production is now closely adjusted to consumption particularly in uie pacific coast re gion or uie united states where oper ations were formerly on such a vast scale that the american market uie outlet for a large part of the lumber sawn in british columbia was almost constantly glutted the demand fell off slightly during august but has since been greater and the higher pri ces established- some months ago have been niainlalned exploration and de velopment work in the mining fields will shortly be curtailed owing to win ter weather but because of uie larger orebodies now accessible improved milling facilities and better world markets actual mining operations will be more extensive than in any previous season while fishing has sometimes been conducted under more favorable conditions uie results this year are on uie whole satisfactory and there are better prospects for those engaged in uie industry than in 1037 the building rrogramme f tne entire country is uie greatest over re- oorded health service of the canadian national assoc lotiiincl the irmiierulurk of tltf lilimun body remaltin prurttmuy the name tuuree bh loiut lis the liullvlfliiul li will tills u rolled till nnriiui trm- ptrature any rlumiip from mils nor mal lenllwrolurr in u nlkiiol hint uir ro ik homothliui winiiii ultli tin- liumnu machine tlie leniimtotiiro ui rmitmllid by u centre in the brnln when the immly becomes too uirm he nrtorleit of llu skin nrn dialled iniin blihul in thim brouuhl to the surfaci liernlilralioii increases am there follows n coollnit of the body if tlif body in too cool tlie arteries ore conlruriril iiornplrn- tlon is dicrcaijil and tin heat of tin body coinuivi tl tlie food we cat lit partly lo keep up the iteul of thr hotly ill cnniulu it in noeeiuary to wear nllllu lent f intliiuit most ol the year lo com crve our body ileal and to innliitafh mir normal teni- lieraluro of lw body the problem nf what clothing lo wear is made difficult liectiuw wotto front the iteatihl indoor to the cotd outdoors when indoor we should not wear the clnuiinit required to keep us warm ouliloors tliuler mull con ditions the luillvlilunl iiersplren free ly tlie skin anil clolhliuc become damp anil a a result he in rhlllwl when hn goti out avoid oirrcollilnu when liulonrn children should not no in luiiool wi-nr- lug two iilh of uiulcrwiir mid novenil sweaters wurtn kciiooih ami nfllcoi ore usually nt summer temperature the warm extra clntlitnn should be kept for outdoors proper clothing wml do much to help in mnlntalnliut physical fltnesn and to prevent caltln in winter questlonii concerning licultli ad dressed lo the canadian medical as sociation 184 college 81 toronto will be answered by letter questions an to diagnosis and treatment will not bo answered wanted now tlojrmmnn in llnltun county during fttlruiuj wlnurrnonutji to nrll fruit tm ftowtirlnff btirutm toto oood ay evxcltulvfl torrltory whole or uirt time arrangement a tmaer nanwry wtf own and operate a motlrn wllrtiulppm nurnery and tiupply otr cmuwnm with tlw bct in quality aru variety sell lutxly citiuullaligniwy niiriutry black nrul you will be nue cfiwiul our agrmcy in ivt liable kutabllnjiihl 35 yinr ivtham nunwry cv toronto 3 out iymeuhrfmiiinmim muni us- r i irehemhek bl a deatom iu a atmockeh kelly aiken oolleoroku ututlt mu444lwtl olllinrh urartu villi owin unl awl jin lh kritaljllhlh- i ww i tourut traffic into canada rrachth an unprecedented level uiu year ac cording to flfpire nubluhed at the de partment of national revenue auto mobile admitted at tlie border for touring purpaw up until the end of june totalled tl0a6v27 farms for sale in erin township and vicinity no crop faturcs no bankrupt sales in this vicinity in tlie past 30 years mo heavy clay soil to bake in mldnummer or be impassable insprlng and fall priced from isooo to 810000 per loo acres in cluding good bank bams brick nausea good outbuildings fences eto iv v clttay licensed aoelleneer and real estate dealer iliusbarg phone 3orl3 erin your patronage solicited for farm stock sales sales of hoiuehokl effects etc terms moder ate 38p ciiilduns aid society bsaert far maker tl applications for children 1 drought to shelter not wards 1 returned to parenta not wards 1 children made wards or cajo 1 children involved during month 13 complalnu received investi made 8 uall received 88 kail bent out 80 meetings addressed 1 ulleage approximately 888 ooce interviews 8 court attendance 0 wards heard prom 8 wards placed 8 wards returned 1 wards visited 1 warnings given i legal adoption 1 parents prosecuted 3 the annual meeting of the child rens aid society will be held in the gordon home wlton on monday ev ening november 6th at 8 oclock ev erybody welcome come to see the fine shelter and enjoy the evening w if stewart local bupt the bad bargain a young scotsman married an en glish girl borne time afterwards he paid a visit to a bachelor uncle in scotland wee said the uncle i hear ye hee gotten a wife bandy yea uncle yere right what can she doer can she knit does she mend your clolhesf ns answered bandy to all these questions she does naethlng like that itumpht commented the uncle weel does she cook finer he asked after a few moments and can she make parrltchr na uncle the young man ex plained but you should hear her sing she has the most beautiful voice you ever heard aye replied the old man but man could ye no hae gotten a ca- naryf ur lewis of uoffst who has been organist of kbeneser united church for the past two years has moved to brantrord where he lias secured position aa organist and choir leaderl in one of the loading cliurchea jauctlsale cattle iiorreh lamb pint the undersigned has been inutrucled by gordon leslie to nell by public auction at lot 13 eon 0 ecqursliiff 3 mile tumlh of georgetown on tueftday november cth ims at one oclock the following cattle young eow due time oc tale houteln cow fresh brlndle cow freth houteln cow frcih holsteln heifer fresh red cow milking well houteln tow milking well houteln cow milking well stack houteln heifer milking well ayrshire cow milking well red cow mllfeluff well 7 heifer ruinn j yean old a spring calvea horses 1 clyde team 3300 ilia 1 twoyearold belgian colt 1 year old belgian colt 3 3yearold fcrcheran colt 1 team or general purpose hors es 25o0 lbs young laubs 11 spring lambs pios i tamworth sow due any time terms 13 months credit on ap proved joint notes spring ralvoa lambs and sow cash w a wuxon clerk ben petch auctioneer notice to creditors in the matter of the ehtatk e minnie raebael mtniuy ute of ihe tawn of georgetown in f county of hsluw wuaw deeesjted notice is hereby given pur suant to section al of the trustee act rao 1037 chap 160 that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estata of the said minnie rachoel ucnally widow deceased who died on or about the 10th day of november i03fl at ute said town of georgetown are re quired on or before the 34th day of november 1034 to send by post pre paid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for frederick ucnally lena mcnolly and bessie blandish the ex ecutant of uie last will and testa ment of the said deceased their chru- tian names and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the security it any held by utem and take notice that after such but mentioned day the sold ex ecutors will proceed to distribute uie assets of uie said deceased among uie parties entitled uiereto having regard only to uie claims of which uiey shall then have notice and uiat uie said executor will not be liable for uie said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not liave been received by them at the tune of such distribution dated at georgetown thu twenty- fourth day of october 1030 john a thompson 3t solicitor for the said executors notice to creditors in the matter of the ehtatk of george b tbeaibsen late of the township of esanrfting in lb cen- ty of italian farmer deceased notice ib hereby oivkn pur suant to section 01 of the trustee act rao 1037 chap lo that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said oeorgo b thompson parmer de ceased who died on or about uie 13th day of july 1038 ot the said town ship of euquenlng are required on or before tlie 34th day of november 1028 to send by post prepaid or de liver to the undersigned solicitor for norman roy thompson and florence jean thompson uie executoni of uie last will and testament of uie said deceased uielr chrutlan names ami hunuunes addressca and descriptions tho full particulars hi writing of uielr claims and the nature of uie security it any held by them and take notice uiat after such lout mentioned day the said executors will proceed to dutrlbulo uio assets of the said deceased among uie parties entitled thereto liavlng regard- only to the claims of which uiey slial uicn have notice and uiat the said execu tors will not be liable for tho said assets or any part tlwreof to any per son or persons of whoho claim notice shall not hue been received by tlum al tho time ol such distribution dated at ooorgetowti thu twenty- fourth day of october 1038 john a thompson j 3t solicitor for the sold executors h tvlllw kgailvwul standard anthracite scranton coal in all siac- automatically borwnod and loaded coal wood beleot lamp for douutla and thresh in parpoaea smithing and can no i coal id rant i carry everything to bo found id any up to data coal and wood yard i john mcdonald phone 1 a georgetown call up your customers by long distance u occasional roll will make almost impassible for them to atop trading with you do you reallte that one of the largest retnrnn you can se cure from the expenditure of small sum is to bo had by calling up old ctirtomere occasionally by long dis tance friendliness beffeu friendli ness how can you or i keep away from a merchant uhcr spends his money to show his interest in our affairs we cant the newspaper editor mints en this tratt in human nature lie mentions rub- scr iters names f rtqui ntly because he know they will ook for them in hi the merchant wjio occasion ally calls customer by lens lutanc is one who cant bgt overlooked or orgotten keep an eye on your spare whats the good of m spare if it wont tale you home whtrtyul mud u just because it hasnt been on the road much ta no guarantee that it ia fit for work the rain may have run inaide and rusted she rim the dust may have crept in the tire may have picked up nail enda or flint when you uaed it last and a few more miles will force them through the casing it may not be inflated up to ita correct running pressure drop in for a free bupectlon ol your tlreav in cluding the upare you are never far away front tt dominion tire depot t j speight georgetown 84gsktt8684bd8d30ba89ds8686d8a9at hydroeiectrie system s orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds e office town hall on every occasion mars is correct cciitiil in ktylc mi every ornihinn correct in tinicleein licence nf mars iiutcnl ulhltite feature tin- rliuiililrr which cvciiiiiim ilrnt tin tlivlrnver hlllclll- inn ncof ihe many luimtifiil mnr ileign for tvlc nuiiii iiimi have a lifetime accurate watch mars axu l ce the many lieuntifti marx ilcxigiih ami ihe liiuiklct wluil every woman mihium know aluuil a viit watch a b w1llson cmtfctowb wfe cojmaely welcome small accounts 7vt the annual melting or tlw banijof mcntspal sir frederick wiliiarriaylor general manager aid i fkouu like to take tbifl opportunity of tayinb uw we cordially welcome mull ccounti at all our office at jke banlop afonthbal no account ia too small to receive trie undivided attention of it officer bankof montreal eatabliifced j8it vat fatxtbtcttjs j d wallace manas georgetown dranchi

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